Please allow the page, pictures, and music to loadIntroduction Images The Scenario The Page Let Me Know


Considering the fact that I doubt you took the time to read the Intro, you have no idea about my mind set right now. Lets make it clear, not looking, don't want, and trust don't need. Please take the time to think over anything you think you might consider saying to me, because if you think about coming side ways it would mutually be returned.

But on a lighter note, I'm back once again after a 2+ year hiatus from blackplanet. If you wonder way, back track. So I'm not new to the site so don't try what ever you thinking about. I'm just on here to kill time. Scroll back up and you can see that I am a 20 year old female in New Jersey just trying to enjoy life, finally. Once again if you question that line, back track. Follow the order and you would understand. No, I'm not explaining, repeating, restating anything that is already posted on this page, so please read before you hit me up, that's all I ask. Yeah I know everytime I come around its a new name, but I believe this one is here to stay, hopefully I won't come across any LOOZAHS or BITCHES who think that they are men . On that note, think before you type and let me know you were here.

Let Me Know

I believe you should sign the guestbook, just to let me know you were here. Only and only if you have read every word on this page, digested and thought about it should you contact me. Drop a note in the box and if its worth a reply itll get one.

The Credits

September 2004

Jasc Photo Shop Pro 8




The Intro....Don't Skip

Have you ever had to experience life without living, without breathing, with everyone telling you that things will get better. Well if you haven't, trust me it's no fun. A breath of fresh air makes things a little easier to cope with and a lot of things unacceptable. To think that was how I lived my life for the last 2.5 years and have no intentions of ever returning to that point in my life. It's dark, lonely, no one is there to help, no one can help, and a lot of times un-welcoming, hurts because your not welcomed by the one you want it from the most. The details of the matter are things I wish and hope to soon move on from. So before you continue to view this page, the pics, the words and listen to the music, just know that I'm breathing now and the bullshyt is not acceptable, step your game up.

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