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About Me


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    I'm currently at Junior at James Madison University and plan to graduate May 2004.  I am majoring in Health Sciences with a concentration in Health Service Administration and the most commonly asked question I get is, what are you going to do with that?!?  Well at this point I am not really sure!  I think ultimately I would like to be the administrator for a group practice or some type of ambulatory care facility.

    I was born and raised at the Jersey Shore (yes "dirty Jersey").  I love every aspect of it, going to the beach with friends over the summer, hanging out on Long Beach Island, walking the boardwalk in Seaside Heights picking out the "Benny's".  I don't think that I could be more of a Jersey Beach Girl if I tried, and I guess that's how I picked up the nickname "Jersey Jen" when I got to JMU.

    This summer I will be taking classes at the University of Hawaii at Manoa for six weeks.  I am SO excited about this because I have always wanted to move out and live in Hawaii, this seems like its the chance!



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