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Here is a picture of my mom when she was a
teenager, just graduating from High school.
Many say that I favor her tremendously, as does
Tara. Such a blessing to look at Tara every
day and see her smile in Tara's face.

This picture was taken the summer of 2004 at
Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. Mom along
with Aunt Barbara, Raymond Jr., Tara, and Uncle
Phil went on this trip. They had alot of fun. Wish
Max and I could have gone.

This picture was taken the summer of 2003
when Mom came out to Vegas to visit us. It
shows her gentle spirit as everyone remembers her.

This is a picture of Mom and Dad taken during
one of the holidays as they are carving the
turkey. They are now back together
and are both watching over us as they did
when we were kids.

Not really sure when this picture was taken
of Mom and the boys together but I
know that it was taken in Florida within
the last 10 years.

This is a picture of Mom with her friends
Nan and John from England on one of their
many trips to the states. I know they sure
will miss seeing Mom in Florida. They had
some really great times together. I know they
are sorry that Mom never made it over to
England to visit with them.

The song playing on this page is called
Angels Among us by Alabama. I know that
Mom's watching over us from heaven.
I believe there are angels among us,
sent down to us from somewhere up above.
They come to you and me, in our darkest
hour, to show us how to live, to show us how
to give, to guide us with the light of love.

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