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The US Equestrian Team Bayer Festival of Champions

 USET Tribute to September 11th Heroes


The Ringmaster salutes the September 11th Heroes.

Presenters and September 11th Heroes get recognized.

The tribute to the September 11th Heroes is recorded by TV cameraman.

The Honor Guard 

Members of the Press Corp record the tribute to the September 11th Heroes.

Sal is honored as NY Port Authority Officer Carl looks on. 

Veteran USET photographer Mike Voudouris is recognized for his EMT  work.

All salute the colors during the National Anthum.

The September 11th honorees pose with the color guard.

Michael with is USET citation.

The USET Citation to the Heroes of September 11th.

The EMT shoulder patch.

Background photo of a family of Deer in Gladstone taken on the way home from the USET Bayer Festival of Champions by John T. Whiting

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