Chapter 5

“Awww! They look so adorable!” whispered Justin. “I wish Mads were here. I haven’t been able to spend enough time with her lately. I feel so guilty.”

As Joey looked at JC and Kira, he told Justin, “Man, it’s okay, ‘cause she knows you’ve been busy.”

Justin shrugged. “I guess you’re right.” He pointed to JC. “Do you think he’s getting over it? I mean, Kira’s sleeping in his lap! That’s an extreme jump from crying everytime he heard Gab’s name, to letting another girl sleep on his lap, in one day.”

“Yeah, really!” Amy stirred. “I think we’d better keep it down, or else she’s gonna wake up.”

“I’ll bet you that Chris misses Amy a lot. No one to help him play practical jokes on us. When’s Amy coming back anyway?”

Joey bit his lip. “Um . . . I think she’ll be back on . . . um . . . next, um, Thursday?” He shrugged his shoulders. “No idea. Sometimes next week, that I know.”

“Did you know, that this is Emily’s first time that a guys’ ever liked her? Or, at least, that’s how it seems in Emily’s point-of-view. This is what she said to me, also: ‘All teenage boys, are hormone-driven, immature freaks.’ That’s insulting!” Justin exclaimed.

“Well, then, that doesn’t refer to me!”

“It should! God! You take up Lance’s share, and mine!” Justin laughed. Joey hit his shoulder.

“You’re not funny. I don’t flirt that much!”

Kira sat up. “What are you guys arguing about?”

“Joey and his flirting problem. Wanna know his favorite pick-up line?” Justin asked.

“Sure, why not? My life is just not exciting enough, without knowing Joey’s favorite pick-up line,” Kira told him sarcastically.

“Hey! Does everyone have a thing with insulting me? Do I have a sign on my back, that says ‘Insult me’?”

“Of course you do. Anyway, his favorite pick-up line, is ‘I lost my number. Can I have yours?’ “ Justin laughed.

“You suck so much,” Joey said. “So, how much has it worked?” Kira asked, curiously.

“Oh, I can answer this one for you!” Justin interrupted. “He’s said it five times. Once, the girl actually gave her his number. Twice, the girl slapped him, another time, the girl ignored him, and – this is my favorite – a girl said, ‘Why don’t you go ask that girl sitting at the bar. I’m sure she’ll give it to you.’ Joey walked over, said the line, and the girl turned around. It was really a guy! Oh, it was hilarious! You should have seen his face!” Justin cracked up.

Kira rolled her eyes, and fell asleep.

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chapter 4 / chapter 6

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