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Born: Denville, New Jersey December 28,1971

Died: Denville, New Jersey May 9, 1995

Graduate: Morris Knolls High School, Denville, New Jersey

                Endicott College, Beverly, Massachusetts

Tracy had Myasthenia Gravis

Myasthenia gravis and the less common Lambert-Eaton (myasthenic) syndrome are diseases affecting how nerve impulses are transmitted to muscle at the neuromuscular junction. Both are  "autoimmune" diseases in which the body generates an immune system attack against its own skeletal muscles. Although people with myasthenia virtually always do very well when treated properly, myasthenia gravis (MG) and Lambert-Eaton syndrome (LEMS) can be life-threatening when muscle weakness interferes with respiration.




Paula Rosina Santoro

Born: Sept. 1, 1990

Died: Dec. 10, 2000

Paula had Pediatric Cushing's

CS in children is rare. An estimated 10 to 15 of every million people are affected a year and only about ten percent of these new cases occur in children.

There is no single symptom shared by every child with CS. It is common for children with CS to show an increase in rate of weight gain accompanied by a decrease in growth rate (linear height). Figure A shows a growth chart that is typically seen in children with CS. Other problems that may occur in children with CS include: rounded face, reddened cheeks, acne, headache, excess hair growth (fine downy hair on cheeks, arms, and legs), purplish-pink stretch marks (more common in older children), darkened skin around neck and armpit areas, easy bruising, development of pubic hair at a younger age than usual, irregular or absent menstrual periods, and high blood pressure. The picture above shows a photograph of Paula with CS. Compared to adults with CS, symptoms that are less commonly seen in children include: sleep disruption, mental changes, and muscle weakness. Although many adults with CS report change in mental status that affect their job performance, children with CS do not usually report problems with school performance.



In Memory of Deborah Jean Keeler

Born:May 16, 1973

Died:October 21, 1994
Because of a fire when she was at College Bloomsburg University.
When I began nursing school in August the leaves were on the trees. From the window of my classroom I saw a small hill. At first it looked like there were no homes on the hill.
When I returned to school after October 21st the leaves had fallen from the trees and I was then able to see the a beautiful house on the hill many graceful birds flew around this house.
When I looked at this house I was fascinated by it's beauty, as I thought about this Debbie came to mind.
I know I must remember Debbie as just being beyond the leaves that keeps her from my sight; at this time. But she is still there and she is just as beautiful as before...
Deborah's Mom

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This site was last updated 05/27/05