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"The reason is, your spirits are attentive:
For do but note a wild and wanton herd,

Or race of youthful and unhandled colts,

Fetching mad bounds, bellowing and neighing loud,

Which is the hot condition of their blood;

If they but hear perchance a trumpet sound,

Or any air of music touch their ears,

You shall perceive them make a mutual stand,

Their savage eyes turn'd to a modest gaze

By the sweet power of music: therefore the poet

Did feign that Orpheus drew trees, stones and floods;

Since nought so stockish, hard and full of rage,

But music for the time doth change his nature.

The man that hath no music in himself,

Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds,

Is fit for treasons, stratagems and spoils;

The motions of his spirit are dull as night

And his affections dark as Erebus:

Let no such man be trusted. Mark the music." Shakespears' Lorenzo, Merchent of Venice, ACT V SCENE I.

"This next performance is from a young man just off the NJ Turnpike who bought a red bandana on the Boardwalk with 38 Ski-ball tickets. No! It's not me! It's THE BOSS!" -- Jay Mohr introducing Springsteen on the DVD SNL 25 Years of Music.

"In my country, there's no one more important then Bob Segar." -- Kid Rock, Rock'n'Roll Hall of Fame

Question: Ever want to get married or have kids?
Anthony Kiedis: I think kids would be phenomenal, the biggest experience of a lifetime. But I've never been attracted to the type of woman who wanted to have that experience. I guess they're not such maternal types.

Question: Why is that?

Anthony: I don't know, because I'm totally screwed up.

"Sure I love Liam [Gallagher, his brother], but not as much as I love Pot Noodles." -- Noel Gallagher

"To know that women love me is gratifying. Dudes love me too; I can feel it. I sing to everybody. But the first ten rows are always women." Marvin Gaye

  • Mario Calire (Drummer, The Wallflowers): "...and tour for the rest of the summer."
  • Jakob Dylan (Singer, The Wallflowers): "Or the rest of our lives, which ever comes first."

    "I'm still Ozzy the rock'n'roller. Rock and roll is my first love, rock and roll is my last love." - Ozzy

    "Canada is like bizarro world. Everything is the same, like this Wendy's cup, except there are these inconspicuous little Canadian flags everywhere you look." Rob Thomas

    "I'd like to thank my mom for giving birth to me so I can wear tight pants" Rob Thomas

    "The world is a scary place sometimes. But it's worth it." Rob Thomas

    "If you're gonna drink, drink responsibly...a lot." Rob Thomas

    "Dance naked with your bad self" Rob Thomas

    "Be consicous of everything that's going on. Know what everyone is doing, but act like you're a total idiot." Rob Thomas

    "I am such a man!" Rob Thomas

    "Our reason for living is to rock the universe, that's why we're here." Rob Thomas

    "I bought myself a Gucci watch so I could be "the man"!" Rob Thomas

    "All we ask is that we be called four-hit wonders. That's not too much to ask for, is it?" Rob Thomas

    "School violence to me was you either got your ass kicked or you didn't get your ass kicked." Rob Thomas

    "A magazine said I was the asshole of the band? And I always thought it was Rob [Thomas]..." Kyle Cook (MB20)

    "I had to do something to get the attention back on myself, it was either play guitar or go out and start being a serial killer. I figured the guitar would be a lot safer" Adam (MB20) in reference to when his sister got a guitar and got all the attention from their parents

    "It's pretty amazing to hear thousands of people singing the music you create. We all enjoy hearing that. Except when people sing out of tune and clap out of time, hard to keep up with you guys then" Adam (MB20)

    "If I was a monkey and you were a lion would you eat me?..Oh okay..if I were a lion and you were a monkey would you still eat me?" Brian "Pookie" (MB20)

    "I'm a loser, but you can lie to me." Kyle Cook (Matchbox20)

    "He [Rob Thomas] does his whole pre-show meditation thing where he, ya know, sits there and lights candles and does his vocal warm ups with a bottle of techquila." Paul (MB20)

    "Everyday's Missouri for us." Adam, MB20 about touring

    "Matchbox Twenty is a safe, friendly and water tested product that should never be confused with any similar products on the market." Linear notes of 'Mad Season'

    "Matchbox Twenty realizes its full potential when exposed to fresh air and natural sunlight. Rotate periodically for optimun growth." Linear notes of 'More Then You Think You Are'

    "I love music. Music unites us. Music is what allows me, a human being, to communicate with you, you f***ing a**holes." - Elvis Costello

    "For me, that term "pop" is like a candy bar. You buy it because you like it, you eat it, and then you throw it away. It has no long-term meaning or value." The Edge, U2

    "A seven minute video about a dwarf and a trapeze artist in Italy... If we can get this played *laughs* then we can get anything played!" -- The Edge about "All I Want Is You"

    "Bass players attract the weirdest fans, I tend to get the bespectacled MIT students. Bono gets the poets. And Larry, unfortunately, gets the girls." Edge, from 'U2 At The End Of The World'

    "My crotch was in no way harmed during this concert." - Darren Hayes

    "We blew up the garden gnome to destroy any future references to gardens." Darren from Savage Garden

    "I invented an alter ego. His name is Edwardo Phillipe and he's a Latin Australian born in Brazil but RAISED in Australia. Due to an unfortunate rollerskating incident he is no longer able to perform the Salsa or other related sexy Latino dances. Don't ask me to explain. Hey..if I could dance don't you think I'd be makin' my own sexy butt videos?" Darren Hayes on the effects of sleep deprivation

  • Interviewer: "This is a really hard question for me to ask..."
  • Darren (interrupts): "We were young, and they said those photos would never be published!"

    Daniel Johns (Silverchair): "I'll always remember 1995 as the year I found out Star Trek wasn't real."

    "I don't mind making sissy rock. I'll rock your ass sensitive style." - John Mayer

    "Instead of getting married again, I'm going to find a woman I don't like and just give her a house." Rod Stewart

  • Fan: "What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever done for you?"
  • Tony Fagenson, Eve 6 (drums/vocals): "Thrown themselves in front of the bus, saying 'Take me with you or you will have to run me over!' So we ran her over. One casualty in the war with our fans."

    "We've all grown as people over the years, and the music reflects where we are. If it didn't, it would be bogus. I'm not 18 years old anymore, and to write songs that look at life from the perspective of an 18-year-old would be ridiculous -- although that hasn't stopped a lot of people from trying to do that in the past..." Mark McGrath (Sugar Ray)

    "I have two modes: the first is the guy who lies in bed all day and watches shows like Jerry Springer, and the second is the guy who stays out all night drinking beers with Marilyn Manson." Mark McGrath (Sugar Ray)

    "I have to be myself. I'm not a good enough actress to fake it." -- Pink

    "Those curveballs are always coming. Eventually, you learn to -hit- some of them." -- Queen Latifah

    "If there was a party, and everybody had to wear white, I'd come in with purple on." -- Missy Elliott

    "This is a song about a girl who makes me feel all fluffy inside...fucking bitch!" Layne Staley (lead singer of Alice In Chains) before "Love, Hate, Love"

    "I wish I could just hug you all, but I'm not gonna" Layne Staley (lead singer of Alice In Chains) after MTV Unplugged

    "We try to be real nice and friendly to people, but sometimes they take advantage of that." Layne Staley (lead singer of Alice In Chains)

    "..Hate those guys. We hate each other. Sometimes we'll get in our big Cadillacs and do drive-bys on each other's houses. We're like rival gangs." Sean Kinney, drummer (Alice in Chains) regarding Soundgarden

    "We've mastered the art of making pretty music that makes you want to die." Sean Kinney, drummer (Alice in Chains)

    "When a dress is on a woman, it shouldn't look like its on a coat hanger" -- Jennifer Lopez

    "I think that whatever size or shape body you have, it's important to embrace it and get down! The female body is something that is so beautiful. I wish women would be proud of their bodies and not dis other women for being proud of theirs!" -- Christina Aguilera, Cosmogirl, March 2003.

    "I'm not really religious but very spiritual. I give money to this company that manufactures hearing aids on a regular basis. More people should really hear me sing. I have a gift from God." -- Christina Aguilera

    "I think people should be free to engage in any sexual practices they choose; they should draw the line at goats though." Elton John

    "Where's my public? My God, they've deserted me! This is a crisis. We'd better do something. Stir up some publicity or something. 'Bono in under-age sex orgy.' That should do it. I want my public back." December 1987 -Bono

    "Edge is a sex God" Bono

    "When you're 16 you think you can take on the world and sometimes you're right!" Bono

    "Fuck the past, kiss the future" Bono

    "You know you've made it when you have your own private stalker!" Johnny Rzeznkik (Goo Goo Dolls)

    "What's long and hard on a Polish guy? Third grade!" -- Johnny Rzeznik

    "I honestly believe that, as much as I love punk rock, it can be a very limited form of musical expression." Johnny Rzeznkik

    "Whenever I get upset, I remember that it takes 42 muscles to frown and only 4 to stick up your middle finger." Johnny Rzeznkik

    "I get misty every time I think about all the money we made off that song ['Iris']. It makes my glass eye fog over." Johnny Rzeznik

    "When I was 18, there were 50 people that I called my friends. Today, there are only three, but I'm glad to have those three. If you have three people that you can really call your friends, then you truly have it made." Johnny Rzeznik (from Grammy Magazine Spring 1999 issue)

    "If you can find something that doesn't destroy you, but deepens your character, you're really lucky." Johnny Rzeznik, interview

    "The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom." Jim Morrison

    " 'Scott Weiland voting Gore' Maybe Scott is still on heroin." Steve

    "We haven't put out a record in three years, so I've got a lot of songs. I guess I'm prolific, but I always thought I was Greek-Irish." Everclear's Art Alexakis

    "I like to hear crazy rumors. Didn't I die in a car accident? My mom called me about that one -- she was really concerned. And then there was the time I raped someone. My mom also called me about that: 'I'm so disappointed in you!' But she doesn't call me about them anymore. I banned her from the Internet." Weezer's Rivers Cuomo

    "I've always wanted to smash a guitar over someone's head. You just can't do that with a piano." Elton John

    "I never wanted to be the posterboy for witchcraft. You don't ask Cher if she's a practicing Christian, so get off it after a while." Godsmack's Sully Erna on Wicca

    "They should be concentrating on other bulls**t like getting crack off the street and stopping wars and stuff. Don't worry about rock and roll. It's not going to hurt anyone. I'm tired of people blaming bands for the bulls**t that goes on. It's not [Marilyn] Manson's fault those f***ing kids got shot in Colorado. It's not the f***ing Beatles' fault that Charlie Manson used 'Helter Skelter.' It's not Elvis' fault that he shook his ass on stage and people didn't want to film him from the waist down. It's gonna be there. It's always gonna be there. You will never get rid of rock and roll music, period." -- Sully Erna, talking about music censorship.

    "I don't trust people who don't use profanity." The Eels' E

    "Addiction is a symptom of not growing up. I know people think it's a disease...If you have a brain tumor, if you have cancer, that's a disease. To say that an addiction is a disease is not fair to the real diseases of the world." Poison's C.C. DeVille

    "...I realized I could not continue to blame others for the way I was and situations I placed myself in. I was blaming my parents, God, anyone I could find, when really the only blame rested with me...Realizing this helped me move forward with life...knowing that I was going to get better, it was me and only me that could make that change." Scott Stapp (Creed) on My Own Prison

    "Some kids want me to be the spokesman for the Christian youth generation, to show everyone that Christians can be cool too, and it's just not gonna happen." Scott Stapp

    "Anyone who longs to be famous doesn't feel comfortable in their own skin." Scott Weiland (STP)

    "If you can't say 'I'll die if I don't do it' you shouldn't do it." Madonna

    "We don't have any rehearsed banter or light show, or anything like that. It's mainly just a music show, plus the occasional mud-wrestling." Jakob Dylan

    "It's a tough life being a pop star. You know, at the end of the day when you've paid all the bills and put the kids through college and that, you know, there's only enough left for a small island off the South Pacific." Larry Mullen Jr. (drummer for U2)

    "Basically, I'm making another cameo appearance in a U2 video." -- Larry about "All I want is You"

    "My wild times are over. I'm still very presentable, but I can't keep up with Mick Jagger." Rod Stewart

    "If practice makes perfect, and no one is perfect then why practice?" Billy Corgan

    "I don't want knowledge, I want certainty." David Bowie

    "So many rockers were destroyed by furniture removals, trying to choose a Chinese rug and deciding on the right taps for the bathroom." Bono

    "Actually, I don't remember being born. It must have happened during one of my black outs." Jim Morrison

    "People looked at us as a trashy, cheap band. Aerosmith was the stoned cousin who said something to embarrass you at the party." Tom Hamilton

    "I'm one free Mother Fucker. My name is Scott Weiland and I'm oh so alive." Scott Weiland (STP) from cyberspace

    "We've been away five years and all they could come up with is boy bands? Well, this is a man band." Jon Bon Jovi onstage at the FleetCenter in Boston on Nov 8, 1999ish?

    "I think the government in so many subliminal ways, just the way the whole society is structured and the way that the government has its influence in the urban communities, I just think that in subliminal ways they program us to think that we can't trust each other. They themselves have us think that it's a black or white thing and white people hold black people down. But at the end of the day as we have learned, slavery is only what you allow yourself to be under." - Pharell, Oneworld, Aug/Sept 2003

    "The only thing promised in life, is death" - Kanye West

    "On one hand, I've got a knowledge of my heritage; I got a pretty good background, I've been to school. But on the other hand, I like strippers. So do I not talk about strippers because I'm educated? Do I not talk about education because I like strippers? Nobody can pigeonhole me and determine what I talk about" - Kanye West, MTV

    "God could send a message in the form of a goat." -- Kayne West (XXL, Oct 2004)

    U2 on the Simpsons:

  • Bono: "Now hold it, people, he's talking about waste management... that affects the whole DAMN planet!
  • Edge: "Ah, here we go. --to Larry-- What do you say we slip out to Moe's for a pint?"
  • Adam: "Can I come?"
    --Edge and Larry look at each other--
  • Edge: "No."

    U2 on the Simpsons cont.:

  • Adam: "Look guys, I got a Springfield spoon for my spoon collection!"
  • Edge: "Ah, here we go."
  • Bono: "How many spoons have you got now, Adam?"
  • Adam: "Nine! If I didn't have my spoons I'd go insane."
  • Bono: "May I see it? --takes spoon and throws it over his head--"
  • Adam: "My spoon!!!"

    "When I was four years old they tried to test my IQ, they showed me this picture of three oranges and a pear. They asked me which one is different and does not belong, they taught me different was wrong." - Ani Difraco

    "Beware of those angels with their wings glued on." - Billy Corgan

    "It [was] like the greatest love affair, but with three people. And no sex." -- Dave Grohl on Nirvana

    "While we are down with Jesus, the Devil just has better drugs." -- The Bloodhound Gang's Jimmy Pop

    "The whole world is full of freaks. Look at yourselves! God makes music out of his mistakes. I should know - I'm one of them." Bono

    "We go to these goddamned festivals, and no fucking goddamn band will love us. We get no fucking love at all. It's like we're in our own little world. We're not that goddamn scary. What the goddamn fuck? For once in my life, please love me: I'm in Korn." Jonathan Davis

    "I could write a cutesy song, but I'd have to make it sick. 'On a nice summer's day I met a cute bunny rabbit. And buttfucked it." Jonathan Davis, KoRn

    "If I don't meet you no more in this world, I'll meet on the next one, and don't be late" Jimi Hendrix

    "And I will be your Guiding Light if you'll be my General Hospital." - Jade Puget, AFI

    "Sorry, that was me, not Davey that made that post, I seem to have a habit of using his name to pick up girls.. *cough*..boys..*cough cough*.." - Jade Puget, AFI

    "We'll come around Montreal but we won't actually come into the city. I doubt we'll go beyond just lurking in the bushes on the outskirts of town. I don't think the Montrealites have recovered from my yelling, "I am a grapefruit! Give me all your croissants!!" in French in the supermarket last time I was there." - Jade Puget, AFI

    "Don't get me wrong because I love boys, it's just that sometimes we don't need you." - Tori Amos

    "What can you say about a society that says that God is dead and Elvis is alive?" - Irv Kupcinet

    "Shut the f**k up! Could all the f**king teenies step to the back and let the real fans come up front?" - Daniel Johns

    "I have to say that I think there's a gay man in everybody... I think every straight man has the capacity to have sex with another man... I quite fancy The Rock, actually. I'd love for him to throw me around a bit. ... He's quite brutish and hot, don't you think? I should be careful about saying more. He might find me and kick my ass. ... If I meet a man I fancy enough to have sex with, I will." -- Singer Robbie Williams to The Advocate, May 13.