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The Outsiders Guide to Driving in Philadelphia
Welcome to Philadelphia, the city of Brotherly Love.  Below is a guide for
driving through some of our neighborhoods, and a guide for navigating some
of our more "intimidating" roads.

 1.  A high percentage of neighborhoods have one way streets.  Please be
     aware that some of our streets are 2 way to a certain point, then, 
     suddenly become one way.
 2.  Some of our roads do not have visible double yellow lines.  Just because
     you can't see them does not mean they don't exist.
 3.  A lot of our neighborhoods have on street parking.  Some people will
     not think twice about swinging their car door into your path when
     getting into and out of their cars.  Please be aware of this.
 4.  Double parking is an accepted practice in the city.
 5.  So is blocking off the parking space in front of one's house.  If you
     move someone's stuff out of their "saved" parking space, the person
     whose stuff you moved will forget that they're in the city of brotherly
     love, and will beat the crap out of you.
 6.  The mass transit system for Philadelphia and the surrounding suburbs
     is called SEPTA (SouthEastern Pennsylvania Transportaion Authority).
     They operate roughly 75 bus lines in the city, an roughly 45 more in
     the suburbs.
 6a. SEPTA buses will not pull over when picking up and leaving off passengers.
     If you are stuck behind a bus on some streets, YOU'RE STUCK.
 6b. If a bus gets pulled over by a cop, it's a major inconvenience to the
     passengers.  Cops know this, and will not pull a bus over.  Bus drivers
     also know this, and accordingly drive like idiots.
 7.  Speed limits:
 7a. Posted 30 mph on most major streets.
 7b. Posted 25 mph on most other streets.
 7c. By PA state law, on any urban street that doesn't have a posted speed
     limit, the speed limit is 35.
 8.  It is legal to cross a double yellow (visible or not) under the following
     circumstances ONLY!
 8a. To get around a double parked vehicle
 8b. To get around a SEPTA bus that's stopped at a bus stop
 9.  Some of our NO TURN ON RED laws are effective 6AM to 6PM only (esp.
     near a school zone).  These are clearly marked.
10.  In school zones, the speed limit is 15mph.
11.  Our traffic laws are strictly enforced near Dunkin Donuts and Sunoco
     Mini Marts.  Otherwise, they're totally unenforceable.


 1.  This road is what happens when you let mental patients and drunks
     design a highway.
 2.  On radio and TV, this is refered to as the Schuylkill Expressway.  By
     locals, it's more commonly refered to as the Surekill Distressway.
 3.  The posted speed limit through the city is 50mph.  During rush hour,
     you're lucky if you can get up to 15mph.

 1.  On radio and TV, this is refered to as the Vine Street Expressway.
 2.  Once in a while, you may hear the frontage roads that run next to 676
     refered to as "local Vine Street".  Local Vine Street has been around
     for over half a century before the Vine Street Expressway.
 3.  The term "Expressway" is used very loosely.  Esp. during rush hour, this
     road is more like a parking lot.

 1.  From 9th Street to the Bucks County line, this road is refered to as Roosevelt
     Boulevard ("The Boulevard" for short).  It is a 12 lane road (3 local northbound
     lanes, 3 express northbound lanes, 3 express southbound lanes, and 3 local
     southbound lanes).  For some reason, when people drive on this road, they
     forget HOW to drive.
 2.  The speed limit is posted at 40mph between 9th Street and Cottman
     Avenue, and 45mph between Cottman Avenue and the city limits.  Don't
     let the posted speed limits stop you from doing at least 55-65mph.
 3.  As tempting as it may be, DO NOT blow any red lights along this road.
     At selected intersections, there are red light cameras.
 4.  If you have out of state tags, sometimes motorists will leave a "halo"
     around your car.  It takes us several years to be confident driving on
     this road.  We assume anyone without a PA license plate is intimidated
     by this road.

 1.  During rush hour, it moves slowly.
 2.  During all other hours, you can get a good pace going.  It's signed at
     55mph.  Usually, 60-65 is a good rule of thumb.

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