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  • Matches that happened on Tuesday July 13th
  • Singles Match-"Frank "The Tank" Vs "Thunder Clap"
  • Winner-Thunder Clap "Submission"

  • Spot for the #1 Contender"Ladder Match"-Scott Sloan Vs Nightmare"
  • Winner-Scott Sloan "Climbed the Ladder"

  • Tag Title Match-" Downfall and Nightmare" Vs "Paje and Chaos"
  • Winner-Paje and Chaos "Pin"

  • #1 Contenders Match-"Downfall" Vs. "Scott Sloan"
  • Winner-Scott Sloan "Pin"

  • "Main Event" World Heavy Weight Title Elimination-"Paje Vs Tank" "Nightmare Vs El Shotokahno"
  • "Paje Vs Nightmare"
  • Winner-Paje "Pin"