February 4, 2003:
La-de-da-de-do-de-da! Another beautiful day
in the life of a Plushieville Mayor!! Last night we had an awesome
town meeting!! Lots of things were discussed and new ideas have come
to the mayors. We would also like to give a warmmmmmmmm welcome to
Bartender Nicole. She is the bartender at the Squishy Tavern and will
also be seen throughout the town meeting I am about to post. Also....
I'm sad to say but... HIM showed up at our meeting. He almost killed
us all... have I got ya hooked yet? Read on:
Town Meeting for 2/3/03:
A RAE: *walks in, hauling a big box of happy
Great: *re-enters the Squishy Tavern* Welcome everyone to the second
town meeting!!
Bartender Nicole: hello!
A RAE: Nicole! Great!
A RAE: *hands out plushies*
B. Nicole: *is so excited and anxious*
B. Nicole: yay!
A RAE: Yes! Welcome to your first official town meeting.
B. Nicole: *giggles excitedly and then calms down*
Great: For the other townspeople, Nicole is the bartender of the
Squishy Tavern and one of our newest and proudest additions to the
Plushieville family.
A RAE: *applauds Nicole the bartender*
B. Nicole: *stands up, bows, and then sits back down*
Great: So, tea, shall we?
B. Nicole: okay!
A RAE: Yay! Tea ish good.
A RAE: The official drink of the official meetings.
B. Nicole: *serves Great and A-Rae tea*
A RAE: Thankees!
Great: why thank you, Nicole.
Great: Okieday...the issues to discuss today are...
Great: *sips tea*
A RAE: *flashes a big cheesey grin with Keevif*
B. Nicole: *offers Keevif tea*
A RAE: *Keevif guzzles it down*
Great: *makes Jipsun button his shirt AGAIN*
B. Nicole: oh my!
B. Nicole: *offers Jipsun tea also*
A RAE: *falls out of her chair*
A RAE: Aye!
Great: *Jipsun slurps down tea*
Great: *helps A-Rae up*
A RAE: Back to the issues. I think.
B. Nicole: yes yes
A RAE: If Jipsun can keep his shirt on.
B. Nicole: *giggles*
Great: Yesh. Okay... well, this week it's the issue of new structures
being built.
A RAE: Oh-ish-ness? *her new word*
Great: The townspeople want more than the Squishy Taven and Squishy
A RAE: this is true.
A RAE: that would be good
Great: Nicole, do you have any thoughts on new structures? Being that
you are a townperson...
B. Nicole: hum....*ponders*
A RAE: Yesh! Give us some inspiration!!
B. Nicole: I'm thinking....be patient....
B. Nicole: *ponders some more*
A RAE: *sips tea patiently*
B. Nicole: how about a library?
A RAE: Yesh! Good idea. Great?
B. Nicole: squish
A RAE: Squishy bahama llama o rama!
A RAE: *lol*
Great: Yay!
Great: Alrightey...so a name for this...
A RAE: Library...?
Great: LiBrArY
B. Nicole: um....*ponders*
A RAE: or that...
Great: "Ipsa scientia potestas est."
B. Nicole: say what?
A RAE: *stares*
Great: or in English, "Knowledge itself is power"
A RAE: *Keevif searches for his dictionary*
B. Nicole: oh!
A RAE: *Keevif and A-Rae together* Ooooooooooooooooooooh.
Great: *rests head on Jipsun's shoulder* Heheh
A RAE: Keevif: Dude, that's long. And tongue twistinig. And, dude!
B. Nicole: *giggles at Keevif*
A RAE: *Keevif beams*
B. Nicole: or...it could be....uh....squish-a-brary....or something?
B. Nicole: *shrugs*
Great: Jipsun: How about the Manical Library (Plushieville Mania)? Or
I could be dumb.
A RAE: *lol!* That's hilarious, Nicole!
Great: Squish-o-brary. Squishy-brary
Great: :)
B. Nicole: yay!
Great: I wuv it!!
A RAE: Yay!
B. Nicole: *nods in agreement*
A RAE: *Keevif cries* It's so beautiful!
A RAE: I say it's a keeper.
A RAE: We can keep stories there, obviously, being a library and all.
Great: *spills tea on self* Oucheeeeeeeeeeee!!
B. Nicole: uh oh!
A RAE: Good going, Great.
A RAE: *lol*
B. Nicole: uh...*cleans up messy tea spill on the ground*
B. Nicole: would you like another cup of tea, Great?
Great: yesh please!!
A RAE: Nicole ish so nice. *heart, lol*
B. Nicole: *hands cup of tea to Great, only half filled this time
Great: Yesh!! *ponders* New section of the website... I could make it
all nice and purrrrrrrty. And then I can add my story about
Plushieville to it!!
A RAE: There you go.
Great: *graciously takes tea* Thankee!!
Great: I am quite clumsy sometimes!!
B. Nicole: that's okay....
A RAE: *Keevif mumbles his thoughts, earning a smack from A-Rae*
B. Nicole: *giggles*
Great: *pushes Jipsun outta chair to lighten the mood*
B. Nicole: oh!
B. Nicole: i have another suggestion!
A RAE: *lol!*
A RAE: Yesh, yesh, what?
Great: Okie...letz hear it.
B. Nicole: what about like a music store with um, lyrics in it because
you aren't allowed to have MP3s
B. Nicole: or something like that?
A RAE: Sounds like something for thought.
Great: Heh...Instead of Lyrics Plus...it could be Lyrics Plush!!
B. Nicole: yes!
A RAE: Yeah!
Great: Yay!!
A RAE: I'm wuvin it
Great: yah...feel the creative juices flowing
B. Nicole: *flicks head and hears hollow noise*
Great: Hehe!!
A RAE: Oh my.
A RAE: Oh, oh, oh!
A RAE: *jumps up and down*
B. Nicole: *looks at A-Rae with a weird look on her face*
Great: okay... so... things to work on until next time..
A RAE: 'WEB COMIC?!?!!?!
A RAE: *falls face first onto table*
B. Nicole: uh...*pokes A-Rae*
A RAE: *Keevif points towards door* "HIM wants to be admitted to the
meeting, dudes."
OnlineHost: HIM has entered the room.
Great: ah!!
B. Nicole: ep!
Great: Run!!!!!!!
A RAE: *looks up*
B. Nicole: *hides behind Keevif*
Great: *grabs Jipsun*
A RAE: *Keevif hugs Nicole and whimpers*
A RAE: Why hello.
HIM: HAHAHAHAHA* ground shakes*
HIM: hello
B. Nicole: *throws tea kettle at HIM's head*
B. Nicole: ep!
HIM: oww
A RAE: *laughs*
HIM: my intro kicked!
HIM: hahaha
HIM: cool intro
HIM: go me!
Great: *hides in corner*
HIM: dont make me unleash my powers of evilness n stuff like that
Great: Hey A-Rae...our muses could always use
A RAE: *leaves a trail of happy plushies to coax the Great out of
A RAE: *looks at Keevif, who is afraid*
B. Nicole: *pokes Keevif*
B. Nicole: be brave Keevif!
Great: *crawls outta corner and thrusts Jipsun forward* BE A MUSE
A RAE: *Keevif meeps*
Great: *Jipsun whips out his MP and coaxes Keevif into doing the same*
A RAE: *Keevif throws his MP at HIM*
HIM: wow ya know maybe you should imagine your muses to be more brave
HIM: *just a thought*
Great: Mine is!!!!!!
A RAE: *kicks HIM for teasing Keevif*
Great: He's hott enough...that's for sure!!!!!
Great: *punches HIM for insulting Jippy*
B. Nicole: oh my!
B. Nicole: uh....*pokes HIM really hard in the back*
B. Nicole: ha!
Great: (in bed)
A RAE: *falls over*
Great: *hits the floor*
HIM: makes super cool looking lazer beams in hand. charges! RYU KISHIN!
B. Nicole: uh....*hides under table*
HIM: *fires huge evil beam*
A RAE: Hey. I want a cool looking lazer beam.
HIM: FINAL FURY! *thousands of little lazers fire from hands*
A RAE: *grabs the MP and uses it to create an even cooler lazer beam
than HIM's*
A RAE: *runs under table with Nicole*
Great: AHHHHHH!!!!!!! *grabs Jipsuns's MP and uses it as sheild*
HIM: * i come up with cool lazer names*^_^
HIM: dont make me whip oot my colest attck yuet!
A Rae: (in bed, maybe..)
A RAE: *lol*
HIM: yet!
Great: How dareth u scare my friends into going under the table!!!!
You shall dieeeeeeeee
HIM: nay!
A RAE: *glances at Nicole*
A RAE: Eep?
B. Nicole: *too scared to say anything*
Great: A-Rae...back me up here.......get out from under the table,
B. Nicole: *pokes*
B. Nicole: let's be brave people A-Rae!
A RAE: *leaves Keevif to protect Nicole and races out to save the
A RAE: *realizes what she's doing and makes Nicole and Keevif come
with her*
Great: Where are the glasses in this place bartender Nicole?? I'd like
to chuck a few at "HIM"
B. Nicole: *grabs some and gives to Great*
HIM: *big lazer sword outline appears
HIM: glows big and firs spreading into tiny saber beams
Great: Thankee Nicole. *whips plates at HIM differing his attacks*
A RAE: *pokes HIM between the eyes*
HIM: then hits and explodes and sucking the oxygen out of all targets
leaving immeasureable pain
HIM: hahahahaha
B. Nicole: *gasp*
A RAE: *suddenly wonders why HIM is the army general if he's fighting
those who gave him the job*
HIM: just practicing
HIM: ;-)
Great: Uh...he's not....he turned on us.
B. Nicole: um....*finds some more tea kettles*....lookie what I
HIM: and besides yall can handle what i got
A RAE: Well practice elsewhere, dude, we're having a meeting! *kicks*
Great: Aww!! Don't kick!!
HIM: but you gotta admit that attack kicked ass
Great: SLAP...it stings longer
Great: HELL NO!!!!!!
A RAE: Ooooh. *slaps*
B. Nicole: *throws tea kettle*
Great: *slaps HIM across the face*
HIM: would it have been cooler if you werent in trouble
A RAE: *grabs Keevif, sits back down at table and rearranges her
Great: *Folds hands and sips tea again*
HIM: seals away death powers for time being
Great: Back to the meeting...after that lil uproar...
HIM: for the duration of this meeting im now mortal
B. Nicole: *nods and sits down*
A RAE: *Keevif mumbles, eyeing HIM evilly*
HIM: hehehehe
Great: o goodie...so u can give us ideas, HIM?
HIM: yups
HIM: and is there gonna be a war or something
B. Nicole: *scoots away from HIM and sits closer to Keevif*
HIM: i could write a cool story
A RAE: *giggles* Oh, war?
HIM: im inspired right now
A RAE: *looks at the Great, mouthing "WAR?" *
HIM: i could make a badass war
Great: Let's give Maxx the death penalty......nah.....the human slave
idea is better
A RAE: Yes!
Great: NO WAR!!!!!!!
HIM: awww
B. Nicole: *giggles*
Great: Him, I thought u were gunna be mortal!!
HIM: i am
Great: And plus, u wait until we have the good town set up before u
destroy it!!
HIM: its not like the wars going on right now
A RAE: Plushieville is a haaaaaappy place. Hence THESE. *waves a happy
plushie and chucks it at HIM's face*
HIM: yeah just you wait till we r in trouble
Great: I just ordered 500 more boxes A-Rae
A RAE: Yesh! Go Nicole.
Great: (of plushies)
HIM: mortality sux everything hurts
A RAE: Get over it.
B. Nicole: *flicks HIM*
A RAE: *lol*
Great: *pokes HIM*
B. Nicole: does that hurt?
HIM: so to our first issue
A RAE: *stares at HIM*
Great: You weren't here for our first issue...
B. Nicole: *backs away*
HIM: ok
HIM: next issue
A RAE: Hey.
A RAE: Guys.
Great: wut?
B. Nicole: yes?
Great: ....A-Rae...
A RAE: What about a web comic? 'Cause that'd be funny.
B. Nicole: *nods*
HIM: ????
B. Nicole: good suggestion!
A RAE: *smiles innocently*
HIM: okieday
A RAE: *dances*
B. Nicole: oh! i forgot....*hands tea to HIM*
Great: *snickers* u missed da squish A-Rae
A RAE: *curses*
HIM: you can scan my taco comic if ya want. as a side story like a
HIM: ok
Great: hey!! I haf a pic of ur taco of death.
HIM: then you have to borrow my spanish book
B. Nicole: taco de muerte
HIM: yupps
A RAE: Taco de muerte! TACO DE MUERTE!
Great: yep...it's in my notebook
B. Nicole: *has sudden urge for tacos*
Great: We go off task quickly!!
A RAE: We're very off-task people.
Great: indeed
B. Nicole: squish
Great: There ya go!!
Great: *hands award to nicole*
B. Nicole: yay!
A RAE: *cannot juggle town meeting and four other IMS*
A RAE: *sobs*
HIM: hahahahah
HIM: soy muy bien en la cama!
A RAE: Cierra la boca.
HIM: i sed i am very good in bed
B. Nicole: oh!
HIM: you sed something bout my mouth
A RAE: Well. I didn't really want to know that.
HIM: maybe shut
A RAE: I said shut it.
A RAE: ^_^
Great: heh
HIM: i was right
HIM: score!
Great: (in bed)
Great: LoL
HIM: hahahahahah
A RAE: *lol*
Great: sry...couldn't resist...
A RAE: Bahness.
B. Nicole: *pokes Keevif and then Jipsun*
Great: *Jipsun giggles and tickles Nicole*
A RAE: *Keevif squeels*
B. Nicole: *giggles uncontrollably*
B. Nicole: stop...*giggles*....not fair
A RAE: *Keevif whines* "I wanna hug."
B. Nicole: oh!
B. Nicole: *gets Jipsun to stop tickling her*
A RAE: *Keevif yelps and smiles happily, because he got a hug*
A RAE: Well.
Great: Jipsun ish feeling lonely...
B. Nicole: *hugs Jipsun*
B. Nicole: I wuv you Jipsun!
A RAE: *A-Rae hugs herself* I wuv A-Rae! *giggles*
Jipsun: "I wuv u 2 Nicole!! And A-Rae!"
B. Nicole: I wuv everyone!
B. Nicole: *goes around hugging everyone*
Great: I *heart* everyone!! HUG WHORES OF PLUSHIEVILLE!!!!!!!!!!
B. Nicole: *has sudden urge to pour tea on herself, but refrains from
doing so*
B. Nicole: *instead, she pours tea on Jipsun*
A RAE: *Keevif picks up tea and 'accidently' spills it onto Nicole*
B. Nicole: ep!
Great: Nicole, would you mind getting me some crackers for a food
B. Nicole: kay!
Great: Jipsun: OUCHEEEEEE!!!!!! Flings tea at the dead him!
B. Nicole: *runs out of room and comes back with a huge pile of
various foods*
Great: Yay!
B. Nicole: *chucks carrots at Keevif*
Great: *picks up handful and chucks at A-Rae*
A RAE: Yes! Yes! YES!
A RAE: *A-Rae ducks*
A RAE: *Keevif picks up carrot and munches it*
B. Nicole: oh....ketchup! *begins to squirt whip cream everywhere*
B. Nicole: oh
B. Nicole: *giggles*
A RAE: *hides*
B. Nicole: yes whip cream is now ketchup
Great: *Gets splattered with whip creamy ketchup*
A RAE: Wow. Amazing how things happen in Plushieville.
B. Nicole: no!
B. Nicole: it's not whip creay ketchup
B. Nicole: it is simply ketchup
Great: Okieday.
A RAE: Wowness.
B. Nicole: see....*squirts whip cream in hand*....ketchup
Great: *jumps on a bottle of chocolate syrup like in that commercial
w/ the kid....chocolate goes flying*
B. Nicole: oh!
A RAE: *ducks under a box of plushies*
B. Nicole: *catches some of the chocolate in a basket filled with
A RAE: *Keevif opens mouth* "AHHHHHHHH!"
Great: Jipsun: *dives across the messy floor and slides over foods*
B. Nicole: *pokes keevif*
A RAE: *Keevif eeps and pokes Nicole*
B. Nicole: *giggles and pokes Keevif back*
Great: *throws tomato*
B. Nicole: *she then smashes a cake in his face*
Great: *throws another tomato directly aimed at a-rae*
A RAE: *Keevif pauses, and then happily begins to eat the cake off his
B. Nicole: hehe!
A RAE: *A-Rae cannot outrun tomato!*
B. Nicole: everyone throw food at A-Rae!
A RAE: *runs*
Great: Okieday!
Great: *picks up handful of....something outta pile of food and chucks
it all*
B. Nicole: *picks up hot dog bag throws the contents at A-Rae*
Great: Whose gunna clean up this Tavern anyway?
A RAE: *squeeks and slips on the mess on the floor*
A RAE: *points to Keevif*
B. Nicole: i'll help, since i basically started it
A RAE: *Keevif raises hand* "Me too, as long as I can have a free
B. Nicole: okay...seems fair
B. Nicole: *chucks random food object at Great*
B. Nicole: okay
B. Nicole: *chucks another random food object at Jipsun*
B. Nicole: now I got everyone
Great: *splatters on head* SJKGhsgjkhags!! *chucks pie*
A RAE: *lol*
B. Nicole: *Gets hit by pie*
B. Nicole: ow...
Great: Jipsun: *runs up to Nicole with a four layer cake and plants it
in her face*
B. Nicole: ep!
A RAE: *falls over*
B. Nicole: *stands covered in cake and pie*
B. Nicole: *takes some and eats it*
B. Nicole: yummy....key lime and coconut
A RAE: *Keevif grabs some cake and munches on it*
Great: *Great makes slip-n-slide out of the slippery foods/syrups and
slides across floor* WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
B. Nicole: oh oh!
B. Nicole: me next!
A RAE: *lol!* Good idea!
A RAE: Me after Nicole!
B. Nicole: *follows too quickly and smashes into Great*
B. Nicole: ep!
A RAE: *uses Keevif as a surfboard and rushes past Nicole and the
Great... right into the wall*
Great: that hurt...
Great: *cannot stand and goes flying into more slippery foods*
Great: *adds to floor*
Great: ouchee a-rae!!
B. Nicole: *stands up and shoves Jipsun across the floor*
B. Nicole: join the fun!
A-Rae: *jumps up and down*
Great: Jipsun: *slisp and falls over the bar counter*
Great: slips*
B. Nicole: oh! that's gotta hurt!
A-Rae: *holds up a sign reading 10*
Great: Jipsun: "But it wuz sooo fun"
A-Rae: *Keevif flashes a 9.5*
B. Nicole: um...*flashes an 85*
Great: Hey......I'm gunna out-do Jippy......watch and learn......
A-Rae: *stares*
B. Nicole: *pokes Great*
Great: *grabs pie dish, surfs across floor, jumps over table, lands
back into pie dish, hits bar counter, and falls over it*
Great: Now whats the score on that one?
A-Rae: *Keevif and A-Rae combine signs to read an 1010*
B. Nicole: uh...*scribbles number down and shows 99*
B. Nicole: as in 99, not 9.9
Great: Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A-Rae: Yay!
Great: So, do I get an award??
B. Nicole: wait!
B. Nicole: i wanna try!
B. Nicole: *goes to run, but instead slips on a something and falls on
her back*
Great: but....I wanted an award...
B. Nicole: ep!
A-Rae: *hands Great an award*
B. Nicole: ep!
Great: yay!! Award!
HIM: i finished what i was doing!@
A-Rae: *Keevif runs to help up Nicole*
B. Nicole: which was?
B. Nicole: thankies Keevif!
A-Rae: Congrats?
Great: Omg......he missed this.......
B. Nicole: *hugs Keevif*
Great: HIM* LOL
A-Rae: *Keevif giggles*
HIM: eww
HIM: sticky
B. Nicole: lol!
HIM: anyway i wrote a story
B. Nicole: what flavor is it?
HIM: about plushieville
B. Nicole: yay!
A-Rae: STory?!
A-Rae: Wait!
B. Nicole: *puts down waffle*
B. Nicole: yes....
Great: *picks up tace and chucks it* NO I WROTE A STORY ABOUT
Great: taco*
HIM: okay
HIM: ewww taco not good
B. Nicole: uh...*eats waffle instead*
HIM: when on face
A-Rae: Well, I'm doing the comic. You all lose.
A-Rae: *dances*
Great: It can go in the Squish-o-Licious Library...
HIM: yeah
Great: send it 2 me....i'll upload it when I put all of our ideas into
the site (that we came up w/ in this meeting btw)
A-Rae: Yesh.
B. Nicole: okeday
B. Nicole: *chucks half eaten waffle at HIM*
A-Rae: *gives Nicole a high five*
Great: Nicole...u need something to do.... We have 2 stories on
Plushieville...and one comic...u wanna do....??
B. Nicole: uh..i can....*ponders*
A-Rae: Yay.
A-Rae: Let's have a collection of random works!
A-Rae: ^_^
Great: Yippee!!
B. Nicole: i can write another story or something?
B. Nicole: *shrugs*
Great: uh-huh!!
Great: Mines about how plushieville began...
A-Rae: *scratches her head*
Great: HIM's is about.....er... i dunno
B. Nicole: *has head in gutter at the moment and glances at Jipsun and
Keevif, before grinning*
Great: *faints*
A-Rae: *Keevif raises an eyebrow*
B. Nicole: uh...*pokes Great*
Great: Jipsun: *snicker snicker*
B. Nicole: what did I do?
Great: *wakes back up*
B. Nicole: Great, are you alright?
A-Rae: She likes to faint
B. Nicole: oh...okay
A-Rae: I think
Great: um... Great has never been "alright" but she'll manage
B. Nicole: *quirks an eyebrow*
B. Nicole: okay then
A-Rae: Well.
A-Rae: This was exciting.
A-Rae: ^_^
B. Nicole: yes i agree
B. Nicole: *sits day-dreaming about said "gutter" thought*
A-Rae: *Keevif evilly grins*
Great: *thinks of Jipsun*
Great: I mean...
Great: er...
A-Rae: Whoa.
B. Nicole: *points finger at Great* GUTTER THOUGHT!
A-Rae: Clean thoughts here. This is Plushieville!
Great: Indeed, u are correct.
HIM: ok
A-Rae: squish
HIM: im back in
Great: go a-rae!!
HIM: now that amanda got the story
A-Rae: *dances*
Great: and melissa feels left out. ha-diddie. snoogins.
B. Nicole: snoogins is a funny word
A-Rae: *hands mark an a-rae-oriffic award for writing the story, which
she is now reading*
A-Rae: SNOOGINS! is amazing.
Great: heyyyyyyyyyy......I didn't get an award fer my story!!
B. Nicole: *wants to read said story*
A-Rae: *hands an award to the great, too*
Great: Yay!!!!!
Great: I am jus gettin too many awards 2nite!! tehehe
B. Nicole: *hands random award to Great*
B. Nicole: it's for...er...being great
Great: YAY!!!! *accepts gracetiously*
Great: *hands a lovely award to Nicole for being ALMOST as great as
the Great herself*
B. Nicole: yay!
B. Nicole: *skips around room and dances with Keevif*
B. Nicole: I got an award!
Great: *additionally gives a-rae one*
Great: Jipsun: "May I dance w/ u Nicole??" *puppy dog pouts*
B. Nicole: sure!
A-Rae: *KEevif beams*
B. Nicole: be right back keevif
B. Nicole: *dances with Jipsun for a bit*
B. Nicole: hey i know!
A-Rae: ?
B. Nicole: *grabs Keevif and they all dance together*
Great: threesome?
Great: LoL!
A-Rae: YES!
Great: Yep...exactly wut i wuz thinking!!
B. Nicole: Gutter thought!
B. Nicole: ep!
HIM: eww
HIM: threesome
B. Nicole: *thinks*
HIM: clean up yer act
B. Nicole: *blushes*
HIM: this is plushville
Great: heh...i wuz talkin about dancing...
A-Rae: shut up mark, you know you want a threesome with Keevif and
B. Nicole: no!
Great: *ish being sarcastic*
HIM: hahahaha
B. Nicole: poor Keevif and Jipsun
A-Rae: Yeah!
A-Rae: *Keevif cries*
B. Nicole: aw...*comforts Keevif*
HIM: dont worry no muse raping
Great: *jipsun ducks behind Great*
A-Rae: *Keevif smiles*
HIM: those days are so over
B. Nicole: uh...*hides Keevif*
B. Nicole: that's very scary
Great: *makes Jipsun jump behind the infamous bar counter*
B. Nicole: uh...okay
HIM: if i had my powers id...
Great: no thank u...and especially not our muses.
A-Rae: *A-Rae runs back screaming*
Great: :)
HIM: really?
Great: FWD it
A-Rae: YESH!
HIM: wow
A-Rae: *nod, nod, nod*
HIM: bet you thought it was overt for me for a moment didnt ya
A-Rae: Oh yes. My heart stood still.
A-Rae: lol
Great: *puts on top hat to be official* thankee for the fwd a-rae.
B. Nicole: i want it also!
A-Rae: Okay! Great, forward it to nicole
B. Nicole: sendie to fraggle69rawk@yahoo.com (Keyword to:
Great: okieday
TWO-THOUSAND-THREE OVER!! *hits gavel on wooden block*
The Great: LoLz!! Ish!! btw, will my dearest A-Rae be joining me in
the Squishy Tavern fer tea or shall we have the town meeting without
A RAE: Oh, I am so there!
A RAE: What's a town meeting without the other Mayor?
A RAE: *grab's Keevif* Tea!
The Great: okay...this is very true. *hands tea 2 a-rae* Now...The
townspeople have currently been bringing a few things to our attention
A RAE: Oh? *sips tea and snaps fingers to create some cookies*
The Great: Like... *grabs cookie and takes mouse-bite out of
corner* the use of the words indeed and squish in one phrase. They're
also concerned about the town criminal, Maxx.
A RAE: *chokes on cookie*
A RAE: Maxx?
A RAE: *grabs Keevif and Jipsun by the neck* Go throw him in the
Plushieville jail, man!
A RAE: *calms* Well, using indeed and squish in one phrase is
horrible. But what the heck shall we do about Maxx?
A RAE: What about the evil of all evils?!
The Great: They are concerned for their safety.
Perhaps "HIM" should be training the dragons in a more suitable
manner... Or is "HIM" himself, going up against the mayors??
A RAE: Whaaaaaaaaaaat?!
A RAE: *pounds on table* We must get "HIM" online to join this
meeting! If he's violating the Plushieville codes, then we'll haffta
use our ultimate force!
The Great: *stands up abruptly* You mean the...the...the *quivers*
ADULT dragons?!? They can...g-g-get....uncontrolable...
A RAE: *waves a finger* Nothing is too uncontrolable for our muses
to handle! Right, GAMs?
A RAE: *looks to the GAMs, who are nodding uneasily*
The Great: I suppose we shall tell the townspeople that we are
building our military forces for defence against Maxx and "HIM" ...AND
encourage those who practices sorcery to prepare for any kind of
magical mishap that may occur.
A RAE: Yes!
A RAE: *takes a moment to drink tea* Should we bring out Keevif's
A RAE: Which, of course, is his trust Magic Pencil, capable of
turning into anything and everything he needs.
The Great: *slumps back down into chair* Hm... I suppose that would
be a good plan
A RAE: Of course. I AM A-Rae, after all.
The Great: And I, THE GREAT.
A RAE: *Keevif happily brings out his MP to show the Great*
The Great: *gazes in awe* Jipsun... you should get one!!
A RAE: *stands* It's time to do the honors, Keev! Get Jipsun his
very own MP
A RAE: Keevif: "YES!" *races off, and runs back into the room,
handing Jipsun a pretty box* "Open it, open it!" *jumps up and down
The Great: *Jipsun's quivering hand opens box and he stands in awe*
Jipsun...I'm waiting......
The Great: Jippy: Whoaaaaaaaaaa!!
A RAE: *Keevif claps happily* *A-Rae beams and pulls out a piece of
paper* And here's the Do's and Don't's
The Great: *The Great sips on her tea, very amused by the whole
A RAE: Now, Jippy, if you carefully read... The Don'ts are very
clear. No running with the MP, no stabbing with the MP, unless it's
turned into a sword, of course, and, above all, no attacking the GAAs
with the MP!
A RAE: *raises an eyebrow* Understand?
THE GREAT: *Jippy grins* INDEED!!
A RAE: *Keevif waves* SQUISH!
A RAE: All righty then, it's all yours.
A RAE: *sips tea* As for the use of indeed and squish in the same
sentence, this is clearly against the laws of Plushieville. It will
not be tolerated by anyone, no matter what social status.
The Great: So BY THE POWER OF THE GAMs and their MPs... I ANNOUNCE
TO THE TOWNSPEOPLE OF PLUSHIEVILLE MANIA: We shall overcome (superabimus,
in Latin) these evil forces. Superabimus!!! We can do this!! *waves
teacup in air*
A RAE: *raises her teacup as well, sharing it with Keevif* AYE!
The Great: So, shall we call this meeting a wrap?!? I mean, now
that our people have a reassurance??
A RAE: Yes indeed!
A RAE: *throws teacup over shoulder*
The Great: SQUISH!! *breaks teacup over Jipsun's head jus for the
hell of it*
A RAE: Oh my. *sweatdrops from both A-Rae and Keevif*
The Great: *Jippy grins* Jippy: I'm oooooookay