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'Sync'ronized Weaponary

This is the place to find information, history, and certain facts about the hand-to-hand weaponary of this world. Not only just the common weaponary, but the improvised kinds aswell, and also how to make them.
You can also send me your own improvised weapons articles Here.

Since it takes time and work to create detailed webpages on the weaponary of the world, I will simply list some of the improvised kinds I have made here.

Railroad Spike

Heh, I had fun with this one. Someone made the mistake of handing me a railroad spike while we were on our way to a Six-Flags road trip. Being the person that I am, I decided that I could 'improve' it and turn it into an effective weapon. So I began to sharpen the end of the spike at a 45 degree angle on the overturned side of a seatbelt buckle. The results of that were slow-coming, and it took me hours to work any kind of edge into it (not that I had anything else better to do.) When we stopped at a gas station, my friend was struck with inspiration and took the spike from me and began to sharpen it on the pavement outside the car door. THAT is when the railroad spike finally became sharp. Grinding it across the concrete made the surface of the new wedge-blade weapon rough, so I simply continued sharpenning it upon the belt-buckle until I made it fine and smooth. Voila. I upgraded a rusty 'ole railroad spike into a sharp, effective chisel type of weapon. A more efficient way of doing this would be to grind it at a 45 degree angle on a circulating grinder wheel, then use a wire brush to soften the coarse edges. You could also just turn the end into a stabbing-point instead of a cutting/hacking chisel.
Try finding one of these awesome weapons around rail road tracks. (As if it needed to be explained)

The Pencil

All shall tremble at the very utterance of this legendary weapon. The Pencil *shudder* is probably the most widely used improvised weapon of the world. It is a weapon of choice for duranged school kids and disgruntled office workers. (Ever wonder why they are called 'pencil pushers?') This might possibly be my favorite improvised weapon, simply because it is such a common and readily available item. Besides everything considered thus far, who would want to fight someone as whack'ed out as to use a pencil as a weapon and learn how to do it effectively? Obviously, anyone with that view has never had the pleasure of my acquaintence, much less (possibly) the people reading this. I don't think that it's needed for me to explain how to make one, because, well, they are so easy to come into possession of. You can go to a local store and buy a box of 20+ of these fiercesome weapons for a small cost. You may wish to buy a pencil sharpener or use a knife to fashion a point upon its shaft.

Pencil Combat:
Basically, anything you can do with an ice pick, or any kind of spike for that matter, can be done with The Pencil *shudder.* You must focus on getting the point of the pencil into the flesh of the attacker. Using either a hammer-fisted or sicle-fisted grip on The Pencil is equally preferable, depending upon what results you are looking for. Hammer fisted grips are used for quick jabbing and provide a more finese-ful quality to techniques. Sicle fisted grips are more for overhead penetrating power. Learning how to use Tactical Knife Fighting can greatly improve your handling of this weapon and all other such spike-like weapons. With practice, it is easy to draw blood with even the bluntest sharpened tip. (Just ask my friend Andrew) The pencil can also be used as a thrown projectile, but usually doesn't have enough weight to be highly effective in this way, unless you can have them fall upon the weapon. This is more easily done than you might think possible. Have fun!


I will have more weapons reviewed and improvised as time permits.
