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The Path to Harmony

High Praise! strives to lead owners and their beloved companions through the training process in a practical way, which produces reliable results. 

The method is simple and rewarding. First, owners are shown how to guide their pets to respond appropriately to basic commands using nonthreatening techniques. Next, when dogs have a reasonable understanding of what is expected, owners learn how to coach their pets to deliver reliable, prompt, happy responses on a consistent basis. Throughout the process teaching tools such as food treats, toys, tricks, and games are employed to make learning fun. The whole experience often seals the bond of trust and love between dogs and owners.

However, well-trained dogs don’t just happen—they take work! In other words, owners must accept the important role they play in their pet’s ultimate success. For example, owners who practice regularly and who incorporate the learned principles into their pet’s daily routine will quickly see results, while those who don’t practice outside of the time spent with a trainer may be frustrated by their pet’s seemingly slow progress. Thankfully, practice is easier than it sounds. For instance, if you regularly walk your dog, occasionally stopping along your route and working on a command is a great way to train. Or perhaps you play with your dog when you come home from work. Wonderful! Mix play with practice. In short, training shouldn’t be a chore. It simply requires a conscious effort to incorporate practice into your regular routine.

Undoubtedly, the best results are achieved when owners train their own dogs under the guidance of a professional. However, for clients who absolutely cannot fit dog training into their schedules, High Praise! will do the training for you. See "Important Information for Clients" for details.

Annie, a nine-week-old Flat-Coated Retriever, has already learned to wait patiently at the door until she's told to come outside!