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World Series Baseball League
Join Form
Grading Staff
Message Board

Free Agents
Leader Board
All-star History
Update Points
Trade Count
Signing Count
Release Count
Philadelphia Killers
Georgia Sharks
Los Angeles Dragons
Rockford Rampage
St. Louis Renegades
East Haven Yellow Jackets
New Jersey Outlaws

Cy Young
Batting Title
Triple Crown
Relief Pitcher of Year
Player of the Week
Player of the Month
Gold Glove
Welcome all new members to the site. If you would like to join my league, go to join form and make a  player and please only make one player.

We need one more teams and a lot of players. If you want to help to do something for the league, please help recruit so we can get the league draft started. You get points for recruiting so this will help your guy. Also, the faster we recruit players the faster the league starts and it will be nice to get it started before the end of the summer. Since this league is new and doesn't have a lot of players we are going to only let everyone do 1 interview and article every two weeks until we get started with the league.

Everyone I have been working on the join form cuz we need to change some of the categories for it and if you want to be a pitcher, please wait a couple of hours until i get that part done but the batting is done.
Question of the Day
What was the score to the Braves game on June 21st against the orioles this year?

The four people to get Yesterday ? right is alex zito, lildemayo, brian lawly, and daryll fink
If you have any suggestions on the site please email them to me at
All managers/owners if you want to you can give me a picture from this site to be your logo.Team logos