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To paraphrase a song (that I won't say the name of because I'm not paying Michael Jackson no goddamned royality checks!): So, you say you want a bio?

Well, I'm just going to give you a written one rather than a facts one. You can head over to Obsessedwithwrestling for the facts (unless your looking for his ECW matches... then... google it because OWW doesn't have many ECW matches for anyone ... yet).

Also known as: Everyone knows Randy Orton is a sexxxy wrestler, so why not him!?!

Why not? No, seriously, the reason this website was created (besides the fact that my OCD overtook me) is because he's an awesome wrestler. Like (yes I'm from Jersey, like, you know!), he's the kind of Lance Storm, Chris Benoit type of wrestler who can really wrestle, but still switch it up so that he can make who or whomever he's wrestling look just as awesome. Some say he's the reason RVD is considered so great. I personally say RVD was already great, having all those matches with Jerry just made him even greater.

Off tangent much, huh? LOL. Anyway, yeah, Jerry Lynn has many fans... it just... it seems to me that unlike Chris Benoit who also has a rabid (pun not intended) fanbase, that his isn't as loud. Or really talk about him regulary. In other words, everyone (or at least certain writers in Canada) refer to Chris Benoit as a God, but, I, a lonely fangirl from Dirrty Jersey am the only one that I've found so far who has refered to Jerry Lynn as something Biblical. And thus holy. And thus, shouldn't be looked over by the fans or by promoters. He can wrestle, and still look awesome in the ring at over 40 years of age (Ya see that Kevin Nash? It *is* possible!)

So, yeah. I'm a fan (also, I am a fan of Kevin Nash .. it's just I let my inner bitch out sometimes. His name is Kid Kash) and you should be too.

If you've never seen him in the ring ... damn, you're missin' out on some good shite, sugar! In a couple of days, I'll have a shop up that you can go off and spend your hard earn money on Jerry flavored stuff.

Until then, rock on!
-- Sarah

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