United States Secret Government’s Domestic Social
Disclaimer: This website must be
presented as fiction. What is described on this website could never occur in
The secret government
of the last several decades has become liberal and multi-cultural. The secret
government of the past was white people who implemented a segregationist
domestic social agenda but today’s secret government has a desegregationist
domestic agenda. The new multi-cultural secret government is working to correct
past discrimination against minorities in
As racial tensions
peeked in the 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s the United States government decided that
the only way to prevent the country from breaking apart and falling into civil war
was to begin a slow process of desegregation. The
The secret government
developed a secret domestic agenda that would involve the use of special
domestic agents of the secret government (a secret police force) to infiltrate
white communities across
In order to prevent
the public from gaining knowledge of the covert operations against white
communities across
The secret government
of the
The secret
government’s creation of hoaxes to distract the average American’s attention
will also have another extremely beneficial advantage. The obsessed (The
crazies) who are looking for government conspiracies will latch onto these
rumors and stories of extraordinary events and spend a significant portion of
their lives chasing after things that don’t exist. In fact they may go to their
graves believing these extraordinary events occurred when in fact what they
believed to be real was actually an orchestrated hoax by the secret government.
The secret government would rather have these people chasing after things that
don’t exist rather than chasing after things that do exist. The secret
government would rather have the people it considers crazy searching the
country for a military hangar with the number 18 printed on the side and a UFO
from another planet concealed inside than interfering with its secret domestic
agenda. This is the dog chasing its own tail concept used very effectively by
the secret government against its domestic enemies.
Another significant
potion of secret government’s domestic agenda is a war against its domestic
enemies, the mentally ill. The secret government wants stronger laws enacted
against the mentally ill (The secret government’s domestic enemies). In order to get these stronger laws enacted
the American public’s opinion of the mentally ill must be changed. The public
must be made to fear the mentally ill and believe that stronger laws are needed
to protect society against the mentally ill. The stronger laws the secret
government wants enacted are the forced medication and monitoring of the
mentally ill. Once these laws are enacted, the secret government domestic
enemies can be forced into the mental health system and never heard from again.
The secret
government’s domestic agenda is the following:
1. Desegregation of
communities throughout
2. Stronger laws
enacted against mentally ill people
3. Rid American
communities of crime from organized crime and gang violence.
The secret government
wishes to create the utopian society of tomorrow. The utopian society of the
secret government is a place where all races of people live together without
conflict. The secret government wishes to eliminate segregated communities
where poverty overwhelms one community and wealth brings good fortune to the
other. The mentally ill will be properly medicated and monitored in this
perfect society. Illegal drugs, gangs, and organized crime will be eliminated.
The secret government’s secret domestic agenda of the last several decades has
been to create this perfect society.
This webpage will
concentrate on the secret government’s covert war against the mentally ill but
the surveillance technology and tactics mentioned on this webpage are also used
by agents of the secret government to target people who are in conflict with
the other aspects of the secret government’s domestic agenda.
The secret United
States government has been conducting a domestic covert war against mentally ill
people for decades. You might have seen the aftermath of this war on TV. People
claiming to have lived in haunted houses, people claiming to be victims of mind
control, people claiming to be victims of radiation weapons, and people claming
God told them to commit violent acts. These are some of the results of this
covert war.
The classified
technology was developed to protect the national security of the United States
but has been turned against American citizens. The same classified technology
used to go after foreign adversaries of the United States is being used to go
after the secret United States government’s domestics adversaries.
The covert operation
against the mentally ill involves selecting of a handful of mentally ill people
throughout the United States each year. These selected mentally ill people will
be people selected based on what mental condition they have, where they live,
and their family structure. The secret government may select a dozen people and
their immediate family to place under surveillance at one time. Classified
surveillance technology is used to conduct complete surveillance of the
mentally ill people selected. Government agents will place the selected people
with mental illness and their immediate family members under surveillance for a
period of several months or longer. There are many government agents involved
in the operation against each person placed under surveillance. There could be
two dozen or more government agents assigned to each selected person and his
immediate family.
surveillance technology is supplied to the government agents to carryout the
operation against each targeted person and immediate family members. The
classified surveillance technology can electronically see and hear through
walls of a house or building. It basically gives the agents of the secret
government X-Ray vision to see right into the targeted person’s house. A very
detailed image of the targeted person thru walls of his house is generated by
this technology. The image generated has enough detail to identify a person
thru a wall even in a house were more than one person lives. The audio
surveillance technology is so sensitive it can hear a person breathing thru a
wall. The surveillance technology works house to house, meaning the
surveillance technology placed inside one house can electronically monitor the
activity of a person in another house thru the house walls. Agents of the
secret government will covertly move into a neighboring house to the targeted
person and conduct complete audio and video surveillance of the targeted person
in his house with the classified surveillance technology. The classified
surveillance technology is portable and easily moved into and out of the house
used by the agents.
Once the house is
selected to be used for the surveillance operation against the targeted person,
the secret government agents will prepare the house for the operation.
Surveillance technology is covertly moved into the house. The surveillance
technology is usually concealed in furniture so it can be moved into and out of
the house without drawing attention. The agents will setup and prepare for the
surveillance operation. From outside the house used for the surveillance
operation, no visual evidence of the operation is noticeable. Agents from
inside the house simply point the surveillance technology towards the targeted
person house and they can see and hear into the targeted person’s house.
The agents never have
to enter the targeted person’s house to place listening devices. The classified
surveillance technology can be used to conduct complete surveillance
electronically thru walls from the neighboring house. The targeted person will
never know he is under surveillance during the surveillance period. Click here to read an article describing technology that can
see through walls. The only thing the targeted person may notice is that he
has new neighbors.
The classified
technology uses the body heat of a person to see him thru walls. The energy
emitted by the human body can be detected thru walls and the classified
surveillance technology will use the body heat to detect a person and display
an image of a person behind walls. The image is very detailed and enough to
identify who the person is standing behind the wall.
Since the technology
relies on energy emitted by the human body, no detection equipment is available
to detect if this video eavesdropping technology is being used against a
person. The secret government has spent millions to develop this classified
technology and the inability of adversaries to detect the video eavesdropping
was absolutely necessary.
In addition to having
technology that can see thru walls, the secret government agents also have
technology that can hear thru walls. The sensitive audio eavesdropping
technology can hear a person breathing from a neighboring house. The audio
eavesdropping technology is also completely undetectable.
Both the video and
audio eavesdropping technology is operated from inside a neighboring house to
the targeted person. No visual evidence of the surveillance is possible from
outside the house used for surveillance. To anyone passing by, nothing out of
the ordinary will be noticed. All the targeted person’s movements and
conversations can be seen and heard with this classified technology. All
surveillance of the targeted person is digitally recorded, encrypted, and saved
for review by other secret government agents.
The period of time a
targeted person is under surveillance is known as the Surveillance Stage. He
will not be aware he is under surveillance during this period. He will be under
complete surveillance in his home and will be followed to and from work and any
place he may go. His immediately family will also have some type of
surveillance performed.
A complete profile of
the targeted person will be made during this surveillance stage of the
operation. A group of specialist members who are in control of the operation
against the targeted person will review and analyze the surveillance information.
The specialist members consist of psychiatrists and other people who specialize
in mental health.
Only one person of
the people targeted for surveillance by the secret government will be selected
for the next stage of the operation. The specialist members will review the
surveillance intelligence of each targeted person and immediate family members
to determine which will be selected. The specialists must determine which
targeted person can be manipulated and driven out of control during the next stage
of the operation known as the Attack Stage. The goal of the Attack Stage is to
drive the targeted person out of control so he will commit a violent act.
Successful Attack
Stage operations previously conducted on targeted individuals in the past
1) Tricking the targeted person into
believing he is speaking to God. The targeted person is tricked into believing
that God has commanded him to commit a violent act, typically a mother is
tricked into killing her children.
2) Tricking the targeted person into
believing he is being attacked with mind control devices.
3) Tricking the targeted person into
believing he is living in a haunted house.
4) Tricking the targeted person into
believing he has an electronic chip implanted in his body which he believes is
used for surveillance and to inflict pain in the targeted person.
5) ECT....
The Attack Stage
involves the use of classified sonic harassment technology and sonic non-lethal
weapons. Once the specialist members of the group decide to initiate the Attack
Stage, the targeted person will be harassed and/or attacked with classified
harassment and military non-lethal weapon technology.
The harassment
technology and non-lethal weapons were developed by the secret United States
government to harass and torture people through walls of a house or building.
The technology can be used to artificially create symptoms of serious mental
illness in targeted individuals. Click here to view video describing
sonic weapons.
People targeted with
this technology will complain of the following:
1) Hearing voices no one else can hear.
2) Burring sensations in limbs of the body,
mainly legs.
3) Pain or numbness on outer and upper part
of the head.
4) Involuntary movements of limbs of the
5) Sensation of impacts (being struck) in
areas of the body.
6) Other strange burning sensations or
numbness of areas of the body.
7) Hearing strange snapping or clicking noises
which appear to come from hard surfaces near and around the targeted
8) Sleep deprivation resulting from the
symptoms mentioned above.
The harassment
technology is classified technology that uses ultrasonic technology to direct what
can be described as sonic lasers at a targeted person in his house. The sonic
lasers pass through walls, floors, ceilings, furniture, and people without
causing any physical damage. The technology can be used to attack a single
person in a house without anyone else in the house feeling or noticing anything
abnormal. The technology leaves not physical evidence of the attack behind. The
targeted person will have absolutely no physical evidence to prove an attack
took place. The technology uses what is know as directed energy technology that
directs sonic energy in one direction. The sonic beam of energy cannot be seen
or heard, only felt by the person struck by the beam of sound.
Sonic lasers passing
through the targeted person’s legs can produce what feels like a burning
sensation in his legs. The technology can be used to keep the targeted person
awake all night before a workday by creating burning sensations in his legs.
Every time the targeted person falls asleep the technology can create the
burning sensations in the targeted person’s legs and awaken him from sleep. The
targeted person can be denied sleep for days with this technology. This method
of attack is very effective against a targeted person who holds a job and needs
sleep to perform his job effectively.
The classified sonic
non-lethal weapons technology can be used to fire powerful sonic bullets
through the targeted person’s house. These sonic bullets are similar to sonic
laser but much shorter in duration than sonic lasers. The targeted person will
experience sensations of being struck by invisible forces. Involuntary limb
movements if a leg or arm is struck by a sonic bullet. The targeted person’s
fingers can experience involuntary movements by passing a sonic bullet through
Other classified
harassment technology that the secret government has provided to the group is
technology that can direct audible messages to a single person in a house. This
technology mixes together two or more ultrasonic lasers to produce audible
sound that only the targeted person can hear. The technology can be used to
trick the targeted person into believing he is speaking to God. The technology
is incredibly effective and the results obtained by the groups against the
targeted person can be horrific. Mothers who kill their children in their homes
and claim God told them to do it may be the victims of this harassment
All sonic weapons and
harassment technology are operated inside the house neighboring the targeted
person. The secret government agents move the technology into the house before
the attack stage begins. The sonic lasers and sonic bullets generated by the
weapons and harassment devices pass thru the walls of each house without
causing any damage to either house. No physical or visual evidence of the
attack will exist. To anyone outside the house used to conduct the attack,
nothing out of the ordinary will be noticeable.
In order to use
non-lethal weapons and harassment technology against the targeted person in his
house without affecting anyone else living in the same house, a targeting
system is needed that can target a single person in a house thru the walls. The
secret United States government has incorporated their classified surveillance
technology that can see thru walls into a targeting scope that can identify and
target a person thru walls.
The thru wall
targeting scope is attached to the non-lethal weapons and harassment
technology. Now a weapon that can target a person thru walls and fire a
directed beam of sonic energy thru walls can be used against the targeted
person. The weapon is placed inside the neighboring house to the targeted
person, and from the neighboring house the targeted person can be attacked thru
the walls of his own house.
The overall goal of
the Attack Stage is to drive the targeted person out of control so he will
commit a violent act.
Depending on which
state the targeted person lives in, the laws regarding forced medication and
institutionalization of people legally declared mentally ill vary. Most states
currently can force a person legally declared mentally ill into an Involuntary
Outpatient Commitment program simply because a judge ruled the person’s mental
illness is serious and could represent a threat to himself, other people, or
property. Schizophrenia is a mental
illness that would require Involuntary Outpatient Commitment, regardless of
whether or not the mentally ill person is violent, in these states.
Other states require
the person suspected of being mentally ill must commit a violent act or likely
to commit a violent act in the near future before being forced into an
Involuntary Outpatient Commitment program or an Involuntary Inpatient
Commitment program.
Outpatient Commitment involves forcing a person deemed mentally ill to take
medication to control his mental illness. The person may remain free from
confinement as long as he takes medication to control his mental illness. Urine
and blood samples are taken on a regular basis from the mentally ill person to
ensure he is taking the medication. If the person refuses or discontinues the
required medication, he may be forced into an Involuntary Inpatient Commitment.
Involuntary Inpatient
Commitment involves the forced confinement and forced medication of a mentally
ill person in a mental institution. The person may not be released back into
society unless he is deemed not a threat to society by psychiatrists at the
The covert war the
secret United States government has been waging against the mentally ill
involves the targeting of specially selected people with mental illnesses
throughout the United States each year. The goal would be to conduct complete
surveillance of these people, analyze them, and attack them to drive them out
of control so they commit a violent act.
An operation to
target a mentally ill mother who has children would be as follows: Conduct
complete surveillance of the mother. Learn as much as possible about her and
her immediate family, and develop a plan of attack to trick the mother into believing
that God is commanding the mother to kill her children.
Using the
surveillance intelligence, the secret government will carefully select a
mentally ill mother that can be easily manipulated. The mother can easily be manipulated
into believing that God is speaking to her with the classified harassment
technology. The technology can direct audible sounds at the mother inside her
house from a neighboring house. No one else in the house will hear these sounds
but the mother. The mother can easily be convinced she is receiving verbal
commands from God with this technology.
The message the
mother receives will be clear to her. Audible commands such as “Kill Your
Children”, “Your Children Are Evil”, and “God Commands you”, are easily
directed to a single person in a house with this classified government
technology. The mother will be completely convinced she is now receiving
commands directly from God.
Once the mentally ill
mother is tricked into killing her children, the covert operation will move
from the Attack Stage to the next stage know as the Propaganda Stage. The
mother will be arrested and confined to a mental institution for psychiatric
evaluation before going trial.
The public will be
made aware of the crime through the news media. “God Tells Mother to Kill Her
Children” will be the national media headlines. Coverage will be broadcast into
every American household and public opinion about mentally ill people will be
altered into supporting stronger laws against people deemed seriously mentally
ill. The American people will never know the truth that the mother was tricked
into killing her children by agents of the secret United States government.
The secret government
agents would typically target states in America that don’t currently have
Involuntary Outpatient Commitment for people with serious mental illnesses. The
secret United States government would like to see all states adopt laws
requiring forced medication of people declared as having a serious mental illnesses,
regardless of whether the mentally ill people have committed a violent act,
likely to commit a violent act, or at no risk of committing a violent act. The
secret government’s goal would be to have any man, woman, or child with a
serious mental illness medicated and monitored by the mental health
system. The future goal and ultimate
goal is a federal law requiring mandatory forced treatment and monitoring of
people with serious mental illnesses. A national database would be setup to
monitor and track people with serious mental illnesses so they can’t simply
move to another state to escape treatment.
States that don’t
currently have forced medication of non-violent people with serious mental
illnesses would be targeted by this covert operation. A mentally ill person
living in a state such as this would be sought out and targeted to be driven
out of control. Tragedy artificially created by the secret government in a
targeted state would gain media attention and public opinion would be changed
into supporting the strengthening of state laws against the mentally ill.
Mental health
advocacy groups would use the tragedy created by this covert operation to
influence public opinion in favor of supporting strong laws against people
suspected of having serious mentally ill.
The covert operation
would artificially create the tragedy and then mental health advocacy groups
who support the stronger laws against the mentally ill would move in and use
the family members of the victims by manipulating them and use them as a poster
child for supporting the stronger laws. The family members would be persuaded
to go public to help prevent the same tragedy from happening to other families.
The public would be frightened and given disinformation like this can happen to
your family. Victims that were in effect murdered by the secret United States
government would have their names used for laws that will target innocent
American citizens who have committed no crime.
Mental health
advocacy groups working for stronger laws against the mentally ill would ask
for your help in lobbying state representatives and ask you to act in memory of
the victims. Family members of the victims lobby state law makers to support
the stronger laws. In some cases family members will even beg law makers in
public to support the new laws. Law makers would have a difficult time refusing
such public display. A tragedy artificially created by the secret US government
is used by the advocacy groups to enact the tougher laws against the mentally
One reason for
surveillance of immediate family members of the mentally ill person is to
choose a mentally ill person who has family who can be used by the government
agents after the mentally ill person is attacked by the agents and commits a
violent act. Family members who are outspoken and good communicators can be
used to lobby state law makers to sway them into supporting stronger laws
against the mentally ill. The family
members will effectively be helping the secret government agents, the people
who just murdered their relative.
Over the decades the
secret United States government has been bringing what can be considered a
traveling road show to communities across America. Hoaxes and tragedies
artificially created by the secret government agents have been become part of
the American culture. Haunted house stories are a good example. The most famous
haunted house story is the Amityville horror story. What if the American people
discovered that the Amityville Horror story was a secret government hoax? Sonic
harassment technology and thru wall targeting systems used to attack the
occupants of the house in Amityville into believing their house was haunted.
The secret government
has been creating haunted house hoaxes across America over the last several decades
in order to change public opinion about the mentally ill. The secret government
wishes to change the way Americans perceive the mentally ill. Hollywood movies
such as the Amityville Horror and Poltergeist were based on true stories but
are exaggerations of what actually occurred. Simple explainable events turned
into events that could only be supernatural by Hollywood.
The secret
government’s road show involves using two categories of actors. One category
are the people who know that the show is a hoax and the other category is the
innocent people who are to be used and tricked into believing what is occurring
is real. The secret government agents are the actors who are knowingly creating
the hoax and the innocent people who have no idea that a hoax is being created
are ordinary people across America.
The secret government
will select an innocent family in a community in America. Covert electronic
surveillance will be performed of the family in the household. The covert
surveillance of the family could last for months. A family will be selected
that can be easily be manipulated into believing their house is haunted.
Usually the members of the selected family will have a history of mental
illness. The community will typically have a negative view of the family and
the family will be socially isolated.
Thru wall imaging
will be used to conduct surveillance of the family thru walls. The family will
never know they are under surveillance from a neighboring house. After conducting
complete surveillance of the family, the government agents will move sonic
harassment technology into the neighboring house to begin the Attack Stage
against the family. Sonic harassment technology will be used to project sounds
at members of the family thru walls. The family members will be tricked into
believing their house is haunted. Strange sounds and voices can be projected at
a single person thru walls of the house. The family will claim to hear and feel
things in their house. All of what the family is experiencing is artificially
created by the secret government agents in a neighboring house.
The attack stage
could last for months. The government agents will start out slowly by targeting
one member of the family at first and go after other members later. It will be
an incremental approach by the government agents. One person could be awoken
each night at first by strange sounds then after a week other members of the
family could be awoken. The incremental approach is used because it indicates
to ghost hunters that supernatural occurrences in the house are increasing.
The innocent actors
involved here are the family who are being manipulated into believing their
house is haunted. The family in a situation such as this would typically seek outside
help from a person or group known as ghost hunters. The ghosts hunters are
going are going to attempt to affirm the family’s suspicion that their house is
haunted. There is a very good chance that the ghost hunters are government
agents that are completely aware that the family is a victim of a hoax but will
lie to them and do everything in their power to convince the family they are
experiencing a supernatural event. These ghost hunters would be the actors who
are perpetrating a hoax on the family.
There are honest
people who do believe in the supernatural but there are also agents of the
secret government who are at war with a segment of the United States population
and it’s their mission to mislead and manipulate people targeted by the secret
government. The family who are convinced their house is haunted may spend the
remainder of their life trying to convince other people that their experience
really happened. Other people who were targeted may sell everything they own
and spend their entire savings on some type of supernatural quest. Their belief
would be so strong that they wouldn’t even consider that the government may
have orchestrated a hoax against them.
The secret
government’s traveling road show over the last several decades may have caused
many of the strange supernatural and wild events people claim to have
experienced. Haunted houses, mothers claiming God told them to hurt their
children, people claiming they were attacked by radiation weapons, or other
wild claims may be a theatrical performance by this traveling road show.
The famous 1947
Roswell incident in Roswell New Mexico may have been a government hoax
orchestrated by the secret American government. The very popular conspiracy
involving a UFO that crash lands and the government covers the whole incident
up. What if the incident was a government experiment or a hoax to test, study,
and control the American people? A fake fabricated UFO is placed in a field by
the secret government and the innocent actors are allowed to find it. The
actors are innocent American citizens who truly believed that a real UFO
crashed and were used by the secret government to spread rumors and gossip
about a crashed UFO.
The military then
moves in and the main event begins. Selected actors are deliberately allowed to
see things such a fake aliens that are nothing more than manikins created by
human hands. A few dozen actors are allowed to see things they believe are
extraterrestrials and more rumors and gossip spread.
For the finale, the
military moves in and covers up the whole thing. The fake wreckage is removed
and then destroyed. The public is allowed to believe that a conspiracy exists
that the government is covering up a crashed UFO.
The amount of
attention this Roswell incident has caused over the decades might have to make
it one of the secret government’s greatest hoaxes. To this day many people
actually believe a UFO crashed in
There is a lot of
money to be made by forcing mentally ill people onto medication for the
remainder of their lives. Profits could be funneled into this covert government
operation by drug companies and caregivers. The privatization of some state’s
mental health systems may provide a financial incentive for corporations to
treat as many mentally ill people as possible.
There is a massive
disinformation campaign by the secret government to convince mentally ill
people that wild conspiracies are being carried out against them. Conspiracies
such as mind control, radiation attacks, haunted houses, and electronic chip
implants are being carefully spread on the Internet by secret government agents
who are part of this covert operation.
By convincing people
targeted as part of this covert operation that they are victims of a wild
conspiracy, it makes it easier for this covert operation to succeed. When a
victim tells other people they are being harassed by mind control, radiation
weapons, or electronic implant, ordinary people who hear of these conspiracy
theories will generally disregard a person who appears to have a mental
disability complaining of such wild conspiracies.
The disinformation
campaign is to trick people targeted by the secret United States government
into believing that harmful technology is being used against them when in fact
it is just harmless sonic technology that will cause no physical damage to
them. The only damage this technology will cause is psychological. People’s
fears are being used against them by a secret element in the United States
When a government is
at war, it will try to use disinformation to rally public support for the war
effort. This covet war against the mentally ill is no different than an
ordinary conventional war. Mentally ill people are being targeted with military
technology and being manipulated and basically hunted. The American people are
also being manipulated by a massive disinformation campaign designed to sway
public opinion into supporting tougher laws against the mentally ill.
The classified
harassment technology and non-lethal weapons technology can be used to
artificially create symptoms of serious mental illness in a targeted person.
Once the secret government gets a federal law requiring mandatory treatment and
monitoring of people with serious mental illnesses, the secret government can
use this technology against its domestic enemies who oppose its agenda. These
enemies of the state can be targeted by agents of the secret government with
the classified harassment technology and forced into the mental health system.
Why does the secret
government create wild conspiracies and create tragedy? What the secret
government fears the most is a person or group who can rise to power by swaying
masses of American people and bring down the United State government. These
wild conspiracies are distractions created by the secret government to send the
people the government fears the most on wild goose chases. Like a dog chasing
its tail. The people the government fears are chasing after things like ghosts,
UFOs, and mind control that don’t exist. If these people didn’t have the wild
conspiracies to chase after, they might go after things the secret government
would rather be kept secret.
Over the last several
decades, the secret government has been using these wild conspiracies to
basically define the mentally ill. Because the secret government fears it could
be overthrown by a person or people it considers mentally ill, a covert secret
war has been underway for decades in America against the mentally ill. By
putting fear in the minds of the American people regarding mentally ill people,
the secret government can get state laws enacted to force medicate people
likely to threaten its power. It’s a preemptive strike to stop a rise to power
of anyone who could someday overthrow the American government. The secret
government ultimate goal is a federal law of the mentally ill requiring a
national database to monitor and forcible mediate these people.
An example of people
the secret government considers mentally ill people are members of militias.
Militia members arming and training themselves for a war with the United States
government are intended targets for forced treatment of mentally ill people.
The secret government would ultimately desire a federal law so they can go
after people militia members to see they are medicated, thereby eliminating a
serious threat to the United States government. Militia members crawling
through woods and training have no idea what the secret United States
government has in the way of organization and technology.
Any targeted person
attempting to report to law enforcement they are a victim of this technology
will be in for a rude awakening. The technology doesn’t exist in the eyes of
the law or mental health system and there is no way to prove it does. Anyone
attempting to report this type of harassment can find themselves detained for a
psychiatric evaluation. And when the targeted person tries to explain to a
psychiatrist what he is experiencing, the mental health system can swing into
action and force the person into an Involuntary Outpatient Commitment program.
Psychiatrist use
guidelines from a manual called the DSM-IV. The DSM-IV gives step by step
procedures for a psychiatrist to legally diagnose a person as being mentally
ill. The DSM-IV is basically a psychiatrist’s bible for diagnosing mental
illness. The DSM-IV is accepted in the court system and can be used by a
psychiatrist to pronounce a person as being mentally ill.
The symptoms
artificially created by the secret government’s classified sonic harassment
technology have been incorporated in the DSM-IV over the last several decades.
Any attempt by a targeted person to explain what he is experiencing as a result
of this high-tech harassment will find themselves diagnosed as having a serious
mental illness requiring medication.
Once the mentally ill
person who was driven out of control during the Attack Stage is brought to
court and tries to explain that the secret government is attacking him with
invisible classified military technology, it is all over for the targeted
person. The court can pronounce the targeted person as being legally mentally
ill and the judge can assign the now legally declared mentally ill person to an
Involuntary Outpatient Commitment program or an Involuntary Inpatient Commitment
The medication that
the mentally ill person is forced to take may be harmful and cause permanent
damage to the person’s brain. Some people refer to the forced medication of
mentally ill people as giving a “Chemical Lobotomy”.
The secret government
has been studying crimes involving mentally ill people and has come to the
conclusion that the best way to protect itself and society as a whole is to
force people with serious mental disabilities onto medications. The government
can only achieve this goal by gaining the support of the American people. This
covert operation is an attempt to scare the American people into supporting
strong laws against the mentally ill. The secret American government will
sacrifice the lives of innocent American civilians to achieve this goal. The
secret government has been conducting this covert domestic war against the
mentally ill for several decades.
If a person is
attacked by this government harassment group, the best course of action is to
not tell anybody and not to report it to law enforcement. Remember simply
trying to report this type of government harassment to law enforcement can lead
to the person being detained for a psychiatric evaluation.
The person being
attacked would be best advised to talk to a lawyer and discuss the state laws
regarding people with mental illness. A civil rights lawyer might be the best
choice. The targeted person might want to talk to several lawyers to get more
than one opinion before he proceeds. A person’s conversations with a lawyer are
completely private and cannot be used against him in a court of law. But
remember a lawyer is part of the system and he could be compromised and give
the targeted person very bad advice.
A lawyer asking the
targeted person to take a psychiatric evaluation is not giving his client good
legal advice. If the targeted person has no physical evidence to support his
claims of harassment, then that person has no case that will stand up in court.
It is extremely bad idea for a targeted person to take any type of psychiatric
evaluation at this point in time.
Some psychiatric
evaluations are not private and can be used against the targeted person. The non-private
psychiatric evaluation can be subpoenaed by a court of law and can be used
against the targeted person at a later time. This non-private psychiatric
evaluation can be used against the targeted person for up to
Also, even if the
psychiatric evaluation is private, a psychiatrist is required by law to turn
the patient’s name over to the mental health system if the psychiatrist feels
the patient is a threat to himself, others, or property. So if a targeted
person tells his story to a psychiatrist, he may find mental health services
knocking on his door.
If a targeted person were
to tell family members that he is being targeted by a covert government
conspiracy and attacked with weapons that fire invisible bullets and leave no
physical evidence behind after the attack, the family members will believe the
targeted person is mentally ill and try to have him committed to a mental
institution. A lawyer would be a good person to talk to about laws that can be
used by family members to have a targeted person committed.
There is a huge push
by groups that support forced medication of non-violent people with serious
mental illness to change current laws and give family members of suspected
mentally ill people more options to have their family member forced into mental
health programs. Agents of the secret government occupy key positions in these
groups, guiding and influencing the direction of the group.
The secret government
is using the system against the targeted person. Anything the targeted person
says or does can be used against him. Only a handful of specially selected
people in our society know of this covert operation against the mentally ill
and they will not help the targeted person. In fact, they are hoping for the
Targeted person’s demise.
Very few members of
law enforcement, doctors, and psychiatrists know of the covert operation by the
secret government. A targeted person will appear as being mentally ill if he
tries to report this type of harassment by the government.
The DSM-IV is a
psychiatrist guide for diagnosing mental illness. As the secret government has
been developing this classified harassment technology over the last several
decades, the DSM-IV has been developed also. The artificial symptoms created by
this technology have been incorporated into the DSM-IV guidelines. Anyone
trying to explain the symptoms experienced by this technology to a psychiatrist
will be diagnosed as having a serious mental illness. A psychiatrist cannot
deviate from the DSM-IV and expect to remain licensed. The targeted person is
walking into a trap if he tries to tell a psychiatrist he is under attack by
high technology.
Again the best course
of action for a targeted person is to keep his mouth shut until he learns of
the laws that can be used against a person making claims that the secret
government is targeting him with high-technology. The biggest mistake made by a
targeted person is to try to get other people to believe his story. This point
will be the toughest thing for the targeted person to understand: No one will
believe the targeted person’s story of harassment by technology that can’t be
proven. If the targeted person is trying to get people to believe his story,
it’s the same as digging his own grave. Again, the targeted person should keep
his mouth shut.
Best advice for a
targeted person:
1) Keep quite about
the harassment and only speak to a lawyer(s) about it.
2) Do not tell family
and friends about the harassment.
3) Never try to
confront the people who you feel are harassing or attacking you
4) Do not try to
report the harassment to law enforcement
5) Do not take any
type of psychiatric evaluation
What the targeted
person will discover after speaking to a lawyer is that there is nothing that
can legally be done to help him. Since there is no physical evidence to support
the targeted person’s claims of harassment, there is nothing the system can do
for the targeted person that will benefit him.
In fact, the system
is poised to work against the targeted person should he try to report the
harassment to law enforcement or commit a violent act. This is very important
for the targeted person to understand.
There is a simple
method that could help defeat the thru wall targeting scope while you sleep.
The primary method this classified technology uses to target a person thru a
wall is body heat. Creating heat sources that are at or above body temperature
will interfere with the technology. Light bulbs (incandescent bulbs) generate
lots of heat and can be used to prevent being targeted through walls.
Confining the heat from
100 Watt incandescent light bulbs within a closed structure will create a heat
barrier that is the most effective method of defeating the through-wall
targeting system. The temperature of the air in the barrier will rise quickly
and not be drastically affected by a fan or air conditioner. Placing these heat
barriers on all sides of a targeted person while sleeping would prevent the
person from being targeted with thru-wall targeting systems.
A good structure to
confine the heat of a 100 Watt incandescent light bulb is a cardboard box from
a large panel TV. The box is often discarded after the panel TV is delivered.
Only the top part of the box is needed, the bottom and wrapping material can be
discarded. Simply place one or more lamps with a 100 Watt incandescent light
bulb on the floor and cover it with the top part of the box. The bulbs should
be place about two feet apart. The heat given off by a 100 watt incandescent
light bulb will create a radius of about 12 inches of protection around the
bulb that will block the targeting system. Keep at least one smoke detector in
the room incase the lamp is knocked over or the bulb touches a side of the
cardboard. A good size box would be a box from a 58 inch panel TV. Several of
these barriers would have to be made and placed around a person targeted while
There is a more
practical method to defeat thru wall imaging technology. Placing thick metals
on the wall will block the technology. Thin metals such as tin foil will not
block the technology, only thick metals will. Sheet metal sold at any home
improvement center will not completely block the technology but if you layer
(sheets placed on top of each other to increase thickness) the sheet metal
will. It will take 5 or more sheets thick to block the technology. An example
is if it takes 10 sheets with no layering to cover a wall it will require 50
sheets minimum to prevent the technology from detecting a person thru the wall.
It could take up to 12 sheets of sheet metal layered to completely block the
technology, so it could take 120 sheets total in the previous example.
Besides body heat,
there is another characteristic of the human body that can be used to detect a
person thru a wall. Static charge built up on the body can be used to target a
person thru a wall. The easiest way to prevent a static charge buildup on the
human body is to discharge it with a ground wrist strap. A ground wrist strap
is worn on the wrist and has a wire attached to the strap that is connected to
earth ground thru a 1 Meg Ohm resistor. A ground wrist is commonly worn by
people who handle sensitive electronic components. High static charges can
damage electronic components. Ground wrist straps can be purchased over the
There is also a
method to defeating the classified sonic harassment technology. This classified
technology uses a focused beam of sound (similar to a laser) that can’t be seen
or heard, only felt by the person targeted. Sound can pass through most things
including air, wood, metal, glass, ceramic, brick, and concrete. The only thing
sound cannot pass through is a vacuum, no air. By creating a panel with the air
removed from inside the panels (a vacuum created in the panel), a barrier is
created that the classified sonic weapons cannot penetrate. Click here to view a
sketch of a vacuum panel.
By placing these
vacuum panels around a person while sleeping, it will protect the targeted
person while he sleeps and allow the person to return to a normal sleeping
pattern. The US Military places vacuum panels in the walls of military bunkers
to protect the occupants of the bunker from attack by sonic weapons. The
targeted person should remember that a vacuum panel is the most practical
method to defeat sonic weapons.
Flat panel Plasma and
LCD TVs may provide protection from sonic weapons. The secret government agents
will not fire a sonic laser or bullet through these TVs. The reason may be
these TVs contain a high level vacuum inside blocking the sonic wave or that
firing a sonic laser or bullet through these TVs will damage the display of the
TVs thereby creating physical evidence. Flat panel Plasma or LCD TVs of 40
inches or greater placed around a person while sleeping could provide
protection from sonic weapons while sleeping. The Plasma and LCD flat panel TVs
don’t have to be plugged in for this application.
Remember what is
needed to attack a person through a wall is a targeting system and a directed
energy weapon (sonic weapon).
Just as the secret
United States government targets people living outside the Unites States it
considers a threat, it also targets people living inside the United States it
considers a threat. The targeted person has been identified by agents of the
secret government as being a threat to society and enormous effort and expense
are going to be used to see the targeted person is either removed from society
or treated by modern medications by a mental health system.
The objective of this
covert operation by the secret government is to influence states into adopting
laws requiring forced medication of non-violent mentally ill people. By
selectively targeting a handful mentally ill people throughout the United
States each year and creating tragedy to scare the public into supporting
stronger laws against the mentally ill, the secret government hopes to achieve
this objective.
This covert domestic
operation by the secret United States government has been ongoing for decades.
Some of the most famous haunted house movies, such as Amityville Horror Story
and Poltergeist, may be a result of this covert domestic war against the
mentally ill. Hollywood usually blows out of proportion what actually happened
in these haunted house movies. But if what actually occurred in these stories
is studied and analyzed, it would be discovered that sonic harassment
technology may have been used against the victims, instead of some supernatural
This covert domestic
operation has resulted in terrible tragedy. The most recognized cases of
parents killing their children because they claimed God told them to do it may
the result of this covert war. A parent decapitating his child and claiming God
told him to do it is a tragic example. Mentally handicapped people going
berserk and committing violent acts may also be victims. The attention grabbing
headlines, “Mother Kills Her Children and Claims God Told Her To Do It”,
“Parent Puts Child In Microwave Because Of The Voices in His Head”, and
“Mentally Handicapped Person Goes Berserk And Commits Murder” may be the
aftermath of this covert domestic war. The classified technology mentioned on
this page can be used to trick the people who commit these violent crimes into
believing they are receiving commands directly from God. The technology can be
used to drive people to the breaking point and tragedy results.
After the violent
acts are committed by the above mentioned people, they are committed to mental
institutions and medicated. What actually happened may never be known. Records
are kept confidential and psychiatrists put a lid on the cases. Technology is
never considered as a cause. A study by professionals familiar with the effects
of sonic weapons on humans needs to take place to conclude if technology could
have played a role. Psychiatry will never let this happen. Psychiatry is using
these cases of tragedy to influence public opinion and lawmakers into changing
the laws to give psychiatry more power over the average American citizen.
The DSM-IV has been
created, the psychiatric medication has been created, and now the secret United
States government is forcing a change in the laws effecting mentally ill
people. Make no mistake the secret United States government is at war with the
mentally ill. This covert war against the mentally ill has been ongoing for
decades. Psychiatry is looking to regain its influence over the American
people. The era of the surgical lobotomy is over but the era of the chemical
lobotomy is just beginning. The secret government hopes to start as early as
childhood in identify people they feel should be forced onto medication. And
with this classified technology their ultimate goal of creating a federal law
requiring the monitoring and forced medication of people with serious mental
illnesses is achievable.
The secret United States
government is also equipping agents with classified surveillance technology to
covertly move into segregated communities throughout the United States to
conduct surveillance to discover methods and strategy to slowly desegregate the
communities. Agents of the same race will move into the segregated communities
and use the classified surveillance technology to conduct surveillance of
houses in the area to discover community members who are organizing to deny
people their civil rights because of their race to live in the community.
The community will
never suspect that secret government agents are covertly placing the community
under surveillance. The surveillance technology is operated from inside the
agent’s house and no visual evidence of the technology is possible from outside
the house. The agents will be able to hear and see into any neighboring house.
The search for community members who wish to deny other people’s civil right
because of their race will begin. The secret government agents also place real
estate companies under surveillance who are keeping area segregated. Any power
structure in the community attempting to keep minorities out of the community
will be placed under electronic surveillance.
Over the decades, the
secret government has been studying how members of white communities who keep
minorities out and have developed strategies and tactics to go after people who
are engaged in such practices. Secret government agents have been specially
trained in how to go after people in these segregated communities. The secret
government has authorized the suspension of human and civil rights of people
who are engaged in segregationist activities. Secret government agents can
place anyone in a community under electronic surveillance who are conspiring to
keep the neighborhood segregated. Homes, buildings, and offices are subject to
electronic surveillance if used for segregationist activities.
Other agents who are
of a minority race than the community will move into the neighborhood to begin the
desegregation process. These agents will not be equipped with surveillance
technology. These agents will simply be a couple who are of a minority race so
the members of the community who wish to violate the civil rights of these
newly arriving community members can be identified by the agents of the same
race who are using the surveillance technology to monitor the community. The
agents will discover plots against the minority community members and find
conventional methods to bring these people to justice for violations of civil
rights laws.
An example would be
the discovery of a plot to damage the newly arrived community member’s house.
The team of agents conducting the surveillance can discover the plot and have a
conventional video recording system in place to record the unfriendly community
members damaging the house of the newly arrived community member. The video
tape can be turned over to law enforcement and civil rights crimes can be
brought against perpetrators. The classified technology is never revealed to
the public and the covert operation can continue.
The desegregation
process of a white community could take years to complete. Once the secret
government agents covertly bring down the members of the community who are
keeping the community segregated, the integration process will begin. The
community will become desegregated and become a model community to be uses by
non-secret government agencies promoting integrated diverse communities across
America. The secret government agents will remain in the community artificially
keeping crime rates low by using the classified surveillance technology to
police the neighborhood. It’s critical for crime rates to remain low because
the non-secret government agencies will use these integrated communities in
national media campaigns across American to promote the benefits of diverse
communities. TV and radio spots will be run promoting the benefits of diverse
Over the last several
decades, the secret United States government has also gone after organized
crime. The use of classified surveillance technology against members of
organized crime has significantly reduced the presence of organized crime in
the United States. Gangs are also on the secret government’s agenda. The secret
government is currently tackling the rise in gang violence across United
For the last several
decades this covert operation has been ongoing and will continue. The community
of tomorrow will desegregated, free of crime, and the seriously mentally ill
will be forcibly medicated. Any person, group, organization, or cult who is
against the secret government’s agenda will be targeted. No court order is
needed to begin the surveillance. The agents operate above the law and the
classified surveillance technology can’t be detected or proven. Law enforcement
will do nothing to interfere with the covert operation and will deny it is