Welcome to my PETS page
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Welcome to my PETS page

These are just a few pictures of my pets. Currently, I only have one cat, but I live with my sister who has a cat and two dogs. My cat's name is "MiKat". He got his name from my mom. I was at school about two weeks before Christmas break in 1993, and this kitten followed me from the Music Building on campus to my residence hall. He looked as if he had been dumped and was hungry. I couldn't just leave him with any food, so I did what I probably shouldn't have done. I bought some food and fed him. He was my best friend from then on. He followed me everywhere. Well, it was time for me to go home for Christmas break and I couldn't just leave him in Portales for four weeks without anyone to feed him. So I called mom and asked if I could bring home a four-legged friend. Mom said that I could as long as he came back to Portales after break.

When I got him home, my mom fell in love with him. She said he was the prettiest cat she had ever seen. By the end of break, mom had agreed to get him fixed and allow him to stay at home with her and daddy.

I also had a rabbit whose name was "Bunny" This is him as a baby in the grass at mom and dad's house the summer I bought him. Unfortunatly he died in the spring of 1998. It was a sad day in my life. He lived with me in my dorm room (which was illegal, but I didn't get caught until the very end). He loved to eat Pop-TartsÒ and graham crackers. My sister's dog Catterri loved that rabbit as if he were her own pup.


Here are some miscellaneous pictures of my pets and my sister's pets:


This is Bunny on my bed at school. I think he's looking for a graham cracker.

The King and his Princess, MiKat and Nala on the throne at my mom and dad's house. This picture was taken in December 1997

  Nala and 'Terri playing games

You've heard of the Three Tenors??. . . . . Here's the Three Monsters: Myssyr, 'Terri, and Nala

Myssyr and Bungie (the rabbit my sister saved from the stew pot)