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  • ...You saw 'Mark' at the top of this page, and yelled "Undertaker?! Where?!"
  • ...You actually understood why I said that.
  • ...You walk into a room you walk in saying "Finally (name here) has come back to place here !!"
  • ...You take a drink of water, you spit all over your head instead of swallowing it.
  • ...You find pimpin' extremely hard and time consuming ^_^
  • ...You've actually shopped for a 6-pack of "whoop ass"
  • ...Your sister brings home her new boyfriend and you shout at her "Slut, slut, slut!"
  • ...Ya tried to impress ya peeps on da dance floo' by doin' da Worm, yo!
  • ...You realize that mesh tops and UFOs never looked so damn good!
  • ...You add "z" to the end of any plural words instead of "s"
  • ...You begin your presentations in school by saying "Right here in this very room...."
  • ...You have a new found love of Canada, and all things Canadian
  • ...You begin to watch the Olympics....
  • ...You remember when the Undertaker was the American DeadAss... (AKA his Ministry days)
  • ...You've noticed many wrestlers are compared to animals (exs. Y2J- Lion, Benoit- Wolverine, SCSA- Rattle Snake, Kane- Fiery Kitty from Hell (All right maybe only in my mind), RhYno- man beast, Raven...well.... Raven.... )
  • ...You stroke your "invisible beard" like Benoit
  • ...And you're a girl
  • ...You are thinking or pondering something, you unconscious put your hand to your chin a la Crash Holly
  • ...Speaking of Crash.... You think you're 400 pounds... Oooo Cheap shot!
  • ...A teacher tells you to go up to the blackboard, you take you're time and strut your stuff like one of Godfather's ho or Nitro Girl
  • ...You've tried to do the Y2J hair thing (that thing that he does where he is about to step into the ring and flips his hair from side-to-side)
  • ...You have compared the asses of Benoit and Jericho *looks over at Tracy and laughs*
  • ...You think that the fact Undertaker has a wife, that that kills the entire "Deadman Inc." mystic
  • ... You remember when DDP was feuded with Raven
  • ...You remember when Raven was allowed on the tv and not on crappy Heat shows
  • ...You've tried to fix your hair up like Jericho had in the beginning of his WWF career (the hair on the top of his head)
  • ...You (as a female) try to grow your hair out like your favorite WWF Superstar ^__^
  • ...You consider yourself a Diva... and wonder why everyone laughs when you say you are....
  • ...You go to a concert and when the lead singer starts talking about how good it is to be in the state... you automatically think to yourself that he is 'such a face'!
  • ...You like milk
  • ...You buy your own gold medals from the 50 cent machine
  • ...You've gored your sister in the parking lot of a fancy restaurant... twice...
  • ...You're read slash just because it was the only thing you could find that mentioned your fav wrestling Superstar....
  • ...Even though you HATE Abercromie and FInch clothing (Damn song) you saw a shirt that said "chugging Rhino" and you try to buy the shirt off the kid....
  • You watch tv and see people who look like wrestlers (Dude! That lady from Weakest Link, so totally looked like Stephanie!)....
  • .... you believe the Pepsi Girl (that little girl that you're friends *cough*Alica*cough* find annoying) is Matt Hardy's illegitimate daughter.... Just look! It's true!
  • ...Your just waiting for one of your friends to snap... kinda like Angle and Austin....(and Christian! *tear*)
  • ...You try to say 'Jeff Foxworthy' and all you can stutter out is 'Jeff Hardy'....and your mother looks at you weirdly.....
  • ...Your friend talks about her little baby Pegasus(from Hecules) and all you can think about is a certain Wild Pegasus... *glances at Tracy and laughs*
  • ...You place you're X-Men dolls into the same kind of moves and positions of you're favoite WWF Superstar... (Hey look! Gambit is humping the ground just like Edge!! Awwwww!)
  • ...You attack your friends from behind with a chair, and look around the room, waiting for crowd reaction.
  • ...You have been rushed to the ER because you swallowed the green dye you were planning on spitting in a classmates face...twice....
  • ...You read about what to do when a tooth is knocked out in Health class and you start to laugh.
  • ...You read about gapped tooth smiles, in the all ready mentioned Health book, and giggle for a good five minutes.
  • ... (You know, this Health book is pretty funny) You're reading about childhood burns in class and you laugh at loud and people look at you. ::Like Kane! Like Kane!:::
  • ...In Chemistry you find yourself writing 'icon' unstead of 'ion' ^_^
  • ...You won't EVER eat Keibler cookies ever again until the WWF writers go into details of Spike/Stacy's past!!
  • ...You are going to see Rollerball
  • ...You tell friends (non-wrestling friends) that your going to see Rollerball, 'cuz Bradshaw loves the girl and your so-called friends just look at you funny...
  • ...You saw Dude Where's My Car? (Rememeber when he came on WWF programing?! I do!)
  • ...You're going to see Men In Black 2 (Cuz of RVD *twitch*)
  • ...You yelled at the Undertaker when he cut his pretty red hair!!!
  • ...You think that the people in you classes are scary, until you talk to them and realize that they like wrestling too! Now they are your bestest best friends (but, your not going to bring them home to meet your parents... unless you have a deathwish...)
  • ...You've made your family into fans (like my 5 year old cousin who loves Lance Storm *nods* )
  • ...Your chem teacher keeps talking about 'atom' but because the teacher has an accent and because you're looking at Edge pictures as he's talking (unstead of listening and learning) you think he's saying 'Adam' and you keep on looking up and going, "Huh? Where?!"
  • ...speaking of Edge... In Spanish... You've made up a family. They're name? La familia de Copeland.....
  • ...You go to Hot Topic and search for the exact same trench coat you saw Edge wear on Raw! (And your mom almost let you get it!)
  • ... You stick out your butt and chest and always yell, "You know you want some T and A!" (and then wonder why people clutch their eyes and scream 'I'm blind! I'm blind!')
  • ...You tried to burn you brother so that he could be more like Kane
  • ...You make signs to hold up in front of your television screen while watching wrestling
  • ...You're Christmas list contained everything in the WWF catalog.
  • ...You've drank beer with The Sandman in the safety of your own home.
  • ...You look on a map for Dudleyville.
  • ...You wonder how many years of bad luck Steve Austin has due to the start of his theme music.
  • ...You almost open a email that says MamaJama.... cuz you think it's Jericho... even though in the subject line it clearly states 'XXX' ....
  • ...You've actually found Dudleyville on a map!!! *waves to VF*
  • ...Your children are named "Crippler"; "Hitman"; and "Kanyon"
  • ...On a job application, you state your residence as "parts unknown"
  • ...You're a Honky Tonk Man impersonator and not a Elvis impersonator
  • ...You refer to breasts as 'puppies' in everyday life
  • ...Men aren't attractive unless they have long hair and/or goatees
  • ..."Taste the Rainbow" now has a sexual connotation
  • ...You have ever shouted "Put that bitch through a table!" while in school and/or work
  • ...You went into mourning when Taker cut his hair
  • ...You're still in mourning...
  • ...You analyze every song you hear for the potential to associate it with a wrestler or it inspires you to write a fic.
  • ... You watch car racing in order to see Bob "Sparkplug" Holly (Or your name is Kitten! ^^)
  • ...When you wear your Macho Man foam hat out in public.
  • ...When you you randomly give a passerby your Hurricane Mask, so you can be like him
  • ...When you win an award and immediately spray paint "nWo" on it.
  • ...When you rate women on a scale of Chyna to Sunny.
  • ...You constantly deny that Brian Christopher is your son.
  • ...If you carry a foreign object in your underwear (or you're just a really lonely guy...)

    Disclaimer: Picture was created by me.. No stealing!