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The news, Sync style

Chi, improves gaming skills?

The concept of Chi is of anceint origins, dating back hundreds of years ago. You are probably wondering, "How could this "Chi" said to be the energy of all living things, used by buddiest monks, possibly improve playing a video game?" Well, just focusing on where things originate and what it is supposed to be is not always enough just to wave it off. Chi is supposed to be the energy that all living things give off, but it is more of a concept than anything else, to put in most reasonable terms. Now, keeping all that in mind, the concept of Chi is to focus your mind, your energy, and your muscles as one to highthen your awareness and reflex timing, along with controlling your muscles you can maximize your strength. I know that bringing your strength up doesn't have much effect on how fast you mash the buttons down on a controller or keyboard etc...but adding to your awareness and reflex timing should boost gaming abilities. Using the concept of Chi while playing your fighting or shooting games will make your mind focus on what it is you are doing, allowing you to hit those buttons and push the joystick just in the nick of time to help defeat your opponent, and while in this state, the extra awareness and focus should help you drop those puzzle pieces in place. Of course, most people are unaware of what Chi and the concept of it really is, and may only be known and practiced by martial artists and monks etc..but for those of us that do, we can use this to better ourselves, and forever hold the advantage over those who didn't take the time to learn it in the first place. So the next time you play your favorite video game or whatever, remember my words and focus your Chi, you should notice a decently highthend sense of gameplay in your favor. *Sync