Q: Has there ever been a time when you wanted to pack up your stuff and leave?
Chris: There’s been times when we’ve wanted to kick Lance out.
Lance: Probably several times.
Chris: No, please, we’re just kidding.
Joey: Chris is our Jolt cola!
Justin: Chris is our caffeine! He’s got a good sense of music, also. He sings the high stuff, so he’s got a cool voice!
Chris: Thanks dude!
Justin: No problem!
J.C.: But you know, we’re always acting. In our videos and stuff.
Joey: You guys are acting like total fools.
Justin: Joey acts like he can sing!
Lance: Joey acts like he can actually tell a joke!
Q: Girlfriend?
J.C.: No!
Lance: Heck no!
Chris: I’d like one!
Justin: No!
Joey: Please, can I have one?
Q: Superhero you’d most like to be:
Joey: Superman
Justin: Batman
Chris: Spiderman
Lance: Um . . .
Chris: Wonder Woman
J.C.: I’m super Sleep Man
Chris: Justin gets all the fan mail and Joey’s really jealous
Joey: I only get one letter. So if you’d like to send your letters . . .
J.C.: And that’s his mom!
Joey: My name used to be Chuck.
Lance: My name used to be Craig.
Chris: Check out my hat. I had a cool hat.
Lance: Check out how young we look. You [Chris] look the same because you’re a loser.
Chris: That’s C of the wonder years
J.C.: You’re grounded
Lance: He’s weird
Justin: A little off.
J.C.: Let’s get out of here with one of these, man. We’d be cool!
Justin: So, what we’re trying to say here, is that J.C.’s a klepto!
J.C.: Joey would still be doing Wolfie at Universal Studios
Joey: But if I didn’t have a talent . . .
Lance: Is that where they make Thousand Island?
J.C.: Two bad jokes in a row!
Joey: Nah, I’m just showing you my leg.
Kid: And I notice you shaved it for me.
Joey: I did it just for you.
Chris: That’s not shaving, that Nair!
J.C.: The last show we had was a 2 truck production and this one is a 9 truck production
Chris: I have no idea what that means, but it sounds cool, huh?
Lance: Lots of toys!
Justin: And we’re broke!
Chris: Busta!
Lance: Busta's pissing right now...
Chris: Busta just took a....awwww!
Justin: Your dog just peed on that carpet!
Joey: He's like 'Yah, that's me right here!'
Chris: (Stands up and picks up Busta) This is censored for television!
JC: How funny is that? All that time he spent potty training! The minute he gets on television, he froze up and let it go! Whatcha gonna do?
Joey: We're gonna go get ready now...
Lance: When we come out...we will be dressed!
Justin: (to Lance) You suck!
Lance: YOU suck! You can't even hit the ball bac--(gets hit in the face with hackey and falls to ground)
Announcer: M-I-S-S-I-S-S-I-P-P-I
Chris: Yeah, you know it! Hooked on phonics!
JC: Yeah, worked for him!
Justin: I'm a mutt.
Chris: That's exactly what he is, is a mutt. I think we're all mutts too.
JC: Lance would be doing PooFu!
Lance: We won't go there right now.
Chris: We'd be making some mad cash.
Justin: Show me the money, Chris.
Chris: Right. We're going from North Carolina to probably looking at Chicago...
Justin: Say it with me. Show me the money.
Chris: Show me the money.
Justin: Show me the money!
Justin: Now what we're gonna do, is we gonna have a good show! Some stay with the shepard...
All: Some stay with the flock!
Justin: Eat, eat, eat, all day long. Eat, eat, eat, while I sing this song. Eat, eat, eat, goldfish taste real good. Eat, eat, eat . . .
Chris: In yo' neighborhood!