This section will contain nothing but my own scans! I've skimmed through numerous magazines in my personal collection, and I noticed that I have quite a few female celebrity barefoot pictures! So, I thought, why should I really just limit my site to soles (the Feetured Celebrity has regular barefoot pictures, not just soles)? So I put my scanner to work and added a new section to my site!
Now, unlike a lot of other foot related websites, I will not get exasperated if you take my
pictures and use them on your own sites. I expect it! However, LIKE a lot of other foot related
websites, I would really appreciate it if you would mention that you got the pictures from my
site, give me a link and DON'T take off my logo that are on the pictures. Fair? I hope you all
like this new section. Feel free to leave any comments you have, as well as any tips to magazines
that have celebrity barefoot pictures (female only, of course!).
Archive A-F - | Archive G-L - | Archive M-R - | Archive S-Z - | Feetured Celebrity - | Vidcaps A-E - | Vidcaps F-J - | Vidcaps K-O - | Vidcaps P-T - | Vidcaps U-Z - |
Barefoot Celebrity Scans - | Non Celebrity Soles - | Links - | Home - |