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In Memory of Ragan Shively

To my brother: I think about and miss you everyday. I will ALWAYS remember you in the best way. I only wish that we could have had more time. I was looking forward to whatever our future held. Unfortunately I thought we had plenty of time to become closer, as we both would have liked to been. Like they say, you never know what you have until it's gone. I hope you know how much I loved you and still do. You were and always will be my brother.
Your Brother forever, Nathan

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Here are a couple of pictures of Ragan and me with our Grandparents on our mother's side. My Grandpa passed away in 97 but thankfully my Grandma Cole is still around to visit with. I think she's turning 40 this year.

This is my mom's side of the family. Ragan is sitting just below my dad on the right.

I finally was able to find a few pictures of my dads side of the family.

Here's a picture of Ragan and me with our Grandpa Shively followed by a good picture of my cousin Joey and Ragan in 1985. I think all the Shively pictures I have here were taken in 85

This is a great picture of Ragan and our cousin Karie. Thanks for sending it Karie and sorry it took so long to post.

Here's a good photo of Ragan carrying his own weight, literaly. We always had good times burning fires down there, but the best time was when dinner time came. There was always, and I mean always, enough food for everyone and plenty for leftovers.

These are the tatoos that Ben Cole, Dusty Jones, Mark Cole, and Justin Cole got two days after Ragan died.

This is a picture that Amanda McCarter sent me. It was taken at a pond located in Blanchard.

This is actually at the same pond in Blanchard only about 15 years earlier

Mom loved two things in this world, her kids and her flowers; guess she got some of both

Here's a few pictures of us fishing with my Grandpa Cole. I couldn't find any pictures where ragan caught a fish that day but I'm sure he did. Either way you'll notice he helped grandpa clean the fish when we were done.

This is a picture of the only time either of us went deep sea fishing. The reason you might not recognize the man holding the fish is because he was the guide and not a very good one at that since he was the only one to catch a fish that day!!

The following pictures were taken when Ragan and I visited San Fransisco.My dad and step-mother took us there one spring break. We stayed right next to the bay so Ragan and I took many walks. I can still remember the smell of fresh crab being cooked and the feel of the cool pacific breeze. We had a great time and some great memories.

This is a picture of my family fishing on Toledo Bend. Talk about good memories.

This is another picture taken down at the camp on toledo bend. Guess he just felt like hangin around.


Smallest quaterback in Riverside Ram history but, he got the job done!!!!!!!!!

I think the first dog Ragan really loved was a beagle we had named Bailey. We did have a dog before Bailey name Sparkey but he had an anoying habit of trying to procreate with anything that came close to him. I decied to go ahead and put a picture of Ragan and Sparky

My Grandpa had a house boat which he used to take the relatives out on the lake but Ragan and I liked to play on it and fish off of it even when it was tied to to the dock. My Grandma would even let us sleep in it since it had two bunk beds. In the mornings, just as the sun was starting to burn the fog off the lake, Grandma would be bringing us two cups of hot chocolate. We had it made. I'd give anything to do that just one more time with him. I miss those days more than ever now.

This next picture I found looking through a random box of photos. It almost made me want to go out and buy a Slip-And-Slide.


Memories from Dusty

To Ragan My Boy....Forever loved, you were and will always be one of the only ones whoever understood me.You were my best friend,closer than a brother to me. The memories live on and nobody can take that away. Just wait on me and I'll see you soon! I LOVE YOU MAN!!

Cherishing everything we had, love you boy



To my dearest friend Ragan, I sure enjoyed the time we spent together. You were one of the most kindest, levelheaded, openminded, and entertaining friends I ever had the pleasure of knowing. See you on the other side Radae. Truley enjoyed the time we spent together. Love always,

Lori Anderson.


Thank you for visiting my brother's web page. Anyone who knew my brother knows that this is the least I can to do to show that his memory lives on. If anyone veiwing this site would like to email me images or just good memories of Ragan I'd be happy to post them on this site.

