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Doug & Talia's Homepage

~~~~~~~~~~~   Abhaya's Page!  ~~~~~~~~~~~


1 year old!
Month 9, could it be??
Months 5 and 6 
Month 4
Month 3
On her 3 month birthday. She smiles much more now!
Baya chillin' with Nanny Lidia Afternoon snooze

Month 2

~~~~~~~~~~~   Abhaya's Here!  ~~~~~~~~~~~

Abhaya Elissa Tyrka was born on May 7th at 4:42 p.m.. She weighed in at a trim 7 pounds, 8 ounces and measured 20.5 inches. Abhaya is perfectly healthy and exceptionally strong. 

Abhaya (Ah-bay-eh) is a Sanskrit word that translates loosely to "fearless," but more specifically refers to freedom from the fear that interferes with relationships with others. Sculptures often depict the Buddha in the "abhaya mudra" pose, dispelling fear. The word is used as an Indian name for boys and girls. We will probably call her Baya or Abby. Elissa is her great aunt on grandfather Pane's side.  Tyrka refers to the Ukrainian city Ohktyrka, which means "City of Tyrkas."