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Martial Arts Technique Exchange!

The Sync's Martial Arts Technique Exchange

Welcome to the exchange!

Do you have your own little special move that you think is good enough to be considered a true martial arts technique, and you are just dying to let this move get known, maybe call it "Your Name Ryu Ju-jitsu" and have a multiple list of moves and say you have created a whole new style of martial art? This would be a good place to put it...we wouldn't make any money off of it, but if people started doing your art and you get reknowned and open up a dojo for it, you would already have a bunch of students in line waiting for the openning. Even if you're not going for fame and glory and just wanted to enlighten us on a special training method you came up with, this would also be a good place. You can contact us Here to submit your stuff to us so we can proudly tac it up on one of The Sync's pages. Just remember, by practicing anything from off this site you see and get hurt or whatever and plan to sue, we have no money for you, this is a free enterprise thing going on, and you should know enough that you are doing this at your own risk by practicing off something you found off the internet... Have fun!

Jordan Thompson's Knife Evasion Tactics
