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It's me!!!!

This picture was taken on 8/12/00

Hi! My name is Heather Cothern. If you are here, then my fourth attempt of a home page worked!! Would you like to know a little bit about me? Well, here it is:

Birthdate: November 5, 1972

Place of Birth: Las Cruces, New Mexico

Height: 5'5"

Hair Color: Ash Blonde

Eye Color: Hazel, they change color with my mood

Hobbies: Singing and playing my guitar and the piano, reading,
taking long walks in the rain, & star gazing.

Current Residence: Las Cruces, New Mexico

Current Short Term Goal: To finish my choral education degree from ENMU.

Current Long Term Goal: Serve in the Peace Corps,
& begin work on my Master's degree in Music Therapy.

Some other interests of mine include chatting, listening to music, attending church, and caring for my pets. I have a yellow tabby cat named MiKat and a brown Rex mix rabbit named Bunny.

Family is also important to me. Visit here and find out who I'm related to!

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