Spider-man tells us all about his new unlimited suit he made.

This is a spider-man unlimited wav.

You may be our Spawn -- but that wont keep us from destroying you.

What ever he says--- if you find it out let me know!

JJ and Spiderman have words--- jj cant come to terms with spiderman so spider-man calls him a pickelpuss.

This is JJ being a jerk as always.

Ok call the cops--- or call a life guard.....

You dont know the francise of weirdness.

Spider-man is very funny in this wav--- dl this one -- dont want to give it away.

All i can say is Carnage laughs a lot in this wav.

This is spider-man talking about the skull and calls some dude a bonehead.

This is the wav where Spider-man is holding on to a cage that is trying to fall in a pool of some liquid that is bad for mutants. Beast was in the cage and Wolveriene is being held onto by beast.

This is where Blade and Morbius meet for the first time. Blade tells Michael that all he wants to do is destroy him

This is where Frank looks the devil straight in the eyes and he blinks.

Well what do you know??? You put out fly paper and you catch a spider.

This is where Flash has a run in with Michael Morbius after Morbuis has mutated.

This is where Spider-man finally gets cured from his mutation disease.

This is where everybody and their dog want to steal the tablet of time for the eternal youth.

Cheesy wav about the Vulture telling someone who he is.

Theme song for the 90's Spider-Man. I think this is one of my favorite wavs.

This is a cool sounding mid file that is perfect for webpage sounds.

This is another cool mid from the fox Spider-man show.

This is a little bit different from the one above. I like it a little better. Cool Mid.