,:*Kellies Page*:,
Me Jenny Daisy
Alexis Jenny Me
Jenny & Me!!
Me & my girl Sigrid June 2003
Me & my baby Geoff 2003
AbOuT Me
- Name~>Kellie
- Age~>18
- Birthday~>May 02,1985
- Status~> Taken :-*
- School~>International Academy of Beauty-Daytona Beach, Fl.
- Location~> Southern Jersey til August...then Daytona Beach :0)
- Hobbies~>Gymnastics, tanning, shopping, beach!!, chillin....
- Lookzzz~> 5'1'', hazel eyes, short blonde hair, skinny, ears pierced, belly b pierced twice (top and bottom);o), hehe I luv it!
- AoL S/N~>Loveuxoxo
OtHa Sites
The best clothes :)
My sisters page
Tha best game
Just go to it...its cool!
Email: candy05285@hotmail.com