Submission Guidelines
So, you want to see your work on the Princess' Poetry Page? Well, here's a few guidelines:
1.) Submit one poem at a time. Each e-mail must include your first and last name, and a valid e-mail address. Only your first name or requested pseudonym will be shown with your work.
2.) By submitting a poem, you are confirming that it is indeed your own original work and that you agree for it to be shown on the site.
3.)You will recieve an e-mail notifying you that your work has been submitted. If your work is rejected, you will recieve an additional e-mail from the Webmistress. The Webmistress' decision is final.
4.) The Webmistress will do her best to post all submitted works. While she is totally in favor of free speech, there are limits. Any overly vulgar, tasteless, racist, pornographic, etc., works will not be put on the site. Once again, the Webmistress' decision is final.
Submit my Work!
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