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Hello, I am Sarah. I will be your tour guide through this strange maze, otherwise known as my mind.

Would you like to know a little about me? No? Oh well, I'm going to tell you anyway...

I'm a girl. I do not want an AOL boyfriend. I do not want to have sex with live animals. And I don't really need a penis enlarger (because, like I stated before; I am a girl.)

I am a very complex person. Apparently, most teenagers are, and most adults too. I have a very eclectic taste in my music. I could listen to an Aaron Carter CD, and then my latest KoRn CD. And then Bon Jovi, or Skid Row.

I have obsessions, or 'my flavors of the month.' Unlike most people who bore of their obsessions or allow them to slowly die, mine live on forever.

One year I was obsessed with the tale of Anastasia (I still believe, that I am her. Of course I'm a *reincarnated* version.... Cuz otherwise I'd be in my 70s)

Another year was W.W.II (I read a shitload of books and saw many movies)

Another year was Matchbox20 (my other page was dedicated to them -before the hackers put a stop to that-)

Another year was wrestling (I'm still on that one.)

And this isn't just a year that I am obsessed with these topics... Once I love something, I never let it go.

And unlike most of my peers, I don't have a selected memory when it comes to that. Hell, I'd be the first to tell you that I have Backstreet Boy cds. And that right now AJ and Brian are staring at me from the wall of my computer room.

I don't care who knows. Like, I also don't care if you know that I like Chris Jericho as a heel. Or that I think Raven is God-like in his ways.

I came to a conclusion along time ago, that I won't follow any crowd.

And then I realized, if you don't follow any crowd, then in reality your actually joining the people who are considered the 'outcasts' who are really 'in' and 'cool'.

So, I'm just my own person. Me. Semi-eccentric good ol' Sarah.

Do you hear that people? It's not just the Pop and Teenyboppers who are brainless sheep (Baaah!) it's also those punks and goths who fit under the label of 'punk' and 'goth.'

People talk about fucking government conspiracies.... This is a fucking music media conspiracy.

Maybe, one day if your good, I'll tell you about it.

But, for now, I've taken up enough of your precious time. That's a little bit about me. I have an opinion, and I'm not afraid to use it!