85 Hamilton Avenue, Passaic, NJ 07055
A message to the Parent / Guardian
Success for All
Martin Luther King, Jr. # 6 School is working towards the goal of having ALL students read on grade level. Students in grades K-6 are being taught at their instructional level. We are a SUCCESS FOR ALL school which means students have 90 minutes of uninterrupted reading instructional time. The program uses cooperative learning but stresses individual responsibility. The Family Support Team helps assists the child and family in a variety of ways so that the student can become successful in school. A parent must sign reading homework each night.
ALL VISITORS must report immediately to the main office upon entering the building. Visitor passes are required in the school. Please call ahead to schedule an appointment with school personnel.
It is vital to have current up-to-date information on our students. The Emergency Card and lunch form must be completed and returned within the first three days of your child's enrollment. Please notify the school if there is a change of address, phone number, baby sitter, or person to contact in an emergency. This information is very important in case your child becomes ill or injured. In case of an emergency, only the parent or legal guardian may come to the main office to sign the student out of school
The State of New Jersey requires all public schools to be in session at least 180 days during each school year. Students must meet the minimum 162-Day attendance requirement or they will be subject to retention. Regular attendance is important to the success of each student. By law, personal illness, quarantine, death in the family, and religious observances are the only legal excuses for absences from school. A student who has been absent must bring a note from home on his / her return to school explaining the reason for the absence.
The school impresses upon its students to be ON TIME. Tardy students must report to the office to obtain a late pass before going to class. Tardiness will result in detention. Excessive tardiness will warrant a call to the parent. Tardiness is recorded whether it is excused or not. Rewards are give to classess when all students are consistently on time.
Students are expected to read every night. A parent must sign reading homework each night (READ AND RESPOND FORM). Other homework is also assigned. Homework is given as a way to encourage and extend learning.
The School Year is divided into four marking periods. Report cards are issued to the students at the end of each marking period. First and third quarter report cards must be picked up by the parent. Warning notices are issued at five-week intervals between the distributions of report cards. This is a warning to parents that their child is in danger of failing.
Warning Slip Distribution - TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2003
The school nurse is responsible for giving first aid, notifying, and assisting the parents in getting injured/ill students home. Under no circumstances is she permitted to diagnose or give treatment. Students should not come to school to have the nurse diagnose their illness. Student should not come to school with a fever. They should return to school no sooner than 24 hours after the fever breaks. Students sent home before 11:30 A.M. will be considered absent. In addition to the daily functions of the school nurse, physical examinations, hearing, and vision tests are given to students.
Accidents are to be reported immediately to the teacher in charge. If there is no teacher present, the accident must be reported to the nurse or the office.
The parent or guardian must provide a doctor's note for the administering of prescribed medication at school. Medication should be brought to the school in the original container, appropriately labeled by the pharmacy or physician. The certified school nurse or parent / guardian is the only one permitted to administer medication in the school and / or on school trips, except for self-administration of prescribed inhaled medication.
Books that are issued to the students are their responsibility. They should be covered and treated with care. Lost books are to be paid for as soon as possible. Fines will be assessed according to the condition of the book.
State law requires all students to take physical education. Students are excused only with a medical note. Students are required to wear sneakers for physical education.
As a precaution, do not wear valuable jewelry or bring valuables to school. Do not carry large sums of money. Toys, games, tape/CD players, radios, and computer games should not be brought to school. These items will be confiscated.
A breakfast program is offered at our school. Students will be served between 7:45 and 8:15 A.M. Households that are eligible for free lunch are eligible to receive a free breakfast. Households that are eligible for reduced-price lunch are eligible for a reduced-price breakfast. Households not eligible for a free or reduced-price lunch may purchase breakfast. Students may bring lunch from home. Bottled beverages, snacks, candy, and gum are not permitted in the school building.
BREAKFAST $0.30 $0.60
LUNCH $0.40 $1.30
All students are expected to exhibit proper behavior while at school. This is to ensure every child's safety and permit the best learning environment possible. Children are expected to respect other children and adults, respect the rights and property of others, and show consideration, courtesy, and good manners. Every attempt will be made to contact parents immediately concerning poor students behavior. Central detention will be assigned to students who do not follow the rules. Central detention will be held on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 3:00-3:30 PM. The following offenses will likely result in suspension:
1. Defiance of authority
2. Disorderly conduct or fighting
3. Threatening or assaulting a staff member or other student
4. Stealing, extortion, or intimidating other students
5. Using profanity or sexual misconduct
6. Damaging school or personal property
7. Possession of a weapon
8. Arson, false alarms, or bomb scares
9. Possession of or use of tobacco, alcohol, or dangerous drugs.
A monthly calendar is sent home each month listing all special dates and events. Please place the calendar in a safe place and refer to it daily.
School closings due to inclement weather are announced on the following radio stations / TV station: WOR, WCBS, WINS, WRKS, and News 12-NJTV. Also, an announcement is recorded on the school information number: (973) 470-0885. Please do not call the school or the police station for this information.
1 Share
2. Take Turns
3. Apologize
4. Ignore
5. Make amends
6. Compromise
7. Laugh it Off
8. Flip a coin
9. Wait Until Later
10. Get Help
11. Talk it Out
School Information Number... 973-470-0885
Martin Luther King Jr. # 6 973-470-5506
Nurse 973-470-5550
Guidance 973-815-2780
Parent Liaison 973-591-6822
Passaic Police Dept. 973-365-3900
Passaic Fire Dept. 973-472-3105
Hispanic Information Center 973-779-7022
United Passaic Organization 973-472-2478
Passaic Board of Education 973-470-5500