Brutal Truth

Mad Hamlet


OVERALL:                7.0

Plot:                            7.0

Grammar/Spelling:    8.5



In a Nutshell: Akane makes a big mistake.  Luckily, she has friends...


Critique: Though obviously a self-insert (Mad Hamlet didn’t have to tell us in the end, though he did) this short story is quite involving!


Sum and Substance: This is a neatly put together story.  My favorite line is when the narrator mimics poor Akane’s drinking binge by toasting ‘to Honesty’.  This story was very short, but its success, in my mind, was in the details.  Akane’s toast, those three days of the year, Nabiki’s California Corporation, and the narrator’s profession were all slipped into the plot without seeming obtrusive.  And often, that’s what makes it good.  A nice story with a pretty sweet ending.  We don’t have to know what goes on between Akane and Ranma... we just have to know they end up happy.  :)

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