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...i WiLL aLwAyZ FiNd $hYt OuT!!!

*aight, here'z the deal...i ran outta space on this site n i really dun feel like redoin ish, so...u can check out my new $hyt at...

~*~sXyJrZyGrL 21~*~

~*~my name'z Jillian-Michelle...aka "Jill", "Jigga", "J", "JVo", "Fiesta", or whateva!!! turnin 23 on May 15th, total JRZY GIRL!!!...luv 2 party, drink, dance, chill w/ frndz, meet cool peepz, or just drive around...i'm FINALLY graduating on May 16th w/ a BA in Elementary ED, minor in Spanish, n honorz in KDP n SDP...i'ma miss my AU crew, tho!!!az 4 now, i'm STILL workin' at Victoria'z Secret, but lookin 4 sumthing betta, so i can get outta debt n move the f*k out!!! 4 relationshipz, not like i needa even go into detail, since apparently EVERY1 alwayz kno'z my biz neway...but i took sum chancez, got hurt, the usual drama, it'z all good, tho, b/c i dun need ne1 but myself...I'M STILL DOIN' ME N I STILL DUN GIVE A $HYT @ NE 1 WHO'Z HATIN' ON ME!!! life iz goin' sumwhere...WITH OR WITHOUT A MAN!!!~*~




~*~OtHa SitEz~*~

~*~2 My AU cReW~*~