Submitted By Clay 'Boo' Hellyer
This is a two-player game and more than one game can be played at a table. Two shot glasses and a ping pong ball are needed. This game is played with beer. Each player gets one shot glass and they are placed on opposite ends of the table. The distance between the shot glasses should be ~24-30 inches from each other. The shot glasses are filled with beer.
The object of the game is to toss the ping pong ball into your opponent’s shot glass. If you hit the shot glass, but the ball does not stay in the glass, your opponent takes the shot of beer in the glass. If you miss the shot glass completely, you drink the beer in your shot glass. The shot glasses are refilled and then your opponent gets to toss the ping-pong ball at your shot glass. If at any point the ball is tossed and stays in the shot glass, ‘floating it’, the game/round is over. When this occurs, the opponent of the person who floated the ball has to chug whatever is left of their beer that they were using to fill the shot glass. The game can then be restarted and played again.
Fuck Hole
Submitted By Nic Dixon and Adam Gress
This is a game that is meant solely for the purpose of getting you wasted. It is one that is most easily played with two people. The game is based largely on two games meshed into one. It is one-part High/Low/Red/Black and one-part Quarters.
The game requires a deck of cards, one shot glass, a small bowl and two quarters.
The concept behind High/Low/Red/Black is this: Seven (7) cards are dealt face down in a line to one player with and 8th card showing. The card showing is used to guess if the first card that is face down is either higher than the showing card, lower than the showing card, a red card, or a black card. Aces are considered the highest card. For example: A RED KING is the card showing. A good bet would be that the first card turned over will be LOWER than the RED KING. The down card is then turned over to reveal if what you guessed is true. If you guess correct, then you must bet on the next down card depending on the new card showing. For example: A RED KING is showing. You guess LOWER. Then turn card is a BLACK TWO. The next move would be to guess HIGHER, since the next turn card is most likely lower. Another example would be: A BLACK EIGHT is showing. Since 8 is right in the middle of the choices of high/low, a better bet would be RED or BLACK, narrowing your odds to 50:50. This process of guessing high/low/red/black continues for all the down cards until all down cards have been flipped. When guessing on the turn card incorrectly, the next phase is the Shoot-Out. This is where the bowl is placed across the table from the guesser. The two quarters are then attempted to be flipped into the bowl by bouncing them on the table. If both quarters are landed in the bowl, the dealer takes a full shot. If one of the two quarters lands in the bowl, the dealer takes ½ a shot and the guesser takes ½ a shot. If both quarters miss the bowl, the guesser takes a full shot. Once this phase is completed, the guesser returns to guessing high/low/red/black on the remaining cards in the line until all the cards are showing. If, by chance, the guesser goes through the entire line of down cards without having to shoot the quarters, the guesser gets an opportunity to shoot the quarters into the bowl. During this phase, the guesser is tossing the quarters in attempt to give the dealer a shot. The guesser does not have to drink anything if they miss any quarters. This is a bonus for clearing the line without guessing incorrectly and a chance to screw your opponent. Once a line of down cards is cleared, the dealer becomes the guesser, and vice versa.
Like I said, this game’s sole intention is to leave you wondering where you are the next morning. And trust me, it works.
Submitted By The Crew
Russian Roulette
Submitted By Nic Dixon
This game is more fun with a group of people, however, it can be played with as few as two. I do not recommend playing this by yourself.
A cap gun (one with a spinning cylinder that uses the caps that are in a plastic ring) is needed. A single cap from the plastic ring is torn off the ring and placed in the cylinder of the gun. The cylinder is spun and the rules of traditional Russian Roulette are followed. Each player places the gun to their head and pulls the trigger. The individual that pulls the trigger and causes the cap to fire takes a shot. Simply put, whoever takes the shot, takes a shot. The gun is then reloaded and the process is repeated.
Flip Cup
Submitted By Nick Balbach
This game is played with two teams, each team needing at least 4 players per team. Each player needs a plastic cup. With these cups, any amount of beer chosen by each individual is put into the cup. Each team is on opposite sides of a table with each individual’s cup on the table in front of them.
The game starts with the first person on a team drinking the beer in their cup. After the beer is gone, the cup is placed on the edge of the table, right-side up. The individual attempts to flip the cup upside down on the table by hitting the bottom of the cup that is hanging over the edge of the table. Once the individual successfully flips the cup upside down, the next person on the team begins to drink the beer out of their cup. The next person cannot begin to drink their beer until the individual before them successfully flips their cup upside down. The first team to successfully drink all their beer and have all cups flipped wins.
Chug & Run Relay Leg I
Submitted By The Crew
This game was a Crew invention out in the backwoods of The County. No number of players is required. Each individual is their own team. With this being the first leg (See the other legs below), it is the easiest.
A distance of ~20-30 yards is the length of the run. A full beer is needed at the starting line and a stick, baseball bat, or anything that is approximately one yard in length is needed at the other end of the runway.
When the starter gives the signal to start the timing, the full beer is chugged by the runner. Once the beer is finished, the runner sprints the distance to the opposite end of the runway to where the bat is placed. The runner must pick up the bat, place their forehead on one end, and spin around the bat 10 times. This is basically Dizzy Bat. Once ten spins are completed, the runner must run back to the starting line. Timing is complete when the runner crosses the start/finish line. The fastest time wins the relay. However, if at any point during the run the runner pukes, a 10-second penalty is added to the total time. Puking after crossing the finish line is acceptable, but still wussy.
Chug & Run Relay Leg II
Submitted By The Crew
The second leg of the relay is much tougher than the first. While the distance of the run and the number of spins remains the same, the drinking increases. While there was only a single beer chugged in the first leg, two beers are needed for this leg.
At the start of the race, a full beer is chugged as in Leg I. The runner, again, sprints the distance to the bat, and spins 10 times. However, before sprinting back to the start/finish line, another full beer must be chugged after spinning. Once the beer is chugged, the runner sprints back to the start/finish line to finish the timing. Again, if the runner pukes any time during the race, the 10-second penalty applies.
Chug & Run Relay Leg III
Submitted By The Crew
This third leg, the final race of the Triple Crown, is a doozie. Again, all the same attributes of the other two are the same, but the method of beer consumption changes.
Two beers are still needed, however, instead of chugging the second after the spins, the second beer is bonged. This means a bong-holder is needed at the opposite end of the runway with the bong. The runner chugs the first beer at the start, runs to the bat, spins 10 times, must drop to their knees, bong the beer, get back up, and sprint back to the start/finish line. The 10-second penalty for puking applies in this relay as well.
Beer Pong
Submitted By Mike Mesey
This is a great game for tournaments. It requires two two-person teams and is a game that test alcohol-altered accuracy. It is best played on a long table (ping-pong table size). Each team has 10 plastic cups and they are set up at the each end of the table in an ascending pyramid of 4-3-2-1, with the single cup closest to the center of the table. Each of these cups is filled about a quarter-full with beer.
Once set up, two ping-pong balls are needed. One team will throw first, each member throwing a ball one at a time. The object is to toss the balls into the cups. If a ball lands in a cup, one of the members of the opposite team must drink the beer in the cup. The member who drinks is alternated per drink. Once the beer has been finished, the cup is cleared from the playing field. Then the opposite team throws the balls at the cups. The first team to clear all of their opponents cups from the table wins.
Submitted By Ryan Kuhlman
Beer Guy
Submitted By The Bulge