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*The screen lights up and begins to show all of the action that has happened in the past weeks. It shows the addition of the two newest members of The Higher Powers. It shows the formation of Team UCW. As these clips are rolling Tony Anklips voice is heard from off camera.*

Tony: The past weeks have been nothing but a total headache for Will and his commissioner Glacier. The Higher Powers seemed to be in total control. They were picking out opponents at random and making their life a living Hell. That is until some of the UCW Superstars had seen enough. One Saturday night where THP thought that it was free roar once again, they were shocked when Deven Storm and Mysterious Psycho lead the way along with several other UCW superstars to form Team UCW. These men have vowed to take down The Higher Powers for good. Tonight is the night. Appropriatly named, TURMOIL! That's right. If there is one word to describe the situation that Ultimate Championship Wrestling is in, it is Turmoil. Tonight, every title is on the line. Including the new Hardcore and Tag titles. Can Team UCW follow through and take down The Higher Powers? Or will THP prove that they are the most powerful group in professional wrestling? Only time will tell. So sit back, and try to relax. Cause UCW Turmoil is on the air!

*The Intro goes off as 'God Save Us' by Ill Nino plays out. The camera moves around the arena showing a packed house. Thousands of fans are inside the arena with their signs. The camera goes down to the announce table. Tony and Rudy are seen sitting in tuxedos.*

Rudy: Hello and welcome to Philadelphia. We are live tonight for UCW Turmoil! I'm Rudy Mill and with me is Tony Anklip. Tony, I think your little speech before the show sums it up very very well. Tonight the "stuff" will be hitting the fan.

Tony: That's right Rudy. This is going to be the biggest test that any of the UCW Superstars will face. Forget all that's happened in the past. It's all about tonight. Not only is The Icon putting his World Title up for grabs, but all the titles are on the line. The Intimidator is facing Chris Revolver for the IC belt, and some of our newest tag teams are trying to be the first Tag Team Champions in UCW history.

Rudy: Yeah that's right. And lets not forget to mention that one of the teams is also a part of The Higher Powers. In the form of Nightmare and Paul Maxx. Once enemies,now partners. This is a lethal combination. I don't know who can stop these guys.

Tony: Well it's going to be Hell's Incursion coming to face them. It's going to be a classic match up.

*The camera goes out to the back into Will's office. Will and Glacier are seen looking at a monitor.*

Will: Would you look at that. All these people. Can you believe that it's gotten this big?

Glacier: I know what you're saying. This is a major company now. But we have an infection. It's called The Higher Powers. I don't know what we are going to do about these guys.

Will: Team UCW. That's how. These guys are how we are going to stop them. We have some of the best in the business on our side. Granted, this is a hole I got myself into by letting Nightmare and Karnage in. But now is the time to rectify the problem.

Glacier: I sure hope you're right. I mean I know the guys have the talent. But do they have the killer instinct like THP does? That's the biggest question.

Will: We'll just have to see huh? Trust me.

*The camera comes back out to the front.*

Tony: Will putting all his hope in the men of Team UCW. We are all hoping that they got what it takes to take down THP.

*Blast by Kid Rock hits as A walks down the ramp to the cheers of the crowd. He steps over the top rope and claps the crowd causing them to explode in cheers again. We Don't Die by Twiztid hits as the crowd’s reaction is the opposite of that which A received. A prepares for Juggla by crouching down and waiting for him as he runs down the ramp.”

T: Juggla is about to slide under the ring towards A…but has decided against it. He is staying outside and is now circling the ring, slowly. A is getting a little impatient now as he turns to the ref.

R: The ref can’t do anything here as the match hasn’t started yet which I am sure he is explaining to A. A looks like he has had enough as he attempts a baseball slide under the ropes.

T: Juggla moved out of the way and let A slide straight into the security ramp. Great presence of mind there by Juggla. He’s whipping him onto the corner turnbuckle and follows it up with a clothesline, shattering A’s spine against the metal.

R: It looks the like the match is finally going to start now. He rolls A in the ring and is going for the cover! There’s the bell to signal the start.


T: Close call there. A just kicked out and is now back onto his feet. He is hitting him with hard elbows to the stoamch and is taking him to the turnbuckle. Up they both go as A goes for the Frankensteiner. He hits it!

R: Spectacular move there by A. He goes for a cover.


R: Juggla gets his shoulder off the mat. A bounces off the ropes and hits a running elbow drop. Now he goes for a Hip Drop. He has hit it! He’s pinning him with his butt!


* The bell rings signaling the end of the match as Assassin walks out victorious to the delight of the crowd.*

T: The crowd have loved the result but I am not to sure about Assassin’s method of victory. Oh, well a win is a win so chalk this one up to Assassin. We’ll be right back folks.

---“Toughen Up On Crime” advertisement---

*The camera is in the back in Deven Storms locker room.*

Storm: What a great way to start off the night. This is jut the beginning of things to come. You know that things are going to go well. Assassin, a member of our team scored the first win tonight, and things are looking up. After you defend your title against The Black Flame, and Revolver beats Intimidator for the IC Title, it will just be left up to me to take that World Title away from The Icon. It's already been set in motion. Now it's just up to us to finish it.

MP: Sounds great to me man. Let's make this happen!

*The screen goes to black. The camera comes back on out inside the arena. It focuses back on the announce table.*

Tony: Well it looks like Deven Storm is more then pleased with the results of Assassin's match.

Rudy: Oh you think so? I haven't seen him like this since his debut here. Storm is more then pumped up. Let's just see if they can follow through with their plans.

Tony: Very true Rudy. It's still a long night to go.

*The scene opens ringside where Kevin Williams and Brock are in the ring.*

T: This next match is going to be an AMBULANCE STRETCHER MATCH! The rules are that one man has to ties the other into a stretcher, which you can see by the ramp over there, and wheel them backstage, into the car park, and get them into the ambulance and shut the door. This is a no holds barred match, so anything goes.

R: There’s the bell as both men stare each other down. They have been begging President Will and Commissioner Glacier for this match for a few weeks now, let’s see if the produce the goods.

T: Looks like Brock is starting things off with a kick to the mid section of Kev. He bounces of the ropes and hits a huge flying shoulder take down. Kev is not ready to take a beating. He’s responding with an enziguri kick to the face of Brock.

R: He goes up top. This is a risk so early in the match. He attempts a cross-body dive…and hits! Great maneuver by Kev there. Brock is up again and whips Kev against the ropes.

T: Brock lies down, letting Kev skip over him. Kev rebounds again as Brock attempts the same thing…but Kev tripped over him by accident! Kev’s throat just bounced off the rope and he is now flat on his back. Brock has gotten away with a bruised rib at most, from the toe of Kev!

R: Brock has now locked Kev into a headlock. He’s holding it, trying to wear him down. It looks like he’s satisfied because he’s released the hold. He’s picked Kev up and has thrown him over the top rope towards the ramp!

T: Kev’s head bounced off the steel. He’s bleeding down his forehead! Brock is calmly walking down the steel steps as Kev struggles to get onto his hands and knees. Brock picks up the steel stairs! I don’t want to know what he’s planning to do with them!

R: He’s got them above his head and is standing over Kev. What do you think he’s planning on doing? Kev hits a leg sweep successfully, taking down Brock! The steel steps are now in the crowd out of sight.

T: Got to give Kev his props there, great thinking. But is it enough? Look’s like it isn’t. Brock is up again but Kev is still suffering the effects of landing head first onto the steel ramp! Brock lifts him up into a Bear hug.

R: He drops him onto the stretcher! He has strapped him into it!!! The crowd is going wild out there! Brock has Kev at his mercy! He is going up to the top rope. Kev is lying helpless staring Brock into his eyes. Brock is loving this! He leaps off the top…

T: And lands a huge flying Head butt! The stretcher dented in the center but I fear that Kev’s chest is in a lot worse state. He looks like he is struggling to breathe! Brock is back up and is now wheeling Kev calmly up the ramp. Tagging his fans on the way!

R: Wait, he’s stopped at the top of the stage. Now what is he doing? He’s left Kev in the center of the stage and is climbing the ladder to the top of the titantron! What is he doing up there???

T: He’s leaning over the top and looking down at Kev who is staring up, awaiting his pain. Wait a second…he’s spitting down onto Kev’s face! Look at that huge thin string of pure spit! And there it is! It has broke from Brock’s mouth and landed directly onto the forehead of Kev! He can’t even wipe it off!

R: He looks to be getting more and more pis*ed off! Brock has made his way back down and is not wheeling him backstage. All he’s got to do now is walk straight down the corridor and slide Kev into the ambulance. Wait where’s he going now? He’s turned left where the stairs are…

T: Oh no way! He can’t do that! He is! There are at least twenty concrete steps there and he is going to wheel Kev down them! He has opened the door leading to them and closed it behind him. He is holding Kev from feet end on the stretcher so his head is dangling down and is now taunting him.

R: Wait someone’s opening the door behind Brock! They slammed it open and Brock looks to be joining Kev for the ride! A technician has just sent Brock tumbling down the steps and Kev has gone with him! Both men crashed into the wall directly in front of the bottom step!

T: The stretcher has broken in the middle! Kev is out of the stretcher! He is hurt but Brock looks to be in a worse state. Kev isn’t wasting anytime. He’s is dragging Brock up the steps, letting his head smack on each step. There is a trail of blood wherever Brock’s head lands!

R: Kev has dragged Brock to the outside and thrown him into the ambulance, slamming the door! He’s won, he’s won!

T: No he hasn’t, he needs Brock in a stretcher! Where can he possibly get another stretcher? Kev can’t believe his luck! A medic is strolling past with a guy with a broken leg on a stretcher! He isn’t going to think twice!

R: He’s laid out the medic and is throwing off the guy with the broken leg who is screaming in pain! He’s opened the ambulance door…

T: But Brock was waiting for him inside! He just flew out of the ambulance…and landed on the guys broken leg! Kev sidestepped just in time. Now he’s got Brock up and has strapped him in! He’s picked up the stretcher and slid it in! THE DOOR IS SHUT! IT’S OVER!

* Mars by Gustav hits the PA as Kev celebrates outside.*

R: Well that was a spectacular match, greatly won by Kev but Brock fell just a little short of the victory.

---“Don’t Try This At Home” Advertisement---

*The show comes back and goes straight back to the arena.*

Tony: Lets not waste any time. Lets get right to the next match.

*Neutral Lies by Sickfrown hits as DB walks down the ramp and enters the ringOne Step Closer by Linkin Park hits as the crowd cheer. K-Pac runs down the ramp and slides under the rope. He pushes over the ref and starts kicking at DB.*

T: There is the bell as we get a speedy start to this match!

R: Drew kicks down K-Pac and locks in a Boston Crab! It’s in the center of the ring! K-Pac is paying for trying to ambush Drew but will he pay the ultimate price…He is! He’s tapped and lost the match!

T: Drew picks up another win as K-Pac will be regretting this night.

---“WWE®” advertisement---

*The camera goes back to the parking garage. A Black Porsche Boxter pulls up. Nightmare and Icon climb out.*

Icon: I wish that Karnage could have made it tonight.

Nightmare: Well he had things at home to take care of. Besides, it's not like he was booked tonight. It's cool. I don't think we are going to need him.

Icon: Yeah, but it would be nice to have him here. Then we could all celebrate together. After I defeat Storm to retain my title, and you and Paul wreck Hell's Incursion's day to take the Tag Straps. Not to mention, Intimidator wipes up the mat with Revolver to hold the IC title. We will have this company by the balls.

Nightmare: I know what you're saying little bro. But it's all good. Things will be just fine. I would like to have him with us tonight too. But it just didn't work out that way. Let's get in there. Hometown crowd tonight. Let's give this blood thirsty Philly crowd one hell of a show!

Icon: Hell Yeah!

*The camera goes back to the announce table.*

Rudy: Well it looks like The Brothers Of Destruction are ready for tonight.

Tony: I wonder if they know how fired up Deven Storm and the rest of Team UCW are. They aren't going to just walk in here tonight and walk back out uncontested.

Rudy: Time will tell Tony. Time Will Tell.

Tony: Well up next is our first title matches. Actually, the rest of the matches are all title matches. So here we go folks. This is where we find out who will be in control around here.

*The scene on the titantron shows the backstage area where WB is has been looking for TD1 all through the break. As WB turns into the boiler room TD1 jumps from behind him and kicks him in.*

T: What a match this is going to be! The last time two men were in a boiler room together in the UCW it was a classic but this time it’s a Hardcore match! The ref has found his way in the room and is now besides both men who are slugging it out!

R: This is for the Hardcore title so I doubt either of these men will hold anything back! TD1 has got the upper hand by a low blow. He picks up a hammer from the floor and WHAM!

T: I knew this match was going to be brutal but not THAT brutal! We are seeing blood in almost every match here at UCW! WB is feeling the effects of the hammer as TD1 whips him into the boiler! He’s dented it with WB’s body!

R: Now he’s opened the door and is back out into the corridor. He is walking WB down the corridor, and towards the VIP entrance to the arena.

T: WB hits a low blow, taking down TD1! The cleaner has walked past with a mop in his hand, which WB has snatched! He’s snapped the wooden mop in half over TD1’s head! Now TD1 is bleeding from the top of his head. WB lifts him up onto his shoulder and runs at the VIP door!

R: He hit TD1’s head onto the door, smashing him through the glass! They are now on the street, the ref’s just behind them.

T: WB hits an elbow drop and has lifted TD1 back onto his feet. He’s whips him towards a lamppost near by…

R: and TD1 crashes into it! WB has picked up a bench and has let it loose onto TD1’s head!

T: He’s put the bench across TD1 and is lying on top of it.


R: Another great match to add to the never ending list.

Tony: Well it's fitting. Wifebeater brought the title over to UCW, so I guess it's fitting that he is the first to hold it here in UCW.

Rudy: Yeah, but I'm suprised. I expected to see much more from the likes of The Disturbed 1. I'm sure he's not totally focused on this right now. He's in the middle of that messy divorce.

Tony: Maybe so, but Wifebeater definitly showed that he wanted it more tonight.

Rudy: Ok, enough of this crap. I have just been told that Hazel Sparks is in the back with Nightmare and Paul Maxx. Lets go back to him and get some scoop.

*The camera shifts to the back. Hazel Sparks is seen standing with Nightmare and Paul Maxx.*

Hazel: That's right Rudy, I'm here with two members of The Higher Powers. And one half of the tag team title match. Let me start this off with Paul. Now Paul, everyone has noticed that you haven't been around lately. What's going on with that. Some people were actually saying that you weren't even going to show up for tonight and leave Nightamre hanging.

Paul: Hang on a damn minute! Where do you get the right to say that I'm one to not show up!?!

Hazel: Well I....

Paul: Shut up! Let me tell you something. Ask anyone who knows me. They know that I'm the last person to leave a partner hanging. They know that I'm the one that my partner can depend on. Sure I have been out of the picture lately. But it's because I had business to take care of. But I'll be damned if anyone is going to step into OUR ring and take what is rightfully ours! Those belts have The Higher Powers written all over them. I don't care if I have been around for the last two weeks or not. I'm here tonight, and I'm more then ready.

Hazel: I'm so sorry if I've offended you Paul. I was just doing my job. Nightmare, do you have anything to say about tonight?

Nightmare: Well I think that my partner has pretty much said it all. No one is going to come into our house and steal what is ours. We took out who were supposed to be the best to get here. I mean think about it. We had to help Hell's Incursion so they could get here. This is my hometown. I'm at home tonight. I'm in the posistion to win the Tag Team Gold in the city where I wrestled my first match. This is the posistion that I thrive on. And as far as I'm concerned, I have the best partner that I could ask for. Paul knows what it's like to be a champion just like I do. We had a classic battle before when gold was on the line. We both know what it takes to win the big matches, and you will all see that first hand tonight when we lay claim to the UCW Tag Team Gold.

Hazel: Ok, well just one more thing.....

Nightmare: That's enough. We've got a match to get ready for.

*Nightmare and Paul turn away from Hazel and head down the hallway.*

Hazel: Ok, well I guess that's about it. Back to you guys out front.

Rudy: Wow! Those two are way fired up! This is going to be a crazy match. I hope that Hell's Incursion is ready for The Higher Powers. I know that Will is counting on them being ready.

Tony: You're right Rudy, but we're going to have to wait a little bit for that one. Up next we have a very anticipated match up between The Black Flame and Mysterious Psycho for the UN Title.

Rudy: Oh Yeah. This is going to be a good one. The Black Flame has been trying to make a name for himself over the past month. He has taken on some of the biggest and the best that UCW has to offer.

Tony: And lets not forget that amazing Boiler Room Brawl in which Black Flame came out victorious. And his counterpart in that match really shined earlier in a most brutal Ambulance match.

Rudy: Win or lose, The Black Flames future is very bright. He is going against a very talented fighter in the form of Mysterious Psycho.

Well lets get this show on the road. Here we go. UN Title Match!

*Crawling hits the PA as The Black Flame steps out from the back. He is greeted with a loud cheer and heads downt he ramp with a somewhat shocked look on his face. He gets in the ring and waits for MP to show up.*

*After a few seconds, Breed by Nirvana hits. The crowd errupts as Mysterious Psycho steps out. He comes out as the arena chants UCW. He heads down the ramp and heads for the ring. Both men are in the ring and stare accross at one another.*

Tony: Ok, both men are in the ring now, and they look ready to get going.

Ding Ding

Rudy: There's the bell. And would you look at that! Black Flame takes off across the ring with the quickness and nails MP in the face with a massive right hook. This is going to be brutal.

Tony: He's got him hooked up now and he delivers a massive suplex on the champion. Quick cover. 1...2...kick out by MP!

Rudy: Why is he looking to end it so quickyl? Is he worried that he doesn't have the stamina that MP does?

Tony: I don't know. But now both men are to their feet. Flame swings wildly, and MP ducks under. He's got Flame by the arm, spins him around, Sit down powerbomb!

Rudy: What a great move! Mp is up to his feet, and he's picking Flame back up. Several rights to the face. Flame is stumbling. He's a bit dazed right now. MP grabs flame by the top of the head, Huge Forearm club to the back of the neck. And Black Flame falls flat on his face.

Tony: Here's a cover. 1...2...Kick out! Flame dug deep for that one. MP looks a bit suprised.

Rudy: I don't know why. I'm sure MP didn't figure Black Flame to jsut roll over and give him the win. He's worked way too hard to get to where he is.

Tony: Both men up. MP with a whip to the ropes. Flame on his way back. Mp going for a clothesline. Flame drops to kis knees and hits a clothesline to the mid section of MP.

Rudy: Great Move right there. Flame looking to regain control now. He's back to his feet. He picks MP up and sends him to the ropes. Huge knee lift and MP flips over and lands flat on his back. Here's a cover. 1...2..kick out by MP!

Tony: Flame looks irate.

Rudy: He better keep his composure. This is not the time to lose it.

Tony: He's back up and he's got MP. Powerbomb! Here's another cover. 1...2...thre...kick out! WOW! That was just too close.

Rudy: Flame is pounding on the mat. This really isn't a good idea. He's now arguing with the ref.

Tony: MP is getting back up. He's up and he's behind Black Flame. He's grabbed his shoulder. DDT! Great ring presence being showed by MP right there.

Rudy: And once again, it looks like the momentum has shifted. MP picks up Black Flame. He's hooked him up. Reign Drop! That's got to be it. Cover, 1...2...KICK OUT! Oh My God! I can't belive it!

Tony: And neither can MP. Now he's yelling at the ref. He's insisting it was a three.

*From out of the back walks The Icon. He comes down to the ring and stands at the side.*

Tony: What is he doing there?

Rudy: I don't know, but MP sees him. He's over to the ropes and both men are jawing at each other. Black Flame is getting up. He is up.

Tony: He comes Deven Storm! Icon sees him, and goes to the other side of the ring.

Rudy: It's too late. Flame is up and he has MP from the rear. German Suplex! What a hit on the neck of MP. This is too much.

Tony: Well I guess Icon got what he wanted, and he's now backing up the ramp.

Rudy: Black Flame picks up the nearly limp MP. He's got him set up. SOUL TAKER! Black Flame has hit his finisher! Here's the cover. 1....2...KICK OUT! I really don't believe this!

Tony: Now Flame is all over the ref. He's in his face and now the ref is jawing right back at him. MP is beginning to stir on the mat.

Rudy: He's starting to lose it now. This isn't a good thing for Black Flame.

Tony: Black Flame shoves the ref in the chest. LOOK AT THAT! The ref shoves back. Flame stumbles back. Reach up by MP. Quick roll up. Small Package. 1...2...3! This one is over!

Rudy: Mysterious Psycho comes out of this with a win. Black Flame let his emotions get the best of him tonight. But I have to say, he put up one Hell of a fight tonight. Evn though he lost, he should be proud of his performance.

Tony: I couldn't agree more. This was an amazing match. But the fact still remains. Mysterious Psycho retains his UN Title. But I guarentee that this little feud will not be over any time soon.

*Breed by Nirvana hits as MP rolls out of the ring. Both MP and Deven Storm heads up the ramp into the back. The Black Flame gets out of the ring and heads up the ramp. On his way up the ramp, the crowd roars the effort of The Black Flame. He stops up on the ramp and waves out to the Philadelphia crowd.*

Rudy: Keep on the lookout for this guy. There are great things in store for him.

*The camera goes into the back where Icon is seen with The Intimidator.*

Intimidator: Can you belive that?

Icon: Not really. I'm pissed! I can't stand those guys. I hate MP and Deven Storm with a passion. But that's ok. Tonight, you will retain your belt against Revolver, Nightmare and Paul will win the tag team gold, and I will wipe up the mat with Deven Storm. We WILL Prevail here. I have no doubt in my mind about that.

Intimidator: Hell Yeah man! Well I'm gonna get going. I'm up next. Good luck out there tonight.

Icon: Go show them what being in The Higher Powers is all about.

*Intimidator steps out the door, and the calera swithces to the hallway where Terry Williams is seen with Chris Revolver.*

Terry Williams: I'm here with Chris "Wolverine" Revolver. Chris, tonight you are going into what could be considered your biggest match here in UCW so far. Granted you won the UN Title at Undisputed, but now we're talking about The Intercontinental Title. But you're facing one of the biggest men in this company in the form of The Intimidator. What are your thoughts on tonight?

Revolver: You're right Terry. Sure I won the UN Title at Undisputed. But you know what. That doesnt' mean anything to me any longer. This is the big one. This is the IC belt. If you're holding the IC title, that means that you are ready to go to the top. You are the next in line to go for the World Title. This is the type of thing that I have worked for in my career. I know that it's not going to be easy. I'm going up against The Intimidator. But I could care less. I'm going to go out there tonight and show Intimidator why they call me Wolverine. I showed him last week what I'm all about, and tonight I'm going to do it again. Only this time it's for the gold. I'm ready for this. I just hope that Intimidator is ready for me!

*Revolver stares into the camera for a second, and then turns and heads down the hallway.*

Terry: Well it sounds like Chris is more then ready for this. I'll send it back out to you guys.

Tony: Thank you Terry. Sounds like Revolver is ready for this one. And it's a good thing. Cause that match is up next!

*Prison Sex blasts out of the speakers as the crowd goes wild. From out of the back steps Chris "Wolverine" Revolver. He makes his way down to the ring as the crowd cheers him on.*

Rudy: I'll tell you Tony. I have been a huge fan of this guy since the first day he stepped foot into the UCW ring. He's shown grit, and guts. Not to mention a great mind inside the ring. He uses every aspect of his abilities to take his opponent down. This is going to be a great match up. Last week at Breaking Point Revolver got the best of The Intimidator, so I'm sure the 7 foot monster wants nothign more then to put a massive hurting on him.

Tony: I'm sure you're right. I know that Intimidator wasn't very pleased with the outcome of last weeks match. And neither were the rest of The Higher Powers. This is going to be very interesting to see how this all goes down here tonight. Both men are on a mission to prove they are the better one.

*Just then, Siberian Kiss hits the PA. The crowd lets out mixed reactions as The Intimidator steps out. He stops on the top of the ramp and looks out on The First Union Center with his UCW IC belt over his shoulder. He heads down the ring pointing and yelling at Revolver.*

Rudy: Oh man! Intimidator looks pissed! He wants all of Revolver and he's coming to get it.

Tony: And he's not wasting any time. The bell rings quickly and Intimidator goes right after Revolver. He nails him with a massive shot to the chin and sends CR stumbling backwards.

Rudy: Looks like he took that loss last week very personal. He's dishing out some major punishment right now at the expense of Revolver.

Tony: Big set up and, huge suplex by Int. He's on a roll now. He's back up and he picks Revolver right back up as well. Whip to the ropes. Revolver on his way back.

Rudy: Intimidator is going for a clothesline. Great Move! Revolver dropped to his knees and rolled under the arm of Intimidator. He's up. Huge shot the the face of Intimidator. He looks stunned. Revolver off the ropes. Thies Press! He's laying into Intimidator with lefts and rights. The ref is pulling him off.

Tony: That's the ring presence you were talking about. He's one of the smartes wrestlers I have ever seen. Revolver to his feet. He picks up Intimidator. LOW BLOW by Intimidator!

Rudy: How could the ref not see that?!? Revolver is doubled over in pain. Huge Club to the back of the neck by Intimidator. Here's a cover. 1...2..kick out!

Tony: Intimidator thought he had it wrapped up. He's now to his feet and so is Revovler. Swing by Int. Blocked by Revolver and he counters with a right of his own. He connected! This is turning into an all out brawl!

Rudy: That's what I like to see Tony. Two modern day gladiators going toe to toe to see who is the better man.

Tony: Revolver with a waist lock. he gets behind. German Suplex! WOW! That's just impressive to see someone throw a man of Intimidators size. Cover 1...2...kick out by Intimidator. He is moving slow. That suplex must have taken something out of him. Revolver to the top rope. Leg Drop! He hits it! The crowd is going wild!

Rudy: Cmon' Chris, You can do this.

Tony: Revovler back to his feet. He's got Intimidator set up. It looks like. IT IS! REVOLVER SLAM! Intimidator goes down hard! Here's the cover. 1....2....3!

Rudy: He's done it! Revolver is the new UCW IC Champ!

*The crowd goes wild as the ref hands Revovler the IC title. He holds it up high as thousands of flash bulbs go off throughout the arena. Prison Sex booms out and the fans cheer over top of the music. Chris takes the belt and heads up the ramp. The Intimidator if livid inside the ring.*

Tony: That was an incredible show put on by both men. But I guess Revovler showed that he is the superior one. What a match. Well be right back with the first ever Tag Team Title match.

UCW Tremor Preview

Rudy: I still can't believe it! Chris Revolver has struck a mighty blow to the heart of The Higher Powers. He has taken away one of their blets!

Tony: Things are looking up for Team UCW here tonight. Hopefully, things will get better and better as the night goes on.

Rudy: Let's hope. Up next is the tag team title match. This match pits The Higher Powers, represented by Nightmare and Paul Maxx going up against Hell's Incursion a team made up of Agnosties and Ketch Duraz. This should be a good one. Let's take a look back at how these two teams got here tonight.

*The screen rolls and shows clips from Breaking Point a few weeks ago. It shows all the teams announcing their eligibility for the tag team titles.*

Tony: We have a new tag team here in UCW. They are called Raging Fire. It's Wifebeater and Black Flame.

Rudy: Looks like Agnosties has gotten himself a partner as well. Look out for Hell's Incursion!

Tony: You have got to be kidding me! Nightmare and Paul Maxx have entered the match. Now The Higher Powers are going for Tag gold as well.

*The clips continue to roll as it shows footage of the four team tag match where THP and Hell's Incursion advance.*

Tony: And there you have it folks. That's how it went down, and thats where we are tonight. Let's get this thing going.

*Give in, Give up, Lie Down hit's the PA as Hell's Incursion steps out from the back. The crowd roars as the duo head down the ramp for the ring.*

Tony: Nothing would make my day more then to see Hell;s Incursion take these belts home with them tonight.

*Just then, Poison Well hits the PA. From out of the back step Nightmare and Paul Maxx. The crowd greets them with a mixture of boos and cheers by the THP faithful. The two give each other a shove on the shoulders and head for the ring. They climb in and stare straight across the ring at the two on the other side.*

Rudy: Here we go. Let's see if Nightmare and Paul Maxx can back up their intensity from eariler.

Tony: There's the bell. Looks like Nightmare and Kethc will start things off here. Both men to the center of the ring. They lock up. Nightmare's power is too much for Ketch. He throws KD across the ring like a rag doll and begins to laugh.

Rudy: Things already looking glum for Hell's Incursion. Nightmare right to work on Ketch. He's throwing and connecting with a series of lefts and right in the neutral corner.

Tony: Nightmare grabs KD and sends him flying to the ropes. Knee to the back by Paul Maxx and Ketch goes down. Nightmare over and he tags in Paul Maxx.

Rudy: Good team work being shown by THP here. They are keep ing KD in their corner to avoid a tag in to the very anxious Ags. Paul stands KD up in the corner. Series of hard slaps across the chest as the crowd counts along.

Tony: Looks like Ags has had enough. He's through the ropes and nails Paul Maxx in the back of the head. The ref steps in and forces Ags back to his corner.

Rudy: Look at this. Nightmare is taking advantage of this and he's in the ring. He grabs KD and lands a backbreaker, and slides out of the ring just before the ref turns back around.

Tony: There is nothing fair about that! But they are sticking to their strategy.

Rudy: Paul back to his feet and he picks the badly hurting Ketch back up. Sends him flying to the ropes, but Ketch grabs hold of the top rope! He swings over and tags in AGS. The crowd is going nuts!

Tony: Running clothesline by Ags and Paul goes down. He's over to the ropes and nails Nightmare with a shot to the chin.

Rudy: Look at the intensity Ags is showing. He's got Paul hooked up. Snap Suplex. Now they have Pual neutralized in their corner, and there is nothign Nightmare can do about it.

Tony: How the tables have turned. Ags working over Paul Maxx now. WAIT! Paul has thrown Ags off him and is kicking him in the ribs.

Rudy: Looks like the momentum has shifted once again. Paul Maxx is kicking the life out of Ags, and Ketch is screaming for him to get up.

Tony: Paul has stopped kicking Ags, and goes over to tag in the big man. Nightmare is now back in the ring and Ags is crawling back to his corner. He is cut short by Nightmare grabbing his legs. He pulls him back to the center of the ring. Neckbreaker! Ags is down hard!

Rudy: What is this all about? He's tagging Paul back in. Why wouldn't he go for the cover? MAxximum Overdrive!

Tony: Here coes Ketch to break up the pin. Clothesline by Nightmare! Both members of Hell's Incursion are out. Nightmare has Ketch up, Tear Drop. It's a double pin! 1...2...3! Put this one in the books. The Higher Powers are the first ever UCW Tag Team Champs!

Rudy: So much for THP not keeping any belts. But I have to give them this. It was a great display of team work by Nightmare and Paul Maxx.

Tony: What are they doing out here?

*All the members of THP rush the ring to celebrate with Nightmare and Paul. The ref hands them their belts. Just then, Going Down booms out as Deven Storm heads for the ring! Icon instructs the rest of them to clear the ring.*

Tony: Looks like Deven Storm has seen enough, and wants to put an end to this right now. He's in the ring, and the bell sounds.

Rudy: Deven straight across the ring and swings wildly at Icon. He steps to the side and pushes Storm throught the ropes into the ring post.

Tony: Shoulder first into the ring post. That had to hurt! Icon pulls Storm out of the corner and sends him flying to the ropes. He connects with a clothesline and Storm goes down.

Rudy: That almost took Storms head off! There is a lot of bad blood between these two guys. This is the mathc where it is going to be spilled.

Tony: And speaking of blood. Icon hits a facebuster on Storm and he is busted open. Icon is now stopping to taunt the crowd a bit.

Rudy: Not a smart move. Look! Storm with a quick reach up and He's got Icon rolled up. Cover 1...2...kick out by Icon.

Tony: Icon quickly to his feet. Storm is up as well. Storm with a shot to the face of Icon. Hooks him up. DDT! And Icon goes down. another cover. 1...2...kick out again!

Rudy: This is getting out of hand. Storm is up and he's got the weary Icon hooked up. DEVEN DRIVER! That's got to be it! 1...2...Kick OUT!

Tony: I can't believe what I just saw! I haven't seen anyone kick out of the Deven Driver.

Rudy: Well you just did, and Now Icon is to his feet. He's a bit dazed, but he's up. Deven goes back and swings. Icon moves out of the way and pushes Storm to the ropes. He's on his way back. Whip to the opposite rope. DOMINATION! Icon has hit his finisher! Here's the cover. 1...2...KICK OUT!

Tony: This is just unbelievable. Both men have hit their finishers, and both men have kicked out! This is just crazy.

Rudy: Icon can't believe it either. He's now back up. He's got Storm up again he's hooked up. Brainbuster! Storm is down. Here's the cover. 1...2...3!

Tony: NO! This can't be!

Rudy: Well it is! I don't know how The Higher Powers are going to be stopped!

*The other members of The Higher Powers rush the ring and they begin to celebrate in the center of the ring.*

Tony: I'm speechless. I don't know what to say. This is just terrible news for UCW. Thats' all the time we have for tonight. We'll see you next week for Breaking Point.

Show fades to black.