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Little Known Facts

~It is impossible to sneeze with both eyes open.
~Seven different colors are found in the human eye.
~Human blood is six times thicker than water.
~Cut flowers become sleepy and wilt in the presence of apples.
~97% of all people offered a new pen to try, write their own name
~Hot water will not freeze sooner than cold.
~Young salmon always swim down steam tail first
~The male mosquito is strickly a vegetarian.
~The color red irritates the nervous system, green has the opposite effect.
~It was never recorded in the bible that Jesus Christ was ever sick.
~In the bible, a man by the name of Lot became the father of his own grandchildren. See Genisis 19:30-38.
~There are at least twenty-two hundred thunder storms in the world at any given moment.
~Treason is the only crime defined in the Constitution of the United States.
~During the past four thousand years, there has been less than three hundred years of peace.
~It takes seven thousand grains of asprin to make a pound.
~A cup of coffee filled to the brim will not overflow if several spoonfuls of sugar are added slowly.
~A Brahman bull purrs when it is happy.
~40% of wounds caused by knives, guns, and ice picks are inflicted by friends or relatives of the victom.
~It cannot be proven thru the bible that Jesus Christ ever smiled.
~In the year 205 B.C. the romans passed a law prohibiting women from driving chariots.
~It is possible for a sneeze to be of sufficient volume to crack ribs.
~There are seven suicides recorded in the bible.
~A strict Moslem man will never take more than five wives at one time.
~Butterflies taste with their feet instead of their mouths.
~The word predudice is never mentioned in the bible.
~In a vacuum, there is no sound.
~In a vacuum, all objects fall at exactly the same speed, no matter what their shape or weight is.
~Seventy-two muscles are used to speak a single word.
~There is no such thing is an irrestible force meeting an immovable object.
~The inside of a refridgerator is cold because the heat is pumped out.
~It is prophesied in the bible that the Lord would shave with a razor. See Isaiah 7:20.
~Color is a sensation which has no material existance.
