People think baseball players make $3 million and $4 million a year. They don't realize that most of us only make $500,000. (Pete Incaviglia -- 1990)
Here are some quotes about Pete Incaviglia and this website made by people that may one day be famous!!!
"Pete Who???" Lauren J
"You should have been a doctor." Mi Mamma Mia
"He's my favorite Italian American baseball player with 10 letters in his last name, with half of them being vowels including the first and last letter."
Jim W
"All those steroids and he still has that beer belly."
Craig C--The Former King
"I betcha he got lots of dates with those homeruns. It works for me in softball." Jay A
The I's Have It
The Travelin' Man
Philly Phan Phavorite
The Big Leagues
The College Years
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