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We're doing it again....
the Sixth Annual
Dancefest New Jersey!

Saturday, April 9, 2005

Exploring Dance Expression: Body, Mind and Spirit!

New Jersey


New York City

Beautiful Dance Costumes and Accessories by...
Farasha's Dance Treasures
Dar El Beida
Gypsy Caravan
Starlight Caravan

Dancefest New Jersey! Evening Showcase
featuring Farasha, Su'ad, Joe-Paul Williams and....YOU

Location: Unitarian Society of New Brunswick
(directions below)

10 a.m. Doors open. Registration and first look at Shopping!
10:45 a.m. 15-minute Warm-up by Farasha to prepare for the day
11-12:30 p.m. The Art of the Accent. Class with Farasha. Learn to recognize and express accents in the music to add dynamic interest and color to your dance.
12:30-1 p.m. Lunch Break (bring a light lunch!) and Shopping
1-2:30 p.m. Staging for One or Many. Class with Su'ad. Expand your artistic expression through utilization of your stage space.
2:30-3 p.m. Break and More Shopping
3-4:30 p.m.

The Inner You Made Visible: The Body Language of Life, Art and Dance. Class with Joe-Paul Williams. Gain an inspiring and revealing look at how life, Mind and Heart are expressed in every part of the human body, using the re-discovered Delsarte System

4:30-6:30 p.m. Dinner break and setup for the showcase (lots of eateries on nearby Route 18.)
6:30 p.m. Doors open for Dancefest New Jersey Showcase
7-10 p.m.

Dancefest New Jersey Showcase! Featuring exciting entertainment by Farasha, Su'ad, Joe-Paul and YOU!


One class = $25.00
Two Classes - $40.00
Three Classes - $50.00
($5.00 extra per class at the door)

**Dancing in the Show? Special Performer's Package: 3 Classes & Show Ticket - $55.00 (pre-paid only)

Show Tickets - $15.00 ($10 for workshop participants only)

DVD Video of the entire Show - $25 (no other videotaping permitted) All performers must sign release forms.

Workshop CD with all class music available for $7.00


The location of Dancefest New Jersey! is the Unitarian Society of New Brunswick, 176 Tices Lane, East Brunswick. Take your best route to Route 18 (from the NJ Turnpike, exit 9 onto 18 south). From Route 18 south, turn Right onto Tices Lane. Go 1 mile. Immediately after the underpass, look for the white sign with “Unitarian Society” on the Left, and turn Left into the driveway. Bear left and follow signs to the parking lot.

To be put on our mailing list & receive
the official Dancefest New Jersey! brochure:

email Farasha or call: 732-905-0059