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Wow, ok this picture is on my wedding day
June 22, 2003. Mom was on her way out to Texas
to see Max and I get married. She had just left
the day before in the evening, and she was
running behind schedule. The wedding was at 4pm,
and by 2pm I was in tears and a total wreck.
It meant everything to me for Mom to be there
and I was so scared that she would not make it.
About 2:30pm, she called from down the road
for someone to give her directions to Angel's
house where the wedding was taking place.
I think I hugged Mom for almost 30 minutes.
I was just so glad that she made it.
I just wish I could have had one more day
with her. There's so much I would have loved
to say to her. I miss her so much. It's hard
to believe that she really is gone. Sometimes
I just want to pick up the phone and call her.
I have good memories though, and I will carry
those with me for the rest of my life.

I Love You Forever

By: Tara Lynne Vail

It seems like just yesterday
We were laughing and having fun
It seems just like yesterday
We had only just begun
Now it seems like it's been forever
Since that day God took you away
I can't believe you went so fast
It caught me by surprise
You said that you would be alright
I didn't even say goodbye
I guess that you are in a better place
But it really sucks
To know I'll never see you again
Or give you kisses and hugs
Even though you are gone
We will never part
Just know I'll love you forever
And you'll always be in my heart

This is a picture of Mom and Max taken back
in the summer of 2002. Mom came to visit for
two long weeks and we had so much fun. Max was
really broken up over losing Mom. In such a short
amount of time, they had become so close, and
Max considered her not only Mom, but also
a friend. Max did a very selfless thing when
we lost Mom. We could not afford to fly everyone
home for the services, so he sent Donald in his
place. I know in some ways he regrets not going,
but what he did, was something that I know Mom
would have been so proud of him. He is the
type of man that Mom always wanted me to be
married to and she was proud to call him son.

This is a picture of Donald and Mom was taken
a few years back at a family reunion.
I am glad that Donald lives close,
so that we can be a source of support
to each other. I know he needs family in his life
and hopefully some day he can be a family man
that would have made Mom proud to see.
I wanted to have a little memory from everyone
in the family, but I have not had as much time
to work on this as I wanted to, therefore, I
will try to get the memories added at a later date.
I know that Donald misses Mom, and losing her has
been rough on him. But with Gods help,
he will get through this, and become the man
that Mom always knew he would be.

This picture of Phil and Mom was taken in
April 2005, when Phil went to see Mom shortly
before we lost her. She seemed to be in good
spirits, and they had a nice visit.
Phil was the last of us kids to see Mom just
before we lost her. He is lucky that he was able
to be there with Dottie to visit. I know that
even though Mom was sick at that time, those
last days with her I'm sure he will treasure
always. I know that Phil and Dottie both miss
Mom, but at least they will have some good
memories of the time that they spent together.

This is a picture of Mom, Aunt Barbara, and Uncle
Ray taken just a few weeks before we lost Mom.
I know that they miss Mom terribly too.
They were with her to the end, and
I know that Mom appreciated everything that they
did for her. I know that I am very greatful that
they were able to be there for Mom when I couldn't.

This is a picture of Mom, her childhood friend
Carol, and Aunt Barbara. I can't quite remember
little nick name they gave themselves, something
like the Sinful Sisters Club or something like that
They lost the fourth one, Diane, just about 6
months before we lost Mom. We lost Diane to cancer
as well. Such a tragic loss in such a short time.

The song playing on this page is a country song
by Diamond Rio called One More Day. We would give
anything to have just one more day with you Mom.
We miss you so much, and wish that you didn't
have to leave us so soon. We know that you are
watching over us, and we will all try to do
our best to make you proud of us.
Happy Birthday Mom!

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