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NJ Rental Units.
The Finest Vacation Rentals around.
Advertise with us.

We need your rentals. I'm almost fully booked and I'm turning people away everyday. Help!!! advertise here now....

Attention landlords. Not happy with the results from your realtor??? Want to rent out more weeks and pay significantly less commissions??? Well I already know the answer to these questions since I own my own rental properties. What's the answer? Advertise on the web. More and more people are shopping from home on the web. Response has been great to my web site. People are searching the web everyday. I get emails and calls everyday. How many walkins are you getting? Hanging around all day long waiting for someone to walk in? How many people has the realtor sent your way in the last few weeks?

OK, I know that you don't want to pay to have your own web site built. I know that you don't want to maintain a web site. I'll do that all for you.

What do you have to do? Just send me some pictures and a description of your property and I'll have you up on the web in no time.

What's it going to cost? Well you should be asking what's it going to save you. How much does one week's commission cost you if you rent with a realtor? 10%, 12% or 15%? How much does it cost you if you have a week vacancy? OK, you get the point. So invest $150 and I'll have your property posted in no time. $150 gets your unit posted for 1 year.

Skeptical? Ok I don't blame you. Here's what I'll do for you. Upfront just pay $75 to cover part of my time to post your site. Then when you rent your first week from the website you pay the balance of $75.

Why would I do that? Because I know what the results are going to be. You will get calls. you will be giving tours and you will get booked up. You will be renting weeks that you never rented out in the past too. You will make more money. You probably need it too with the costs of properties these days.

For $150 per year, I will advertise your unit on my site as if it were my own property.

What are you waiting for??? To put your property on this site, call me right away, Charlie at 856 235-6483, or click the icon below to E-mail me,

Thanks, Charlie