Here are some links cheat codes for a lot of the Spider-man games out there. If you have some links with some games that are not listed below, please email them to me and I will put them up.

Game System
[Spider-man vs. the King Pin] Gameboy
[The Amazing Spider-man Walkthrough]PC
[Marvel Superheros]Playstation
[Marvel Superheros vs. Street Fighter]Playstation
[Spider-man vs. Venom: separation anxiety]Super Nintendo
[Spider-man Cheats] Saga Genesis 32X
[Spider-man Cheats]Commodore Amiga
[Spider-man & X-Men-Arcades Revenge] Saga Game Gear
[Spider-man Separation Anxiety Cheats] Super Nintendo
[Spider-man Separation Anxiety Secrets] PC
[Spider-man Separation Anxiety Cheats]PC