for you schmuks that missed
the news the first time......
8/25/02 camp at RBC has been well under way for a week...the new guard girls are awesome!!! (I'll have them up in getting personal as soon as i get some pics of them on the puter...) I had my annual band camp party on was tres tres fun..though i'm a lil upset most of the frosh didn't show know i promised band camp stuff from the beginning of the month...but I've been a lil's coming, though...ex-scouts honor!!!
Well, we're all back from camp safe and sound, and a whole lot better prepared for the marching season i think...i'll have stuff up on here from that lil shin-dig asap - my sunburn's still icky, peely, and now it itches...but i'm sure that doesn't interest you...stay tuned for pics and stories though.
In other news, we have three or four freshmen coming to band camp! We'll be up to at least a 6 person guard! OMG! that's like the biggest it's been since the 80's!!! woo hoo!! I'm tres tres excited!
Also, I don't think i mentioned this yet, but this year's show is gonna be the Blues Brothers. I'll have that up soon too.
School's out!!!! Me Diana and the 2 Drum Majors have band camp August 1-5.....till then, HAPPY SUMMER!!!!!!!
Turns out we have co-captains....scores too close to call GP's gonna be like it was last year....we'll see what develops...I just hope we don't kill each other he he he.....*crosses fingers*
In other news...we are offcally confirmed for EMBA championships...exciting huh??
Captain try-outs today....Me and Di are awfully frazzled..results tomorrow morning....*crosses fingers*
Captain try-outs in 2 weeks....let the sucking up begin!!!.......
In other news....we're recruiting for the upcoming marching season...we have like 2 new people coming's so exciting he he he....unfortunately with Erika being a bitch and leaving, it's really like only 1 new person which is still good I guess...I mean we are still growing...I dunno...comfort me please...
Grrrrrrrr! Exams suck.......
You're probably more bored than I am (sorry 'bout that....) here's a good site to waste time, if you're interested....
OMG! I am sooo pissed right now! I recently found out that we are not going to be marching in the St. Paddy's Day parade in NYC because some of the parents are paranoid since 9/11....I don't mean to sound insensitive (because I was very deeply affected by the tragedy) but September to March is long enough for it to be safe....I mean....yeah....they could attack again....but they probably won't.....besides even if there was a chance they were going to....we can't be all scared and mess up our lives because of it....I mean....isn't that just giving in to them???....they did what they did to screw with us.....and what are we doing???....getting screwed!!! I just don't get it!.....paranoid people piss me off.......
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This is an exciting day for guardies everywhere!!! The newly revamped RBC guard site is up and running!!! (in case you haven't noticed with the new appearance and all....) I never really liked the other one, to be honest with just took me a while to figure out the script for this one.....since I'm still kinda new to HTML etc......but I'm real proud of myself.....this baby's gonna be up for a while.....
And ya know what else is cool!?....Ms. L asked me today to coreograph a flag and ribbon routine for the musical!!!!....I get my name in the program! I think that's the most exciting part!!!!! he he he...I was like dancin around and stuff like the freak that I yeah...I'm pretty excited....can ya tell????
Ms. Ls getting married!!!!! She got engaged at New Years!!!! Her ring is soooo nice! These are exciting times............