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Jaffe Quotes (Thanks to Helania)

Did you have a werid teacher? If you did, you will totally understand when I say math teacher is so screwed up. Mrs. Jaffe MAY seem normal at first. Like all teachers, she says,"Hello class." But once the bell rings, everything changes. She turns from a somewhat normal teacher to a very confused one. Like all weird teachers, she always says something repeatedly. For Mrs. Jaffe, she would always talk about how she will never always be right. Go figure, since she IS or close to always being wrong or confused on every problem. Oh and of course she says MANY other stupid, but funny things. Here's some, but there will DEFINITELY be more (it's as long as a novel as it is): "If it was a rabbit...maybe..." "This might be more comfortable for you." "I forgot" "Stupendous" "Oh, did I delete all the lists?" "'re not learning anything." <"Bingo"~James> "The what?" "Don't try to keep up with me. Stay a step behind." "Amazing" "I don't know anything" "You could've done it that way, but I didn't use common sense." "Ah ha! Hoo Hoo!" "Programs worry me" "Any mathematics you learn is a step in the direction you want to go." "The more work we do, the more we're involved in the problem." "Never trust that what I say is true," "Won't somebody stop me?" "Hmm. To be that smart. I'm not" "...maybe we'll have time." "What's going on here?" "What's wrong with me?" "Silly Jaffe." "You got me going. This is it." "I didn't develop nature." <"Really? I thought you were God."~James> "I'm number one to be making these mistakes." "Does this make sense?" <"It's on the verge of insanity"~James> "You are fantastic!" "See what you're doing is like if I'm at the bus stop and you ask for directions and you make me walk to where you wanna go..." "Don't even question what was going on in my head." "'s a way to liberate an exponent." <"So does that mean logs are like the underground railroad of exponenets?"~Kuroc> "Can I help you with something? Is there something you need help with?" Missing points are "potholes in roads, but this one's like the Grand Canyon." <"Well, I'm sorry if I'm stupid Mrs. Jaffe"~Matt> "No it's not ok that you're dumb!" "Justin, I'm very disappointed in you. You didn't catch my mistake." <"That's right Justin...If she makes one more mistake you're in big trouble." "I'm sorry Matt I forgot you were there." "I'm not grading myself." <"Mrs. Jaffe has A.D.D."~James> <"Mrs. Jaffe I have a big secret. It's a button on your calculator."~Kuroc> "Oh, I messed up. Didn't I?" "Oh, I didn't bother reading the book." "I just never really paid attention." "You're talking about someone with no art background." <"I'm a little confused, Mrs. Jaffe"~Kuroc> "That's the way we like to keep you." "Oops" "Oops happens a lot" "Oops is a common word in my vocabulary." "Is this right this time?" "OMG...I can't do this." "I never done this before." "I'm a little slow." "What other mistake did I make?" "I rarely do things the right way." "This is painful. It is painful for me." "I'm really, really bad at..." "This is what I do wrong all the time." "...never know what I'm doing." "Darn!" "How in the world am I supposed to do this?" "Sometimes I regret being curious." "I have a funny way of talking. I know." "If you put me in art class..."