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TaeBo, true martial way or fake?

I'm sure you have seen all the ads and promos for this man named Billy Blank and his phony looking workout setup. I've seen the instructional tape, and don't it look great, Billy Blank standing up there in the middle of the screen with all his women behind him demonstrating the amazing TaeBo workout, with their chestless figures shoved out in all the glory of the outline of their ribs. So now you must be thinking that i'm getting it across that it is a fake, huh? Well, actually..the man does know what he's preaching about, and he does use valid techniques shown in certain Karate ryus (styles). I do believe that his workout technique is valid and true, but hey now, if you wanted a workout such as TaeBo, sign up with any local dojo and you could get about the same, depending on the quality of the teaching force, even better, with lots more katas(moves) to learn than any of those TaeBo tapes could teach you combined. I wouldn't suggest that a well trained karate-ka purchase these tapes, but if you were still new to all that, Billy Blank will surely help you get started with the very basics of it, help you in using some proper techinques and all. TaeBo, true martial way, but looks just way too fake.*Sync