Amityville Horror – The Night The Government Murdered The DeFeos

Disclaimer: This website must be presented as fiction. What is described on this website could never occur in America. Anyone stating otherwise can be publicly discredited, imprisoned, institutionalized, forcibly medicated, or murdered.

Conspiracy on Ocean Avenue:


The Amityville Horror saga consists of the November 13th 1974 DeFeo family mass murder in which Ronald DeFeo Jr., the oldest son of the DeFeo family, went from room to room in the middle of the night killing his family with a rifle. The murders baffled many experts because it appeared that all six members of the family simply stayed in their beds asleep when the shots rang out. A total of eight shots were fired and none of the family members ever got out of bed and made an attempt to make a run for it or put up any type of struggle. All family members were found in their beds sleeping on their stomachs as if the rifle shots never woke them. Investigators originally suspected the family was drugged by the oldest son but autopsies showed no such drugs were present in any of the victims. The autopsies also showed that 5 of the 6 family members died in their sleep, strange because the first shot should have woken them. Ballistics showed that one rifle was used to murder all six members of the family. Ballistics also showed no silencer was used on the rifle. The popular story is that the oldest son went room to room (four bedrooms total) shooting his entire family but most experts say the evidence indicates that is impossible.


The second part of the Amityville Horror saga is the Lutz family haunting that occurred beginning on December 18th, 1975. The Lutz family purchased the former DeFeo house for a bargain price about a year after the DeFeo murders and moved in. The Lutz family thought they had just purchased their dream home but the dream turned into a nightmare and the Lutz family was forced to abandon their new home after only 28 days. While the Lutz family lived in the former DeFeo house they claimed to have experienced supernatural forces that made living in the house impossible.


The town of Amityville is hiding a terrible secret that will shock and scare most Americans more than the Amityville Horror movies. The secret has been hidden from the public for decades until now. The secret is the following: The DeFeo family was heavily involved in organized crime. Mr. DeFeo (Big Ronnie) was running illegal drugs into Amityville with his boat docked right behind his house. The DeFeo family was out of control and threatening their neighbors and powerful people in Amityville. Big Ronnie and his oldest son (Butch) would often threaten their neighbors by telling them that if they interfered with the DeFeo family operation, they would bring in the mob to murder their neighbors’ entire families.


Big Ronnie’s wife was Louise DeFeo.  Louise’s father was Mike Brigante Sr., a big time mobster. The DeFeo house in Amityville was actually purchased by Brigante for his daughter, son-in-law, and growing family. Big Ronnie worked at a car dealership that Brigante operated. The car dealership was a front for organized crime. Mike Brigante Sr. had ties to Carlo Gambino, who was a Sicilian mobster, notable for being Boss of the Gambino crime family. Big Ronnie’s father was Rocco DeFeo and he was also a big time mobster. The DeFeos and Brigante were a growing threat in Amityville and powerful people in Amityville began to fear them and their influence in town.


The powerful people in Amityville decided to fight back and made contact with a secret element of the United States government that was formed in the late 1960’s to combat the growing influence of organized crime in America. This secret element of the government is known as the government mafia. The government mafia is given access to classified surveillance technology that can electronically see and hear thru house walls. The government mafia is also given access to classified military technology that can target, attack, harass, incapacitate, or murder people thru walls. The government mafia operates completely above the law and needs no warrant to conduct surveillance of American citizens. The government mafia’s existence is denied by the government and doesn’t exist in the eyes of the law and mental health system. The government mafia is the social architect of American society. They create tragedy and hoaxes across America to socially engineer American society.


The town of Amityville brought in the government mafia to deal with the DeFeo and Brigante menace in December of 1973. The government mafia moved into a neighboring house to the DeFeo residence and placed the DeFeos under covert electronic surveillance. Mike Brigante Sr.’s home and his car dealership were placed under covert surveillance. Rocco DeFeo was also placed under surveillance. The DeFeos and Brigante were completely unaware of the surveillance.


After several months of surveillance of the DeFeos and Brigante, the government mafia and powerful people in the town of Amityville conspired to murder six members of the DeFeo family and setup the oldest son of the DeFeo family to become a patsy and take the fall for the murders. Classified lethal weapons technology would be used to murder the DeFeos in their beds while they slept thru the walls of their home.


The government mafia wanted revenge against members of organized crime. Organized crime wanted a war with the government and the government gave them a real war. After suspected involvement of organized crime in assassinations and attempted assassinations of politicians and civil rights leaders, the government began covert domestic operations to go after and bring down members of organized crime. The government mafia would target people involved in organized crime and place them under covert surveillance so solutions could be developed to bring them down. These solutions could go as far as murdering people involved in organized crime. The method used to carry out these murders involves using classified technology that can’t be proven it was used and can’t be proven to even exist. Organized crime was standing in the way of the government’s objective of desegregation of American society so the government covertly was going to bring organized crime down. The government mafia was formed to level the playing field against the white majority in America. The government mafia uses the white population’s religious beliefs, fears, and desires as a weapon against them. As the white man defeated the Native Americans to conquer the New World, the government mafia uses classified technology to slowly defeat the white majority and conquer America. Before the late 1960’s the government discriminated against minorities to maintain a segregated society but after the late 1960’s the government did a complete reversal and began discriminating against the white population to remedy past discrimination against minorities. The second civil war has been underway since the late 1960’s. This civil war is not being fought to eliminate slavery but to eliminate segregation. Conventional bullets and bombs are not being used to wage this war, but classified technology is being used.


It was anticipated that Mike Brigante Sr. and Rocco DeFeo would be personally devastated by the murder of the DeFeos on Ocean Avenue.  Mike Brigante Sr.’s daughter and Rocco DeFeo’s son and their grandchildren murdered all at once would destroy both men. The primary objective was to eliminate the DeFeos on Ocean Avenue and neutralize Mike Brigante Sr. and Rocco DeFeo. The murders would be carried out in such a manner that there would be no doubt that the oldest DeFeo son, Butch, committed the murders. Butch would be arrested, tried, and found guilty of the murders. The publicity of the DeFeo murders and then the trial would bring unwelcome attention to Mike Brigante Sr.’s and Rocco DeFeo’s illegal activities and put them out of business. This would be payback by the government against organized crime.


November 13th 1974 the DeFeos were murdered thru the walls of their home while they slept with classified directed energy weapons technology. Minutes after the murders, a strike team enters the DeFeo residence and repositions the lifeless bodies of the DeFeo family on their beds and shoots them with Butch’s rifle. Prior to the murders, Butch was incapacitated thru the walls of his home and left alive so he would become a patsy to take the fall for the murders.


As payment for eliminating the DeFeo family and personally destroying Mike Brigante Sr. and Rocco DeFeo, the powerful people in Amityville would lure an unsuspecting family searching for a home in the area to the former DeFeo residence. A family with the last name of Lutz would be tricked into buying the home only to be used as guinea pigs for testing classified sonic harassment technology.


The government mafia creates hoaxes and tragedy in select locations across America to socially engineer American society. The government mafia was looking to create a hoax on scale equal to Roswell. The Lutz family would be tricked into believing their new home was haunted. The Lutz family would be used as a propaganda tool to create one of the most famous haunted house stories known in America. Classified sonic harassment technology was used by the government mafia to trick the Lutz family into believing their new home was haunted. The Lutz haunting would also distract the public’s attention away from the bizarre nature of the DeFeo murders and onto the supernatural.


The conspiracy was a plus-plus for the town of Amityville because it eliminated the DeFeo threat and destroyed Mike Brigante Sr. and Rocco DeFeo and put Amityville on the map and made the town a household name, which generated much needed revenue from tourism. It was also a plus-plus for the secret government because it allowed the secret government to test classified surveillance technology and classified military lethal and non-lethal directed energy weapons on human test subjects. The powerful people in the town of Amityville served up the DeFeo family and Lutz family on a serving platter for the secret government to be used as guinea pigs. The other objective of the secret government was to create tragedy and then a hoax that would captivate attention of the American people. Butch DeFeo would become one of the most known mass murderers in American history and the Lutz haunting would become the greatest haunted house story known in American history.


After the Vietnam War and during the height of race tensions due to the fight for civil rights in America, the secret government was looking to create a hoax to distract the majority white population in America away from pressing social issues, so the powerful people in Amityville offered up the DeFeo family as the main course and the Lutz family as dessert. The DeFeo murders were an act of revenge against the DeFeos on Ocean Avenue, Mike Brigante Sr., and Rocco DeFeo by the DeFeo neighbors on Ocean Avenue and powerful people in the town of Amityville. The Lutz family was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, only to become a propaganda tool for the government mafia. The powerful people in the town of Amityville entered into a pact with the government mafia, which can be considered a pact with the devil. The government mafia licked its chops and decided to make Amityville the next Roswell.


The Real Reason for the DeFeo Murders?


Rocco DeFeo (Big Ronnie’s father) and Mike Brigante Sr. (Louise DeFeo’s Father), both big time mobsters, may have been involved in a hostile act against the government, such as an assassination (or attempted assassination) of a politician or civil rights leader. The government may have tracked down the conspirators and found that Rocco DeFeo and/or Mike Brigante Sr. (and possibly Carlo Gambino) were involved in the conspiracy. The government retaliated by murdering Rocco DeFeo and Mike Brigante Sr.’s son/daughter and grandchildren, the DeFeo family on Ocean Avenue. The government used classified military technology to murder the DeFeo family thru the walls of their home while they slept and then a government strike team entered the residence and repositioned the lifeless bodies of the DeFeos and shot them with Butch’s rifle. Prior to the murders, Butch was incapacitated thru the walls of the house with a directed energy weapon designed to render a person unconscious for a period of time. Butch was made the patsy to take the fall for the murders. The government along with powerful people in Amityville conspired to murder the DeFeo family on Ocean Avenue and effectively neutralize Rocco DeFeo and Mike Brigante Sr. Both Rocco DeFeo and Brigante Sr. were emotionally devastated by the murder of their family members and the publicity generated by the murders and Lutz haunting placed an unwelcome spotlight on their criminal activity. At least one direct neighbor to the DeFeo family on Ocean Avenue allowed the government to use their home as a base of operation to murder the DeFeo family and then, one year later, to trick the Lutz family into believing their new home was haunted.


It was a perfect storm:

Amityville wanted the DeFeos on Ocean Avenue gone and Rocco DeFeo and Mike Brigante Sr. neutralized.

The government wanted to strike back at Rocco DeFeo, Mike Brigante Sr., and organized crime.

The government needed to test classified lethal directed energy weapons on human guinea pigs.

The Lutz family would be used as guinea pigs to test classified non-lethal sonic harassment technology.

The government wanted to create another hoax (haunted house story) to distract the American people’s attention away from social issues.

The Lutz haunting was also used to distract the American people’s attention away from the bizarre nature of the DeFeo murders and onto the supernatural.

Amityville would benefit financially from the hoax.

The appearance of the DeFeo house with those windows that look like eyes made the conspiracy irresistible.

The fact that Butch DeFeo was a sociopath and no one would believe he was innocent made him the perfect patsy.

Simply put: The government and powerful people in Amityville conspired and murdered the DeFeo family on Ocean Avenue and then lured the Lutz family to the former DeFeo residence and used them as a tool to create a diversion, the Lutz haunting. Classified military technology was used to murder the DeFeo family thru the walls of their home while they slept and classified sonic harassment technology was used to trick the Lutz family into believing their home was haunted.




In order to understand the classified technology mentioned on this page, a brief explanation of it is necessary. A secret element of the United States government began in the late 1960’s equipping secret police groups across American with classified surveillance technology and non-lethal and lethal directed energy weapons to covertly implement a secret domestic social agenda, which includes a covert war against organized crime.


The classified surveillance technology can electronically see and hear through walls of a house. The surveillance technology is portable and can easily be moved into a house. The surveillance technology is operated from inside a house neighboring a targeted household. Agents will covertly move the technology into a neighboring house next to a targeted household and place the targeted household under complete electronic surveillance right through the walls of both houses. The targeted household will never know they are under surveillance. No visual evidence of the surveillance is possible from outside the house used to conduct the surveillance. Since the classified surveillance technology can see and hear right through walls, the agents will never have to enter the targeted household. The surveillance technology displays detailed images of people through walls, enough detail to identify a person through walls, and it sensitive enough to hear a person breathing through walls. Click here to see an image of what agents of the secret government see when they use this technology to look through walls.


The classified surveillance technology has been incorporated into targeting scopes that can target a person through the walls of a house. With great precision, a person can be identified and targeted through the walls of his house. This targeting scope attached to a high powered rifle would allow an agent to target a targeted person in a neighboring house right through the walls of both houses and assassinate the targeted person right through the walls of both houses. The targeting scope is so precise from inside a neighboring house it can put a bullet right between the eyes of the targeted person inside his house. The surveillance technology and targeting scope can’t be detected by the people under surveillance and attack. No detection equipment is available to detect it and it’s virtually impossible to block.


The only problem with using a high powered rifle to assassinate a person through walls is that evidence is created that allows law enforcement to follow the bullet’s holes in both houses and identify where the rifle was fired from. In order to overcome this problem of creating evidence, the secret government has secretly developed directed energy weapons that don’t fire conventional bullets but fire a burst or beam of energy that can be used to harass, torture, or murder a targeted person in his home right through the walls of his home. These directed energy weapons leave no physical evidence behind after they are used against a targeted person. No damage is done to either houses or to the targeted person so no physical evidence will exist after the attack.


The three categories of directed energy weapons are acoustic (sonic), electrical, and electromagnetic (EM). A targeting scope that can target a person through walls (through-wall targeting scope) attached to a directed energy weapon that can attack, harass, or murder a person through walls creates the ultimate weapons to eliminate the domestic enemies of the secret United States government. These directed energy weapons produce burst or beams of energy that can’t be seen or heard, so the weapons can be used to silently kill a person through walls.


To get an idea of what directed energy acoustic weapons are please click here.

Note: The acoustic directed energy weapons illustrated in this video are amateur compared to what the secret United States government has developed.



Part One: The DeFeo Murders


The England family is a powerful, prominent, and influential family in the town of Amityville. The England family has strong roots in Amityville, being one of the founding families of Amityville. Andy and Agnes England enjoy their lives living at their luxurious home on Ocean Avenue in Amityville. The community is a quiet, peaceful, and friendly.


June 28, 1965, was the day the DeFeo family moved into their dream home directly neighboring the England residence. Ronald Sr., a.k.a Big Ronnie, and his wife Louise, and their children moved from a small Brooklyn apartment to their new home in the affluent town of Amityville. Over the next nine years, the DeFeo family would disrupt the tranquility of Amityville causing the neighbors to wish the DeFeo family would just simply leave and move back to where they came from.


Big Ronnie and his oldest son Ronald Jr., a.k.a Butch, work at Brigante-Karl Buick, a car dealership co-owned by Louise’s father. Louise’s father was Mike Brigante Sr., a big time mobster and his dealership was a front for criminal activity involving the mob. The neighbors would often wonder how Big Ronnie could afford to live in such an expensive house when he was just a manager of a car dealership. Mike Brigante Sr. paid cash for the DeFeo house in Amityville as a gift to his daughter, son-in-law, and growing family. Big Ronnie and his son, Butch, were involved in much more than selling and servicing cars at the dealership, mainly illegal business activities involving organized crime. The dealership did the dirty business of organized crime, such as money laundering, body disposal, evidence disposal, and melting down of guns and other weapons used in mob related activities.


Mike Brigante Sr. would shower the DeFeo family with gifts. He considered his daughter and his grandchildren his life. He often would buy the DeFeos clothes, shoes, jewelry, and the latest gadgets. Anything they needed. Money was no object when it came to his family.


Big Ronnie and Butch would often carry handguns and not be afraid to pull the weapons on people they were involved in arguments with. For years the England family has put up with the antics of the DeFeo family. The England family and much of the community feel that the DeFeo family is tarnishing the community, bringing in bad elements of organized crime and now even running illegal drugs into the community. Big Ronnie would often use his boat docked in the boathouse in the back of his house to rendezvous with drug runners in boats waiting along the river. Big Ronnie would bring the drugs into Amityville through his boathouse and distribute them from the car dealership. The DeFeos were so out of control that Big Ronnie’s second oldest son, Marc, would often openly brag to his school friends of his father’s illegal drug running.


Big Ronnie would often taunt the England family. Big Ronnie knowing that his neighbors despised him would urinate on his front lawn in plain sight to show his neighbors that this was his property and he would do with it as he pleased. Agnes England would often catch Big Ronnie in this crude act and tell her husband that she could no longer live next door to this animal. A rumor being told around town of Butch DeFeo’s involvement in the drowning death of a man in the nearby river canal also deeply disturbs the DeFeo’s neighbors. Butch would often follow his father’s lead and threaten to bring the mob in to settle disputes with his neighbors. Both Big Ronnie and Butch would often shoot off their mouths and threaten their neighbors by telling them that they would use their connections with the mob to organize a hit on any of his neighbors’ families that crossed the DeFeo family. These threats included telling the neighbors that their mob associates would murder the neighbors’ entire families, including their children.


In 1973, Butch was arrested for being in the possession of a stolen outboard boat motor. Big Ronnie went down to the police station and warned the police that he had mob ties to organized crime and the police shouldn’t mess with the DeFeo family.


Butch even threatened to murder a police officer and the police officer’s daughter after the police officer arrested Butch’s friend on drug charges. Butch was so angry that he made the threat in his house while the police officer’s daughter was in the house. The girl went home and told her father of the threat and the girl lived in fear of Butch DeFeo.


Butch’s developing interest in high powered rifles began to disturb the neighbors. Butch had recently purchased two rifles and was showing the rifles off to his friends around town. The neighbors began to fear for their safety as rumors of Butch looking to purchase silencers for his new rifles began to spread around town. Butch was known around town as the town psycho and the neighbors began to believe that the DeFeo family was preparing to carry out their threats to murder their neighbors’ entire families. Butch was test firing his new rifles by firing them out the window of his bedroom. This alarmed the neighbors and the neighbors began to fear for the safety of their children.


One of Butch’s girlfriends worked at a local bar as a barmaid. After Butch learned that his girlfriend was just fired from the bar, Butch grabbed his gun and went down to the bar and began firing his gun into the air in front of the bar threatening to shoot the owner of the bar unless he gave his girlfriend her job back. Rumors of this incident began to spread around the community.


One night while at dinner with his girlfriend, Butch told his girlfriend that he was eager to use his connections in organized crime to order a hit on someone. Butch wanted to prove his manhood and power by using his family’s influence with the mob to order the hit.


One incident of Big Ronnie and Butch being out of control is when Butch threw a cherry-bomb into the swimming pool while Big Ronnie was floating in the pool on a raft. After the cherry bomb exploded, Big Ronnie got out of the pool and chased Butch around the property until Butch jumped in his car and sped away. Big Ronnie jumped into his car and gave chase. A high speed car chase thru the neighborhood alarmed the community.


The DeFeo family stood out like a sore thumb on Ocean Avenue. The rest of the community was quiet but not the DeFeo family. The DeFeo family used foul language and they were constantly screaming at each other. Often they would have loud arguments outside their house using vulgar language that offended their neighbors. They were showy and threw money around. The community resented them and wished they would move away.


The neighbors knew that the father of Big Ronnie’s was a mobster and Louise DeFeo’s father was also a mobster. This fact scared the neighbors to the point that they refused to even call the police to report the disruptive antics of the DeFeos. With the DeFeos mob connections, none of the neighbors wanted to risk going against the DeFeos so they just tolerated the DeFeos over the years. The neighbors knew the DeFeos had the connections and clout to organize a hit against them. The neighbors’ greatest fear was that Mike Brigante Sr. and Rocco DeFeo and their mob associates would organize a hit on them and their children if they went against the DeFeos. The DeFeo’s neighbors began to fear for their safety and their children’s safety. Big Ronnie and Butch made it clear that they would murder the neighbors’ entire families, including their children if they went against the DeFeo family. It was a common knowledge around the neighborhood that Louise DeFeo’s father, Mike Brigante Sr., had ties to Carlo Gambino, a Sicilian mobster that controlled the Gambino crime family.


The England family is most offended and alarmed by the presence of the DeFeo family in the community. The England family has been a part of the community for generations. In fact the actual property that the DeFeo house is built on once belonged to the England family. The town in the past honored the England family’s presence by naming a nearby street in the England’s family name. The England family is well respected, prominent, influential, and powerful member of Amityville. The DeFeo family is the complete opposite.


As the situation between the DeFeo family and the community begins to spiral out of control, Andy England feels that he must try to reason with Big Ronnie. One day, Andy confronts Big Ronnie and tries to talk with him about his illegal activities that are adversely affecting the community. Big Ronnie snaps and begins to scream at Andy telling him that if he interferes with his business he will bring in the mob to kill the entire England family. Big Ronnie tells Andy that he doesn’t care if his family is powerful in the town, he would have no problem with having his associates kill them all. Big Ronnie tells Andy that he is now a powerful man in Amityville and the England family is nothing. Big Ronnie then abruptly pulls his handgun out and puts it in Andy’s face, asking Andy if he wants to test him. Andy quickly backs away and walks back to his home. Andy is in a state of shock about the incident and feels that this is the straw that broke the camel’s back. Andy feels he must take Big Ronnie’s threat seriously. Andy picks up the phone and calls members of his family to inform them of the threat just made against the family by Big Ronnie.


It’s November 1st 1973, the England family along with the other direct neighbors of the DeFeos meet secretly to discuss the threat made to their families by Big Ronnie and the overall DeFeo problem in Amityville. The attendees of the secret meeting feel that Big Ronnie is out of control and is capable of carrying out his threat to bring in the mob to murder members of their families. The attendees are completely aware of the DeFeos mob associates but feel they must act to protect themselves, community, and the town. The growing influence of the DeFeo family, Mike Brigante Sr., Rocco DeFeo, and organized crime in Amityville are completely unacceptable. Soon if nothing is done, the DeFeo family and Brigante will take control of Amityville and the town will be lost.


A member of the England family states that there is an organization that can help us. He goes on to explain that the government covertly funds and equips groups across America to deal with people who are involved in organized crime. These groups have access to classified technology that can electronically see and hear through walls. The groups form a secret police force that operates above the law to combat organized crime. The members are specially trained to deal with threats to communities such as the DeFeos and Brigante that are negatively impacting the communities and towns by being involved in illegal activities such as organized crime. The government covertly funds and controls these groups.


A secret element of the United States government authorized and began covert domestic operations against organized crime beginning in the late 1960’s to counter the growing influence of organized crime in America. Organized crime’s suspected involvement in assassinations and attempted assassinations of politicians and civil rights leaders forced the secret government to take covert domestic action to counter organized crime’s growing threat to the government and the American people. Organized crime wanted a war with the government and the government is giving them the war they wanted.


The member of the England family further goes on to explain that if we bring this secret police force in to deal with the DeFeo family and Brigante, we must all agree that once we get involved with these people there is no turning back. Either we are all in or we don’t dare get involved with these people. If one of us were to betray these people, there will be nowhere in the country for that person to hide. After much discussion, all attendees agree and vow never to discuss or divulge information about the group and agree to do whatever it takes to rid the community of the DeFeo family and Brigante. Andy England stands and tells the other attendees: “That fat pig and his psycho son will no longer terrorize this community.”


A week later, another secret meeting is held. This time an agent of the secret government also attends the meeting to discuss how his organization can deal with the DeFeo family. The agent explains that he is part of a secret element of the United States government that doesn’t exist in the eyes of the law. We operate above the law and need no warrant to conduct surveillance. The agent goes on to explain that his organization can rid the town of the DeFeo family on Ocean Avenue and neutralize Mike Brigante Sr. and Rocco DeFeo’s influence in Amityville but they will need total commitment and cooperation by the attendees. The England house directly neighboring the DeFeo residence will be needed to conduct covert surveillance of the DeFeo family. The agent then warns the other attendees that this is no game and if any of them betray the secret government, they will forfeit their lives. The agent explains that this will be a covert domestic operation involving the use of classified technology to conduct covert surveillance of the DeFeo family. The agent explains that Rocco DeFeo and Mike Brigante Sr. and his car dealership will also be placed under covert surveillance so we will know of all activities involving the DeFeos and Brigante at all times so you have nothing to worry about.


The agent explains that Butch DeFeo had recently threatened to murder a police officer and the police officer’s daughter. This is something our organization will not tolerate. Members of our organization are predominately members of law enforcement and military personnel and we take this personally. A lot of our members want a piece of Butch DeFeo. We have members that want to take Butch out immediately but we want to do this correctly. We have a big surprise for Butch.


The agent then explains that after the DeFeo family has been eliminated from the community, we will need to test classified technology against the next family that moves into the DeFeo house. The agent goes on to guarantee that no harm will come to this second family but a diversion, or a smokescreen, will need to be created to draw the public’s attention away from the odd nature of the DeFeo family’s demise. We have connections in the real estate business that will seek out and find a wacko married couple looking for a home in Amityville and lure them to the former DeFeo house to become test subjects, guinea pigs if you wish to test classified technology against them. This diversion involving the second family is needed because after the DeFeo family has been eliminated, we must ensure no suspicion falls on the community being involved in the elimination of the DeFeo family. If Mike Brigante Sr. and Rocco DeFeo were to discover that the community/town had involvement in their daughter/son, and grandchildren’s demise, they would most certainly launch a mob retaliation hit against the people they suspected were involved.


The agent then tells the other attendees to trust us because our organization knows exactly what we are doing. We have dealt with scum like the DeFeos and Brigante in the past. The agent then reassures the other attendees that the married couple who moves in to the DeFeo house after the DeFeo family is eliminated will not stay long in the house. The agent then guarantees that they won’t stay more than 30 days. After this wacko couple is driven out, our connections in real estate will see that a stable local family moves in to the former DeFeo house and the community can return to normalcy, as it once was before the DeFeo family arrived.


The agent tells the other attendees that Mike Brigante Sr. and Rocco DeFeo will both be personally and emotionally destroyed after their daughter/son, and grandchildren are eliminated. Along with the media attention paid to Brigante and DeFeo their illegal activities, their careers in organized crime will be over. This will be one small victory in the covert domestic war against organized crime.


The next family that is lured into buying the DeFeo home will be tricked into believing their new home is haunted. The agent explains that we have classified sonic harassment technology that can trick people into believing that their home is haunted. What we are going to do to this family is use them as a tool to create America’s most known haunted house story. The scenario will be: the DeFeo family ends in tragedy and their spirits will inhabit their home and the next family that moves in will experience a haunting from the home’s previous occupants.


The agent explains that the secret government creates tragedy and hoaxes in certain areas of the United States to draw the American people’s attention to these tragic events and hoaxes. The secret government does this is to draw the public’s attention away from social issues and onto things that were artificially created and don’t exist. We do this to socially engineer American society. We create or you might say manufacture haunted house, possession, and UFO incidents across America to captivate ordinary American citizens and give the crackpots and social misfits in our society something to latch onto and occupy their time. These crackpots and social misfits could be dangerous so we give them something to do with their time by creating these hoaxes. We keep the crackpots and social misfits occupied with meaningless things to fulfill their lives so they don’t stumble on and learn what the government is really up to. The crackpots and social misfits are easily manipulated, we create these hoaxes and they take the bait. They are like dogs chasing their tails when they latch onto these hoaxes.


Amityville will become a household name, and with the DeFeo family reign over and Brigante neutralized, Amityville will prosper and the attention and tourism will bring much needed revenue to Amityville. The agents then explain that the way DeFeo house looks with those windows that look like eyes and the fact that the house is built on an old Indian burial ground will allow us to create the greatest haunted house story ever. The agents explain that this will be a plus for us, you, and the town.


The attendees of the secret meeting give the go ahead to the agent and an elaborate plan will soon be developed. The attendees are instructed not to divulge any information to anyone about this operation. You must take this to your graves, the agent tells them. We cannot tolerate any disclosure of our operation and the classified technology. The agent instructs them that we will make contact with powerful people in Amityville to make this operation a success. We have connections in government, law enforcement, military, and real estate to pull off this covert operation. Others in the neighborhood will be approached and informed that the DeFeo menace in the community is being taken care of. If you or other members in your household see anything suspicious, you should look the other way and not contact police. You and your neighbors will not be given details because the only thing you need to know is that the problem is being taken care of by professionals. This is all you need to know.


It’s December 2nd 1973, the government agents begin to covertly move classified surveillance technology into the England house directly neighboring the DeFeo residence. This equipment is packed in ordinary boxes and brought in with a van. The van pulls into the garage and begins to unpack the equipment and set it up in the house. The surveillance stage of the DeFeo family has begun.


The England house is the perfect house to conduct surveillance of the DeFeo family. The DeFeo house was built sideways on the property because the house was too big to fit in a normal position.


This classified surveillance technology can electronically see and hear through walls of the DeFeo house. From inside the neighboring England house, the agents can see and hear right through the walls of the DeFeo house. All movements in the DeFeo residence and conversations can be seen and heard through the walls. The technology uses the body heat of the human body to generate an image on a screen of a person through walls. Enough detail is displayed on the device’s screen to actually identify a person by body detail through walls.


Several agents sit around a table in the England house monitoring the equipment and carefully studying and recording all activity in the neighboring DeFeo house. There is no privacy for the DeFeo family from this classified technology. The DeFeo family will never be made aware they are under complete surveillance. From outside the England house, it is impossible to tell that the classified surveillance technology is being used to electronically eavesdrop on the DeFeo household.


The DeFeo family will be studied and analyzed. A complete profile of each family member will be developed. Every aspect of each family member will be observed. All interactions between the family members will be studied. The time each family member goes to sleep, awakes, leaves the house, and anything else he does in the house will be noted. Any patterns will be noted and exploited when the attack stage begins.


In addition to the DeFeo household being placed under covert electronic surveillance, agents have moved into a business suite directly neighboring Brigante-Karl Buick. The entire car dealership is now under complete covert surveillance and any activity and conversations at the car dealership can be seen, heard, and analyzed. Mike Brigante Sr. and Rocco DeFeo’s homes are also placed under covert electronic surveillance.


After months of surveillance of the DeFeos, the agents in the England house begin to play games with Big Ronnie. The agents use classified sound projection technology that can project audible sound through the walls of the DeFeo house. A single person in the DeFeo house can have audible sound projected at him that he will hear and not know where it is coming from. A person is targeted with a targeting scope that can see through walls of a house. From inside the England house, agents can target Big Ronnie and project audible sound at him to trick him into believing he is experiencing an extraordinary event in his life. The sound projection technology uses ultrasonic lasers that pass through walls of a house. The ultrasonic lasers are modulated with audio information and are angled to combine at a point before reaching Big Ronnie. After the ultrasonic lasers combine, audible sound can be heard that will confuse Big Ronnie and lead him to believe he is experiencing some extraordinary event. Any sound can be projected at Big Ronnie that only he will hear.


The mission of the agents in the England house is to turn the DeFeo family members against each other. The agents are greatly outnumbered against their domestic enemies so they must use their technological advantage to the fullest extent and make their enemies destroy each other. The enemies of the secret government have no access to this type of classified surveillance technology that can see and hear through walls and they have no way to detect or determine if it’s being used against them so the agents hide in a neighboring house, apartment, or suite covertly monitoring and studying targeted individuals, families, and organizations to discover methods to bring them down. The covert action taken against their domestic enemies is determined by surveillance information obtained. The method used to bring down the targeted people is based on their vulnerabilities discovered by the covert surveillance.


The audible sounds projected at Big Ronnie lead him to believe that an evil demon is living in his house. In May of 1974, Big Ronnie embarks on a religious crusade to the Shrine of Saint Joseph to bring back a priest to say the prayers of exorcism in his house. During the priest’s saying the prayers, candles unexplainably fall over and open doors in the house begin to move on their own. The agents in the England house use sonic harassment technology to knock the candles over and make open doors move slowly.


Powerful infrasonic bullets are fired into the candles to knock them over. Infrasonic bullets are powerful sonic shockwaves that are too low in frequency to be heard but when an infrasonic bullet strikes a candle a force is exerted on the candle causing it to fall over. These infrasonic bullets travel linearly like regular bullets but infrasonic bullets can pass through walls without damaging the walls. The infrasonic bullets can’t be seen or heard. The candles are targeted with a through wall targeting scope that can target objects through walls of a house. The heat given off by the candles makes the candles easy to target through walls of a house.


Powerful infrasonic lasers can be passed through an open door to make the door move slowly in the direction the infrasonic laser is traveling. The open door is targeted with a through wall targeting scope from inside the England house. An infrasonic laser is a continuous beam of sound too low to be heard and it can’t be seen. A force will be exerted on the open door as the infrasonic laser passes through it. The force exerted on the door causes it to move slowly in the direction the wave is traveling. Big Ronnie is in shock after he witnesses the candles falling over and doors moving on their own during the prayers of exorcism.


While the DeFeo family is sitting watching television, a vase unexpectedly is knocked off a table by an invisible force. Big Ronnie immediately assumes the devil is in the room and has knocked the vase to the floor. The vase was targeted with a through wall targeting scope and a powerful ultrasonic bullet was fired through it to knock it to the floor. The ultrasonic bullet can’t be seen or heard, the only thing the DeFeo family sees is the vase flying off the table and it shattering after it hit the floor.


Big Ronnie believes he is experiencing premonitions and has a form of ESP. Big Ronnie would often tell his friends he could predict the future. The agents in the neighboring England house project audible messages at him, instructing him not to let his wife drive on certain days. Big Ronnie starts instructing his wife on which days she can drive. More disturbing messages are projected at Big Ronnie telling him that he and his family will soon die. Big Ronnie starts telling his family and friends that people are trying to murder him and his family. When asked how he knows this, Big Ronnie refuses to answer. Big Ronnie even told a friend that he was in direct communication with God.


Audible messages are projected at Big Ronnie telling him to discipline his wife and children to save their souls. Big Ronnie is sitting in the living room and an audible message is directed at him from inside the England house. No one else but Big Ronnie hears the message. Big Ronnie assumes it’s a message from God. The message is “Discipline your family now”. Big Ronnie takes his bible and begins to pray and then he proceeds to beat his wife and children.


Big Ronnie is now convinced that a demon is living in his house and he must act to protect his family and himself from the evil presence in his house. The agents in the England house sit back and laugh as Big Ronnie falls for it. The technology used against Big Ronnie is classified and virtually no American citizens know of its existence so it’s understandable that Big Ronnie would misinterpret the bizarre occurrences in his house as supernatural events rather than high tech trickery caused by people in the neighboring England house trying to destroy him and his family.


Big Ronnie takes steps to protect himself, his family, and property. One step Big Ronnie takes is to purchase religious statues and place them around his house to ward off the demon he believes is living in his house. Big Ronnie even begins to tell his friends that he has the devil on his back. Big Ronnie is often seen outside kneeling before the statues and praying. The neighbors begin to quietly laugh to themselves as they see the DeFeos acting more erratically than usual. The neighbors know the DeFeo problem is being taken care of and they look forward to the day when the DeFeos are gone permanently.


Butch is also targeted by the agents in the neighboring England house. Butch begins to hear a voice telling him to kill his family. The same sound projection technology used to project audible sound at Big Ronnie is also used to project voices at Butch instructing him to take his rifle and murder his entire family. The voice projected at Butch is a voice only Butch will hear. In bed, night after night, the voices return to Butch repeating the same instructions.


Loud sounds of banging noises are also projected at Butch that only he hears. Sounds of banging noises keep Butch awake at night. These sounds are only projected at Butch and none of the other family members will hear them. Butch starts to believe that there is something wrong with the house.


The DeFeo family is always fighting. Big Ronnie is violent towards his family, physically hitting and striking members of his family. One flashpoint occurs when Big Ronnie strikes his wife. Butch acts to protect his mother, grabs his rifle, points it at his father, and then pulls the trigger. The rifle fails to fire. Big Ronnie takes the rifle away from Butch and hides it. The agents in the England house sigh in disbelief after the rifle fails to fire.


The agents will further exploit the tensions between Butch and his father. Butch routinely acts as a courier for taking large amounts of money from the family business to the bank. The agents arrange to rob Butch on his way to the bank while carrying the funds. From the surveillance of the dealership, the agents were able to learn when Butch was given money to take to the bank. An agent was in place to rob Butch on his way to the bank. The suspicious robbery increases tensions between Butch and his father. Big Ronnie feels that Butch stole the money and created a fake robbery as a cover.


After the robbery, Butch now feels his father wants to kill him so the agents in the middle of the night tamper with Butch’s car by loosening the brake lines so Butch’s suspicion will intensify that his father is attempting to kill him. Even though Big Ronnie had nothing to do with the sabotage of Butch’s car, Butch will become increasingly paranoid to a point that he will develop a plot to murder his father before his father is able to murder him. The agents use the surveillance of the DeFeo family to discover other ways to increase tensions between the family members.


Dawn DeFeo wants to move to Florida to be with her boyfriend but her parents forbid it. Dawn while on the phone with her boyfriend tells him that she wants to murder her entire family and then move to Florida. This is a common adolescent threat made by most teenagers but when the agents in the England house hear the threat they decide that now is the time to act. The agents have become discouraged in the fact in almost a year they have been unable successfully get Big Ronnie or Butch to murder the other. The agents now believe another course of action is needed, direct intervention. Unknown to Dawn, her threat to murder her family will be the trigger used by the agents to take out the DeFeo family on Ocean Avenue.


An assassination plot is developed by the agents involved in the DeFeo surveillance. Six members of the DeFeo family will be murdered and Butch will be setup to take the fall for the murders and become a patsy. Butch is chosen to become the patsy because no one in Amityville would ever doubt his guilt in the murder of his entire family. Butch is known as the community psycho and everyone in town would simply assume he is guilty. Butch’s mental state and physical appearance played a major factor in being chosen to be the patsy. When the public sees Butch’s picture appearing in the papers and on news casts, no doubt will remain that Butch is a psychopath. Butch will soon become a poster child for what a psycho killer looks like. He will be made into the next Charles Manson. This will also be an act of revenge against Butch for threatening to murder a police officer and the police officer’s daughter. The members of the government mafia will experience a rush of satisfaction once Butch is sentence to life in prison for the murder of his family.


After almost a year of surveillance of the DeFeo family, the agents determine that now is the time to carry out their assassination plot of the DeFeo family. The plot has been carefully crafted over the past few weeks and a strike team has been put together to carry out the mission. The strike team consists of law enforcement and military personnel that covertly form secret units to deal with elements in local and nearby communities that negatively impact American society. These are professionally trained people who will do whatever it takes to complete their mission. The strike team members want vengeance against Butch for threatening a member of law enforcement.


The strike team is notified that the assassination plot will be carried out on November 13th 1974 and all equipment and men must be in place to carry out the mission. The covert surveillance stage will soon switch to the attack stage.


A van with boxes concealing classified equipment arrives at the England house on November 12th. The van is unloaded in the garage and the equipment is setup inside the house.


The assassination plot involves using classified military directed energy weapons technology against the DeFeo family. Lethal and non-lethal versions of these directed energy weapons have been developed by the government. The directed energy weapons are designed to harass, torture, or even kill people through walls.


The lethal directed energy weapons technology generates a confined beam of electricity that travels in a single direction just like a light laser. When the beam of electricity is fired into the chest area of a person targeted it will put the person into cardiac arrest, stopping his heart, rendering him unconscious, and eventually killing him.


The weapon will be fired from inside the England house and used to attack members of the DeFeo family inside the DeFeo house. The beam of electricity will travel right through the walls of the England house and then through the walls of the DeFeo house before striking its victim. No physical evidence will remain after the attack. No damage is done to either house and no physical marks on the body of the person attacked will result. A person attacked with this technology will appear to have died of natural causes. Six of the DeFeo family members will be put into cardiac arrest with this weapon.


Another weapon that will be used against the DeFeo family will be a non-lethal weapon that is fired into the head of a targeted person to incapacitate him and render him unable to move or stand. This non-lethal weapon fires a beam of energy into the head of a targeted person who is standing to basically instantly immobilize him so he falls to the ground and can’t return to his feet. The targeted person will not be killed but simply immobilized. He will not be able to fixate on any object, the room will simply appear to be spinning around and it will be impossible for him to stand for a short period of time. When this weapon is used against a person in bed asleep, he will wake but be unable to get out of bed and stand. Butch will be incapacitated with this weapon. Once attacked with this weapon Butch will not be able to move, stand, dial a phone, or escape. This weapon will incapacitate Butch for up to an hour.


The six members of the DeFeo family can be put into cardiac arrest one at a time insuring that no member of the DeFeo family will put up a fight or be able to escape. The directed energy weapons fire a beam of energy that is invisible to the human eye and is completely silent. One by one the DeFeo family members can be killed through the walls of their home without waking the remaining members of the family. Butch will not be killed but simply incapacitated so he can take the fall for the mass murder of his family and become the patsy. A patsy is necessary so the police will look no further than Butch for a suspect. The conspirators will never be suspected by law enforcement. Butch must take the fall for all the murders.


A targeting system that can target people through walls is attached to these directed energy weapons. The same technology that is used to maintain surveillance of a person through the walls of a house has been incorporated into the through wall targeting scope. An agent will see a detailed image of a person behind the walls of the DeFeo house and cross hairs on the screen will display exactly what part of the body that will be struck when the weapon is fired. The targeting scope can target any part of the body of the targeted person (head, hands, chest, back, legs, feet, ECT…) through the walls of his house. This is house to house targeting.


The two directed energy weapons are setup on the first floor of the England house. A room that is closest the DeFeo house is chosen. No visual evidence of what is about to happen in the coming hours is possible from outside the England house. The surveillance technology and the lethal weapon are operated from inside the England house so no one outside the England house, including the DeFeo family, will notice anything out of the ordinary.


The assassination plot will involve firing a beam of electricity into the chest area of each of the six members of the DeFeo family, one at a time, putting each family member into cardiac arrest. Butch will be incapacitated by firing a non-lethal beam of energy into his head. All members of the DeFeo family will be placed into cardiac arrest or incapacitated within a minute, rendering them completely defenseless. A strike team will then enter the DeFeo house minutes after the attack and rearrange the lifeless bodies of six of the DeFeo family members, placing them on their stomachs face down on their beds. Butch, incapacitated by a directed energy weapon and completely immobilized, will not be able to help his family members.


A strike team member will obtain Butch’s rifle and place it in a specially built custom enclosure that will allow the weapon to be fired normally but will deaden the blast from the shots enough so the neighbors will not be able to hear them. This method of deadening the blasts from the rifle will not leave forensic evidence of a silencer being used. The strike team member will then take the enclosed rifle and go from room to room shooting the six members of the DeFeo family. Big Ronnie, Louise, Marc, and John will be shot in the back but Dawn and Allison will be shot in the head. Butch will not be killed and he will fully recover in about an hour. After Butch recovers, there will be no physical evidence he was attacked by a directed energy weapon. The strike team is preparing a theater stage that will be displayed to the world through crime scene photos. The agents have decided that the female children will be shot in the head so that when the crime scene photos are shown to the jury at Butch’s murder trial, the jury will become repulsed and angered at the defendant.


The crime scene is to be arranged so that it will appear as though Butch took his rifle in the middle of the night and went from room to room murdering his entire family. Butch will simply not be able to explain his actions the night of the murders. Directed energy weapons and the ability to target people through walls are not known to the general public.


The strike team has been rehearsing for a week on the way each body will be placed and how the body will be shot. The strike team consists of professional assassins that will carry out their mission without even flinching at the thought of shooting a child in the head.


After the strike team executes six of the family members, Butch’s rifle will be removed from the sound deadening enclosure and left next to Butch’s immobilized body and the strike team will exit the DeFeo house. It is not known how Butch will react when he recovers from being incapacitated by the directed energy weapon and finds all members of his family dead. Will he call the police? Butch is a felon that is on parole and he is a drug addict so when the police arrive and find his family all dead, murdered by Butch’s own rifle, the police will assume Butch murdered his entire family. How does Butch tell the police that he was sleeping when his entire family was murdered, heard the shots but couldn’t move or do anything?


It’s November 12, 1974 at 10pm and five agents of the secret government are in the England house. Three of these agents are the strike team members that will enter the DeFeo house. The other two agents are using the classified surveillance technology to keep surveillance of the DeFeo home and monitor the surrounding area. The strike team prepares for their mission by changing into all black clothing that makes them difficult to spot at night. The black clothing is designed not to leave any forensic evidence. The team members are wearing black gloves and are armed.


The strike team is ready to go. They know the mission and patiently wait hidden in the England house for the order to advance on the DeFeo house. In another part of the England house an agent prepares the directed energy weapons that will be used to incapacitate Butch and kill six members of the DeFeo family members through the walls of their home. The directed energy weapons have been setup on the first floor of the England house. The DeFeo family members are sitting ducks while they are asleep. They can be easily targeted in their beds and attacked through the walls of their home without any struggle.


It is nearing midnight and all seven members of the DeFeo family are home for the night and are soundly sleeping, except Dawn and Butch, Dawn is in the bathroom preparing for bed and Butch is up watching television, drinking, and using drugs in the television room. This is a typical night for DeFeo family but they are completely unaware of the activities in the England house directly next door.


The England family has no idea how the government agents will deal with the DeFeo family. All that is known by the England family is that the situation will be rectified and the community will be free of the DeFeo problem. Andy and Agnes went to bed in their bedroom at around 10pm and will simply ignore any noises in the house for the night. They are nervous and scared but they know this is necessary in order to protect their family and the community.


It is now midnight. The agents in the England house electronically look through the walls of the DeFeo house to verify that the DeFeo family members are soundly asleep but find Dawn and Butch are still awake. Butch is still in the television room watching television but Dawn has gone down to the kitchen for a late night snack. The decision is made by the agents in the England house to begin the operation.


The location of Butch’s rifle is verified by the imaging technology. A quick scan of the other direct neighboring houses is also done to verify that all the residents in the neighboring houses have gone to bed. The agents don’t want any accidental witnesses so they will wait until all neighbors directly neighboring the DeFeo house are asleep. An agent notifies his comrades that all is clear.


An agent in the England house activates the through-wall targeting scopes on the lethal directed energy weapon. The agent uses the through wall targeting scope to target Big Ronnie’s chest area right through the walls of his home. The agent has adjusted the lethal weapon so that Big Ronnie’s chest area is in the cross hairs and the agent indicates that he is ready to fire.


The order is given to fire. The agent fires the weapon and a beam of electricity is shot through the walls of both houses and strikes Big Ronnie in the chest area. Big Ronnie peacefully sleeping, all of the sudden gasps for air and goes into cardiac arrest and begins to slowly die. His wife Louise is still soundly asleep in the same bed and has not felt anything.


The agent then quickly retargets the weapon and targets Louise’s chest area and fires the weapon. Louise then gasps for air and also goes into cardiac arrest. The agent then targets the DeFeo children one at a time. Allison, Marc, and then John, are targeted and put into cardiac arrest. In less than a minute, all five of the DeFeo family members are in cardiac arrest, unconscious and slowly dying.


Dawn is in the Kitchen completely unaware of what has just happened. Dawn is standing at the kitchen sink washing a pan. The agent in the England house has Dawn’s chest area in the cross hairs. The agent fires and Dawn drops the pan, gasps for air and collapses to the floor. When Dawn collapsed her face hit the sink severely bruising her nose. Dawn is now lying on the kitchen floor in her nightgown dying.


Now the agent switches to the directed energy weapon that will fire a beam of energy into the head of Butch. The through wall targeting scope is activated and Butch’s head is targeted. The agent fires the weapon into Butch’s head. Butch watching a war movie on television slumps over in his chair and the room starts spinning out of control. He can’t fixate on the television and he can’t get out of his chair. He believes he is having a stroke.


The DeFeo family dog is tied in the kitchen to the back door. The dog is then targeted with the directed energy weapon and it’s fired at the dog’s head. The dog collapses on the floor and can’t get back to its feet. The dog is in a state of shock rolling around on the floor whimpering completely unaware of its surrounding.


In the England house, an agent enters the room where the three members of the strike team are waiting. The agent tells the strike team members that Dawn is dead on the floor of the DeFeo’s kitchen and should be carried up to her room. The location of Butch’s rifle in the DeFeo house is also given to the strike team members. The agent then gives the team the order to proceed to the DeFeo house and enter. The strike team opens the door quickly moves from the England property to the neighboring DeFeo property in seconds. The team moves along side of the DeFeo house and reaches the front door.  At the front door a team member picks the lock and opens the door. The team enters the house and encounters the DeFeo family dog rolling around on the floor and whimpering. The three members of the team simply ignore the dog and quickly walk past.


The shooter member of the strike team makes his way to the closet and obtains Butch’s rifle while the other team members enter the kitchen. The shooter team member places Butch’s rifle into the custom built enclosure that will deaden the blast of each shot. The shooter then takes the adapted weapon and heads upstairs. In the kitchen, the two members of the strike team pickup Dawn’s lifeless body off the floor and carry her up to her bedroom on the third floor. Dawn’s body is placed on her bed lying on her stomach with her arms extended above her head. The strike team members then make their way to the master bedroom and meet-up with the shooter holding Butch’s rifle that is housed inside the enclosure.


In the master bedroom the two team members remove the blankets covering Big Ronnie and Louise. Both Big Ronnie and Louise are lifeless. Big Ronnie is placed on his stomach in bed and shot once in the back. Big Ronnie is then picked up by two of the team members and held so he can be shot a second time in the standing position. This is done to make it appear as though Butch shot Big Ronnie in bed and then Big Ronnie managed to get out of bed and lunge at Butch and a second shot was then fired at him while he was on his feet to take him down. After the second shot, Big Ronnie is then let go and he falls to the ground. Big Ronnie is then picked up by the two agents and put back in bed on his stomach. An agent takes Louise’s necklace located on the night table and places it in her hand. Louise is then placed on her stomach with her head turned toward the door so it would appear as she awoke and looked toward the assassin. The shooter with Butch’s rifle shoots her twice in the back. One team member gets close to Big Ronnie’s head and grabs him by his hair and lifts up his head and asks him “Whose family are you going to kill now you fat piece of crap”? The team member releases Big Ronnie and his head falls back onto the pillow. Both Big Ronnie and Louise are left on their stomachs with their arms extended above their heads.


The four shots fired at Big Ronnie and Louise are deadened by the enclosure around the rifle but still produce loud popping noises only heard within the house. Butch hears the popping noises but he is unable to get out of his chair. Butch attempts again to get out of his chair but collapses on the ground.


The team then moves to Allison’s bedroom across the hall. The two team members rearrange Allison’s lifeless body. Allison’s body is repositioned so it would appear she was sleeping on her stomach with her arms extended above her head. Allison’s head is turned so it would appear as she heard the shots and turned her head looking towards the door when the assassin entered her room. The team members give the go-ahead to the shooter. The shooter walks into the room and shoots Allison in the head. Allison technically died minutes before being shot so she feels nothing and has no reflex. Allison is shot in the head so when the crime scene photos are shown to the jury at Butch’s trial, the jury will become angry, sickened, and outraged at Butch. This will help guarantee a guilty verdict.


The team then heads to Marc and John’s bedroom down the hall. Both boys are in their beds completely unresponsive. The two team members reposition their lifeless bodies so they appear to be sleeping on their stomachs with their arms extended above their heads. The word is given to the shooter and the shooter walks in and shoots Marc and then John in the back.


The strike team then heads up to Dawn’s bedroom on the third floor. Dawn’s lifeless body had already been positioned on her stomach so the shooter simply walks over and points the rifle at Dawn’s head and fires. After Dawn is shot, blood splatters all over the headboard of her bed. Out of the six members of the DeFeo family that were killed that night, Dawn was the only one that died while she was awake. The five other members of the DeFeo family died in their sleep.


All six of the DeFeo family members were shot minutes after going into cardiac arrest and are now all dead. Their bodies repositioned before being shot in a preplanned position. All this is done to set the theater stage for the crime scene photos to clearly indicate that Butch used his rifle to go room to room shooting his entire family. Butch is to be made the patsy and the crime scene photos must indicate that Butch was the executioner.


Butch is still lying on the floor of the television room but he still can’t get up and on his feet. He hears activity and popping noises in the house but he is unable to investigate. The television is still on. Butch keeps going in and out of consciousness. The DeFeo family dog is still on the floor tied to the backdoor, still unable to bark.


The shooter team members then removes Butch’s rifle from the sound deadening enclosure and takes the rifle to the television room. Butch is on the floor, going in and out of consciousness. Butch sees a person in a hooded jacket with black hands walk toward him. The shooter kicks Butch in his leg and tosses the rifle on him. The shooter is wearing black clothing with a hood over his head to hide his identity and wearing black gloves to leave no fingerprints.


A strike team member enters Butch’s room and removes the rifle’s cardboard box from the closet. This is the cardboard box that Butch’s rifle was sold to him in. The strike team member places the cardboard box in a plastic bag and leaves the room with the cardboard box. The agents anticipate that Butch might try to dispose of his rifle to cover up the fact that Butch’s rifle was used to murder his family so the strike team members were instructed to obtain the rifle’s cardboard box so it can be later returned to link Butch to the crime.


Minutes later, the strike team assembles in the living room. The shooter team member is holding the empty enclosure. A team member then contacts agents in the England house and indicates mission accomplished and awaiting exit command. The agent in the England house then checks to ensure no witnesses are nearby by means of the electronic surveillance equipment and then gives the exit command to the strike team.


The strike team leaves the house and the door is locked. The three team members quickly make their way back to the England house. Once in the England house, the team members high five each other and one member states the town is now free of the DeFeos and Butch will take the fall.


Butch is beginning to recover from initially being attacked with a directed energy weapon. A decision is made to hit Butch again to keep him from coming around for another hour. Butch is targeted and hit again in the head by a burst of energy immobilizing him again. The DeFeo family dog is then hit again to prevent it from barking and waking the neighbors.


The team members change back into their street clothes and pack their equipment up. The agents then disassemble the directed energy weapons and load the weapons in back of the van in the England’s garage. Two of the three members of the strike team get into the van and await the all clear command to exit. The agents in the England house do a quick check of the neighborhood with the electronic surveillance equipment and the driver of the van is notified he can exit. The door of the garage opens and the van pulls out and then exits the England’s driveway. The occupants of the van ride away into the night as if nothing has happened. The only equipment left in the England house is for surveillance that can be quickly packed up and hidden in the England house. This equipment will remain for a short period of time so two agents can keep surveillance of the DeFeo house.


It is now 3am and the DeFeo family dog has recovered and is barking furiously in the kitchen. Butch hearing the dog manages to regain consciousness and finds his rifle lying on top of him. Butch tosses the rifle aside and tries to get to his feet. It takes a while but Butch gets onto his feet and manages to stand. He feels nauseous and is light headed. He is bumping into furniture and the walls as he makes his way out of the room. He senses something is wrong but he struggles along the hallway and enters the master bedroom. Butch is shocked to see his father and mother in bed with bullet holes in their backs. Butch screams at them but soon realizes they are both dead. Butch breaks down and cries.


Butch makes his way to his siblings’ bedrooms and discovers that they too are all dead. Butch panics and is unable to understand what just happened. Butch starts to theorize that his family was hit by the mob and he is being setup to take the fall for the murders. Butch doesn’t understand what just happened? Butch starts doubting his sanity. Did I do this, he asks himself?


Butch is currently on probation and realizes that he cannot call the police because he will be the prime suspect. Butch still drunk, high on drugs and the fact he is a felon who is on probation would never be believed by the police. Butch not understanding what just happened to him starts to wonder if he actually killed his family and doesn’t remember doing it. Was it the drugs he asks himself? Butch believing he can do nothing to help his family quickly develops a plan for self-preservation.


Butch decides to dispose of his rifle so law enforcement cannot link the shootings to his rifle. Butch goes room to room collecting the spent cartridges on the floor and places them in a pillowcase. Butch goes to his bedroom closet to collect the remaining bullets to his rifle. Butch looks for the cardboard box he purchased the rifle in but is unable to find it. He assumes it was thrown in the trash and discontinues the search.


Butch knowing that crime scene photos will be taken decides to show respect for the female members of his family by placing blankets over their bloody slain bodies. Butch is a clean freak and decides to clean the blood off Dawn’s bed headboard because the brain matter all over the headboard repulses him.


Butch decides to groom his beard and shower, to make his appearance more presentable. Butch’s plan is to dispose of his rifle and the pillowcase containing the evidence and then go to work and sober up and then come home at night and pretend that he has just discovered the carnage. Butch will simply tell the police he left his house at 4:30am and everything was fine so the assassin must have entered the house after he went to work. Butch quickly cleans himself-up and runs out of the house with the evidence, locking the door behind him. It’s now 4:30 am and Butch places the rifle and pillowcase in the trunk of his car. He gets in his car and drives to work developing a plan of how to report the crime in a manner that will not implicate him in the crime. Unknown to Butch he is being followed by an agent in a distant car.


Butch drives down the street to a river dock. He parks his car and grabs the rifle from the trunk and quickly walks over to the end of the dock and throws the rifle into the river. He then gets back in his car and drives away. The agent following Butch takes note of the location Butch disposed of his rifle. Butch then continues to drive to work and along the way discovers a storm drain along a street that is the perfect place to dispose of the pillowcase. Butch didn’t dispose of the pillowcase in the river because he thought it would float. Butch parks his car close to the storm drain, opens the door of his car, and then tosses the pillowcase down into the storm drain. Butch closes the door and drives away. The agent following Butch again takes a note of the location Butch disposed of the pillowcase. Butch arrives at work early and decides to act normal and get breakfast at the diner across the street.


The agent following Butch notifies the agents in the England house that Butch arrived at work. An agent in the England house walks over to the DeFeo house, picks the lock and enters the DeFeo residence. The agent is carrying Butch’s rifle’s cardboard box. The agent removes the plastic bag around the box and places it out of sight in the corner of Butch’s room. The agent exits the DeFeo residence and makes his way back to the England house.


In the England house, an agent knocks on Agnes and Andy’s bedroom door and notifies them that the operation has been completed successfully. Andy and Agnes are instructed to continue to sleep and when the police are called, later in the day, they should act surprised and ask questions of the police and offer the police any assistance they need. The England house has been cleaned and all the surveillance equipment has been removed. The England family will never be suspected of any involvement in the murders. The last two agents get in their car and drive away.


After work Butch is now sober and attempts to implement his cover plan. He runs into the local bar and informs his friends that his parents are dead and he needs their help. Butch and several of his friends return to the DeFeo residence. The police are called by one of Butch’s friends after making the grisly discovery and the house is then turned into a crime scene by the police.


Andy and Agnes England speak to police officers at the scene and act surprised. They give the impression that Butch is a crazy psycho and a danger to the community. Andy and Agnes were instructed to spread negative gossip to the police and reporters about the DeFeo family. There is no love for the DeFeo family in the community as one after another of neighbors tell the police that the DeFeo family had mob connections and were considered dangerous and crazy.


As reporters gather outside the DeFeo residence, children across the street chant “Ronnie (Butch) did it. Ronnie did it.” The children are completely unaware of the conspiracy to murder the DeFeo family and set Butch up as the patsy. The children in the neighborhood are all afraid of Butch and stayed away from him. Butch is known as a drug addict, a thief, a heavy drinker, and all around troublemaker with a bad temper.


Butch is taken into police custody initially for his protection but later becomes a suspect in the murder of his family after police find the cardboard box which once housed the same type of rifle used to commit the murders. Butch is beaten and tortured during his police interrogation. A detective who has knowledge that Butch is being setup by secret government agents then fabricates a fake confession by Butch and tells his colleagues that Butch has just confessed to him. The detective uses the information given to him from the secret government agents to dispatch police officers to the dock where Butch disposed of the rifle and also the street intersection where Butch disposed of the pillowcase. The police find the murder weapon and pillowcase and Butch’s fate is sealed as he is charged with the murder of his family.


The detective who fabricated Butch’s confession later meets with an agent of the secret government and tells him we got the punk. The police protect their own. And any punk like Butch DeFeo who threatens to murder a police officer will meet the same fate as Butch. Butch is finished!


The neighbors of the DeFeos began to fear that Butch would beat the charges and he would be a free man and then return to his home on Ocean Avenue and turn the house into a hangout for organized crime. If this should happen, the DeFeo problem could become worse. The government mafia used their influence in Amityville to see the right judge was chosen to preside over the DeFeo trial.


At Butch’s trial, the verbal confession that the detective fabricated is allowed to be used against Butch. Even though Butch denies he made any confession and no other witness was present at the time the detective claims Butch made the verbal confession, and there is no signed confession or audio recording of it, the judge ruled that the detective is more credible than Butch. Almost a year after the DeFeo murders, Butch is convicted of killing all six members of his family and is sentenced to six consecutive sentences of 25 years to life. The judge gave Butch the maximum sentence possible and recommended that Butch never be granted parole in the future. The judge states: “I am of the belief Butch is a real danger to society in that he may kill again, and the law provides for certain sentences to ensure the community’s safety”.


Butch cannot explain his actions the night of the murders. Butch testifying that he was paralyzed and in and out of consciousness during the murders, and when he awoke, he then discovered the carnage would absolutely ensure his conviction and life sentence. Having no other alternative, Butch was forced to use the insanity defense. Butch admits in court that he committed the murders but attempts to convince the jury that he was insane. Butch at his trial stated that he heard voices in the house telling him to kill his family. These voices Butch heard were not supernatural voices but rather sonic harassment technology being used against him from inside the England house in earlier attempts to trick Butch into killing his family.


Butch has changed his story so many times. Butch is a pathological liar and tells invented versions of what happened the night of the murders depending on his audience. Butch tells his family one version, his prison inmates another version, and anyone else who is willing to offer money the version they are looking for. If Butch were to tell the truth he would simply not be believed. Butch was chosen to be the patsy because he is a sociopath and a compulsive liar.


Mike Brigante Sr. is devastated by the murder of his daughter, son-in-law, and grandchildren. Brigante considered his daughter and his grandchildren his life and now they’re all gone. Brigante simply can’t understand how Butch could have gone room to room in the middle of the night murdering his family with a rifle and the family simply stayed in their beds when the shots rang out. And all the family members sleeping on their stomachs in similar positions with no sign of a struggle confounded Brigante. Brigante would often ask: How could one man do all this? Dawn was a big and strong girl, why didn’t she fight for her life? The secret government agents still having Brigante under covert surveillance are very proud of their accomplishments and say to themselves every time Brigante ask that question, “It’s payback... scumbag”. Rocco DeFeo was also emotionally destroyed by the murders.


Butch was the perfect patsy because after the murders, not even his own family believed he was innocent. Although his family could never understand how he committed the murders, they believed Butch as a psychopath and capable of committing the murders. One questioned asked by the family was that Dawn DeFeo was a big strong girl, how could she not fight for her life when the shots rang out? This bewildered the family and could never understand why there was no sign of a struggle by the victims. Butch’s family even convicted him in their minds even though it was physically impossible for him to have committed the murders.


The Amityville Horror conspirators got away with murder. Making Butch the patsy to take the fall for the murders was a complete success. Ocean Avenue was now free of the DeFeos forever and Mike Brigante Sr. and Rocco DeFeo were emotionally destroyed by the murders and their activities involving organized crime exposed to the public. The conspirators were able to murder the DeFeos without incurring the wrath of the mob.


The England family is shocked by all the media attention generated by the DeFeo murders. Never ending news articles and television reports indicate that the DeFeo murders will not go away anytime soon. The England family originally thought that the story would be in the press for a few days and simply die and the town could return to normalcy. But to the England family’s surprise, the story didn’t die.


The secret government agents decide that the second part of the plan to distract the public’s attention away from the DeFeo murders and onto something completely different, a haunted house story, must go forward. Many people are asking the question of how Butch DeFeo could go room to room killing his entire family in their beds and none of the victims ever got out of bed or put up any type of fight for their lives. Should the public discover that the government of the United States used the DeFeo family as guinea pigs for testing classified lethal and non-lethal directed energy weapons against them, it could tear the country apart. The England family feels that the secret government went too far in murdering the DeFeo children and they fear that if the public discovers the truth, they would be labeled baby killers and their lives destroyed. The England family is also scared to death that if the mob ever discovered their involvement in the DeFeo murders, the mob would retaliate and they would be murdered by the mob. The England family reluctantly decides to continue with the plan and let the secret government agents again use their home on Ocean Avenue. This time, however, the agents will create a haunted house hoax involving the next family to move into the DeFeo house. The agents reassure the England family that no harm will come to the next family that will live in the former DeFeo residence.


The secret government agents use their connections in real estate to seek out a married couple looking for a house in Amityville. A married couple with the last name of Lutz is discovered. The couple is selected because the husband’s physical appearance actually resembles Butch DeFeo, they are white Christians, and their mental state is considered odd. The agents feel that the Lutz family can be easily manipulated into believing they are living in a haunted house. The Lutz family has been under surveillance for a short period of time before they were chosen. Out of several family candidates placed under surveillance and looking for homes in the area, the Lutz family appears to be the perfect choice.


A real estate broker with connections to the government mafia is out showing George and Kathy Lutz homes in Amityville. After looking at a few homes, the broker tells George and Kathy that she wants to show them how the other half of Amityville lives. The broker takes George and Kathy to the former DeFeo house on Ocean Avenue. The plan is to let George and Kathy fall in love with the house and then tell them about its gruesome history. The broker informs George and Kathy about the house’s history but they decide that the asking price of the house is too low to pass on. George and Kathy decide that houses don’t have memories, only people do. George and Kathy decide the buy the DeFeo house. Unknown to George and Kathy, agents of the secret government have them under covert surveillance and have plans for them.



Part Two: The Lutz Family Haunting


It’s December 18, 1975, George and Kathy Lutz have purchased the DeFeo house and are in the process of moving into their dream home. The secret government agents have moved back into the England house and have prepared for the operation against the Lutz family.


The Lutz family has been under surveillance in their old home for the last several weeks, even before they decided to purchase the DeFeo house. The agents have learned much about the Lutz family completely without their knowledge. The agents have learned that their family priest, Father Ray, will come over to their new house on moving day to bless the house. Father Ray feels that the house must be blessed because of the horrific crime committed in the house.


The agents have setup surveillance equipment inside the England house and are covertly watching George and Kathy move into their new home. The surveillance technology allows the agents to electronically see and hear through the walls of the new Lutz home. All conversations and movements inside the Lutz home can be heard and seen right through the walls by the agents in the England house. The Lutz family is completely unaware that they are under covert surveillance as they move into their new home.


A car pulls into the Lutz’s driveway. A person gets out of the car and walks over to meet George and Kathy. George and Kathy warmly greet Father Ray who has come to bless their new home. Father Ray walks into the house leaving George and Kathy outside to continue unloading their belongings from the back of the moving truck. Father Ray begins to bless each room of the house.


In the England house, agents have setup equipment that will be used to trick Father Ray into believing he is experiencing an extraordinary event. The equipment is a through wall targeting scope mounted to a classified sound projection device. The through wall targeting scope allows the agents to target a person through the walls of a house. The scope displays a detailed an image of a person behind walls and allows the targeting of any part of the person’s body (head, chest, arms, fingers, legs, ECT…) from inside a neighboring house. The agent targeting Father Ray inside the England house will basically see a detailed image of Father Ray through the walls of the Lutz home. Classified sound projection technology can project audible sound through the walls of a house. The technology uses ultrasonic lasers to project sound through walls that only the person the device is pointed at will hear. The ultrasonic lasers act as carrier waves to transport audible information a distance away through walls. The ultrasonic lasers are angled to combine before reaching Father Ray so he will hear the audible message which will sound to him as if the message was directed at him. No one else but Father Ray will hear the message.




Also in a garage structure on the property in back of the England house, another agent has set up a weapon that will fire a powerful infrasonic bullet at Father Ray after the audible sound is projected at him. This weapon fires a sound bullet that is too low in frequency to be heard by humans but when the bullet impacts the surface of the human body, it will produce a collision affect that will feel like a slap against the skin. The infrasonic bullet is a short powerful burst of infrasonic sound, which some people call a focused and confined sonic shockwave. The infrasonic bullet will pass through house walls without causing any damage to the house. When Father Ray is struck by this infrasonic bullet, he will hear and see nothing only experience an impact, or a slap against the body. Only Father Ray will feel the impact of the infrasonic bullet. This infrasonic weapon is also targeted with a through wall targeting scope.


The plan is to first project an audible message at Father Ray and then fire an infrasonic bullet at the side of his face that when hit will feel like a violent slap against the face. The agent in the England house will target Father Ray first and project the audible message at him, and then seconds later, the agent in the garage will target Father Ray and fire an infrasonic bullet at the side of his face. This is a two-step process involving two agents but to Father Ray, the audible message and then the slap occurring seconds apart will trick him into believing he is experiencing an extraordinary supernatural event. Since both agents are hidden inside the England house and garage, no visual evidence of what is occurring inside the England house and garage is possible from the outside. To George and Kathy Lutz moving boxes nothing out of the ordinary will be noticed by them. This is the beauty of this technology, it works from house to house and no visual evidence is possible of it from outside the house (or garage) used to attack people in a neighboring house.


The agent in the England house and the agent in the garage are in constant communication with each other by means of a secure communication device. After the audible message is projected at Father Ray by the agent in the England house, the agent in the England house will instruct the agent in the garage to fire. The reason why the classified sound projection technology is being fired from inside the England house and not inside the garage is that it has a distance limitation. The sound projection technology must be operated from inside a house directly neighboring the Lutz family home or it simply will not work. An infrasonic bullet, on the other hand, can be fired from a much greater distance.


Farther Ray has just walked into the sewing room of the Lutz home. He begins to bless the room. The agent in the England house targets the back of the Farther Ray’s head. The back of Father Ray’s head is now in the cross hairs on the screen of the through wall targeting scope when the agent presses a button on sound projection device. He then speaks into a microphone and says “Get Out”. Father Ray all of the sudden hears a deep voice behind him stating “Get Out”. Father Ray now startled turns around to see who is behind him and to his astonishment no one is there. The agent in the England house switches off the sound projection device and then instructs his counterpart in the garage to target and fire. Click here to see History Channel’s reenactment of Father Ray’s experience in the sewing room.


The agent in the garage on the England property has been targeting the side of Father Ray face since he walked into the sewing room. These through wall targeting scopes display real time images of people through walls so Father Ray can be targeted as he moves in the room. The agent in the garage has received the command from the agent in the England house to target and fire. Now with the side of Father Ray’s face in the cross hairs, the agent in the garage presses a button and a powerful infrasonic bullet is fired into the side of Father Ray’s face. Father Ray now is stuck on the side of face by an infrasonic bullet. Father Ray falls back after the impact to his face. Father Ray is now in a state of shock, he just heard a voice telling him to “Get Out” and now he believes he was just slapped in the face by an invisible entity.


Father Ray tries to understand what has just happened to him. Something just hit him but there is no one there. The side of his face still has the sensation of being slapped so he runs into the bathroom and looks in the mirror but finds no marks are present on his face. Father Ray asks: What is going on here? He is confused and his heart is racing. He quickly runs downstairs and then exits the house. He meets up outside with George and Kathy. Still not understanding what he just experienced, he tells the George and Kathy nothing about it. Father Ray then instructs George and Kathy to avoid the sewing room and definitely not use it as a bedroom. Father Ray abruptly ends his conversation with George and Kathy, get in his car, and then quickly drives away.


The agents in the England house and garage laugh and take pride in what has just taken place. The agents get their kicks from this but to Father Ray this will forever alter his life. Father Ray would continue to believe for decades until his death that what he experienced in the sewing room of the Lutz home was a supernatural event. The event changed and shaped his life. Father Ray would never know the truth that it was simply classified technology used against him that day and not a supernatural event. It was simply just a high-tech trick. Father Ray would later go on to attempt to convince others that what he experienced in the sewing room that day was real but to his colleges in the church, he would be regarded as a disturbed person.


George and Kathy have completed moving into their new home. Over the next 28 days they will experience strange occurrences in their new home that will convince them into believing a supernatural force is acting against them. Unknown to the Lutz family, agents in the England house, directly next door, are using classified technology to electronically look through the walls of their home. The agents have been assigned a mission: Trick the Lutz family into believing their house is haunted by using classified technology against them.


Agnes England is given instructions by the agents living in their home to welcome the Lutz family into the neighborhood. Agnes walks over and greets the Lutz family and offers the children cookies. This act of kindness is designed to ward off any suspicion by the Lutz about their neighbor. The agents want the Lutz family to feel they are welcome in the community. This is one very important tactic the agents like to use is to establish disbelief in the minds of Lutz family that their neighbor(s) would ever do anything harmful against them. Inside the England house, the agents are invading the Lutz family’s privacy with classified surveillance technology and preparing to use sonic harassment technology against them.


The following is some of the classified technology used against the Lutz family:


The agents use classified sound projection technology that can project audible sound through the walls of a house. This is the same type of technology used to trick Father Ray into believing he was told to “Get Out” by an evil demon in the sewing room of the Lutz family home. From inside the England house, an agent uses a through wall targeting scope to target George’s head while he is in bed and the agent activates the device and starts a tape recording. George is lying in bed and hears strange sounds being directed at him. He hears what sounds like a German marching band coming from other areas of the house. He walks down stairs trying to find the source of the sound but is unable to locate it. His wife still sleeping hears nothing.


What George actually hears is not a ghost walking through his house with a boom-box but rather classified sound projection technology being used against him from the house directly next door. The sound projection technology can project any voice spoken into a microphone or audio played back from a recording through walls of the Lutz family home and direct it at one person in the home. Any audible sound can be projected through the walls of the Lutz house with this technology. The device fires ultrasonic lasers that easily pass through walls and are angled to combine before making contact with the targeted person. When the two ultrasonic lasers combine, a lower frequency audible sound is created that can be heard by the person targeted. The ultrasonic lasers act as carrier waves that carry audible information a distance away from the device right through walls.


The agents in the England house drive George crazy by directing the sound of what appears to be his house front door slamming shut. George hears this and runs downstairs to investigate but discovers nothing out of the ordinary. George returns and asks Kathy if she heard the door slamming but she looks at him puzzled and says no. George only heard the door slamming because the sound is actually moving in one direction after the two ultrasonic laser combine to produce the audible sound that George hears. This is low level sound directed at George’s head so only he will hear it.


The agents have an even more powerful version of this sound projection technology that can fill an entire room with sound. This device fires powerful ultrasonic lasers through walls that are angled to combine inside a room. The ultrasonic lasers are modulated with audible information, just like the lower powered version, and the final result is very loud sound appearing to emanate from nowhere. Any room in the Lutz family home can be filled with audible sound with this technology.


The agents can use the more powerful version of this sound projection technology to fill a room with audible sound. Advised by a friend, George and Kathy open all windows throughout the house and then go from room to room with a crucifix reciting the Lord’s Prayer. They hear a chorus of voices throughout the house asking them to “Please Stop”. What they are actually hearing is this technology filling a room in a different part of the house with strange sounds of people asking them to stop. Any type of audible sound can be projected through the walls of the Lutz home. The audio from recording or a person or people speaking into a microphone can be projected from the England house and right into the Lutz house with this technology. Sounds of screams or any other sound that will frighten George and Kathy can be projected through the walls of their home.


Kathy experiences severe pains in her head while reciting the Lord’s Prayer. Ultrasound fired at Kathy’s head causes this pain. She cannot hear the sound but only feel the effects of it. These devices are sometime referred to as ultrasonic pain generators. Kathy’s head is targeted with a through wall targeting scope from inside the neighboring England house. This ultrasound passes right through the walls of both houses.


The agents have classified sonic harassment technology that can fire low level infrasonic or ultrasonic sound in one direction through a house. This technology can be used to shower a person’s body with sound he cannot hear. A single person in a house can be attacked with this technology without anyone else feeling a thing.


Low level infrasonic sound impacting the body while a person sleeps can cause discomfort that will wake a person from his sleep or prevent a person from going to sleep. A through wall targeting scope is used to target a person through the walls of the house and when the sonic device is turned on, the person targeted will experience discomfort. A single person in a house can be attacked with sonic weapons without affecting anyone else in the house. In a bed with two people, one person in the bed can be singled out and attacked in this manner without affecting the other person in the same bed. The targeted person will be awoken from the discomfort of the infrasound on his body and the other person in the bed will not feel a thing and will remain asleep.


George starts waking up at 3:15 am each morning. The agents in the England house can wake any one person up at in the Lutz house with this technology. No one but the person attacked will feel a thing. George is woken up at 3:15am each morning because this is the time the DeFeo murders are believed to have occurred. Agents in the England house wake George up at 3:15am each morning for weeks causing sleep deprivation. George is awoken each morning and then looks at his alarm clock and sees it is 3:15. George starts to believe that it’s an evil presence in the house waking him every morning.


Any type of strange audible sound can be directed at George to also wake him at 3:15am. Sounds of flies, doors slamming, German marching bands, or any other audible sound can be projected at him that only he will hear.


The Lutz family children start sleeping on their stomachs. All six members of the DeFeo family were found shot dead while sleeping on their stomachs. The agents in the England house use the sonic harassment technology that fires low level infrasonic sound that people can’t hear at one of the Lutz children if he sleeps in any other position than on his stomach. Infrasound impacting against the body while sleeping will cause discomfort when the child sleeps and will wake him up or prevent him from falling asleep. When one of the children sleeps in any other position than on his stomach, he can be attacked without affecting the other child or anyone else in the house. The children unable to get to sleep in any other position than on their stomachs are basically trained to sleep on their stomachs. An agent in the England house uses through wall imaging technology can see the children through the walls of the Lutz home. The agents can see detailed images of the children and can tell what position they are sleeping in. When any of the children sleeps in any other position than on his stomach, an agent targets the child with a through wall targeting scope and activates the sonic harassment technology that showers the body with low level infrasound. The child targeted will wake from his sleep. This harassment technique repeated over and over will train the children into sleeping on their stomachs in order to get a good night’s sleep.


The through wall imaging technology displays real time detailed images of people through the walls of a house. The agents can determine when each member of the Lutz family is in bed and soundly asleep. The video surveillance technology uses body heat to display an image of a person through a wall. As a person sleeps his body temperature drops and this drop in temperature can be detected by the surveillance technology to determine when a person has fallen asleep. The sensitive audio eavesdropping equipment is sensitive enough to hear a person breathing through a wall. The breathing pattern of each of the DeFeo family members can be heard and also used to determine when a person is in a deep sleep. When the Lutz family is soundly asleep, agents can enter the Lutz home. The agents would have obtained a duplicate copy of the Lutz family house keys at this point and can simply unlock the front door and walk in.


While the Lutz family sleeps, agents can enter the home and open windows, move furniture, turn a crucifix upside-down, drop green slim on the carpets, move a statue to another room, put flies in a room, and many other things to harass the Lutz family. The agents are in and out of the Lutz home without the Lutz family knowing. If the Lutz family dog is in the house, it can be incapacitated or rendered unconscious by a directed energy weapon allowing the agents to enter the house unimpeded. Pets can also be targeted through walls with these through-wall targeting scopes.


The Lutz family complaints of finding open windows, an upside-down crucifix, and moved items in the house after they awake in the morning is not the work of a supernatural entity but rather simple harassment by government agents with the ability to tell when all house occupants are fast asleep so they can easily gain access to the house without encountering any interference from the home owners.


The George and Kathy’s daughter, Missy, has an imaginary friend who claims to have lived in the house previously. The agents have classified sound projection technology that can project audible sound through the walls of a house. The agents also have very sensitive listening technology that is so sensitive that it can hear a person breathing through walls. With this technology the agents in the England house can trick Missy into believing she is having a conversation with an invisible entity. The agents talk to Missy by projecting an audible voice of a person through the walls and listen for her response. Missy hears “Hello Missy” and she responds by saying “Hello”. The agents then start a long back and forth conversation with Missy. A young child can easily be manipulated with this technology. Missy can be given details of a young member of the DeFeo family and trick Missy into believing that the spirit of this DeFeo child is still living in the house. Missy can also be instructed by her invisible friend to sing a certain song only while she is in her bedroom and never sing the song outside the room. Kathy Lutz becomes alarmed when she witnesses her daughter singing a song in her bedroom and abruptly stops when she walks out of the room.


The government agents have access to sonic weapons that fire what can be considered sonic lasers. Sonic lasers are focused beams of sound that travel through walls of a house in one direction without causing any damage to the house. The sonic laser can be infrasonic (below the human hearing range) or ultrasonic (above the human hearing range).


The government agents also have sonic weapons that fire short bursts of sound called sonic bullets. These sonic bullets can also be infrasonic or ultrasonic.


The agents use the atmosphere (air) as a weapon against the Lutz family. The sonic weapons and harassment technology projects sound (vibrations in the air) in one direction towards a targeted person. The agents also use the body heat of the Lutz family as a means to target them through walls of their home. And they deny the Lutz family their basic human right of sleep by attacking them with sonic weapons to disrupt their sleep.


Missy’s rocking chair appears to move on its own indicating that an invisible entity is sitting rocking back and forth in the chair. As a sonic bullet or sonic laser passes through an object, it exerts a force on the object. A sonic bullet fired into the top headrest of Missy’s rocking chair will create a force that will push the rocking chair forward. After the sonic bullet has passed through the rocking chair’s headrest, the force will cease and the chair will swing in the opposite direction and appear to start rocking back and forth.


A small amount of force is also applied to the walls of a house as a sonic bullet or sonic laser passes through it but since the wall is held in place by the foundation of the house, the wall will not move. The government agents will ensure not to damage the house of the England family or the Lutz family when firing sonic waves from these sonic weapons through the walls of both houses. Creating physical evidence is something the agents will avoid at all costs.


Infrasonic and ultrasonic bullets and lasers can’t be seen or heard so Missy’s rocking chair will appear to move on its own. Other objects can be made to move with this technique. Open doors can be made to move very slowly in one direction by passing a sonic laser through it. A statue can be knocked over or jolted in one direction by passing a sonic bullet or laser through it. A crucifix can be knocked off a wall by passing a powerful sonic laser or sonic bullet through it.


In addition to being able to see body heat through walls, the agents also have technology that can see metals and other objects through walls. Electrical wiring and other objects such as guns can be seen and detected through walls by the secrets government’s through wall imaging technology. There is virtually no privacy from this imaging technology in a conventional house. The targeted person can’t tell when this technology is being used against him and there is no way to detect it or prevent it from seeing through walls of a conventional house.


Kathy claims she has been touched by an invisible entity. An infrasonic laser impacting on the surface of the human body creates a sensation similar to a force being applied to the body. Kathy was not being touched by an invisible entity but rather by agents in the England house reached out and touched her. A through wall targeting scope is used to target any part of Kathy’s body and an infrasonic laser is then activated and Kathy feels the effects of the infrasonic laser impacting her body. Kathy misinterprets the sensation created by the infrasonic laser hitting her body as an invisible entity touching her. Kathy can be attacked in any room of the Lutz home and on any part of her body with this technology. Click here to see a reenactment of Kathy Lutz attacked with an infrasonic laser.


Agents also have access to sonic weapons that can fire an ultrasonic shockwave through a house. These ultrasonic shockwaves are powerful ultrasonic bullets that when they pass through the human body will create a violent jolt to the body because of the density of the bones in the human body. The bones are very dense and the ultrasonic shock wave will have much more trouble passing thru the bones than the flesh of the body. This is the trick used when the government agents create a haunted house. When someone is knocked off their feet or knocked off a chair or sofa by an invisible entity, it’s not an invisible entity but rather an invisible force that the human eye can’t see and it can’t be heard because the shockwave is far out of the human hearing range. No physical marks are left on the body because it’s the bones that are jolted. A person claiming to have been knocked to the ground by a supernatural force has really been struck by a powerful ultrasonic bullet. No damage is done to the house as one of these powerful ultrasonic bullets passes through the walls. The weapons that fire these ultrasonic shockwaves are referred to as sonic cannons. A single person in a house can be targeted and attacked with an ultrasonic shock wave and no one else in the house will feel a thing.


Agents also have sonic weapons that fire an infrasonic shockwave through a house. These infrasonic shockwaves are powerful infrasonic bullets that will impact on the surface of the body. An example of this is when Father Ray receives a slap to the face. Father Ray for a short time after the infrasonic bullet struck his face actually felt soreness on his face but no marks existed on the skin. Father Ray mistook an infrasonic bullet to the face as an invisible entity slapping him and spent a good portion of his life chasing after something that didn’t exist.


George and Kathy start having strange dreams, nightmares, and hallucinations. Passing a powerful ultrasonic beam into the left top of the human head while sleeping will trigger Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. The ultrasound will pass through the skull bone and into left side of the human brain triggering Temporal Lobe Epilepsy and cause strange dreams, nightmares, and hallucinations. The person attacked will have wild and crazy dreams while sleeping and when awoken will hallucinate for a very short period of time. The dreams or nightmares will be what the person has on his mind. For example, after Kathy had heard details of how the DeFeo family was murdered, she would have nightmares of being shot when this technology was used against her. It’s the person inner demons that come out and materialize when this technology is used against him.


After seeing the movie the “The Exorcist”, George would have wild dreams of himself and his wife levitating around the bedroom. It appears to be real to George but it’s simply a hallucination. George could have trouble determining what is real and what is imaginary, a little like schizophrenia, when attacked with this technology that triggers Temporal Lobe Epilepsy.


After the person wakes from his sleep after having ultrasound passed into his brain, he could hallucinate and believe he sees people who are not actually there. An example could be George wakes up and believes he see Ronald DeFeo Jr. walking through his bedroom with a rifle. This is George’s hallucination because it is what he fears the most after buying the DeFeo house. Kathy looks into a mirror in the bedroom and sees an image of an old woman of 100 year (the old hag). This is Kathy’s hallucination because she fears getting old and turning into an old hag. Minutes after the attack, the hallucination will cease. After ultrasound is passed into the brain, a powerful sonic bullet is usually fired into the targeted person’s body to jolt him out of his sleep and the hallucinations will begin and last for a few minutes. The targeted person will usually feel numbness at the top of the head where the ultrasound entered the brain that could last for an hour or two. The left side of the brain is targeted in this kind of attack and no physical damage is done and no marks will appear, only the slight numbness at the top of the head after the attack.


George Lutz falls asleep on a chair in front of the fireplace and he awakes only to see an image of Ronnie DeFeo Jr. in the fireplace. This a hallucination caused by Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. While George is asleep in the chair, an agent in the England house targets the left side of the top of George’s head and fires an ultrasonic laser that will pass through George’s skull bone and into his brain. The ultrasound passing into George’s the left side of the brain triggers Temporal Lobe Epilepsy that will cause George to hallucinate for up to several minutes after he awakes. George awakes and believes he sees an image of Ronnie DeFeo Jr. in the fire place but he doesn’t realize it is only a hallucination and tells his wife that he just saw Ronnie DeFeo the house. Paranormal investigators attribute these types of hallucinations to paranormal events but they are a result of technology being used against the targeted person. It’s just a high-tech trick that requires a lot of money, time, and medical research to develop the technique and technology. A soreness felt at the top left of the head of the targeted person will result after such an attack. The soreness is caused by the ultrasound passing into the area of the head. A person investigating such event should as a targeted person making such claims if they felt any numbness or pain on top of their head after the hallucination ended. The agents need a clear shot to the left half of George’s top of George’s brain to make the trick work. Firing ultrasound into the right side of the brain will not create the hallucination. Psychics who claim to have seen ghost, people who are deceased, or any person isn’t really there are experiencing hallucinations from Temporal Lobe Epilepsy triggered from a beam of ultrasound being fired into the left side of their brain. Seeing people who are not there is a common gift that psychics claim to have but they are unwilling to even consider the possibility that what they experienced was a hallucination caused by technology and not a paranormal event.


Powerful infrasonic bullets can be passed through the mattress of the targeted person’s bed while sleeping. The person will claim that his bed is moving at night keeping him awake. As the infrasonic bullets pass through the mattress it creates jolts to the mattress that the sleeping person will feel while lying in bed.


Passing low level ultrasound through the legs of a person while sleeping will create burning sensations in the person’s legs. This is a popular technique used by the agents to prevent the person from going to sleep or wake the person up in the middle of the night. A through wall targeting scope is used to target the person’s legs through the walls of his house. It is almost impossible for the targeted person to sleep when this burning sensation is occurring.


A person sleeps in his bed for hours, making him a sitting duck. Agents in a neighboring house can easily target any part of the targeted person’s body and attack him with sonic harassment technology. Strange dreams, hallucinations, jolts to the body, bed moving, burning sensation in parts of the body, discomfort keeping a person awake or waking the person are all symptoms of sonic harassment technology. Any type of audible sound can be projected at the targeted person to wake him or keep him awake at night.


There is a method to determine if a person experiencing the above symptoms while sleeping is being harassed by sonic harassment. Sound cannot travel through a vacuum (no air). If sonic weapons are being used against a person while sleeping from a neighboring house the only protection from these weapons while a person is in bed is to place vacuum barriers around the bed of the targeted person.


Vacuum barriers are panels that have a chamber inside that has all the air removed. A sonic laser or bullet cannot pass through a vacuum. A person must place vacuum barriers completely around his bed in order to protect himself. There cannot be any gaps; the barriers must completely surround the person on all sides. These vacuum barriers have to be custom built and can be made of metal or plexiglass. Military bunkers have these vacuum barriers in the walls and ceilings to protect the occupants from sonic weapons. A good sized vacuum barrier (vacuum panel) is 3 feet wide, 3 feet height, and 3 inches of vacuum (depth). A vacuum pump is used to remove the air from the sealed chamber inside each panel.


The Lutz’s family dog can also be affected by attacking it with sonic weapons. The dog can be targeted through walls from a neighboring house the same way a person is. If the dog is attacked with ultrasound, it will run from the invisible beam of sound. After George and Kathy found the “Red Room” they claimed that their dog retreated from the room. This can be accomplished by an agent in the England house seeing the dog approaching the Red Room with the through wall targeting scope. When the dog is close to the Red Room, an agent in the house next door fires a sonic weapon at the dog causing it to quickly retreat from the area. George and Kathy will feel nothing but the dog will quickly back away. George and Kathy are tricked into believing the Red Room has some supernatural significance.


The Lutz’s family dog can also be attacked with ultrasound when it’s chained outside near its doghouse. Attacking the dog with ultrasound will drive it out of control, causing the dog to bark and act erratically. The dog is chained and cannot escape. In fact the first day the Lutz family moved in to their new home, their dog began to act strange while outside and actually jumped the fence. Unfortunately the chain was too short and dog got suspended by the fence, choking with the chain around its neck. George ran out after hearing the barking dog and freed the dog before it choked to death. Agents inside the England house can attack the Lutz’s family dog at any time with ultrasound while it’s inside or outside.


The Lutz family has a small army of people working to convince them that their house is haunted. The agents have setup classified technology in neighboring England house that can see and hear all their movements and conversations through the walls of the Lutz home. The agents are in a room of the neighboring house carefully studying the Lutz family and making decisions on what they can do next to further convince the Lutz family that their house is haunted. This army of people is totally dedicated to their cause. They have been given a mission by the secret government of the United States and will use any means necessary to complete their mission. Their mission is to create a haunted house story to distract the American people’s attention away from the bizarre oddities of the DeFeo murders and onto the supernatural. The agents are military people in civilian clothing conducting what can be considered high-tech guerrilla warfare.


George and Kathy experience phone trouble while trying to contact Father Ray. When Father Ray tries to warn George about what he experienced in the sewing room, the phone goes to static. The agents would have tapped the Lutz’ phone so they could hear any conversation made on the Lutz’s phone. As the agents listen to the conversation of George and Father Ray, as soon as the sewing room is mentioned, an agent turns a knob and the phone goes to static. The agents can control when a phone call can be made and received and make the line go dead whenever they want.


George while driving his van starts having strange problems with his vehicle. As the Lutz family sleeps, agents in the neighboring house quietly tamper with George’s van by loosening lug nuts on a tire and loosening the bolts of a shock absorber. After all the strange occurrences in the house, George becomes paranoid and believes that an evil entity is working against him by tampering with his van.


A stranger appears at the Lutz’s door with a six pack of beer. Agents in the England house monitoring the growing turmoil in the Lutz’s home, send an agent over to make conversation with George and Kathy. The stranger introduces himself and tells George and Kathy he will return later. George and Kathy never see or hear from him again.


The Lutz family experience sleep deprivation from the agents waking them up and disrupting their sleep. Due to loss of sleep, the Lutz family members experience changes in their personalities. Tempers flare and arguments increase. The Lutz family is under tremendous stress and the government agents continue to look for addition ways to increase the turmoil. The agents’ plan changes dynamically as they monitor the Lutz family.


The Lutz home is always cold. The agents have access to directed energy weapons that fire a beam of electromagnetic energy like a laser through a house. As this beam of energy passes through metal, the temperature of the metal will rise. The classified through-wall imaging technology that can see people through walls can also see metals through walls. House wiring, guns, and other objects can be identified through walls with this technology. Firing electromagnetic energy through a wall thermostat will cause the metal mechanism that senses temperature to detect that a room is warm when in fact it cold. A thermostat reading a temperature of 80 degrees when a room is only 50 degrees can be achieved by using this technology to create the false reading. When the serviceman arrives to investigate the problem, the agents discontinue with this method of harassment and the thermostat returns to normal and the serviceman detects no problem with the heating system. When the serviceman leaves, the problem can be made to return, further infuriating George and Kathy.


George and Kathy awaken in the middle of the night and go downstairs to the living room where they see red eyes outside the window. George runs outside and finds impression in the snow that resembles that of animal tracks. Simple light projection technology such as red light lasers can be used to create red dots on the window. Two laser dots side by side on a window with curtains covering the window will create the illusion that a red eyed monster is looking in to the Lutz home. Agents in the England house would have created the tracks in the snow while the Lutz family slept. The red light lasers are operated from the England house and are directed onto the Lutz window.


George walking back from the boathouse one night sees what he claims are eyes looking down at him from missy’s bedroom window. George runs into the house and upstairs but finds nothing. Two red laser directed at Missy’s window from inside the England’s boathouse are used to trick George into believing he sees red eyes on his daughter’s window. This would later be turned into a story of a demonic pig image being seen on the window in the Amityville Horror book and in the movie.


The agents can enter the Lutz house while the Lutz family sleeps to place green slim in areas of the house, put black dye in the toilets, put flies in the sewing room, or event place inert chemical substances in areas of the house that will give off strange smells when heated by electromagnetic energy passing through it.


Kathy smells old lady perfume before being touched by an invisible entity. Inert chemical substances can be placed in areas of a house easily targeted by directed energy weapons that cause the chemical to react and give off odors at the appropriate time. Kathy smells the old lady perfume and then is touched by an invisible entity, which is and infrasonic laser fired from the England house at Kathy.


Flies can be made to swarm in the sewing room by passing ultrasound through areas of the sewing room. Flies will react to energy passing through them and made to swarm at a time of the agents choosing. When George or Kathy enters the sewing room ultrasound can be used to make the flies swarm.


The government agents will use extraordinary tactics to trick the Lutz family into believing their house is haunted. The Lutz’s may even encounter agents masquerading as paranormal investigators who will feed George and Kathy information that is designed to completely convince them that their house is haunted. These agents will work behind the scenes to make sure George and Kathy’s incredible story of living in a haunted house is made public. Books and movies are imperative for getting the Lutz’s incredible story told to the public.


The last night the Lutz family lived in the horror house, they experienced what they claimed were powerful supernatural forces that forced them to flee their house. For years George and Kathy refused to event discuss what they experienced that last night. One supernatural event George disclosed years later was that Kathy was lifted 4 inches off her bed and actually almost pushed off the bed by an invisible force. This was not a supernatural force but rather a powerful ultrasonic shockwave laser fired into her waist area while she was in bed. From the England house, a powerful sonic weapon is targeted at Kathy’s waist while she is lying in bed. One second Kathy is lying in bed peacefully, and the next second a powerful ultrasonic laser is actually pushing her across her bed. George had to actually reach out and catch Kathy to prevent her from falling off the end of the bed. Many paranormal investigators claim that this is levitation but it is simply a high-tech trick. The powerful ultrasonic laser is too high in frequency to be heard by humans so the force applied to Kathy’s waist will appear to be an invisible force because the ultrasonic shockwave cannot be heard or seen. The power needed to generate this powerful ultrasonic laser is enormous and requires a power supply that can only power the device for around 10 seconds before needing to be recharged. So the maximum amount of time Kathy can be pushed by this ultrasonic shockwave is limited to around 10 seconds. The direction Kathy was pushed is the direction the ultrasonic shockwave is traveling. For example, since the ultrasonic weapon was fired from the England house, Kathy will be pushed away from the England house. Kathy is actually pushed off her bed because of the angle that is created by firing the weapon at Kathy’s waist from the neighboring house. The angle is around 45 degrees and this is why Kathy pushed rather than lifted off the bed. The weapon is fired from the basement or first floor of the England house and Kathy is in her bed on the second floor inside her house.


The Lutz family flees their home after only 28 days of living there and they never return. They claim that an evil presence in the house has caused them to abandon their home. Unfortunately George and Kathy never knew the truth that they were not haunted by an evil demon but rather an evil and dangerous element of the United States government that has spent millions of dollars developing classified technology that is used to trick innocent American citizens into believing their homes are haunted.


The secret element of the United States government has been engaged in social engineering since the late 1960’s. The six members of DeFeo family were murdered as part of the secret government’s domestic covert war against organized crime. Ronald DeFeo Jr. (Butch) was setup and made a patsy to take the fall for the murders. The six members of the DeFeo are casualties in this domestic war against organized crime. The town of Amityville had a cancer growing on it and powerful people used radical surgery to remove the cancer before it spread.


The powerful people in Amityville had the government mafia murder the DeFeo family on Ocean Avenue and then lured the Lutz family into buying the DeFeo home only to be used by to create a smokescreen to distract the public’s attention away from the bizarre nature of the DeFeo murders. The powerful people in Amityville needed to rid town of the DeFeo family and used the Lutz family as a tool for creating one of the greatest hoaxes ever created. George and Kathy did experience an extraordinary event in the former DeFeo residence but they exaggerated and profited from their experienced. The powerful people in Amityville also saw a plus, plus opportunity to rid the town of the DeFeo family and generate enormous name recognition from all the publicity from the murders and haunting. The money generated from the influx of tourism helped the town prosper instead of being dragged down by the DeFeo family.


The Amityville Horror saga was planned even before the DeFeo murders. The DeFeo family on Ocean Avenue would be eliminated and the remaining members of the family would be neutralized by all the publicity generated from the murders and the subsequent Lutz haunting. The takeover of the town by the DeFeo family would be prevented and organized crime in Amityville would be dealt a severe blow.


A perfect storm developed. The secret government wanted to create a hoax to distract the American people from social issues and powerful town’s people in Amityville wanted to eliminate the DeFeo problem in their town. Careful research was done to discover the history of the DeFeo property being a former Indian burial ground. The clever placement of the DeFeo family bodies on their stomachs facedown was purposely done to mimic the method that was used by the Indians, who once occupied the land, to bury their dead. The way the DeFeo house looked with those windows that look like eyes. The DeFeo family on Ocean Avenue and the next family to move into the DeFeo house were offered up to the secret government on a serving platter.


The secret government would not only murder the DeFeo family and use the Lutz family as propaganda tools but would also use paranormal investigators to help create the hoax. The secret government gave the paranormal people red meat and they took the bait. All the research done and books written about the DeFeo murders and Lutz haunting was a tremendous waste of resources. The secret government enjoys baiting people in society they consider kooks and sending them on a wild goose chase.


During the years of Ronald DeFeo Jr.’s (Butch) incarceration, he has changed his story many times about what happened the night his family was murdered. The reason for this is that he simply doesn’t know what happened that night. He looks at the evidence and creates stories. The problem with looking at the evidence is that the evidence has been arranged and set like a stage. The evidence is designed to lead a person looking into the case down the wrong path.


Anyone wishing to understand the mystery behind the Amityville Horror Saga must look to the government. The secret covert domestic war against organized crime, surveillance technology that can see and hear through walls, directed energy weapons, and sonic harassment technology all must be added into the equation to solve the mystery. Only the government has the classified technology to incapacitate and murder the DeFeo family through wall and only the government has the classified sonic harassment technology that could have tricked Lutz family into believing their house is haunted.


America does have a secret police force similar to the former Soviet Union’s KGB. America’s secret police operates a little differently using democracy as a weapon against the American people. Most Americans would be unwilling to even consider the possibility of government involvement in the Amityville Horror Saga. If the American people were to learn the truth it could tear the country apart.



Additional Information


Butch threatens to murder a police officer and the police officer’s daughter

This is likely the catalyst the for the DeFeo murders. The government mafia’s members consist of members of law enforcement and military personnel. The government mafia targets people who threaten to murder members of law enforcement. Classified technology is used to bring them down.


The following two paragraphs are from “High Hopes – The Amityville Murders (Page 90 paperback)”. These two paragraphs may be the most important paragraphs in the book and are likely provide the reason why the DeFeos were murdered:


“Other residents of Amityville were afraid that he would get to trial but win acquittal on insanity grounds. Or that for one reason or another, the charges would be dropped. Some worried that DeFeo would come back to 112 Ocean Avenue and turn the house into a hangout for hoods. Others had more personal fears. They included a thirteen-year-old girl who had been a close friend of Allison DeFeo. The night of the murders, the girl had been babysitting. When she heard about the killings, she hid in a corner of the house where she was working. She was afraid that Ronnie DeFeo was going to come there and murder her.


The girl had reason for fear. She was a village policeman's daughter, a year before Ronnie DeFeo had threatened to kill her and her father. What had happened was that the officer got a tip that a friend of the DeFeo's was growing fence-high marijuana plants in his backyard. The officer obtained a search warrant and not only found the plants, but discovered a crop of marijuana leaves drying on a fish line stretched across the attic of the suspect's house. DeFeo's friend was arrested. DeFeo found out and stomped around his own house, yelling that he would kill both the cop who had arrested his friend and the cop's daughter. The girl was in the cellar playing with Allison, and heard Butch yelling. “He was frightening," she would remember, years later.”


A year before the murder of the DeFeo family, Butch threatened to murder the police officer and the police officer’s daughter. The government mafia usually conducts several months of covert surveillance of the targeted person or in this case family. The DeFeos were big fish and would likely require greater than normal amount of time to be studied because of their connections to organized crime. The timeline lines up and only the government mafia has classified technology to murder people thru walls. The government mafia wanted to teach Butch a lesson about threatening a member of law enforcement so they murdered Butch’s family and set him up as the patsy to take the fall for the murders.


Gerard Sullivan

Gerard Sullivan, the prosecutor who won Ronald DeFeo Jr.’s conviction of 25 years to life in prison for the murder of his family stated years later in his book “High Hopes – The Amityville Murders”: “I still think about the DeFeo case – especially about the children. And I wonder about the questions that were never answered. Did any of the victims wake up? If so, why didn’t any of them defend themselves? Why were all six found face down in death? Why didn’t’ anyone hear the shots?”


Butch tell his grandfather that he can’t tell the truth

At the trial for the murder of his family, Butch was overheard telling his grandfather that if he tells the truth he will get life in prison. Butch said this to his grandfather after his grandfather told Butch to just tell the truth.


Investigating the Lutz House

After George and Kathy fled their house after only 28 days, they contacted two paranormal investigators about fixing the house. By fixing the house, George and Kathy meant ridding the house of the supernatural forces so they could return to their house and continue their lives. Two paranormal investigators enter the vacant Lutz home in order to inspect the house for supernatural forces. While one investigator is inspecting the basement, he claims to have encountered a terrifying inhuman presence. He said “Suddenly it felt as though I was under a heavy water fall and the pressure was dragging me down to the floor and I commanded in the name of Jesus Christ what was there to reveal its identity. There were hundreds of pinpoints of what I can only describe as electricity. I understood and knew right at that point that what we were dealing with was no ghost. This was no ordinary haunted house. This on a scale of one to ten was a ten. Click here to watch the video.


Unfortunately this paranormal investigator let his imagination get the better of him. This was no paranormal experience but rather he was attacked with sound that he could not hear but only feel. A powerful sonic weapon fired at the paranormal investigator in the Lutz’s basement from the third floor of the England house will create the sensation of his waterfall effect coming down on him. This type of sound entering the eyes can cause the vision to distort from pressure on the optic nerve creating what he describes as seeing electricity in the air. Click here to see picture of projected path.


A number of days later a team of psychics, paranormal investigators, and reporters return to investigate the Lutz house. A séance is held and a psychic while conducting the séance states “Something is in the house and it comes at you and makes your heart speed up”. The psychic then became ill and had to leave the room. The psychic did experience something but it wasn’t supernatural but rather technological. Infrasound fired into the chest area of a person will cause an irregular heartbeat. A sonic weapon is targeted at the psychic’s chest area with a through-wall targeting scope from inside the England house. The beam of sound is so precise because it travels like a laser beam in one direction and will only be felt by the person targeted. Since the beam of sound is infrasonic, it can’t be heard. And sound is invisible to the human eye so it can’t be seen. The psychic will experienced something coming at her, and since the infrasound is fired into her chest, she will experience an irregular heartbeat. After the psychic experienced an irregular heartbeat, her stomach can then be targeted and infrasound fired into it, causing her to become sick. Infrasound fired into the stomach can cause an upset stomach sensation. If infrasound is fired into the stomach of a targeted person for a long enough period of time, it could cause him to vomit. This would explain why the psychic had to leave the room. Click here to watch video.


The séance was held on the first floor and the participants sat around a table, while a camera crew filmed the event. It should be noted that the position of the psychic that felt the force coming at her was facing the England house. So her chest area was facing the England house in perfect alignment for having a beam of infrasound fired into her chest and stomach from inside the England house. The beam of infrasound is confined and will only affect the person targeted so no one else around the table would have felt it, only the psychic targeted. The through-wall targeting scope can see and can be used to identify and target people through walls. Singling out and targeting a single person with several people around a table can be done with this technology. All that is needed is a gap of 12 inches between two of the people on the other side of the table to fire an infrasonic laser between them and into the chest of the psychic. Another psychic in the house that night complained of a pounding heart, which can also be caused by a beam of infrasound being fired into his chest area. Click here to see a picture of the séance and projected path of the sonic laser.


A cameraman than night bent over clenching his chest and complaining of stabbing chest pains. This is another example of agents in the England house targeting the cameraman’s chest area and firing high intensity infrasound into his chest. The through-wall targeting scope used to target these sonic weapons allows real time targeting of a single person through walls of the Lutz family home. The cameraman holding a camera and filming with his chest exposed allows a perfect opportunity for the agents to target his chest. Click here to watch video.


Another psychic claims to feel bad vibes throughout the house. The psychic is being attacked by sound he cannot hear. Another psychic claims to hear crying and weeping of a child in the house. This is sound projection technology that can project audible sound through the walls of the Lutz home at a single person. Another psychic sprinkles holy water and claims to hear water sizzling like on a hot stove. As the psychic sprinkles the holy water, her head is targeted by a through-wall targeting scope and sounds of water sizzling are projected at her from inside the England house. A psychic walking through the house is thrust back by what he describes is a gust of wind which he claims is a legion of demons but what he really experienced is being struck by a powerful ultrasonic bullet fired at him from inside the England house. Another psychic describes her sensation as a rush of water onto her chest holding her back so powerfully. This again is sound she cannot hear being fired into her chest. Click here to watch video.


A person connected to the investigation was standing on a flight of stairs in the basement, he was suddenly hit by what he claimed was a tremendous supernatural force that knocked him down the stairs to the ground. This was not a supernatural force but rather a powerful ultrasonic shockwave (ultrasonic bullet) fired at him from inside the England house passing through his body creating the violent jolt that knocked him down the stairs. He was targeted with a through-wall targeting scope while standing on the stairs.


Nothing supernatural about what the people investigating the Lutz house experienced that night in March of 1976. It was just a trick where people who need to believe in the supernatural where unknowingly used by the secret government to spread its propaganda.


Father Ray

In the actual Amityville Horror incident (not the movie) that occurred in 1975, a priest named Father Ralph J. Pecoraro (Father Ray) was blessing a room in the Lutz family home. The room was known as the sewing room. When he started to bless the room using holy water, he heard a voice telling him to “Get Out” and then after turning around to search for the source of the message, he received a slap to the side of his face. There was nobody else in the room with him. This event would forever alter Father Ray’s life. Unfortunately Father Ray never knew the truth before he passed away that it was simply a trick using classified sonic harassment technology.


Agents of the secret government moved classified surveillance technology and sonic harassment technology into a house directly neighboring the Lutz family home. With the classified surveillance technology, the agents can electronically see and hear right through the walls of the Lutz family home. The targeting system produces detailed images of Father Ray in real time. Father Ray’s body heat is used by this technology to generate a detailed image of him through the walls of the Lutz home. As Father Ray enters the Lutz Family home, his movements can be seen and anything he says can be heard right through the walls with this classified technology. As Father Ray enters the sewing room on the second floor to begin blessing the room, the agent in the neighboring house target the back of Father Ray’s head and prepare to project the audio at his ears.


From the neighboring house, an agent uses classified sound projection technology to project the audible message “Get Out” through the walls of the Lutz home at the back of Father Ray’s head. Father Ray after hearing the message turns and looks for the source the sound but he sees nobody else in the room. Seconds later Father Ray would have a powerful infrasonic bullet fired into the side of his face that would feel like someone just slapped him. To Father Ray, this would seem like an invisible supernatural entity in the house just spoke to him and slapped him in the face. Unfortunately Father Ray’s religion led him down the wrong path and sent him on a journey to find and explanation in the supernatural realm and not the technological realm. Father Ray didn’t know that the United States government had classified technology that can create what he experienced in the sewing room that day.


Father Ray in an interview said:

“I was sprinkling holy water and I heard a rather deep voice behind me saying "Get Out". It seemed so directed toward me that I was really quite startled. I felt a slap at one point on the face. I felt somebody slap me and there was nobody there.”


In the interview Father Ray gives us a clue to what really happened when he uses the word “directed”. Father Ray stated “It seemed so directed toward me that I was really quite startled”. This indicates that classified sound projection technology was used against Father Ray because the sound is actually being directed at him from a neighboring house. The classified sound projection technology directs sound in one direction so an audible message can be directed at a single person in a house without anyone else hearing the message.


The classified sound projection technology the agents have access to has a distance limitation. A house directly neighboring the Lutz family home must be used to project the audible message through the walls of the Lutz home at Father Ray. A house across the street is too far away for this technology to work so this leaves just two possibilities. On the other hand, the infrasonic bullet fired into the side of Father’s Ray face can be fired at Father Ray from a much greater distance. In fact, the one-two sequence of the message “Get Out” and the slap seconds later can actually originate from two separate locations. The sound projection technology can be operated from inside a house directly neighboring the Lutz home and the infrasonic weapon used to fire the powerful infrasonic bullet can be operated from a structure such as a garage in the back of the house on the property of the neighboring house. Two agents would be involved in targeting Father Ray. The first agent in the house projects the audible message at Father Ray and then the other agent in the garage fires the infrasonic bullet at the side of Father Ray’s face. The two agents are simultaneously targeting Father Ray as he walks into the sewing room. The two agents are in constant communication with each other so when the agent in the house projects the audible message at Father Ray he can immediately notify the agent in the garage to fire the infrasonic bullet at Father Ray.


History Channel did a reenactment of what Father Ray experienced. This reenactment gives us a clue to which neighboring property was used to project the audible message at Father Ray’s head and then fire the infrasonic bullet at his face. Click here to watch History Channel reenactment of Father Ray in the sewing room.


Father Ray said he heard the voice directed at him from behind him so this indicates the direct neighboring house behind him was being used by the secret government agents to operate the classified audio projection technology used against him. By looking at the History Channel reenactment, this gives us a clue. You must determine which house Father Ray had his back to when he heard the message “Get Out”. The classified sound projection technology uses ultrasonic lasers that are beams of ultrasonic sound, angled to combine before coming in contact with Father Ray. After the ultrasonic lasers combine, a much lower frequency audible sound is produced that can be heard by Father Ray. This lower frequency audible sound is still traveling in one direction, which created the effect Father Ray stated he heard when he said it sounded like it was directed toward me. The ultrasonic lasers are used to pass audio (sound we hear) through walls.


The slap to Father Ray’s face is an infrasonic bullet fired from a neighboring property. The infrasonic bullet fired into Father Ray’s face would produce a sensation similar to being slapped in the face. No marks would be left on Father Ray’s face but the soreness sensation of being slapped would last for around an hour. The position of Father Ray’s head as he turned to see who else was in the room after hearing “Get Out” is important. This is very important, look at the History Channel reenactment video again and determine at the exact second when the slap occurred and the position of Father Ray’s cheek that received the slap, and determine which structure or house could have been used to fire the infrasonic bullet at Father Ray’s. Also look at the direction Father Ray’s is thrust after receiving the slap to the side of the face. Click here to see a video about sonic weapons.


A Sonic bullet travels linearly, just like a bullet from a conventional gun but a sonic bullet passes right through walls without causing any damage to the house. The position of Father Ray’s head and the side of his face he felt the slap to, gives us a good idea of the house or structure that was used by the agents. And the direction Father Ray was thrust after receiving the slap to the face is a dead giveaway as to which house or structure was used to fire the infrasonic bullet at Father Ray. So the position of Father Ray’s back at the time he heard the audible message “Get Out”, the position of his head the instant he received the slap to the face, and the direction he was thrust, are all critically important to determine which neighboring house or structure was used to attack Father Ray in the sewing room of the Lutz home. It should be noted that the device that projects the audible message “Get Out” and the sonic weapon that fires the infrasonic bullet can be operated and fired from two separate places.


Examine this diagram of the Lutz House second floor and pay particular attention to the sewing room and the position of the neighboring houses and other structures on the property. Click here to see the diagram of the sewing room. If the History Channel reenactment is accurate, this would leave one possibility to which property was used to project the audible message at Father Ray and then fire the infrasonic bullet at him. The distance limitation of the sound projection technology limits the possibilities to just two and the History Channel reenactment narrows it down to just one. You must decide which neighboring property was used as a staging ground for the attack against Father Ray. Click here for a projected path picture of the horror house. It should be noted that any structure on the neighboring property can be used to target Father Ray. A structure large enough for the agents to setup the equipment and weapons is all that is needed. The structure must be secure enough to allow the agents to work inside without being seen from the outside and prevent anyone from walking in on the agents. The through wall targeting scopes don’t need windows because they can target a person right through walls and any structure and house. Click here to see a still picture illustration of Father Ray in sewing room.


Sequence of events: Through wall targeting scopes would have been used to target Father Ray’s head/face. First the agent targets Father Ray’s ear(s) with the classified sound projection technology and projects the audible message “Get Out” at him. Seconds later after Father Ray turns to look for the source of the audible message, the other agent fires an infrasonic bullet at the side of Father Ray’s face. This incident would spark years/decades of speculation about what Father Ray really experienced in that room that day.



Kathy Lutz’s Aunt Helena (The Vomiting Nun)

In the Amityville Horror, when Kathy’s Lutz’s Aunt Helena visits the Lutz home in Amityville, she becomes sick immediately after entering the Lutz home. She sees the chandelier above her in the living room begin to move. Aunt Helena has to leave the house abruptly and after leaving the house, she vomits. In the Amityville Horror book, Aunt Helena is taken on a tour of the house and she becomes sick when she enters the master bedroom of the Lutz home. This is accomplished by firing infrasound into Aunt Helena’s stomach. Aunt Helen stomach area is targeted from the England house with a through-wall targeting scope and a weapon that fires an infrasonic laser is fired into her stomach area. Infrasound entering the stomach area can cause severe discomfort to the stomach and make a person feel sick. The intensity can be increased as Aunt enters a certain room. Aunt Helena can be singled out and targeted in the Lutz home without affecting anyone else in the house. The through-wall targeting scope displays a real-time image of Aunt Helena thru the walls of the Lutz home and she can also be targeted while she is moving throughout the house. The chandelier can be made to move by firing a powerful infrasonic bullet thru the chandelier. The force created by an infrasonic bullet passing through the chandelier suspended by a chain will cause it to move and people who witness this usually believe this to be a supernatural event. Click here to watch a movie clip from Amityville Horror Movie of Aunt Helen (The Vomiting Nun).



Dawn DeFeo

The Amityville Horror saga consists of two parts. The first part, which will only be discussed here, is the DeFeo murders in which 6 members of the DeFeo family were murdered on November 13th 1974 in their home. Dawn was the 18 year old daughter of the family that was murdered. People have pointed to evidence that Dawn died 3 hours after the other 5 members of the family and was awake when she died.



Butch DeFeo changes his story so many times

Part one of the Amityville Horror is the man who went bedroom to bedroom in the middle of the night on November 13th 1974 killing six of his family members with a shotgun. The man’s name is Butch DeFeo and he has changed his story so many times about what happened that night. Is Butch a compulsive liar or has the secret government influenced him into making public statements about the murder of his family. Once Butch was arrested and then found guilty, his life was pretty much over. He is confined to a prison cell in a correctional facility and has no chance of getting parole. He is confined and simply can’t open a door and leave.


The secret government can reach out and touch Butch DeFeo in his prison cell and there is nothing he can do about it. The secret government can place a sonic weapon with a through-wall targeting scope in a van or small truck and park the vehicle near Butch’s cell and attack him in his prison cell right through the walls and no one else will feel or hear a thing. A few ultrasonic lasers passing through Butch’s head will do the trick and convince Butch to cooperate. There will be nowhere to run or hide in his prison cell from this technology.


If Butch should decide to report that he is being attacked in his prison cell by invisible bullets, a psychiatrist can be called in. And after Butch tells his story to the psychiatrist, he can be immediately diagnosed as suffering from a seriously mentally ill and transferred to the psych ward and given the chemical lobotomy. Butch’s best interest would be to cooperate and do as he is told.


The Amityville Horror has become the most famous haunted house story in the United States. Several movies and many books have been made and printed about the saga. The secret government would want to protect all the time and effort they have invested into creating the legend. In order to keep the public from asking the question of “How does one man in the middle of the night go bedroom to bedroom shooting his family and the family simply stays in their beds asleep”? Agents of the secret government may make contact with Butch in prison and instruct him to make the conflicting statements and conduct interviews to discredit Butch in order to protect the secret of Amityville Horror. Should Butch refuse to cooperate, the mobile unit with a sonic weapon in the back can be dispatched.


Many years have passed since that night in 1974 and the secret government may not have any more use for Butch. The secret government would find it beneficial if Butch were to simply pass on. The secret government has the means to make this happen. Butch can be given low level doses of radiation through the walls of his prison cell to make him sick and slowly die. This can be done without affecting anyone else. Only Butch developing cancer for example would not raise suspicion. The secret government would rather see Butch pass on sooner rather than later.


DeFeos vs. Englands – A family feud

The Amityville Horror saga has nothing to do with the supernatural. What the saga is all about is two families that couldn’t live next to each other. As tensions heightened between the two families, Big Ronnie threated to bring in his mob associates to murder the entire England family. Big Ronnie’s shot off his mouth and threated the England family and the England family believing they are justified in defending their family and town brought in the government mafia to take out the DeFeos before the DeFeo family took them out.


The government mafia went too far and murdered all six members of the DeFeo family, including three children, After the intense media and public attention paid to the bizarre nature of the DeFeo murders, a plan was developed to trick the next occupants of the DeFeo house into believing the house was haunted. The plan worked and the Lutz family haunting simply overshadowed the DeFeo murders causing the attention of the new media and the public to focus on the supernatural instead of finding a logical explanation for the DeFeo murders.


Lutz family lured to the horror house

The government mafia needed to find the right family to trick into believing that the DeFeo family house was haunted. George and Kathy in an interview said that while they were house hunting a real estate broker asked them if they wanted to see how the other half of Amityville lived. The broker took George and Kathy to the DeFeo house and they fell in love with the house. Only after George and Kathy fell in love with the house did the broker mention the house’s gruesome past. George and Kathy felt the murders were unfortunate but decided to buy the house because of its bargain asking price. Click here to watch video.


A lot is made of the resemblance between George Lutz and Butch DeFeo in the Amityville Horror sage. This may not have been by chance. The Lutz family may have been sought out and lured to the house because of their physical appearance, religious beliefs, and mental state. The government mafia knew the Lutz wouldn’t be staying in the house very long and just needed to use them as tools to create one of the greatest haunted house stories. The government mafia’s reach goes far, including people involved in the real estate market. The Lutz family might have been identified as a potential candidate while house shopping and then placed under covert surveillance, and finally lured to the house by a real estate broker connected to the government mafia. The Lutz family may have been hand-picked by the government mafia to become a propaganda tool of the secret government. George and Kathy Lutz’s decades long crusade to inform the public of their supernatural experience in the Horror House unknowingly to them made them a propaganda tool of the secret American government.



People connected to Amityville Horror case suddenly die

The secret government has access to classified technology that can target and attack people through walls of a house or building. As with the six members of the DeFeo family who had a beam of electricity fired into their chests to kill them in their sleep before being shot, this method of killing a person through a wall can be used to create mystery surrounding the Amityville Horror saga. People connected to the case suddenly and unexpectedly dying of massive heart attacks will create this mystery. The secret government can choose to kill someone involved in the saga to make it appear as a supernatural force is at work causing the deaths, when in fact it’s just classified technology. The ability to move into a house neighboring a targeted person and conduct complete surveillance of him and then kill him through the walls without leaving any physical evidence is a very powerful resource the secret United States government has at its disposal.


Also other terrible events such as fires and other tragic events can be artificially created or arranged by the secret government agents to create this paranormal mystic. These agents are a small army of people very devoted to their cause.


George Lutz levitates off his bed

The story made public was that George Lutz levitated off his bed 4 feet but George’s son stated in an interview after George passed away that it was only 4 inches. The secret government developed a very power sonic weapon that fires an ultrasonic laser that can be considered a shockwave into the waist of a targeted person while he is lying in bed. The targeted person will experience a strong force applied to his waist that will push him at his waist at an angle that will feel like the targeted person is being rolled off his bed by an invisible supernatural force. The angle is created from the sonic weapon being fired from the first floor of a neighboring house at the targeted person’s waist while the targeted person is sleeping on the second floor of his house. This angle is usually 45 degrees.


The powerful ultrasonic laser as it passes through the dense bone structure of the waist will create a strong force applied to that area of the body. The sensation created can be replicated by a person lying in bed and then another person placing his hand under one side of the waist of the person lying in bed and applying upward force. The power needed to generate this ultrasonic laser shockwave is great. Because of this enormous power requirement, the agents can only fire this weapon at the targeted person’s waist for only several seconds. The targeted person will be lying in bed and then all of the sudden he will experience a strong force applied to his waist that will lift one side of his waist. The ultrasonic laser shockwave is in the MHz range and cannot be heard or seen. One second the targeted person is lying in bed peacefully and then the next second one side of his waist is being forced 4 inches in the air. The targeted person and anyone observing will believe some extraordinary supernatural event just occurred when in fact it was just a trick. No physical evidence of the attack will be created. No damage is done to either houses or physical marks on the targeted person will result. The targeted person and any witnesses will be in a state of shock after the attack and believe that the targeted person just levitated off his bed.


George Lutz was one such person who was tricked into believing he levitated off his bed and spent decades of his life believing this and convincing others it occurred.


Find the source

The base of operation used to conduct the murder of the DeFeos and the subsequent haunting of the Lutz family is a neighboring house to the DeFeo/Lutz house. One looking to find which house was used against the DeFeo and the Lutz families must study the strange occurrences and study how the secret government pulled them off. Father Ray claiming to hear the voice telling him to “Get Out” projected at him from behind him is a substantial clue and the subsequent slap to the side of his face and the position of his face when he received the slap.


Other clues are where the strange sounds other people heard in the Lutz house were directed at them from must be followed to the source. Sound projection technology projects sound in one direction so where people claim the sound is coming from is the direction of the neighboring house used to operate the sound projection device.


People who claim to experience pains in the chest must examine what direction their chest was pointing when the chest pain was felt. Infrasonic beams of sound travel linearly so the source of the beam of sound can be traced to the neighboring house that the person’s chest is pointing when the pain was felt.


Strange images on windows are other clues. The neighboring house on the side that the image appeared on should be suspect for agents using the neighboring house to project the image onto the window. The red eyes that appeared on the Lutz family windows are red laser dots where the laser is fired from the neighboring house adjacent to the window that the image appeared on. Click here to see the red eyes on the Lutz’s window.


These few paragraphs from “The Amityville Horror by Jan Anson (page 148 paperback)” book may provide a clue to which neighboring house was used to project the red laser dots onto the living room window of the Lutz home:


[Start of Excerpt]


“Kathy was looking past George's shoulder at the living room windows. Staring back at her was a pair of unblinking red eyes!


At his wife's scream, George whirled around. He also saw the little beady eyes staring directly into his. He jumped for the light switch, and the eyes disappeared in the shining reflection in the glass pane.


"Hey!" George shouted. He burst through the front door into the snow outside.


The windows of the living room faced the front of the house. It didn't take George more than a second or two to get there. But there was nothing at the window.”


[End of Excerpt]


This is when Kathy first spotted the red eyes on the living room window. Since the DeFeo house was built sideways, the front of the house would face towards the England house. This would indicate that the England house was the likely source of the two red laser dots on the Lutz’s living room window.


Kathy actually does battle with the red eyes in the “The Amityville Horror by Jan Anson (page 262 paperback)”:


[Start of Excerpt]


“Missy was just climbing on the bed when George stopped outside her bedroom door. He didn't see Jodie or anything like a pig. "Where's this Jodie?" he asked Missy.


"He'll be right back," the little girl said, settling the covers around her-self "He had to go outside for a minute."


George let out his breath. After the weird dream of the hooded figure, George had expected the worst when he heard the word "pig." His neck felt stiff and he rotated it, trying to work out the tight feeling. "It's all right!" he yelled back to Kathy. "Jodie's not here!"


"There he is, Daddy!"


George looked down at Missy. She was pointing to one of her windows. His eyes followed her finger and he started. Starring at him through one of the panes were two fiery red eyes! No face, just the mean little eyes of a pig!"


"That's Jodie!" cried Missy. He wants to come in!"


Something rushed past George on his left. It was Kathy, screaming in an unearthly voice. In the same move that it took her to reach the window, she picked up one of Missy's little play chairs and swung it at the pair of eyes. He blow shattered the window and shards of glass flew back on top of her.


There was an animal cry of pain, a loud squealing-and the eyes were gone!


George rushed to what was left of the second story window and looked out. He saw noting below, but he still heard the squealing. It sounded as if it was headed for the boathouse. Then Kathy's crying whimpering caught George's attention. He turned to his wife.


Kathy's face was terrifying. Her eyes were wild and her mouth was tightly screwed up. She was trying to choke out words. Finally she blurted: "It's been here all the time! I wanted to kill it! I wanted to kill it!" Then her whole body slumped.


George caught his wife and silently picked her up. He carried Kathy into their bedroom, Danny and Chris following. Only Chris saw his little sister get out of bed, go to the smashed window, and wave. Missy turned away only when George called her to come into his bedroom.”


[End of Excerpt]


Kathy swung a chair at two laser dots on Missy’s window. The sound of squealing was sound projection technology that can project audible sound inside a house or outside a house. Missy’s friend Jody appears to have been two laser dots on her window and sound projection technology used to project audible sound at missy to tell her that Jody was a pig. The location of the window is in Missy’s room which faces the England house. This is another clue into which neighboring house was used as a base of operation to trick the Lutz family into believing their home was haunted.


The direction Kathy Lutz was pushed on her bed during what George and Kathy claimed was levitation is a major clue. A powerful ultrasonic laser was fired into Kathy Lutz’s waist to basically push her off the bed. The waist area has very dense bone density so an ultrasonic laser passing through this area of the body will create a strong force applied to this area of the body. Kathy Lutz would be pushed in the direction the ultrasonic wave is traveling so if Kathy was pushed in the opposite direction of the England house (away from the England house), this would mean that the sonic weapon was fired from the first floor or the basement inside the England house. The powerful ultrasonic laser is like a sonic shockwave fired through the Lutz family house and into the waist of Kathy Lutz. The ultrasonic beam is far above the human hearing range so it can’t be heard or seen. It’s an invisible force passing through the Lutz house that will leave no physical evidence behind. A lot of power is needed to generate this powerful beam of ultrasound so it can only be maintained for several seconds. One second Kathy Lutz is lying in bed and the next second she is being pushed off her bed and then several seconds later it all stops.


One or more houses can be used against a targeted household. It only takes one neighbor to a targeted household to allow the secret government agents in to terrorize the people in the targeted household.


Find the powerful people in the community

The government mafia is usually brought in by powerful and influential people living in a community/town. The common people usually know little to nothing about the government mafia. Also look for family names that are prominent, influential, and powerful in the community/town. Neighbors who are members of law enforcement should also be suspected in bringing in the government mafia.


Last night in the Horror House

Shortly before George Lutz passed away, he answered questions at a Civic Center lecture. This was decades after he and his family fled Amityville and he refused to speak about the last night in the house for decades. The question George was asked was to describe what happened the last night the Lutz family lived in the Amityville Horror House.

George Lutz’s Answer:

“There is a storm outside which only we can hear in the house and the wind is raging but the lights stay on, thank God, all night, never went off, never blinked. We brought Harry (Lutz family dog) up and tied him to the bedroom door because he was useless at the front door. He didn’t hear the front door slam in the middle of the night; it was a very distinct sound. And he’d be asleep right at the front door. We figured OK we bring him upstairs. After the stuff that went on the night before, the screams and all the different things, we wanted to have him right there with us. Earlier that day Kathy had turned into an old woman. She had scratches across her stomach. And during that night she actually lifted up off her bed a little bit, about three to four inches, and started to slide away from me and I grabbed her before she went off the end. At one point I kind of sat up and let out two distinct sounds at the same time. And I knew when it was happening, it couldn’t be happening; it shouldn’t be happening, you shouldn’t able to do this physically. One was what I describe as a low moaning whale. It was from deep inside of me. What I would maybe try to describe as the core of me. Not the conscious person that walks around talking. And at the same time I was saying the words “It’s in Chris’s room it’s in Chris’s room”. But I couldn’t get up off the bed. I couldn’t get out of bed and go up there. Overhead at one point the boys beds are…you could hear them they were being lifted up and slammed down on the floor over us. But I still couldn’t get up and Kathy wouldn’t wake up. Harry is walking in circles, puking lying down, walking in circles and puking. And there is no getting up to help him. When that one night was over I was unable to communicate to anyone else in a rational way what I thought we had experienced. The boys came down the next morning and they still talk about this very occasionally but they do about what went on for them, what happened up there. And that’s their story. And I won’t tell you that. That’s for them to do, they are adults now. But that was the end for me in terms of I’m not afraid of this, whether I could deal with this. I knew then that I could not deal with this. So you asked for it. That was a. So now you know now you know why I don’t do that.  Because you relive a part of it, when you talk about it, too, it’s not the easiest thing to even admit. So what do you mean there is something you can’t figure out.”

[End of George Lutz’s Answer]


To understand what George Lutz experienced that last night in the Horror House, each part of his answer will be analyzed separately:

George Lutz: “There is a storm outside which only we can hear in the house and the wind is raging but the lights stay on, thank God, all night, never went off, never blinked.”

Analysis:  The secret government has sound projection technology that can project any audible sound through the walls of the Lutz family home. The sounds of a storm can be projected at George Lutz in his home from inside the England house next door. George is targeted with a through-wall targeting scope and then the sound projection technology is turned on and a recording of a storm is played and it is projected at George in his house right through the walls.


George Lutz: “We brought Harry (Lutz family dog) up and tied him to the bedroom door because he was useless at the front door. He didn’t hear the front door slam in the middle of the night; it was a very distinct sound. And he’d be asleep right at the front door. We figured OK we bring him upstairs. After the stuff that went on the night before, the screams and all the different things, we wanted to have him right there with us.”

Analysis: Again, sound projection technology can be used to project audible sound at George Lutz inside his house from the England house directly next door. While George is sleeping a sound of a door slamming is projected at him. George assumes it’s the sound of the front door of his house slamming shut but it’s just audio sound being projected at him from the England house. George hears the sound of a door slamming, gets up, and then goes down stairs and finds his dog sleeping in front of the front door. George is confused and tries to figure out how his dog can sleep through someone slamming the front door shut. Any type of sound can be projected at George that he will only hear. Sounds such as screams and other spooky sounds can easily be projected at him that only he will hear. This will leave George confused and he will begin to question his sanity.


George Lutz: “Earlier that day Kathy had turned into an old woman. She had scratches across her stomach.”

Analysis: Kathy experienced Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. A beam of ultrasound is fired into the left side of the base of her head which triggers Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. As ultrasound penetrates Kathy’s head, it triggers nightmares and when she wakes, she will hallucinate for up to several minutes. Her fears will come to life in her dreams and when she first awakes. One of her greatest fears is getting old so she has a hallucination of looking in the mirror next to the bed and seeing an old hag. During these nightmares and experiencing hallucinations, it is indeed possible that Kathy would scratch herself and not realize she did it.


George Lutz: “And during that night she actually lifted up off her bed a little bit, about three to four inches, and started to slide away from me and I grabbed her before she went off the end.”

Analysis: The secret government has a very powerful sonic weapon that fires an ultrasonic laser that can be considered an ultrasonic shockwave through a house. This powerful ultrasonic laser fired into the waist of Kathy while she was on the bed will actually push her because it’s being fired into her waist from a neighboring house. The weapon is fired inside a neighboring house on the first floor or basement and Kathy is on the second floor of her house in bed. Kathy is lying in bed one second, and then the next second she is being pushed from her waist in the direction the ultrasonic laser is traveling. The bone density of the waist is very high, so this ultrasonic laser will create a strong force applied to Kathy’s waist that will literally push her off the bed. The powerful ultrasonic laser is far above the human hearing range so it can’t be heard or seen. A clue to which house was used to fire this weapon into Kathy’s waist is the direction Kathy was pushed. Kathy would have been pushed away from where the weapon was fired from so if you knew what direction Kathy was pushed the opposite direction would be the source of where the weapon was being fired from. If Kathy slept on the right side of the bed, then it would appear that the powerful weapon was fired from the basement or first floor of the England house and into the waist area of Kathy Lutz. Kathy would be lifted from her waist by several inches and pushed in the direction the powerful ultrasonic laser was traveling. A lot of power is needed to generate this ultrasonic shockwave. Because of this power requirement, the powerful ultrasonic laser can only be maintained for only several seconds. It will suddenly start and Kathy will be pushed and then several seconds laser it will abruptly end. A power supply needs to be charged to operate this device that will take hours to recharge so it’s unlikely the levitation trick will be repeated in the same night. Click here to see picture illustration of a powerful ultrasonic laser passing through the Lutz home.


George Lutz: “At one point I kind of sat up and let out two distinct sounds at the same time. And I knew when it was happening, it couldn’t be happening; it shouldn’t be happening, you shouldn’t able to do this physically. One was what I describe as a low moaning whale. It was from deep inside of me. What I would maybe try to describe as the core of me. Not the conscious person that walks around talking.”

Analysis: An ultrasonic laser passing through an area of the body will cause an internal part of the body in the area the ultrasonic laser is passing through to resonate at a lower frequency and an audible sound will result. All kinds of strange and wild sounds can be created by controlling the frequency of the ultrasonic laser as it passes through the body. A lot of research is needed to determine what type of ultrasonic laser passing through the body will create the desired audible sound. An example of this is an ultrasonic laser passing through the stomach can create strange sounds that the targeted person will hear coming from inside him in the stomach area. Another example is passing an ultrasonic laser through the human vocal cords will cause the vocal cords to resonate at audible frequencies. Controlling the frequency of the ultrasonic laser will result in the ability to create audible sounds. Frequency modulating intelligent sound audio information, such as a human voice, onto this ultrasonic laser can actually cause an inner voice heard by the targeted person. From a neighboring house, an ultrasonic laser can be passed through the vocal cords of George Lutz and audio information modulated onto the ultrasonic laser will result in George Lutz hearing inner voices or other strange sounds that appear to him to come from within. This same technique can be used to create strange sounds coming from the stomach area by passing the ultrasonic laser through the stomach and causing the stomach to resonate at audible frequencies. All types of strange sounds can be created to appear to the targeted person to come from inside the body.


George Lutz: “And at the same time I was saying the words “It’s in Chris’s room it’s in Chris’s room”. But I couldn’t get up off the bed. I couldn’t get out of bed and go up there. Overhead at one point the boys beds are…you could hear them they were being lifted up and slammed down on the floor over us. But I still couldn’t get up and Kathy wouldn’t wake up.”

Analysis: It would appear as a non-lethal weapon designed to incapacitate a person through walls was used against George Lutz. The weapon fires a beam of energy that will disorientate a person that will incapacitate a person for a short period of time and not allow him to get to his feet. The room will appear to be spinning and the targeted person will not be able to fixate on any object. The secret government has directed energy weapons that can incapacitate, blind, or render a person unconscious for a period of time. The secret government also has directed energy that can kill a person through walls. These directed energy weapons are targeted by through wall targeting scopes. While George Lutz sleeps he is a sitting duck and can easily be targeted in his bed. After being incapacitated by this weapon, George Lutz would awake and find that he cannot move. Does this sound familiar? All six members of the DeFeo family that were murdered never made any attempt to flee or run when the shots broke out the night of the DeFeo murders. Each member of the DeFeo family can be incapacitated one by one and then the strike team enters the house, repositions the bodies of the defenseless DeFeos on their stomachs, and then shoots them one at a time with Butch’s rifle. The banging George Lutz thought were his children’s beds slamming on the floor was just banging sounds being projected at him while he was incapacitated in his bed. Any audible sound can be projected through the walls at George while he is unable to move in his bed.


George Lutz: “Harry is walking in circles, puking lying down, walking in circles and puking. And there is no getting up to help him.”

Analysis: After George Lutz wakes and finds he can’t move because he was incapacitated by a directed energy weapon, George’s dog Harry can be attacked by a sonic weapon. The dog can be driven out of control and made to puke by attacking it with a beam of infrasound. Harry is tied to the door and can’t escape form the attack. In addition to people being able to be targeted through a wall, family pets can also be targeted through walls.


George Lutz: “When that one night was over I was unable to communicate to anyone else in a rational way what I thought we had experienced. The boys came down the next morning and they still talk about this very occasionally but they do about what went on for them, what happened up there. And that’s their story. And I won’t tell you that. That’s for them to do, they are adults now. But that was the end for me in terms of I’m not afraid of this, whether I could deal with this. I knew then that I could not deal with this. So you asked for it. That was a. So now you know now you know why I don’t do that.  Because you relive a part of it, when you talk about it, too, it’s not the easiest thing to even admit. So what do you mean there is something you can’t figure out.”

Analysis: George let his imagination get the better of him. A person unable to comprehend what is happening to him when attacked with this technology could be driven into shock or driven insane. For George not to be able to explain or tell his story is not unusual. George and Kathy Lutz were not lying about what they experienced they simply exaggerated and decided to profit from their experience. Instead of precisely documenting what they experienced during their stay in the Horror House, they allowed the part fictional book by Jay Anson to explain their experience. Now that both George and Kathy Lutz have passed away, what they really experienced may be lost forever.


Green Slime

George Lutz stated that the famous green slime found in the Lutz home was green color Jelloton like substance repeatedly found on the rugs mornings after the family awoke. The green slime would found in the hallway going from room to room. Agents in the neighboring England house have classified surveillance technology that can detect when the Lutz family members have fallen into a deep sleep each night. An agent can enter the house and tamper with things in the house and drop green slime on the rugs in the middle of the night for the Lutz family to find in the morning. The agents would pick the lock on the front door and do their business of tampering with the house and simply leave and lock the door on the way out. The Lutz family would never be disturbed and never know that someone entered the house in the middle of the night. If the family dog, Harry, is tied to the front door, the dog can be incapacitated by a directed energy weapon through the walls before the agent enters the house. The dog will recover in around an hour, long before the Lutz family awakes in the morning.


Harassment of the DeFeos

The DeFeo family may have been under surveillance for a long period of time before they were murdered. The surveillance of the DeFeo family may have even begun a year or more before they were murdered. The agents in the neighboring England house may have been playing games with Big Ronnie by using through wall sound projection technology to trick him into believing he was experiencing some extraordinary religious event. The same through wall sound projection technology that tricked Father Ray into believing an invisible demon resided in the Lutz home may have been used to trick Big Ronnie into believing that an evil demon lived in his house.


Big Ronnie thought the devil resided in his house so he surrounded the house with religious statuary. Big Ronnie even told friends that he had a devil on his back. Six months before Big Ronnie was murdered, he went to the Shrine of Saint Joseph to bring back a priest to say the prayers of exorcism in his house. It is rumored that as the priest was saying the prayers candles were toppling over and doors were opening and closing. Powerful infrasonic bullets fired into candles can knock the candles over and powerful ultrasonic lasers fired into an open door can make the door move slowly in the direction the ultrasonic laser is traveling.

It is indeed possible that the secret government agents began harassing the DeFeo family many months before they were murdered. Butch stating that he heard strange noises in the house and even claiming he heard voices telling him to kill his family would indicate that the government mafia was messing with the DeFeos long before the murders.


It would be the mission of the agents to create mayhem in the DeFeo household. The agents are outnumbered in relation to their enemies so they use their technological advantage of classified surveillance and harassment technology to turn their enemies against each other. The agents basically attempt to get their enemies to destroy each other saving them the trouble of eliminating them.


Unknown boy in the Lutz family Home

The famous picture of an unknown boy in the Lutz family home taken during the paranormal investigation of the Lutz home has been paraded as proof the Lutz family home was haunted. The boy in the picture was not noticed until years after the picture was taken. George Lutz’s secretary discovered the photograph. The secretary who was pregnant at the time claimed that whenever she picked up the photograph, her unborn baby inside her kicked each time. After she carefully examined the photograph she discovered the little boy.


The Secret United States government has the resources to fake such a photograph. The pregnant secretary may not have been sensing her baby kicking when she picked up the photograph but rather may have felt an infrasonic bullet fired into her stomach area whenever she picked up the photograph. The Amityville Horror is the crown jewel in the secret government’s efforts to socially engineer American society by tricking the American people into believing that these haunted houses are real. George and Kathy would have been under surveillance possibly until their deaths. The photograph came out at the time the movie appeared in the theaters so this may have been the secret government’s efforts to further trick the American people into believing that the Amityville Horror house was really haunted.


The agents of the secret government would have had George Lutz’s office under surveillance at a time when the Amityville Horror was becoming well known by the American people. An agent could have put altered photographs in George Lutz’s office for his secretary to discover. After the photograph was picked up by the secretary, an agent in the neighboring suite to George Lutz’s office fired an infrasonic bullet into her stomach area to create the fake sensation of her baby kicking after she picked up the photograph. This would have caused the secretary to examine the photograph more closely.


The Island of Misfit Toys

The secret government enjoys targeting social misfits in society. These targeted social misfits are tricked into believing that they are experiencing extraordinary events in their lives, when in fact it is just technology being used against them. The same technology that was used to trick Father Ray into believing he was experiencing an extraordinary event in the sewing room of the Lutz family home is also used to trick other people targeted into believing they have special powers linked to the supernatural. An example would be the psychics that investigated the Lutz family home after the Lutz family fled. These psychics didn’t experience anything paranormal the night they investigated the Lutz home but had sonic harassment technology used against them in order to trick them into believing they had come in contact with an invisible entity in the Lutz family home.


There are many ways to trick people who can be easily manipulated into believing they have some special psychic power. These people will misinterpret the sensations of being attacked by sound they can’t hear as supernatural events. They will claim to feel vibes and come in contact with demons or spirits but what they simply come in contact with is high-tech tricks created by using very expensive classified technology against them.


The social misfits need something to latch onto to make their lives more fulfilling so when they are targeted by the secret government, they go bonkers and spend a significant portion of their lives chasing after something that simply doesn’t exist. This gives the secret government their thrill in life to target social misfits and trick them into believing they are experiencing something extraordinary. This is how the secret government keeps its domestic enemies busy by tricking them and making them chase after things that don’t exist, like a dog chasing its tail. When the psychic posse converged on the Lutz home in March of 1976, it gave the secret government agents great pressure to use sonic harassment technology on them through the walls of the Lutz home to trick them into believing that a supernatural force was in the house.


A pact with the devil

The England family may not have been the only family on Ocean Avenue involved in the conspiracy to murder the DeFeo family. Neighbors organize and unite to battle bad elements living in their community. Powerful and prominent community members usually know of the government mafia but neighbors who can be trusted with the secret could be involved. The DeFeo neighbors hated the DeFeo family and were in fear of them. Big Ronnie and Butch were making threats to bring in the mob to murder their neighbors and Butch even threatened a female neighbor that he would punch her in the face after an altercation. These examples are motives for neighbors forming an alliance and bringing in outside help to take out the DeFeo family. The neighbors may have formed a pact with the devil. The neighbors may have simply had it with the DeFeo family and acted in what they believe was self-defense and had the DeFeo family murdered. The neighbors may have even used the Lutz family to create a smokescreen for the murders, to draw the public’s attention away from the murders and onto the supernatural. Adults of families are the only community members told about the covert operation but their children are not informed. The community simply looks the other way during the operation.


The people who purchased the houses around the former DeFeo/Lutz house may not be random people who decided to buy the houses. The powerful people who knew of the conspiracy against the DeFeo family would ensure the people who purchased these homes were people with connections to the government mafia. Some of the neighbors who were involved in the conspiracy may have panicked after the DeFeo murders and the Lutz haunting and wanted out so the government mafia arranged for the neighbors to move out to another town to start new lives and forget about the past. The public attention to the DeFeo murders and the Lutz haunting may have been too much for them. It was for the England family because they moved after the Lutz haunting. The people who now occupy the horror house and neighboring houses may be the guardians of Amityville’s dirty little secret. The guardians continue to protect the secret and push the propaganda, including incest within the DeFeo family. It would be interesting to ask the original neighbors of the DeFeo family if it was worth it. The murder of the DeFeo family and Butch behind bars for the rest of his life was a tremendous sensation of revenge at first but years of regret may have taken its toll. The endless debate over DeFeo murders, Lutz haunting, and all the wasted time and resources (books and the movies). Was it worth it? Revenge is a dish best served cold.


Butch’s Rifle

Butch was convicted of murdering his family with a Marlin .35 Remington rifle. The prosecution at the trial alleged that Butch grabbed his rifle at 3:15am in the morning and went room to room shooting each of his family members. A total of eight shots were fired and none of the family members ever got out of bed and five out of six remained asleep. Click here to view a video demonstration of the same model rifle that Butch was convicted of using to murder his entire family. Some of the questions a person might ask after watching the video: How could the family members remain asleep in their beds after the first shot was fired? Why didn’t the neighbors hear the shots?


Directing sound at one person

The secret government used ultrasonic lasers to pass audible sound through the walls of the Lutz family home to trick George into believing that his house was haunted. Sounds of doors slamming, German marching band playing, flies buzzing, and other strange sounds were projected at George that only he heard. George heard these strange sounds in his bed while his wife, Kathy, lying directly next to him, heard nothing. The concept of using ultrasonic lasers to project sound at one person is now being implementing into consumer products, such as the audio systems of cars. Click here to see Bose’s commercial for its car hypersonic directed audio system. The secret government invented this technology many decades ago but their version uses ultrasonic lasers that pass through walls. Father Ray in the sewing room stated he heard the audible message “Get Out” directed toward him while he tried to bless the room. Guess what Father Ray really heard? Father Ray was simply tricked by a version of this technology designed to work through walls. Listed below in technology links section are additional links for directed audio technology.


Three-Act Performance:

Act One: The DeFeo Murders – Six members of the DeFeo family are murdered in their home by the oldest son in a manner which nobody can explain.

Act Two: The Haunting – The Lutz family flee the former DeFeo home after only 28 day because of what they claim are supernatural forces in the house.

Act Three: The Denial – A local family moves into the former Lutz home and experiences nothing out of the ordinary.


Pied Piper of Amityville

In 1974, while the town of Amityville was suffering from the DeFeo menace, a man dressed in pied clothing appeared, claiming to be a member of the secret government. The Piper promised the townspeople to rid the town of the DeFeos for a price. The payment agreed upon was the next family to occupy the DeFeo residence. The townspeople promised to pay so the Piper later that night used his high-tech magic to murder the DeFeos thru the walls of their home while they slept. The townspeople didn't renege and lured an unsuspecting family with the last name of Lutz to the former DeFeo residence. The townspeople didn’t refuse to pay because they knew the Piper had the ability to kill their children thru the walls of their homes while they slept. The piper again used his high-tech magic to trick the Lutz family into believing their new home was haunted. The Lutz family abandoned their new home after only 28 days. One of the greatest haunted house stories was born and the Piper rejoiced and danced thru the streets of Amityville playing his musical pipe.


Alternate Ending to DeFeo Murders

The secret government likes to conduct experiments on human test subjects and observe how they react. From inside the England house, the agents can electronically see and hear the DeFeo family inside their home. In this scenario of the DeFeo murders, the agents will incapacitate all seven members of the DeFeo family with a non-lethal weapon designed to render each member unconscious for up to an hour. The weapon is fired from inside the England house and will be used to render Big Ronnie, Louise, Marc, John, Allison, Dawn, and Butch unconscious thru the walls of their home by firing a burst of energy into their heads one at a time while they sleep. The head of each of the members of the DeFeo family is targeted with a thru wall targeting scope one at a time and a burst of energy is fired into each of their heads, disabling them and rendering them unable to respond to any events in the house. The weapon is silent and the burst of energy can’t be seen. One at a time each members will be incapacitated without disturbing the other members of the family.


November 13th 1974 the agents inside the England house target each of the DeFeo family’ members right thru the walls of their home and incapacitate all seven members of the family. The three members of the strike team move on the DeFeo house and within three minutes after the attack, the team is inside the DeFeo house. Butch’s rifle is obtained from the closet and placed into the custom enclosure which will deaden the sound of the shots enough so it can’t be heard outside the house.


The strike team proceeds to the second floor and enters the master bedroom and reposition Big Ronnie and Louise’s body and fire two shots into each of them. The strike team then proceeds to Allison’s bedroom and repositions her body and then shoots her in the head. The strike team then proceeds to Marc and John’s bedroom and repositions each of their bodies and shoots each of them in the back.


Butch and Dawn are unconscious in their bedrooms, completely unresponsive. Butch and Dawn’s bedroom are on the third directly across from the other.  A member of the strike team removes Butch’s rifle from the enclosure and places the rifle in the hallway between Butch and Dawn’s bedrooms. A strike team member then enters Butch’s bedroom and removes the rifle’s cardboard box from the closet. This cardboard box will be temporarily removed from the DeFeo home.


The strike team members verify that five of the DeFeo family members are dead and then make their way down to the living room. After being given the all clear to exit the DeFeo house they make their way back to the England house. Once in the England house, the team members will wait in case the DeFeo house needs to be reentered.


An hour after the strike team exited the DeFeo house, Butch regains consciousness. Butch smells gun powder and senses something is wrong. He is dizzy and having trouble getting out of his bed. After a short period of time he is able to get to on his feet and exits his bedroom. As he exits his bedroom he finds his rifle in the hallway right outside his and Dawn’s bedroom. Butch looks in Dawn’s bedroom and finds her asleep in her bed. Butch then staggers down to the second floor and looks into the master bedroom and finds both his father and mother shot dead lying face down in their bed. He screams to them “Dad…Mom!”, but he no gets no response.


Butch quickly moves to his youngest sister’s bedroom across the hallway and opens the door and finds Allison shot in the head. Butch screams “NO”. Butch then begins to cry. He exits Allison’s bedroom and proceeds to his younger brothers’ bedroom. When he looks in he finds them both dead, each shot in the back. Butch in complete rage proceeds back up to the third floor grabs his rifle in the hallway and enters Dawn’s bedroom.


Dawn is still unconscious in her bed. Butch grabs her by her hair and screams at her “Why did you kill our family?” Dawn regains consciousness but is in a state of shock. Dawn is disoriented and still suffering from being attacked by the directed energy weapon. Butch is convinced that Dawn drugged him and murdered the family. Dawn had recently stated that she wanted to murder her family so she could move to Florida to be with her boyfriend. Butch points the rifle at Dawn’s head and repeatedly screams at her “I’m going to kill you, Bitch”.


Dawn recovers enough to begin to argue with Butch. She tells Butch she doesn’t know what he is talking about and she has killed no one. Dawn fearing for her life grabs the rifle and attempts to wrestle the rifle from Butch’s hands. She fails because Butch is much stronger and Dawn is still suffering from the directed energy weapon attack. Butch with all his might thrusts Dawn into the headboard face first severely bruising her nose. Dawn is knocked unconscious. In a moment of rage Butch says this is for Allison and fires the weapon at Dawn’s head. Dawn is killed instantly and her blood is sprayed all over the headboard of the bed. Dawn dies hours after the other five members of her family did.


In the England house, the agents are sitting around a table observing the events in the DeFeo house unfold. The agents can see and hear how Butch reacts on a monitor screen and when he kills his sister, the agents applaud and silently say mission accomplished after Butch fires the bullet into his sister’s head. The agents then shake each other’s hand and state Butch is finished.


It is 3:15am in the morning and Butch in a state of shock recovers his senses and goes into self-preservation mode and decides that he can’t call the police because he is a convicted felon and a drug addict. Butch concludes that the police will discover that he fired a weapon and he will take the wrap for all the murders. Butch decides that he will make the crime scene look like a mob it. Butch will go to work and act normal, then come home and pretend that he just discovered the bodies. Butch’s plan is to clean Dawn’s headboard of her bed to cover up the evidence that Dawn was thrown into headboard and make it look like she was simply shot while she slept. Butch grabs towels from the linen closet and the bleach from the basement and then cleans the headboard. Butch places all the towels in a pillowcase and then goes to each bedroom and collects all the spent bullet cartridges. Butch returns to his bedroom and takes the unused bullets for his rifle and the rifle cover from his closet and places them into the pillowcase. Butch is shocked to discover that the cardboard box that his rifle was in when he purchased it is missing. Butch frantically searches for the cardboard box but he abandons the search after he fails to locate it.


Butch takes a shower and trims his beard to make himself look more presentable. Butch then grabs the pillowcase and his rifle and heads out the door. He locks the house and places the gun and pillowcase in the trunk of his car. It’s 4:30am and Butch drives away and heads to the river dock down the street. An agent waiting nearby starts his car and follows Butch.


At the river dock, Butch check to make sure no one is around. Butch gets out of his car, opens the trunk and grabs the rifle. He walks over to the end of the dock and throws the rifle into the river. He gets back into his car and drive away. The agent in his car takes parked at a distance notes of where Butch disposed of the rifle and continues to follow Butch. On the way to work, Butch finds an isolated street corner and parks his car, Butch gets out opens his car trunk and grabs the pillowcase. Butch tosses the pillowcase into a storm drain. Butch quickly gets back into his car and drives away. The agent observing at a distance again notes the intersection of where Butch just disposed of the evidence and continues to follow Butch. Butch arrives at work early and decides to have breakfast at a restaurant across the street from the dealership. Butch has breakfast and proceeds to work.


At the DeFeo residence, a member of the strike team re-enters the DeFeo residence and place the rifle’s cardboard box in Butch’s bedroom in plain sight for the police to discover. The strike team member exits the DeFeo house and makes his way back to the England house. In the England house, the agents have disassembled the equipment and have packed it all up and place it in the back of a van parked in the garage. After all the equipment is loaded in the van, the van pulls away. The England house is cleaned and no evidence of what transpired in the house remains. Agents at Butch’s workplace have Butch under complete surveillance at the dealership, closely watching him. No one other than Butch knows of the DeFeo murders yet so the agents have plenty of time to exit the England house.


Butch works until noon and then leaves work to spend time with his girlfriend. At his girlfriend’s house Butch attempts to call home but gets no answer. Butch pretends to act concerned and he expresses concern to his girlfriend that no one is answering the phone. Butch leaves his girlfriend’s house at 5:30pm and heads home. Butch decides that he will run into a local bar down the street from his house and frantically tell his friends at the bar that his parents are dead and he needs their help. Butch and his friends leave the bar and race to the DeFeo residence. After Butch’s friends discover the carnage, the police are called. Butch is placed into protective custody and later arrested and charged for the murder of his family. The agent who witnessed where Butch disposed of the evidence discreetly relays the locations to a police detective who is aware of the conspiracy against the DeFeos. The detective sends officers to the two locations and states that Butch confessed and provided the information during interrogation. Butch never provided the information but after the police discover the rifle in the river and the pillowcase in the storm drain, Butch’s fate is sealed. Butch is convicted of murdering six of his family members and sentenced to six twenty-five years to life consecutive sentences.


Dr. Howard Adelman - Deputy Medical Examiner comments on Dawn’s body and states that there was no struggle between Dawn and Butch

[Start of Quote]

“She (Dawn) had no contusions or abrasions on her that were fresh that might indicate a struggle of some sort. There is something called the law of mutual exchange. The aggressor would have some of the hairs and fibers from the victim on the aggressor and vice versa and we found none. The finger nail scrapings on all of them were negative. An examination of the hands was also negative. He (Butch) could have covered her up but bed clothes weren't in any type of disarray. Theoretically they could have been put back together again but that would have been unusual. We would have found some evidence of something being in disarray. Her nightgown might have been torn but we found none of this.”

[End of Quote]


This would indicate that there was no life and death struggle between Butch and Dawn at the time Dawn died. The author of “The Night the DeFeos Died” states that there was a life and death struggle for the rifle after Dawn murdered the children but the medical examiner states no such struggle took place. According to the examiner, Butch may have covered Dawn up with a blanket but Dawn’s body indicates no struggle took place at the time of death.


The secret government turns its domestic enemies against each other

In order to defeat their domestic enemies, the secret government agents use a tactic known as divide and conquer. Win by getting the secret government’s enemies to fight among themselves. This tactic was used against the DeFeo family before they were murdered and is used currently used against the Amityville Horror fanatics who fight among each other. The secret government covertly funds books or other projects that create controversy to get people who follow the Amityville Horror Saga to take sides and argue and fight among each other.


The DeFeo family was under electronic surveillance for months before they were murdered so caution should be exercised when people come forward with intimate details of the DeFeo family and attempt to sway authors of books or conspiracists into believing DeFeo murder scenarios. The secret government has invested a lot of time and money into creating the Amityville Horror Saga and will do whatever it takes to keep it alive and kicking. This is how the secret American government socially engineers the American people. Create hoaxes and tragedy to distract the American public’s attention away from social issues and onto things that don’t exist or are irrelevant. This is how the secret American government uses democracy as a weapon against the American people.


DeFeo Murders – A Government Hit

The DeFeo murders were a government hit. The government wanted to eliminate the DeFeos and neutralize Louise DeFeo’s father, Mike Brigante Sr. Mike Brigante Sr. was a big time mobster. The murder of Mike Brigante Sr.’s daughter, son-in-law, and grandchildren personally destroyed him and the publicity of the murders and then the Lutz haunting brought unwelcome attention to his organized crime activities.


Organized crime declared war against the government with their involvement in assassinations and attempted assassinations of politicians and civil rights leaders. Organized crime was standing in the way of the government’s primary objective of desegregation of American society so the government created a secret police force, the government mafia, and equipped them with classified surveillance technology and military directed energy weapons to do battle with organized crime. This was the start of America’s second civil war. It was a covert war fought not with bullets and bombs but with technology that can’t be proven exist. Organized crime had no defense against this technology and never realized it was being used against them.


Mike Brigante Sr. didn’t believe Butch DeFeo murdered his family but an explanation for the murders eluded Brigante and haunted him until his death. Brigante never knew that the murder of his daughter, son-in-law, and grandchildren were payback by the government. The objective was to smear the DeFeo and Brigante name for all eternity.


The Amityville Horror Saga exploded in popularity and was used by the government to distract the American public’s attention away from social issues, such as desegregation, and onto things that simply are irrelevant. The government would work covertly behind the scenes implementing its secret domestic social agenda and the American people would be distracted by irrelevant events, such as haunted houses and UFOs.


The government began discriminating against the white population in the late 1960’s as a means to remedy past discrimination against minorities. The government would secretly work together to create hoaxes and then the movies that would distract the public’s attention away from social issues. Another objective was to smear Christianity. Movies like “The Exorcist” and “The Amityville Horror” based on real stories, which were government hoaxes, were part of the government’s agenda to smear Christianity.


The government couldn’t resist creating the Amityville Horror Saga. Payback against Mike Brigante Sr. and organized crime, the elimination of the DeFeos, and the creation of the greatest haunted house story ever known were the primary objectives that were achieved. Amityville is hiding a terrible secret.


Butch threatens to murder a police officer and his daughter

High Hopes – The Amityville Murders (Paperback)

Page 90: Butch DeFeo had threatened to murder a police officer and the police officer’s daughter a year before the DeFeo murders. This may have been the catalyst for the DeFeo murders. The government mafia members are comprised of law enforcement and military personnel. This could be a lead that can solve the DeFeo murders.  Vengeance may have been the primary reason the government mafia murdered the DeFeo family and made Butch the patsy.


Paper Patching

In the movie “Shooter”, a method known as “Paper Patching” is referenced. A bullet fired from one rifle is fired into ballistics gelatin. The undamaged bullet is recovered and cleaned. It is then rebuilt and wrapped in paper and loaded into a second rifle. The paper will prevent the barrel grooves from the second rifle from being imprinted on the bullet. When fired from the second rifle, a ballistic check would indicate the bullet was only fired from the first rifle.


This is interesting because multiple rifles could have been used to murder the DeFeo family. When the eight bullets are recovered from the six victims and the ballistic checks are done, it would indicate that all the bullets were fired from a single rifle. Could six shooters with six different rifles sneak up on the DeFeo family in the middle of the night while they were soundly sleeping and open fire all at once? This would kill the DeFeo family in their sleep all at once. Special rifles enclosed in sound deadening enclosures would deaden the simultaneous blasts from all the rifles so the neighbors wouldn’t be awakened. Butch’s rifle is then removed from the closet and left in plain sight to be discovered as the murder weapon.


Butch’s rifle could have been removed from the DeFeo residence a short time before the murders when nobody was home and taken to an isolated area.  A dozen bullets fired into ballistics gelatin and recovered undamaged. The bullets rebuilt and paper patched and made ready for the murder of the DeFeo family. Butch’s rifle is then returned to the DeFeo residence. Is this an interesting conspiracy? Does it really work?  Click here to view clip from the movie “Shooter”.


DeFeo Family Dog

Why didn’t Butch shoot the DeFeo family dog?  In “High Hopes - The Amityville Murders” it indicates that Butch hated the family dog. Butch and the dog were the only survivors the night of the murders.  The book indicates Butch wanted to kill the dog and dump it into the river but Big Ronnie told him that whatever happens to the dog will happen to you. The dog bit Butch once while trying to sneak his girlfriend in the basement. So why does Ronnie murder six members of his family, including Allison who he loved and adored, and not kill the barking dog that is threatening to wake the neighbors. If Ronnie was in such a rage to be able to murder his family, why not murder the dog too?


Dr. Stephen Kaplan

Dr. Stephen Kaplan is a parapsychologist who considered it his life's work to expose the Lutz haunting as a hoax. Kaplan died two weeks before the release of his book about the Lutz haunting. The title of the book is “The Amityville Horror Conspiracy”. Kaplan anticipated the books release and then a media blitz to promote the book. Kaplan died in his sleep. Kaplan did have a heart condition but it’s interesting to consider if Kaplan was murdered by the secret government. The secret government has lethal directed energy weapons that fire a beam of electricity into the chest of a person while sleeping to ensure the person never awakes. The person dies in his sleep from heart failure. Since Kaplan has a heart condition, it’s possible that the secret government took him out to create a mystery relating to the Amityville Horror and prevent him from creating doubt in the public’s mind about the Lutz haunting. The DeFeos went to sleep and never awoke, even after a high powered rifle was fired in the hallway near their bedrooms.


The follow excerpt is from Kaplan’s book “The Amityville Horror Conspiracy” page 238 (paperback).


[Start of Excerpt]

In Memoriam

On Friday, June 9th, shortly before this book went to press, my husband, Dr. Stephen Kaplan, passed away of a sudden heart attack. Although he was being treated for congestive heart failure, he had lately improved tremendously with medication and we both felt he was on the road to recovery. He was still working full time as a teacher for the New York City Board of Education and, in fact finished a full day of work on the day of his death. He came home to his usual routine: Changed clothes, checked his phone messages, watched some TV, then lay down to take a nap from which he never awoke.

Stephen Spent the last week of his life excitedly making the final preparations for this book. After all these years, we were finally going to see our story published, and he was elated. He felt The Amityville Horror Conspiracy was his life's work, and next to family, it was the most important thing in the world to him. Among the notes I found on his desk was an idea for publicity for the book that referred to it as "H.I.S.-Honesty, integrity, and Scholarship." These words that Stephen intended for our book can also be used to sum up his life, for he lived for those three ideals. If you have enjoyed reading our story, then you have already given Stephen the greatest tribute possible. Please spread his message to all your friends.

Stephen, the children and I know you are watching over us still. We love you and will miss you always. We will never forget the lessons of love you gave us.

-Roxanne Salch Kaplan

June 1995

[End of Excerpt]



Butch awakens after the murders

The government mafia has sound projection technology that can project audible sound at a single person in a house thru the walls of the house. This was used to trick George Lutz into believing he heard a German marching band in his house that no one else heard. Father Ray hearing “Get Out” in the sewing room is also another example of projecting audible sound at a single person in a house thru walls.


The government mafia plays mind games with the people they target. Butch was incapacitated by a directed energy weapon that rendered him unconscious before the strike team entered the DeFeo house to shoot his lifeless family members. Butch’s family was shot at around 12:30am but Butch didn’t regain consciousness until 3:15am. The government mafia monitors Butch thru the walls with imaging technology that can see and hear thru walls. When Butch begins to regain consciousness, audile sounds of rifle shots are projected at him from inside the England house.


Butch hears the audio of the shots and awakens to discover his rifle on his lap. Butch manages to get to his feet, picks up his rifle, and then rushes out of the TV room into the hallway to find out who is firing a rifle but he sees nothing. He enters his family members’ bedrooms and finds the carnage. Butch, standing in the hallway with his rifle in his hands, is trying to figure out what just occurred. Butch searches the entire house but finds no one else in the house and all the door and windows are locked. Butch begins to doubt his own sanity and starts to believe he may have murdered his family.


This is a common psychological warfare tactic used by the government mafia. The government mafia from inside the neighboring house covertly monitors Butch’s actions after he wakes, thru the walls of the DeFeo house. Butch has no idea of the classified technology that was used against him. Butch can’t call the police because his story of falling asleep watching TV and then awakening to find his family all murdered is not logical. How could someone sleep thru a firearm being fired eight times in a house? Butch being a felon and a drug addict would not be believed by police so Butch decides to clean the house and remove evidence that his rifle was used in the shootings…


The point here is that Butch believes his family was murdered at about 3am but the actual murders occurred at around midnight. Butch heard audio of rifle shots but not the actual shots of the murder of his family. This is a common psychological warfare tactic used by the government mafia against their targeted individuals.


Did Dawn die hours after her family?

The DeFeo family was used as guinea pigs for testing lethal directed energy weapons. Human guinea pigs are not readily available so when a test is performed on live humans, the test must be conducted like an experiment. After the six members of the DeFeo family were attacked with directed energy weapons thru the walls of their home, a strike team enters the DeFeo house and examines each body and determines how effective the weapon was against the test subjects. A different type of directed energy weapon may have been used against Dawn or she simply responded differently than the rest of her family and not died instantly after being attacked. The strike team repositions each member of the DeFeo family after the examination and shoots each one in the preplanned position on their beds. Five members of the DeFeo may have died between 11am and 12:30am but Dawn may not have succumbed to the effects of the directed energy weapon until much later. Dawn may have still been alive but unconscious so at 3am neared she was simply repositioned on her bed and shot in the head while still alive because time ran out and the strike team had to exit the DeFeo house before daybreak so the experiment was terminated before Dawn died on her own. Remember the town of Amityville gave the DeFeo family to the government mafia to be used as guinea pigs so that’s all Dawn was to the government mafia was a lab experiment, and her life was terminated to end the experiment. This would explain why the coroner’s report indicates that Dawn may have died hours after her family.



Amityville Horror Links:

Documentary - The Real Amityville Horror (full)

History's Mysteries: Amityville, (The Haunting)

Amityville - Horror or Hoax? (Part 1 of 5)

Amityville - Horror or Hoax? (Part 2 of 5)

Amityville - Horror or Hoax? (Part 3 of 5)

Amityville - Horror or Hoax? (Part 4 of 5)

Amityville - Horror or Hoax? (Part 5 of 5)

The Amityville Horror-The Real Story 1/5

The Amityville Horror-The Real Story 2/5

The Amityville Horror-The Real Story 3/5

The Amityville Horror-The Real Story 4/5

The Amityville Horror-The Real Story 5/5

Ed and Lorraine Warren: Amityville Horror Part 1 of 2

Ed and Lorraine Warren: Amityville Horror Part 2 of 2

Supernatural Homicide (Amityville Horror) - Part 1 of 3

Supernatural Homicide (Amityville Horror) - Part 2 of 3

Supernatural Homicide (Amityville Horror) - Part 3 of 3

Amityville Horror - That's Incredible

Amityville Horror - In Search of 1 of 3

Amityville Horror - In Search of 2 of 3

Amityville Horror - In Search of 3 of 3

Amityville Horror Website

Amityville Murders Website


Technology Links:

Hypersonic sound (future weapons)

Audio Spotlight Disk Ultrasonic Speaker Avitra LLC Demo

BBC - Audio Spotlight

Weird Connections - Audio Spotlight

LRAD: Long Range Acoustic Device

Non Lethal (?) Electrical Weapons APR 30 2008

Audio Spotlight featured on the Smithsonian Channel's SciQ

Bose In-Car Hypersonic Sound System (Group 1 MSc Strat Mktg)

LRAD - Discovery Channel "Future Weapons"

The Audio Spotlight

Woody Norris: Inventing the next amazing thing


My You Tube

Amityville Horror – The Night the Government Murdered the DeFeos

Amityville Horror - A Government Hoax