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Jonathan Shirley's Christening

September 20th, 2003

Father Fran Christens Jonathan


Dad and the guest of honor. 

Mom takes care of last year's center of attention. 

Father Francis prepares for the Christening.

George has lots of experience if you need help.

John was last year's God Father but can relax this year.

The Grandparents enjoy the day. 

The kids were great too.

Father Francis invites the Kids to share in the celibration. 

... by blessing the water.

Does she look like she is enjoying the event?

The Parents, God Parents and Jonathan prepare for the Christening. 

The Christening has been completed.

Dermot and Lorraine enjoy the event.

Who is Jonathan looking at?

Father Francis reads the benediction.

The Celebrants pose for a photograph.

God Parents with Jonathan.

"Can we go home now Mom?"

"I'm glad someone else is in the spot light."

The Kids share a moment together.

"Isn't that cake delicious? "

The proud Mom.

John gets it all on tape.

...while Gerry enjoys the party.


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