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Social Studies Standards

Standard 6.2: All Students Will Learn Democratic Citizenship Through The Humanities, By Studying Literature, Art, History And   Philosophy, And Related Fields

     3.  Understand how works of aesthetic expression serve as cultural representations.
     4.  Evaluate works, such as personal creations, which communicate a human condition or question

Standard 6.4:   All Students Will Acquire Historical Understanding Of Societal Ideas And Forces Throughout The History Of New Jersey, The United States, And The World.

     2.  Identify social institutions, such as family, religion, and government, that function to meet individual and group needs

Standard 6.5:    All Students Will Acquire Historical Understanding Of Varying Cultures Throughout The History Of New Jersey, The United States, And The World

     3.  Describe the customs of people from different geographic, cultural, racial, religious, and ethnic backgrounds
     5.  Understand material artifacts of a culture.
     6.  Examine particular events, and identify reasons why individuals from different cultures might respond to them in different ways.

Standard 6.7: All Students Will Acquire Geographical Understanding By Studying The World In Spatial Terms

     1.  Use maps, globes, graphs, diagrams, and computer-based references and information systems to generate and interpret information

Standard 6.9: All Students Will Acquire Geographical Understanding By Studying The Environment and Society

    1.  Explain the characteristics of renewable and nonrenewable resources and their distribution, and the role of resources in daily life.
     2.  Explain how people depend on the physical environment and how they modify the environment