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The Basics

Center things <center> text here </center>
Make bold text <b> Text here </b>
Making horizontal line <hr>
Making italic letters <i>Text here </i>
Starting new paragraph <P>
Heading sizes

<h1> text here </h1>

Heading size 1

<h2> text here </h2>

Heading size 2

<h3> text here </h3>

Heading size 3

font sizes

<font size="1">text here </font>
Font size 1
<font size="2">text here </font>
Font size 2
<font size="3">text here </font>
Font size 3
<font size="4">text here </font>
Font size 4
<font size="5">text here </font>
Font size 5

Colored texts

<font color="blue">text here </font>
Blue Text
<font color="red">Red Text </font>
Red Text
<font color="yellow">text here </font>
Yellow Text

Type of font

<font face="Helvetica">Text here </font>
Helvetica font

<font face="New Century Schoolbook">Text here </font>
New Century Schoolbook font

<font face="Lucida">text here </font>
Lucida font

make text blink

<blink> make text blink </blink>
make text blink

Moving words <marquee behavior="alternate">Colleen's Page</marquee> Colleen's page
Link you text

<a href="/doc/faq.html"> create a link to another page on the same server</a>
create a link to another page on the same server

Link you images

<a href="/index.html"> <img src=""> </a>
create a picture link to another page on the same server

E-mail Links

<a href="mailto:email@address">Text show up here</a>

If you have any questions about html e-mail me and
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