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Why We Wrote This Book

How much do we know about the 52 countries of Africa?  How many of their capitals can we name?  How many African leaders can we identify?  It is hard to be proud of a place we do not know, especially when everything we hear about is negative.

We will not have a real future until we know that we have a real past.  we will not rise until we know that we are a people with a land that thrives and grows.  We will never attain equality until we know that we come from somewhere, from the land that is the mother of all mankind.  Africa is our land, and it is not a country.  It is a continent, the richest continent on the face of the Earth.


Dr. Arthur Lewin

Dr. Arthur Lewin.
Copyright © 2003 [Africa Unlimited]. All rights reserved.
Revised: 06/11/03.

Home Contact Us Virtual Reality AN IDEA(L) Dr. Oyibo vs. Einstein Pangea to the Pyramids Americans/Intelligence Feedback