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  • ...You wake up to the sounds of the local Ravens "cawing" and you smile your "evil" Benoit smile...
  • ...You walk around school in a beat up leather jacket
  • ...You've named stuff animals Raven
  • ...You're stuff animal was a white bunny....
  • ... You walk around with a stolen Shop-Rite basket
  • ... In your Shop-Rite basket is a Stop Sign and other variuos signs and of course a couple garbage cans
  • ...You try to curl your hair so it covers your eyes
  • ... When you see your friends unstead of saying "hi" or "howdy" You make "caw" noises and flap your arms...
  • ... You've tried to make your own rules up..
  • ...You walk around saying "What about me? What about (insert name here)
  • ...You go to your local pet shop and try to buy a Raven
  • ...You stop dumbing down your words when you speak to people. Being smart is cool.
  • ... You find youself drawing pictures of Ravens
  • ... You remember when Raven was back in ECW
  • ... You've created a shrine for him
  • ... You remember when DDP was feuding with Raven
  • ...You remember when Raven was allowed on the tv and not on crappy Heat shows
  • ... You tape all the matchs whenever he is on (Cuz who knows if that will be the last time you'll see him for awhile...)
  • ... You watch these tapes before you go to bed so can have Raven-y dreams.... (I've done that one...)
  • ...You're not pleased with the offical Raven doll and try to create your own...
  • ... You go to Church and you hear 'Flock' and you giggle to yourself...
  • .... you pass your PSAT vocabulary and you thank Raven for teaching you the pretty new words.
  • .... you talk to your pretty Raven shirt
  • get into arguments with your family about how Raven does NOT look like Janis Joplin.....
  • .... you shell out 20 bucks to get some Edgar Allen Poe video...just to hear "Quote the Raven Nevermore"...and then you giggle... a lot....
  • ... When you buy an I Love (Wrestlers Real Name Here) and your friends find you odd.... (nothing wrong with my I Love Scott key chain....)
  • ... you go to a Smackdown/Heat show and realize you the only person cheering for Raven, so you yell even louder, and the people behind you ask nicely to put you're large Raven sign down so they can see....
  • ...speaking of 'large signs'... you think you've scared Raven away with your pretty sign... (Hey it just said: Raven: Terri's not KOSHER. I am! What's wrong wit dat? LOL!)
  • ..... You almost ( mind you almost ) signed up for the offical DDP web page thingy..... Just to get closer to a person that knows Raven....
  • Whenever Raven is on, you run up to the TV and put your face about 2 inches from the screen so you can get a close look into his eyes. (*sighs happily* he does have beautiful eyes, doesn't he?)
  • ...Your friend says that 'Goldust puts Raven to shame.' and you take this as a complaiment.
  • ... you have a non-wrestling fan quoting Raven ... and he doesn't even know it! (Hey! It's not my fault that the kid things he's the Savior... I'm just helping ^__^ )
  • find yourself watching cartoons with guys in kilts and giggling...
  • ...your friends are 'oohing and ahhing' over the A&F models... as you are checking out the grunge gods at the local mall..
  • ...You've notice no one else has an Obessed with Raven page and you created your own ^__^
  • ...You've come up with the realization that Raven is obsessively obsessed with Neil Young -- and now you are obsessively obsessed with Raven -- and you always liked Neil Young!!! (Ha! Bet you, no one, but me has that one!)

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