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Meet the Training Director

Lori Mauger, CPDT, trained her first dog, a mini poodle, when she was 12 years old, and she entered her first dog obedience show at age 14. Later she adopted a German shepherd and a golden retriever. The golden required extensive behavioral therapy, but with Lori’s love and guidance, he became a registered therapy dog who visited disabled children.

Lori currently resides with a whippet puppy named Trooper and three border collies-- Skid, Mia, and Ross. Mia and Ross are littermates, and they excel on the herding field. Lori's oldest border collie is a female named Skid. For many years Lori and Skid enjoyed herding and obedience competitions, and together they earned many accolades, including a perfect score in obedience, multiple high-in-trial awards, and a Novice placement at the 1999 Eastern Regional Obedience competition.

Lori earned endorsement from the National Association of Dog Obedience Instructors (NADOI). In addition, she obtained official recognition from the Association of Pet Dog Trainers as a certified pet dog trainer (CPDT), and she is an associate member of the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC). Finally, the Dog Writer’s Association of America has acknowledged Lori’s writing.

Lori and Skid earn their "CDX" title with a first place!