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The Rutgers Campus Bus System throughout the years... as covered in various newspapers.  Part of this fansite is 'historical' after all.

This section talks about when the Rutgers Campus Bus System was mentioned/discussed (either in actual topic or brief mentioning) in a newspaper article. 

Most of the articles in this section were from Rutgers University's own newspaper, the Daily Targum.  You will NOT find any reproductions of the mentioned articles (either typed out ANY considerable length or scans of said articles).  With articles from the Targum, you can often find online versions of most of them from their site. 

What you will get is the name of the title/the date it run on/the location~page(s) it was on, and a very brief summary about said article.  I'll throw in some of my facts/opinions about each article here and there.

Source material:  Various newspapers, as noted where/when. 

Note that I may have (actually) missed an article or two along the way/various years.  This is by NO MEANS, an official and complete list.

Note, this particular section is never finished, and is an on going work in progress.  (New ones come out, and I have to dig out older ones.)

Articles are 'classified' by semester:
Fall Semester 1999
Spring Semester 2000
Fall Semester 2000
Spring Semester 2001
Fall Semester 2001
Spring Semester 2002
Fall Semester 2002
Spring Semester 2003
Fall Semester 2003
Spring Semester 2004
Fall Semester 2004
Spring Semester 2005
Fall Semester 2005
Spring Semester 2006
Fall Semester 2006
Spring Semester 2007
Fall Semester 2007
Spring Semester 2008
Fall Semester 2008
Spring Semester 2009
Fall Semester 2009
Spring Semester 2010
 Fall Semester 2010
 Spring Semester 2011

Fall Semester 2001: 
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Fall Semester 2005: 
The Daily Targum, 9/7/2005: 

Article 1:  pages 1 & 4:  "Gas prices dry up pockets":  While most of the article talks about the high gas process, the increase in bus frequency would help students get to class without spending money.

Ad:  About Route 18 survival, summarizing (elimatinating the G/GG, chaning the EE/F) what was done to help things during the Route 18 construction.

The Daily Targum, 9/8/2005:  Opinions page 8:

"Big busing blunders":  How some of the problems that occured, what is/isn't done to help improve things.

The Daily Targum, 9/12/2005:  Opinions page:

Had a pie chart asking people were satisfied with the changes in bus schedule.  82% people said "NO"  Note 38 people had taken part in the poll.

Article:  From Jack Molenaar entitled "Rutgers transit changes meant to be positive"  He tried to defend the changes, and to assure the students what's being done.

The Daily Targum, 9/13/2005:  pages 1 & 4:

"Riders report one-hour trip to Cook/Douglass"

Delays/problems the students face now that the direct Cook-Douglass/Busch and Cook-Douglass/Livingston routes (the G and GG) had been eliminated, forcing them to go to College Ave first then connect to the other bus to get to the other campuses.  There is a picture of one of the window at the Towers residence hall on Livingston.  The window has a mural painted on it, with a Rutgers bus and the phase "Where U at GG??"  Ideas included bringing back the G/GG (never happening) and bring back a direct route (which led to the REXB/REXL weeks later).  Also mentioned as installing Nextbus around the campuses.

The Daily Targum, 9/14/2005:  Opinions section:

"Bypassing College Ave."  Opinion that there should be a direct route from Piscataway (Busch/Livingston) to Cook/Douglass.

The Daily Targum, 9/16/2009:  Page 8/Editoral section:

Laurels and Darts:  (You probably saw this coming.)  Parking & Transportation Services got a dart for the changes made/problems that arose/haven't been fixed, etc.

The Daily Targum, 9/19/2005:  Page 3:

"PATS director to address U."  The director will address the semester's busing changes (the removal of the G/GG, the move of the Cooper Stop to Nichol Ave at Jameson, the F route changes, the move of the George/Livingston bus stop to Rockoff Hall) at the RCGA meeting.

The Daily Targum, 9/20/2005:

Article 1:  Pages 1/4:  "Direct routes return"  About the creation of direct routes between Douglass/Cook and Busch (the REXB) and Douglass/Cook and Livingston (the REXL).  They aren't the G/GG replacements, but a solution to the problems that came up/existed.  Although the article claims that "no buses were transferred from one route to another", some were transferred EVENTUALLY.

Article 2:  Page 7:  Special Report:  Summarizing what happened (in relation to parking and the bus) thus far.

Opinions/Commentary:  "Getting to class in 20 minutes."  About how riding a bicycle might be a better alternative, to say having to deal with the bus system.

The Daily Targum, 9/21/2005:

"Commuters seek answers from PATS"  Students want their parking/transportation questions/issues to be dealt with.

Green Print, 9/21/2005

Page 8:  "Park Tran Reinstates Express Buses":  The title is sort of misleading, as the article basically discusses the problems that came up due to the bus changes, and what is being done (the REXB/REXL being created, not reinstated) to fix it.

The Daily Targum, 9/22/2005:  Pages 1 & 4:

"Students grill PATS director on changes"  PATS director addressing the problems/changes at a RCGA meeting.  One of the things brought up was the new Nextbus system.  One of the things mentioned in the article was "an alarm that lets students know when the next bus is coming.  Students can snooze this alarm as well..."  This wasn't meant to be a physically alarm like an alarm clock, but more like a cell phone alert/text feature..

The Daily Targum, 9/23/2005:

"U. finalizes prepartations for Dalai Lama Sunday."  What the University will do in anticipation for the Dalai Lama's visit.  The article mentions about special buses to/from the Stadium, and regular bus service being available ((in reality on the day in question, the EE buses started much earlier at around 4-5 AM than the A/L buses normally at 8 AM))

The Daily Targum, 9/29/2005: 

Article:  Pages 1 & 4:  "Direct routes buses continue to roll."  How the newly created REXB/REXL routes fixed some problems, but for some aren't enough.

Page 16:  In focus section:  A day traveling around with PATS director Jack Molenaar, with some answers to some questions, as he travelled around the campuses, rode the buses, and observed things in person.  (Something similar would happen again on September 24, 2009)

There was a picture of a # of buses to supplement of the fact of "35,000 riders throughout the course of an average day."  The picture had 12 articulated buses pictured, when in reality there are 13 (#2014-2026).  The picture had a 32 regular buses pictured, though in reality there are 35 (#1026-1058, 1575 and 1576)

The Daily Targum, 10/6/2005:

"Bus changes affect local traffic"  How the bus changes affected traffic.  Some facts/figures/possible plans of action were discussed.

The Daily Targum, 10/10/2005:

"Oh F, you hit my car."  Discusses the recent accidents involing the buses.  The article title is cute/funny, as 'F' would be considered the curse word starting with F, but it refers to the "F" bus in one of the incidents mentioned the article.

The Daily Targum, 10/12/2005:

"Molenaar tackels Cook express bus route issues."  The director appeared at a CCC meeting to discuss the buses (the changes to the F, the REXB/REXL).

Green Print:  10/12/2005:  Pages 1 & 2:

"Parktran director discusses concerns at council"  Basically the same as the Daily Targum article that appeared on the same day.

The Daily Targum, 10/13/2005:  Page 14:

"Through the eys of A University Bus Driver."

Targum staff writers relates the experiences of several bus drivers over the course of day.  Yours truly was also mentioned in the article.

The Daily Targum, 10/14/2005:  pages 1 & 4:

"Night bus rides policed":  How some communitty student officers (CSO) ride some of the late night buses at times to keep an eye on things, and intervene when necessary.

The Daily Targum, 10/17/2005:  page 10:

Ad for a contest, asking if you have been "RU Screwed by the bus system."  Entires have to had been less than 400 words.

The Star Ledger, 10/18/2005:  pages 21 and 24

"Commuting is a hard road at Rutgers"

How changes to the parking/transportation polices/rules because of the Route 18 widening project has affected things.

The Daily Targum, 10/27/2005:  page 4:

"Student runs to campus bus after alarm pulled."  Detailing how a student fled to a bus after pulling the fire alarm at Frelinghuysen dorm, and how/where the student was found on said A bus while on Busch-and how said student tried to flee from the police from said bus.

The Daily Targum, 11/16/2005:  pages 1 & 4:

"Bus examination continues"

It's two different articles in one actually.  One part talks about parking/transportation in relation to students living off campus.  The other part deals with a popular busy bus stop... College Hall on Cook/Douglass.

The Daily Targum, 12/2/2005: 

Article 1:  pages 1 & 4:  "Sears lot draws cars, EE bus."

How the EE bus now makes the U-Turn in the Sears parking lot (and thus servicing the buildings near the Labor Education building).  ((The EE/F buses would later make their U-turn in the Labor Education parking lot instead of Sears due to the large # of parked cars at Sears.)).  The article also mentions how some University students park at Sears itself.

Article 2:  Pages 1 & 4:  "Nursing center to debut downtown"  Talks about the proposed Health Sciences Center to set in March 2006 in downtown New Brunswick.  ((The Nursing School building opened up the summer of 2009, leading the Ward Shuttle route to change to be able to service that building.))

The Daily Targum

Perspectives section, page 2:  "PATS to continue changes"

Summarizing the events of the bus system and parking that semester.

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Spring Semester 2006: 
The Daily Targum, 1/18/2006, page 3:

"Some stops lack shelters"

About how some bus stops, like Labor Education and Jameson don't have actual physical shelters.

The Daily Targum, 1/23/2006, page 3

"Drivers don't get a break"

Concerns about the bus schedule, how buses are/aren't arriving on time/sititng. 

Accompanying picture:  NOVA bus # 1027 on the L run.

The Daily Targum, 2/1/2006: 

Article1, pages 1 & 4:
"Bus stop change riles Douglass"
About the Nichol Avenue (Jameson/Cabaret Theatre) bus stop, its location and the problems it created.

Article 2, page 6:
"Route 18 construction to bring closures, traffic"

About the Route 18 construction project, and how it'll affect the buses.  Also mentioned was the College Avenue Greening project, and Nextbus (replaces Where Is My Bus)

Article 3,  Opinions section, page 12:
"Bus stop blues"
Opinion piece about that Nichol Avenue (Jameson) stop.

The Daily Targum, 2/13/2006:  pages 1 & 4

"Blizzard Hits City"

About the blizzard that hit over that weekend.  It was bad enough where bus service was suspended period (instead of a weekend/some form of modified service).

The Daily Targum, 2/14/2006:

Article 1:  page 3:
"Push for parking continues"

About parking problems/concerns, and how to adapt the bus service to help with it.

Article 2:  pages 1 & 6:
"Lot plowing begins"

About the recent snow storm, that the buses back to 100% as of 12 pm 2/13/2006.

The Daily Targum, 2/16/2006:  pages 1 & 3

"Douglass bus stop sparks controversy"

About the Nichol Avenue (Jameson/Cabaret Theatre) bus stop, its location and the problems it created.

The Daily Targum, 2/17/2006:  page ??

"Shuttle expands service area"

About the New BrunsQuick Shuttle.  Plans to add the fourth ward which includes Jersey Avenue (as was mentioned in the article) have NOT occured.

Accompanying picture shows shuttle 105.

The Daily Targum, 2/28/2006: page ??

"Disabilities office dates back to '70s"

About said office.  A picture accompanying the article shows handicapped seats on one of the articulated buses.

The Daily Targum, 3/6/2006: 

Article 1:  pages 1 & 4:
"Debate on location of Nichol bus stop continues"

About  the Nichol Avenue bus stop (in front of the Jameson Residence Hall that is known as 'Jameson' or 'Cabaret Theatre') .

Article 2: Page 3:
"Bus knocks down traffic light"

About how an OUT OF SERVICE bus (not mentioned:  it was bus 1026 which would have been an F bus) took down the traffic light at George/Commercial.

The Daily Targum, 3/9/2006:  pages 1 & 4:

"Greening project plans to be unveiled in April" 

About the College Avenue greening project proposals.  Bus routes and traffic would be affected.

The Daily Targum, 3/22/2006:  pages 1 & 4:

"Buses tackle delays with driver penalties"

Solutions to some problems... such as not paying the driver/bus company for failing to depart on time (either 10 minutes before or after a scheduled time from a major stop:  RSC, BCC, LSC, ROL, Stadium in the case of the C, or the ARC in the case of the C and REXB).  Discussion about Nextbus, and the University Transportation Master Plan.

The Daily Targum, 3/23/2006:  pages 1 & 6

"Master Plan to debut next week"

About the Parking and Transportation Service master plan.... about upcoming things to be enacted.

The Daily Targum, 3/28/2006:

Article 1:  pages 1, 10
"Crafting a plan for parking and buses" / "Transportation officials seek input on plan"

About the Parking and Transportation Service master plan.... about upcoming things to be enacted.

Article 2:  page 11:
"Transit survey is ongoing"

About the first ever student survey to be conducted, about various parking and bus aspects (such as the former G/GG routes and the new REXB and REXL routes that debuted mid Fall 2005).

The Daily Targum, 3/31/2006:

Picture on page 4, about the new shelter on the Brower Commons side of College Avenue for the DAYTIME EE route.

The Daily Targum, 4/7/2006:  pages 1 & 6

"New Street to close Monday"

The New Street interchange at Route 18 to close for a year.  Although not mentioned, it is implied that the change in traffic would change the amount/location/time of traffic, which would affect the buses.

The Daily Targun, 4/10/2006, pages 1 & 6.

"New Street exit to close as detours begin"

As the name of the article implies...  Certain bus routes will be affected/changed.

The Daily Targum // The Daily Mugrat, 4/18/2006:

This was the Targum's annual Semester joke issue.  NONE of the the articles talked about was true/factual.

Article 1:  Pages 1 & 4  "Student must pay bus fares"

How starting on 4/18/2006, to make up for funding cuts from Trenton, buses would have to start charging fares as a result to make up for the lack of funding.  The A/H would have been $1.65 a ride, the EE/F $2.20 a ride, the L at $2 a ride, LX at $2.20 a ride, REXB/REXL at $1.50 a ride, while the C would still be free.  An extra 50 cents would be charged after 9 pm on weekdays, and 75 cents extra on weekends.  ((This would have made the EE a rather expensive option... any time after 9 PM weekdays, or all weekend long.  Note taking said EE from the RSC to the next immediate bus stop, Scott Hall would have been the same had you taken the bus to Cook.))

Again... joke issue.

Articles 2:  Page 4  "Bench Warmers"

A blatantly photoshopped photo of NOVA bus 1028 on the F run, with students sitting on a bench... on the roof of the bus... as a way to deal with the overcrowded buses.

The Daily Targum, 4/20/2006:  pages 1 & 4:

"Livingston's Army Legacy"

Talks about the history/areas of Livingston campus.  Said L and LX buses passed by that area (the Warehouses).

The Daily Targum, 4/28/2006:  pages 1 & 4:

"Rutgersfest to close roads, bus stop"

How the annual Spring Semester event affects the Busch bus routes (A, B, C, H, REXB).  See section 5-K at Gate 5 also for my analysis/summary.

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Fall Semester 2006: 
The Daily Targum, 9/19/2006:  page ??:

"Low-floor buses offer more standing room"

Article talks about the new low-floored NOVA buses that have more capacity/space.  The fact that they don't have stairs saves time in loading/unloading.  These buses were buses #2101-2113, which debuted in the Summer of 2006, which had replaced buses #1036 to 1048.

The Daily Targum, 9/20/2006:  page 3:

"NextBus upgrades continue"

Talks about the Nextbus system... about the website itself and the bus stop displays, and future plans.

The Daily Targium, 9/21/2006:  page ??:

"Buses run slower due to budget cuts"

Budget problem force cutbacks on various lines/services on the bus service (i.e. less buses, buses not arriving as often as a result).  Article also talks about problems on the B, how there is an incentive for the bus drivers to run on time, and the fact that the new low-floor buses running where NOT paid for by the University, but rather by the contracted vendor (Academy).

The Daily Targum, 9/25/2006:  page 1?:

"U. allows non-students on buses"

The buses are being used not just by University students/faculty/staff.  One of the bus drivers was questioned for the article.

The Daily Targum, 9/26/2006:  pages 1 & 6:

"Guaranteed housing by end on Cook"

Talks about the Cook College housing process... how it might be affected especially when the University college mergers/changes would take affect.  If students are housed on different campus, then obviously the campus bus service would be too, as they're needed to travel from where they live to a different place where their classes are.

The Daily Targum, 9/28/2006:  pages 1 & 6:

"Transportation officals consider changing B, LX"

About possible changes to the B and LX routes.

Although some of the B changes mentioned were NOT enacted (like an express version of the B like a 'BX'), the bit about the LX becoming truly express did, starting in the Spring of 2007.

The Daily Targum, 10/6/2006, page 1:

"Bus rider reports sexual contact"

About an incident of criminal mischief on an LX bus.

The Daily Targum, 10/11/2006, pages 1 & 4:

"Driving in circles on both ends of George Street"

Talking about the traffic circle being put in over near Gibbons on Cook/Douglass, and one on Busch by Werblin.  A traffic circle on George Street by Campbell Hall on College Avenue mentioned in the article was NEVER done (was mentioned as an idea if a certain College Avenue greening project plan was chosen).  Traffic circle was put in to help with the traffic due to the Route 18 project.

The Daily Targum, 10/18/2006, page 1:

"Proposal could make College Ave. parkign costlier"

While the article mostly talks about parking permit plans/costs, it does mention that the bus drivers are NOT allowed to engage in certain actions/behavior while on the bus, about the buses being timelier, and about Nextbus.

The Daily Targun, 12/5/2006: page 3:

"Bus delays prompt some to skip class"

How some students are skipping class because of the bus system... the fact that they're crowded and/or late.  How some of the blames aren't actually the bus system's fault (per se) but on the students and their actions...

The Daily Targum, 12/6/2006

Article 1:  Page 3
"Proposal:  Extend staggered scheduling"
The fact that the class break period betwen Busch and Livingston is only 20 minutes, and how that creates problems in the B route.  Possible proposed changes to it.

Article 2:  Opinion section, page 10:
"To B or not"
About the B route, problems/solutions.  The piece talks about a possible change, for the B to take Route 18 going into Busch, which DID into effect Spring 2007.

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Spring Semester 2008: 
The Daily Targum, 1/24/2008:

Pages 1 & 4:  "U. continues to strive for hybrid buses.:

As the name of the article implies.  Also mentioned:  Costs/facts of buses, bus service, the Academy contract.

The Daily Targum, 1/29/2008:

Pages 10:  Metro section:  "Students question safety as roadwork progresses"

About construction work on Route 18, and how the bus system/service was affected.

The Daily Targum, 2/4/2008:  pages 1 & 8:

"Stadium expansion leaves campus, city in a jam"

How to figure out transportation logistics during football games (or how to fix problems/how to prevent them).  Busing people in and out for a football game isn't easy.

The Daily Targum, 3/24/2008: pages 1 & 4:

"Late-night shuttle makes wrong move"

How the after-hours security shuttle (the 'Knight Mover') made a wrong turn and tried going through the College Avenue Parking Deck.  (It doesn't fit through the entrance to begin with)

The Daily Targum, 4/11/2008:  page 3:

"Transporation Services discusses plans for 2008"

As the article name implies, it discusses plans that the department has for the rest of the year, some of it involving the buses.

Accompanying picture with the article:  Bus # 2015, a New Flyer articulated bus on the EE route.

The Daily Targum, 4/14/2008:  Opinions section, page 10:

"Bashing the Rutgers bus"

Discusses the simple fact that nearly all of the students at Rutgers are dependent on the bus system, and some are not satisfied with it.  Opinion piece discusses how something should be done between travel between College Ave and Cook/Douglass, with some possibilities (like hybrid buses) discussed.

The Daily Targum, 4/22/2008:  pages 1 & 4:

"College Avenue sees green vision"

Talks about the College Avenue greening project.  The part about the hub would be for the campus buses.

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Fall Semester 2008: 
The Daily Targum, 9/8/2008:  page 1 & 6

"Hundreds in temporary housing due to shortage"

Article talks about why students were housed in a hotel off campus.  It briefly talks about the hotel bus service (at the time, there was only ONE bus, every 40 minutes at a time from either the hotel or from Rutgers Student Center on College Avenue campus).

The Daily Targum, 9/10/2008:  page 3:

"Admission hike sparts U. difficulties"

Talks about admission rates//# of students on campus, and how it affects the bus service.

The Daily Targum, 9/16/2008:  Opinions section page 11:

"Students face another turn of the RU 'screw.'

A student talks about how bus service was affected just because of a Thursday night football game on campus.  His experiences trying to get to class because of it was not pleasant, to say the least.  The student questions the actions of the President/University in terms of academics and the football team/athletics because of what happened.

The Daily Targum, 10/9/2008:  pages 1 & 4:

"Second hotel shuttle reduces student frustration"

A second hotel shuttle was added for the students living in the Crowne Plaza Hotel.  This brings the wait time from 40 to 20, from 7 am to 7 pm anyway.  It's still 40 minutes from 7 pm to 3 am.

Picture that accompanied article:  Rutgers University labeled NOVA model bus (bus # 1028) acting as one of two shuttles, as it appeared on 10/8/2009.

The Daily Targum, 11/13/2008:  page 1:

"Blackout leaves Livingston, Busch students in the dark"

Talks about the blackout that occured for an hour on Busch and Livingston the previous night.  The buses were affected as students were traveling to other places that HAD power (buses busier than normal). 

What was NOT mentioned was the fact that the bus drivers faced some difficulties trying to get around the darkened parts of the campus.

Picture shows the Busch Campus Center, one of the places without power.  The light pole shown is the one where the bus stop signs are located for the Busch Campus Center.

The Daily Targum, 12/4/2008: page 3:

"Rockof residents voice concerns over transportation, security"

Article discusses some of the concerns that Rockoff Hall residences have.  It mostly deals with the campus bus service, especially why (at the time) the REXB and REXL buses do not stop at Rockoff.

The Daily Targum, 12/5/2008:  page 1/4:

"Crowne Plaza costs continue to increase"

The article discusses the aspects of the students living in the hotel.  Aspects and costs of the bus service to/from the hotel are also mentioned.

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Spring Semester 2009: 
The Daily Targum, 1/23/2009, Opinions section, page 6:

In the 'Laurels and Darts' section, the Department of Transportation receives a 'dart'  because of the various parking and transportation problems that exist/came up within the first few days of the Spring Semester/just because it's COLD.  The "EE" gets mentioned.

The Daily Targum, 2/6/2009, Opinions section, page 9:

Student opinion on how with the bad weather earlier that week, Rutgers stayed open and other universites closed... and the problems/issues it created.  Person felt the University should be more thoughful/careful in its decisions.  She mentions how one EE bus was going the normal speed limit on the highway, but things might have gone sour had something bad happened because of the weather.

The Daily Targum, 2/9/2009:  Opinions section, page 10:

"Learning from experience by taking a closer look.

Student opinion about what the title names implies, based in part about the campus bus service.

The Daily Targum, 2/13/2009: 

Article 1:  Pages 1 & 4

"College Avenue greening ready to move forward"
About the Greening project, and how it would affect the bus service.

Article 2:  Opinions section, page 6:

"Route 18 construction project stays on schedule"
About the Route 18 construction project.  Mentions how bad it was for the buses BEFORE it started.

The Daily Targum, 2/16/2009, pages 1 & 5:

"Hotels may be used for housing following registration increase"

How the University might go back to using a hotel again to house students.  One of the issues they face is about transportation (the hotel bus) to/from it.

The Daily Targum, 2/18/2009, pages 1 & 6:

"Livingston town hall to address campus issues, construction"

Various facts/aspects about the expansion of the Livingston Student Center, and other projects for said campus.  One of the topics/concerns was about the fact that the REXL does not stop at the Quads.

The Daily Targum, 2/25/2009:  Front page:

"Hours of Congestion After Tractor Trailer Rips Out Traffic Light"

What happens when a tractor trailer takes out the traffic light at George Street/Commercial Avenue while turning.  This created so much traffic while cleanup/getting the light fixed.  What wasn't mentioned:  The obvious rerouting and delays to the EE/F/REXB/REXL routes.

The Daily Targum, 2/26/2009, page 5:

"Proposal to adjust parking permit costs"

Talks about the permit costs.  The campus buses are funded by permit sales and state funds.

The Daily Targum, 3/3/2009: page 11:

various pictures of the campus after the snow storm that hit the campus on 3/2/2009.  One of the pictures showed the back of 3 buses at the RSC bus stop trying to make their way down College Avenue, in the road conditions that the picture depicted.  The 3 buses shown as the "A", "L" and the "New Brunsquick" shuttle.  Although classes were canceled, the A, EE, and L buses ran on the Sunday weekend routes, and on their respective Sunday weekend schedules.  The New Brunsquick shuttle had to run (it never runs on weekends/or during 'weekend bus service') because that service runs not just for Rutgers students, but also for various New Brunswick citizens/commuters in certain areas as well.

The Daily Targum, 3/26/2009:  pages 1 & 4:

"U. outlines potential transporation changes"

About the annual forum taking place that night about the various parking and bus changes that could go into effect for the 2009-2010 year.  This was under the assumption that the College Avenue greening project was going to start during the summer.

On page 1 of the paper, a picture ot a normal Rutgers University labeled NOVA model bus. bus # 2111, on the LX route is shown.

The Daily Targum, 3/27/2009, pages 1 & 6:

"Transportation routes to change with College Avenue Greening"

As the name of the article implies...  It summarizes what was said/done at the forum that took place the night before {see article from 3/26/2009}

Takes about some of the potential changes, Nextbus, bus funding.

The article mentioned about adding extra bus service for the first few weeks of each semester.  This would be done for Fall 2009, which one extra A, EE, F, H, and L bus running (6 As instead of the normal 5, 6 EEs instead of the normal 5, 7 Fs instead of the normal 6, 5 Hs instead of the normal 4, and 5 Ls instead of the normal 4.  This was also done for Spring 2010, with one extra A, B, EE, F, H, and LX bus (the extra L was changed to an LX, and an extra B was added).  The extra buses for both semesters only ran Monday thru Thursday, between 2-7 PM).

The Medium, 4/1/2009, Pages 1 & 4:

This was the Medium, doing a mock up of a Daily Targum issue entitled "The Daily Medium".

I mention this obvious gag/joke article because it's funny.

Joke article:  "U. Considers Discontinuing REXL, REXB Routes"

How the 'REXL' and 'REXB' routes were discontinued, instead formed into a 'TREX' route that would run between New Brunswick and Trenton (The 'T' in 'TREX' being 'Trenton', the 'R' being 'Rutgers' and 'EX' being Express; in a same name scheme/pun/joke similar to actual naming schemes of the the REXB=Rutgers Express Busch and REXL=Rutgers Express Livingston)

Picture with article:  PHOTOSHOPPED destination signs displaying the 'TREX' route on Rutgers University labeled NOVA model bus # 1052 (FYI:  said bus  was discontinued from service during SUMMER of 2007, i.e. would not be running on any route anywhere on campus past Summer 2007).

The Daily Targum, 4/6/2009:

Article 1:  pages 1 & 7:
"Housing shortage displaces at least 700 students to hotels"

About how the students will again be housed in hotels, and how bus service will be provided.

Note:  Initially they were to be housed in two hotels in Somerset, the Crowne Plaza and the Holiday Inn, with the buses covering both, but that changed by the end of the Summer (all in the Crowne Plaza).

Article 2:  Opinions section:  page 10:
"Students should care about bus changes"

Opinion recapping some of the proposed changes to take effect when the Greening Project starts, but not many students notice/care (as the name implies).

The Daily Targum, 4/8/2009:  pages 1 & 6.

"Transportation installs REXL stop at Quads"

About how the story/process that finally got the REXL bus to stop at the Quads.  The Lot 100 stop was eliminated in the process for said route and essentially 'moved' to the Quads.

Picture with article:  Rutgers University labeled NOVA model bus #2110 on the REXL route at said Quads bus stop.

Note that this was 'short lived' as the REXL bus STOPPED going to the Quads starting for the Fall 2009 Semester {see 9/15/2009 article}.  The last time it'd technically went to the Quads was during the Summer of 2009 (only because it ran during certian days due to special/unique circumstances), not the END of the Spring 2009 Semester.

The Daily Targum, 4/9/2009:  pages 1 & 4:

"Campus alters traffic routes, upgrades historic buildings"

About the University being enviromentally friendly/what steps it's taking to go green.  Again, about the College Avenue Greening Project, and how it'll affect the buses.

The Daily Targum, 4/13/2009, Opinions Section: page 10:

Editoral about the College Avenue greening project, and about the various impacts it might have all around campus, including the bus service.

The Daily Targum, 4/15/2009:  Pages 1 & 4:

"Board of Governors approves new housing"

Discusses the new housing to be built on Busch campus, on Lot 66 near the ASB/BAMM dorms, and on Livingston campus near the RAC/Lot 100.  The current bus routes in existance would service these new housing units (directly or closely).  2011 (estimated completion/opening) is too early to consider route changes in relation to these new buildings, but the system will service them in some way.

The Daily Targum, 4/17/2009: 

Page 1:  Picture of work being done for a water main break.  Part of a campus bus is seen in the picture, and traffic was difficult due to the work to fix it.

Page 10:  Opinions section/Laurels and Darts:  One of the sections summarizes said water main break, and how it impacted things.

The Daily Targum, 4/20/2009:

This was the Targum's annual Semester joke issue.  NONE of the articles talked about was true/factual.

Police Blotters:  Page 3:  Again, these are fake police blotters.  One of the blotters mentions that a student fell asleep on a REXL bus on April 14, and had their IPOD stolen (to which the student was called a nincompoop).  In real life, students misplacing/forgetting IPODs (or anything REALLY expensive) on campus buses OFTEN DO NOT get found.  Very rarely do they get found...

Police Blotters:  Page 3:  Another fake blotter mentions that the police are looking for students whose lack of Rutgers bus knowledge/etiquette have done things that are annoying in real life, like standing in the doorway and not letting students off the bus during stops.

Article:  Page 5:  "University returns to roots, ditches athletics":
Fake article, mentions how a "surplus" was found to add to the budget, and what it was spent on.  Bus related:  A teleportation system was created for smoother transportation between the campuses, yet the buses continued for those who opposed teleportation.

Opinions section:  "Transportation fixed!!!"
Again, fake article/opinion.  How the transportation problems have been 'magically' fixed.  Moving sidewalks, kayaks, paddleboats, canoes, and Segways were mentions.  Also mentioned was the infamous "EE" bus, bringing it back without doors, basically making it a trolley.

The Daily Targum, 4/28/2009:

Advertisement for Rutgersfest in page 9.  Part of the ad discussses the tranportation options to/from Rutgersfest.

The Daily Targum, 5/4/2009, pages 1 & 4:

"Bus routes to change with College Avenue construction"

Talks about how the bus routes would change when the College Avenue Greening Project starts.

Note that I listed some of how the project would affect certain bus routes (A, EE, F, H, L, LX, Ward Shuttle) over at Gates 1 and 2.  Some of what the article mentions (in terms of what route and how it's rerouted; especially the EE and L routes) changed between the time it was published and during the Summer of 2009 (even though the project NEVER started by the first day of class in Fall 2009).

What the article mentioned that DID occur starting Fall 2009 even though the Greening Project had NOT started:
-The F becoming express.
-Bus service continuing beyond 3:30 AM Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights instead of the Knight Mover operating (the EE, H, and L routes running).
-The REXB/REXL using route 18, and stopping at Rockoff after 9 PM.
-The Quads bus stop being reconsidered (on the REXL route).  {See 9/15/2009 article}

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Fall Semester 2009: 
The Daily Targum, 8/31/2009:

"University gets facelift over break:

Article discusses the many changes/updates that occured over the summer.  Buswise, the changes to the EE/F/REXB/REXL routes were discussed.  Also how the buses will continue to run all night Thursday, Friday and Saturday instead of the Knight Mover.

The Daily Targum, 9/2/2009, page 5:

"Wavering approval stalls greening project"

Article discusses the College Avenue greening project.  The campus bus service would be affected as the bus routes would have to change once the project begins.

The Daily Targum, 9/4/2009, Editoral Section:  page 8:

In the 'Laurels and Darts' section, the Department of Transportation receives a 'dart'  because of the various parking and transportation problems that exist/came up within the first few days of the Fall Semester.

The Daily Targum, 9/14/2009, page 1:

"No Injuries Followng Friday REXB Bus Accident"

Briefly mentions an accident a REXB bus got into on Friday, 9/11/2009.

The Daily Targum, 9/15/2009, page 3:

"Livingstion Quads to be no longer be service by the REXL"

Artcle discusses why said REXL bus no longer stops at the Quads bus stop on Livingston.

The Daily Targum, 9/17/2009, pages 1 & 4:

"Hundreds permanently reside in hotel for academic year"

On page 1 of the paper, a picture of the hotel shuttle at the hotel is shown.  The shuttle in use at the time is an Academy labeled MCI model bus (bus #8673), not a normal Rutgers University labeled NOVA model bus.

The article discusses the aspects of the students living in the hotel.  Aspects and costs of the bus service to/from the hotel are also mentioned.

The Daily Targum, 9/21/2009:

Opinions section pages  10 & 11:  "Campus etiquette for U."

One author discusses things that one should do to try to be more respectful to everyone in the University community.

In relation to the campus buses, suggestions on proper etiquette were given for:

About littering/leaving the newspapers in places, especially on seats in the bus (don't leave newspapers on the bus).
Talking on the cell phone while in the bus.
Where to sit in an empty/near empty bus, where to stand/go in a standing-room only bus.
Boarding the bus (some people try to get on even though people are getting off).

The Daily Targum, 9/23/2009:

Opinions section, page 13:  "Ode to Rutgers' transportation system."

A letter on his views/opinions/perspective on the bus system, (depending on how you view it) on his/a typical student campus bus experience... in a funny/mocking sort of way.

The Daily Targum, 9/24/2009:  Pages 1 & 4:

"Molenaar clears up tranportation myths on bus ride."

Director of Transportation Services Jack Molenaar explains some of the truths/rumors/myths about the campus bus system.  Some facts/figures were mentioned.

The Daily Targum, 9/25/2009:

Opinions section, page 9:

In response to the article from yesterday.  Mentions that Director of Transportation Services Jack Molenaar gets a laurel (a good thing/equal to a thumbs-up) for some of the things he did recently... observing things/situations live/in person, riding the same buses the students are; basically getting a feel/look at the real life situations/problems that are happening, in an attempt to fix them.  It's mentioned that the Rutgers bus system is largest in the nation, second largest system in the state.

The Daily Targum, 10/1/2009:  Pages 1 & 6:

"City concerns prolong College Avenue greening"

Issues/concerns about the College Avenue greening project (which really hasn't started by that point).

The Daily Targum, 10/5/2009:

"Fatal Rt-18 Crash Closes Southbound Lanes Over Raritan River."

On Sunday October 4, there was an accident on 18 South where a car struck the back of a University campus bus # 2123 (not mentioned in the article:  it was a weekend L bus heading back from Busch to College Ave).  There were injuries and a death.  Part of the highway was closed following the accident, and on Monday for investigative purposes (not mentioned:  due to the closures, the buses had to be rerouted accordingly).

This particular incident was also mentioned on ("New Brunswick police close lanes on Route 18 for fatal crash follow-up"), and on (3 articles:  "UPDATE: Passenger killed when car overturns on Rt. 18 in New Brunswick," "Police ID passenger killed, driver injured in New Brunswick wreck," and "UPDATE:  New Brunswick police reopen lanes on Route 18 south after probing fatal wreck.")

The Daily Targum, 10/6/2009:  Front page.

"Police identify Route 18 Crash Victims as Summit Man, U, Student"

More information about the incident mentioned in yesterday's paper.

The Daily Targum: 10/7/2009:

Page 3:  "Safety lights shine blue again":
Article talks about the emergency phones around Cook Campus.  One of the phones mentioned is at a bus stop on Cook-the Biel Road.  (Several bus stops around the campus have such phones.)

The Daily Targum 10/14/2009:

Page 5:  "Disgruntled students address bus system frustrations"

As the name of the article implies...

Some of the things brought up:  Bus shelters/missing panes of glass, bus service on weekends, overcrowded buses, the changes to the EE route, the 24 hour bus service (Thursday/Friday/Saturday), the hotel shuttle

The Daily Targum, 10/20/2009:

Page 3:  "Extended library hours pose budget issues":

Articles talks about the possiblities/issues in relation to keeping the libraries open longer.  One issue is in relation to the hours of campus bus service.

The Daily Targum, 10/22/2009:

Page 3:  "B bus may see route changes.":

Discusses problems that exist (like trying to get to class in such a small 20 minute class break period) and some possible solutions on the B route to fix them.

The Daily Targum, 10/23/2009:  Front page:

"Edison Man Shot After Asking for Cigarette"

An incident that occured on Wednesday that forced the rerouting of the EE buses (the buses not mentioned in the article itself, but obvious) on George Street as a result.

The Daily Targum, 11/6/2009:  Pages 1 & 5:

"Christie may make or break budget at U."

How the economy and what possibly a new Governor (Christie) may affect various functions around the Universiy, including the campus bus system.

The Daily Targum, 11/10/2009:  Pages 1 & 4:

"Council hosts forum to voice transportation system concerns"

The Douglass council will have Director Molenaar in attendence to talk about issues concerning the bus system.

The Daily Targum, 11/11/2009:

Article 1:  Pages 1 & 4:  "Community demands changes to intersection"

About the incident where a pedestrian was struck at the intersection of Route 18 North/Commercial Avenue.  The F/REXB/REXL buses (not mentioned in the article) use that intersection when leaving from Cook/Douglass.

Article 2:  Pages 1 & 4:  "Molenaar answers students complaints at council forum"
About that meeting mentioned yesterday, some of the things discussed (like bus service for the Reading Days/Exam period that did get implemented in December)

The Daily Targum, 11/13/2009:  Pages 1 & 4:

"U. to fix potholes after student drivers complain"

About the potholes all around campus, and what to be done about them.  (Not mentioned in the article, but implied:  Potholes affect the buses too.)

The Daily Targum, 11/18/2009:  Pages 1 & 4:

"Lack of Nextbus signs yields student frustration"

As the article implies...

The Daily Targum, 11/23/2009:

Page 5:  Ad for the Transportation Info Session & Meeting.
Page 7:  "OCSA to Hold Transportation Info Session"  About the meeting where one has a chance to learn about the Transportation system, to voice concerns.

The Daily Targum, 12/9/2009:

This was the Targum's annual Semester joke issue.  NONE of the articles talked about was true/factual.

Article 1:  Pages 1/6:  "U. purchases Sears lot to generate revenue":  About how the Sears Parking lot was purchased, where the revenues could help to pay for more buses and more Nextbus signs.  ((Although in real life, the buses STOPPED servicing the Labor Education bus stop next to the Sears parking lot starting in late May 2010.))

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Spring Semester 2010: 
The Daily Targum, 1/27/2010:  Pages 1 & 6:

"U. builds up final setps to create greener campus."

About making the University more enviromentaly friendly; also about the Greening Project.

The Daily Targum, 2/12/2010:  Pages 1 & 7:

"U. considers bus system expansion"

As the name implies... changes might include additional B, LX, REXB, REXL buses, weekend buses, possibly at the expense of an additional $8.50 on the students' term bills.

The Daily Targum, 2/17/2010:

Article 1:  "Christie slashes $18.5 M from University funding":   ((Not mentioned but implied:  Funding for the buses)

Article 2:  Opinions page 10:  "Small fee to pay for bus system upgrade."  In response to the 2/12/2010 article.

The Daily Targum, 2/18/2010:

Article 1:  Pages 1/7:  "U. trims back plans for greening project"  A certain greeing project is to be postponed indefinitely, due to funding and other things going on.  ((Obviously certain changes to the bus routes will NOT take place in the forseeable future.)0

Article 2:  Pages 1/7:  "Study steers toward reducing traffic"  Talks about traffic on Easton Avenue.  ((Article does not mention that the traffic also affects the New Brunsquick/Ward Shuttle.))

The Daily Targum, 3/10/2010:

Article 1:  Pages 1/4:  "System texts schedule for student commute"  How a University student created a text-messaging system that gives students bus arrival information to their cell phone.    Site site:

Article 2:  Pages 1/4:  "Transportation survey steers toward U, concerns"  The opportunity for students to take a survey to give their input/opinions/view on transportation/parking on campus.

The Daily Targum:  3/11/2010:

Page 1:  "George Street Truck Crash Delays University Operations":  What happens when a Targum delivery truck crashes into a utlity pole on George Street near the River Dorms (the buses were forced to reroute away from the SAC bus stop).  Bus route announcments were announced on the Nextbus site, Nextbus bus stop displays, and via Twitter.

Page 3:  "Director conducts transportation forum at meeting":    What was said/discussed at a Pharmacy Governing council meeting.  Mentioned:  Weekend service (more buses does not come cheaply), why does the REXB NOT stop at the Busch Campus Center

The Daily Targum:  3/25/2010:  Pages 1/4:

"U. fuels up possible ticket price increase."  Parking ticket violations might increase, to avoid making cuts in the bus system, and get people to park in the right places (which would in part decrease traffic and keep the buses moving).

The Daily Targum:  4/8/2010:  Pages 1/4:

"Three-car crash causes delays on George Street":  Exactly as the name implies... another incident by the SAC bus stop area.

The Daily Targum:  4/15/2010:

Outside cover:  Advertising for Rutgers Day 2010 (4/24/2010).  The 'ride simple bus loop' ran as follows (in bus stop order):  Busch Campus Center, Livingston Student Center, Visitor's Center, Student Activities Center, Zimmerli Art Museum, Rockoff Hall, Douglass Student Center, Liberty Street, Zimmerli Art Museum, Student Activities Center, Visitor's Center, Busch Campus Center

((The only buses that ran on 4/24/2010 from 7 AM to about 9 PM was that RutgersDay bus loop, the Hotel Shuttle, and the weekend L.  The weekend A/EE was replaced by said RutgersDay bus loop.))

Article:  Pages 1/4:  "New law orders drivers to stop for pedestrians."  About the new law.  The picture used shows students crossing the intersection at Rutgers Student Center/Brower Commons.    An LX bus is stopped at said intersection.

The Daily Targum:  4/19/2010:  Page 1:  "Housing Predicts Hotels Will Not be Needed."  Students won't have to be housed at a hotel for Fall 2010 ((thus no more hotel buses)).
The Daily Targum, 4/21/2010:  Pages 1&4:

"U. builds new bus stops into agenda:"  Certain weathered bus stop shelters (Scott Hall, the SAC, and the CAC Gym) will be renovated over the summer.

The article mentions about the bus stop shelter located on the Brower Commons side of College Avenue ((the former semester weekday daytime EE route stop prior to Fall 2009)) would be removed.  It (and the shelters at Scott Hall; again the former semester weekday daytime EE route stop) was actually moved to the Henderson Apartments stop on Cook/Douglass the week of May 31, 2010.

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